ASP.NET Setting Application-Level Caching

ASP.NET : Setting Application-Level Caching In this tutorial you will learn how to set application-level caching in ASP.NET 2.0. To Configure and Use Parameter-Level Caching and also the steps involved to cache based on parameters. Setting Application-Level Caching To configure application-level caching 1. In Solution Explorer, select the node representing your Web site. 2. Right-click, and then click Add New Item. 3. In the Add Item dialog box, click Web Configuration File, and then click Add. 4. You do not need to provide a name. The file must be named… Read More

ASP.NET Configuring Page-Level Caching

ASP.NET Configuring Page-Level Caching In this tutorial you will learn how to configure Page-Level Caching. Page directive and Duration attribute. Configuring Page-Level Caching 1. In Visual Web Developer, switch to Design view. 2. Drag a Label control to your page, leaving the default name of Label1. 3. Switch to Design view. 4. Double-click the surface. 5. A stubbed out method will be created for you named Page_Load. 6. Add the following highlighted code to the method: ………………void Page_Load(Object sender, System.EventArgs e) ………………{ ……………………….Label1.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString(); ………………} 7. Press CTRL+F5 to… Read More

ASP.NET State Management And Caching

ASP.NET State Management And Caching In this tutorial you will learn about Cache Dependency, SqlCache Dependency, New methods added to the CacheDependency Class and The process of writing the cache dependency file. The performance of any web application is incumbent upon the amount of server side processing that is required. Web servers must handle individual requests or multiple requests, give quick response time and reduce the load on intermediate and backend data systems. Output caching is regarded as one of the means of reducing server workload. It allows ASP.NET to… Read More

ASP.NET Customizing the Session State Mechanism

ASP.NET Customizing the Session State Mechanism In this tutorial you will learn about Extending the Session State Mechanism, The Default Session State Mechanism and its customization, Customizing the Session State Module and Writing a custom session state module Extending the Session State Mechanism The stateless HTTP protocol treats each page request independently and the server is unaware of the variable values of the earlier request. The session state is a dictionary based API that is used by developers to store user specific data for the duration of the session. The… Read More

ASP.NET State Management

ASP.NET State Management in ASP.NET 2.0 In this tutorial you will learn about new features included in ASP.NET 2.0 for State Management. The Control State, differences in handling View State and Control State, Implementing the control state. Initialization and loading of a controls private state. Web pages are constantly constructed and destroyed with round trips to the server. However, state maintenance is an essential aspect of deploying web pages on a stateless protocol such as HTTP. State management is defined as a process of maintaining state and page information over… Read More

ASP.NET Data Access features

ASP.NET Data Access In this tutorial you will learn about new features in Data Access, Data binding, The XPathBinder, XPathBinder.Eval, Connection Strings, The factory class, Batch operations, Asynchronous Commands, SQL Bulk Copy, ColumnMappings, Enhancements to SQL Server 2005, ADO.NET Class Enhancements, DataTableReader, Serializing a DataTable, The XMLSerializer, RemotingFormat and Managing Views of Data. ASP.NET 2.0 performs a kind of magic. It pushes ADO.NET objects to the backend and leaves the programmer free to use the access code inbuilt into a bunch of data source controls. Microsoft encapsulates a significant amount… Read More

ASP.NET Personalization: User Profiles and Themes

ASP.NET Personalization: User Profiles and Themes In this tutorial you will learn about Personalization – User Profiles and Themes, Inbuilt providers in ASP.NET 2.0 and also Create and execute a Shopping cart application with Personalization features. Surfers would love to see on the website the content which is customized to their needs. ASP.NET offers a personalization feature which enables users to do just that. Personalization is a storage system that manages all the data related to users of the application. It integrates seamlessly with SQL server or Microsoft Access or… Read More

ASP.NET Web Pages and Layout

ASP.NET Web Pages and Layout In this tutorial you will learn how to Enable Users to Edit Pages and Change Layout, To create a user control that enables changing page layout, To enable users to change the layout and To test layout changes. Enabling Users to Edit Pages and Change Layout As stated earlier in this tutorial, Web parts facilitates the editing of Layout by users. Users can drag and drop controls by dragging them from one zone to another and the characteristics of controls can be edited. This functionality… Read More

