Design of the data warehouse: Kimball Vs Inmon

This tutorial covers the basic design concepts, The top down approach, The Bottom-Up Approach , Hybrid Approach and Federated approach.Ralph Kimball and Inmon, the co-founders of the data warehouse, significantly had their own differences in the design and architecture of the data warehouse. Inmon advocated a “dependent data mart structure” whereas Kimball advocated the “data warehouse bus structure”. The Dependent Data Mart structure:The top down approachBill Inmon saw a need to transfer data from diverse OLTP systems into a centralized place where the data could be used for analysis. He… Read More

Oracle 9i Cursors

In this week tutorial 10 as part of Oracle 9i SQL and PL/SQL training explains about the Introduction to Cursors, different types and the Cursors and Loops with sample code and screen shots. CURSOR For every SQL statement execution certain area in memory is allocated. PL/SQL allow you to name this area. This private SQL area is called context area or cursor. A cursor acts as a handle or pointer into the context area. A PL/SQL program controls the context area using the cursor. Cursor represents a structure in memory and… Read More

Defining OLAP Solutions and Data Warehouse design

This tutorial covers OLAP solutions used by Data warehouses and understanding Data Warehouse design. The enterprise needs to ask itself certain fundamental questions before actually launching on the process of designing the data warehouse. It must begin with a conviction that a data warehouse would really help its business and the return on investment will make it worth it.Defining OLAP Solutions The data warehouse offloads data from a multitude of sources. The cleaned, validated and loaded data is voluminous and daunting. This data needs to be organized, categorized and arranged… Read More

Oracle 9i PL/SQL Control Structures

This tutorial teaches about how to structure flow of control through a PL/SQL program. The control structures of PL/SQL are simple yet powerful. Control structures in PL/SQL can be divided into selection or conditional, iterative and sequential. Control Structures This chapter teaches about how to structure flow of control through a PL/SQL program. The control structures of PL/SQL are simple yet powerful. Control structures in PL/SQL can be divided into selection or conditional, iterative and sequential. Conditional Control (Selection): This structure tests a condition, depending on the condition is true… Read More

ASP.NET Web Forms Controls

Working with Web Forms Controls and C# covers Introduction to Web Forms Controls, Simple Input Controls, HyperLinks and Button Controls and List Controls Introduction: In this tutorial we will introduce some of the most commonly used controls used in web programming. We will see all the different types of controls and their behavior. I will not talk about complex, data bound or template controls in this tutorial since we are going to look at that in later tutorials. Web Form Controls: As in the previous tutorial I explained that… Read More

Data Warehouse database and OLTP database

In this tutorial we will learn about the differences between Data Warehouse database and OLTP database and the objectives of a Data warehouse and Data flow. The data warehouse and the OLTP data base are both relational databases. However, the objectives of both these databases are different. The OLTP database records transactions in real time and aims to automate clerical data entry processes of a business entity. Addition, modification and deletion of data in the OLTP database is essential and the semantics of the application used in the front end… Read More

Introduction to Data Warehousing

This tutorial starts with the introduction to Data Warehousing, Definition of OLAP, difference between Data warehouse and the OLTP Database, Objectives of data warehousing and data flow. Computerization of business processes; technological advances in transmission and storage of data; and powerful database management tools have opened up new possibilities of data manipulation and analysis. Business managers are eager to explore the repositories of current and historical data to identify trends and patterns in the wrap and hoof of business. They hope to mine data and use them for taking intelligent… Read More

Microsoft Analysis Services Training

  Microsoft Analysis Services Training   We are glad to let you know that we are starting with Microsoft Analysis Services Training in the following topics. We will be publishing the tutorials as we complete. Please use discussion board if you have any questions and would like to discuss any. We will be providing step by step screen shots and the sample code. 1: Introduction to Data Warehousing and OLAP Introducing Data Warehousing Defining OLAP Solutions Understanding Data Warehouse Design Understanding OLAP Models Applying OLAP Cubes 2: Introducing Analysis Manager… Read More