ASP.NET Using Web Parts and Controls in Web Pages

ASP.NET : Using Web Parts and Controls in Web Pages In this tutorial you will learn how To create a page for containing Web Parts controls, To create content for the main zone and To create a user control. In the preceding section we examined the concepts of Web Parts and the features of the controls that have been provided by ASP.NET 2.0 for rapidly creating web portals that are elegant and well laid out. We also theoretically appreciated the immense potential of allowing users to customize the content they… Read More

ASP.NET – Adding Web Parts at Run Time

ASP.NET Adding Web Parts at Run Time In this tutorial you will learn how to add Web Parts at run time and To test the Web Parts catalog. To allow users to add Web Parts at run time 1. Open the Start.aspx page, and switch to Design view. 2. From the WebParts tab of the Toolbox, drag a CatalogZone control into the right column of the table, beneath the EditorZone control. 3. Both controls can be in the same table cell because they will not be displayed at the same… Read More

ASP.NET Working with Web Parts

ASP.NET Working with Web Parts In this tutorial you will learn about Understanding Web Parts, Building pages with Web Parts, Web Part Display Modes, Advantages of using WebParts, To create a new Web site using WebParts, The Web.config File and Adding the WebPartManager Control. Understanding Web Parts Websites and portals show a large amount of content and content personalization has assumed importance over the years. Users accessing content rich websites experience a desire to see only such content as is of immediate relevance to them. Successful websites capitalize on this… Read More

ASP.NET Creating Nested Master Pages

ASP.NET Creating Nested Master Pages In this tutorial you will learn how master pages can be nested within one main master page, build and example nested master page with the help of sample code. In the preceding sections we had seen how to create simple master and content pages. We also examined how we can reference members of a master page from content pages and how to use different masters with a single content page. In this section we shall see how master pages can be nested within one main… Read More

ASP.NET Changing Master Pages Dynamically

ASP.NET Changing Master Pages Dynamically In this tutorial you will learn how to make a copy of the master page, To add buttons for selecting an alternate master page, To write code to dynamically select the master page and test the dynamic master pages. Changing Master Pages Dynamically Dynamically changing master pages is possible. The code can be used to set the master for the content. This may especially be useful when users want to select from several different layouts to set their preferences. To see how this is done… Read More

ASP.NET Working With Master Pages

ASP.NET Working With Master Pages In this Tutorial you will learn how to work with Master Pages, create a file system on website, create a Master Page, create layout table for the Master Page, To add static content to the master page and add a content placeholder. Creating a Simple Master Page As pointed out in the preceding section “Working with Master Pages”, Master pages can be simple or complex. We shall start by creating a simple master page and then go on to understanding the complexities that can be… Read More

ASP.NET Referencing Master Page Members

ASP.NET Referencing Master Page Members In this tutorial you will learn about reference Master Page Mebers, add property to Master Page, expose Master Properties. Referencing Master Page Members Members of the Master page can be referenced by content pages. These members can be methods, properties or controls. The constraint for property reference is theat the property has to be declared as public members of the master page. They could be public page scope variables, public propertis and public methods. Let us work out a simple example. The developer wants to… Read More

ASP.NET Creating Content for Master Page

ASP.NET Creating Content for Master Page In this tutorial you will learn how to create contents for a Master Page, create a home page, add contents to home page and finally test the home page.   Creating Content for the Master Page The template for the content is now ready. We shall proceed to define content for the master page by creating an ASP.NET page that is attached to the Master Page. Content pages are specialized forms of .aspx pages that only contain the content. Content can be text or… Read More

ASP.NET Server Controls

ASP.NET Server Controls In this tutorial you will go through an overview of server controls, adaptive rendering, control state, new controls such as Multiview control, Wizard control, BulletedList, DynamicImage and the FileUpload Control. One of the significant efforts of ASP.NET 2.0 is to provide developers facilities to build applications for a range of devices including devices that may be created in the future. The software defines a common architecture for Web controls and adapters and unifies the functionality of the mobiles with a guarantee that the developer has not to… Read More