Introduction to ASP.NET with C#

Introduction: In this tutorial we will introduce the new technology for building websites. This new technology is known as ASP.Net. ASP.Net allows the developer to build applications faster. This is achieved due to the fast that ASP.Net makes use of the rich class libraries provided by Microsoft. net framework. Topics Introduction Classic ASP ASP.Net Web Applications Use of Controls HTML Controls HTML Server Controls Web Server Controls Special Note Language Options Caching features Tools ASP.Net Web Services References Classic ASP: Asp, which is now more commonly known as Classic Asp… Read More

ASP.NET with C# Training Course Outline

This article contains list of topics covered in ASP.NET with C# training series.ASP.NET with C# Training Course Outline Introduction to ASP.NET with C# A Review of Classic ASP ASP.NET Web Applications Rendering HTML with Server Controls Using ASP.NET to Deliver XML Web Services Working with Web Forms Controls and C# Introduction to Web Forms Controls Simple Input Controls HyperLinks Button Controls List Controls Validating User Input with C# Overview of ASP.NET Validation Controls Client-Side Validation Server-Side Validation Required Field Validator Summarizing Results with the ValidationSummary Control Using Rich Server Controls… Read More

ASP.NET with C# Training Launch

ASP.NET with C# training series is packed with skill enhancing, step-by-step tutorials to help you successfully build database-driven Web applications and Web services. ASP.NET with C# training provides Sample Code along with articles links from external sites (if any). Please use Discussion Board if you have any questions. ASP.NET Training Prerequisites At least one year of consistent object-oriented or object-based development experience in Java, C++, Visual Basic, or another modern object-oriented or object-based language and solid knowledge of HTML and should know SQL and relational databases. ASP.NET Features and Advantages… Read More

Building PL/SQL Blocks in Oracle 9i

This Week we will be learning about Creating PL/SQL Blocks which includes Declaration Section, Variables, Scope of Variables, Constants Records, Manipulating Data in PL/SQL and Using DML in PL/SQL . PL/SQL is a procedural extension for Oracle’s Structured Query Language. PL/SQL is not a separate language rather a technology. Mean to say that you will not have a separate place or prompt for executing your PL/SQL programs. PL/SQL technology is like an engine that executes PL/SQL blocks and subprograms. This engine can be started in Oracle server or in application… Read More

More Oracle 9i Database Objects

This week we will be learing about Sequences, Synonyms, Indexes, Views, Data Dictionary View, Controlling Database Objects, GRANT, REVOKE Roles and Privileges. COMMIT, ROLLBACK and SAVEPOINT SQL*PLUS has a facility to automatically commit all the work, without explicitly issuing the commit command i.e. SET AUTOCOMMIT ON — Enables autocommit feature. SET AUTOCOMMIT OFF — Is the default and disables the automatic committing Note: Certain actions automatically force a commit. DDL Commands CREATE, DROP, ALTER and DCL commands EXIT, GRANT, REVOKE, CONNECT, DISCONNECT, AUDIT and NOAUDIT are example for this. (i.e.… Read More

XML Unit Testing tools Series 1

Avignon allows for true test-first design by letting users express test cases in XML prior to the start of unit development. Avignon is an acceptance test system that allows you to write executable tests in a language that you define.  It uses XML to define the syntax of the language but, if you choose to extend the language, leaves the semantics of the tests up to you.FeaturesRunning Tests : Avignon is implemented in Java, and is configurable for many different forms of test execution.Requirement: Junit, HTTPUnit, JAXP, Xalan Avignon is… Read More

Oracle 9i Tables and Constraints

In week 6 of our Oracle 9i training course we will be learning about Data types with the differences between different Oracle versions, creating tables, altering tables, dropping tables, Integrity constraints supported by Oracle, Inserting records, Modifying the records and deleteting the records. If you can’t see the screen shots, please save them on to your hard disk. Table: Tables are basic units of data storage. A table is defined as intersection of rows and columns. Data is stored in rows and columns. Oracle Data Types: CHAR: Char data type… Read More