Oracle Apps 11i: Setting up Chart Of Accounts (COA)

Oracle Apps 11i Free Training : Setting up Chart Of Accounts (COA) In this tutorial you will learn how to create a Chart Of Accounts (COA), create a new value set, General Ledger – List Types, Security Types, Format Types, Validation Types, Oracle GL Segments and Create the Accounting Flexfield Structure. Setting up Chart Of Accounts Document Summary This document is a step-by-step guide to understanding and setting up Chart of Accounts and Accounting Flex Fields in Oracle Applications. To setup General Ledger for your organization, step through the following… Read More

ASP.NET Page Object Model

ASP.NET Page Object Model In this tutorial you will learn about Page Object Model, the Attributes of the @Page directive, the properties of the Page Class, Methods of the Page Class, Page Class Events and the Page Scripting Object Model.   The page class is represented by the .aspx file in ASP.NET 2.0. It provides the basic behaviour for all pages. A class is dynamically created when the .aspx file is parsed and this class inherits from the page class. In ASP.NET 2.0, the page class allows code separation. It… Read More

ASP.NET Code Directory

ASP.NET Code Directory In this tutorial you will having a deeper look at the Code Directory, the Code Beside Model and the evolution of the Code Behind model, learn about Partial Classes, Sharing Source components, Creating a Component, you will learn how to create a Application_Code folder, to create a component in the Application_Code folder and use a component.   Having a deeper look at the Code Directory As mentioned in the earlier section of this tutorial the Code directory is one of the significant folders of the ASP.NET application.… Read More

Creating an ASP.NET Application

Creating an ASP.NET Application In this tutorial you will learn how to Create an ASP.NET 2.0 Application, Examining the Interface, The Hello World Application, Designing Web Forms, The Embedded Web Server and Important folders in the ASP.NET 2.0 Applications.   Visual Studio.NET is a user friendly way to create web sites. It provides for multiple ways of opening websites. Frontpage Server extensions, FTP or direct file system path can be used to open the web pages. The inbuilt web server Cassini makes IIS server optional for testing and debugging of… Read More

Whats New in ASP.NET 2.0

What’s New in ASP.NET 2.0 In this tutorial you will learn What’s New in ASP.NET 2.0, New Controls, Master Pages, Site Navigation, User Management, Personilizaiton, Themes and Skins, Mobile Devices, Site Counters, Configuration and Deployment What’s New in ASP.NET 2.0 The team led by Scott Gurthie focused upon the following enhancements to ASP.NET: 1. Improving Development productivity by reducing the lines of code to be written by 70%. Most of the frequently required code is now available out of the box. 2. Making ASP.NET easier to use with existing devices… Read More

Working with Visual Studio.NET Web Applications

Working with Visual Studio.NET Web Applications In this tutorial – Introducing Visual Studio.NET Web Applications, You will learn How Web Applications Work, Choose a Language for creation. Microsoft’s commitment to rapid application development is reflected in Visual Studio 2005 2.0. The .NET framework has blurred the lines between the different programming disciplines and made application development of any kind pleasurable. Web application development specifically has received a boost. With Visual Studio.NET 2005, the facilities available for the Web application developer has been enhanced multifold. Web applications are of four types.… Read More

Microsoft .NET Creating Installation Components

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials : Creating Installation Components In this tutorial you will learn how to Create installation components, Work with predefined Installation Components, Deploying an Assembly containing the Installation Components, Working with Installer Classes, URL Remoting, Launching a Remote Application, The Download Cache, Code Access Security Policy and Methods of Deployment Creating installation components Understanding the Installer Class Installer class is the base class for all custom installers in the .NET Framework. Installers are components that assist in installing applications on a computer. The steps that must be followed to… Read More

Shared Assembly

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials : Shared Assembly In this tutorial you will learn about Shared Assembly, how to Assign Strong name to an assembly, Microsoft Windows Installer 2.0, Using the Global Assembly Cache tool (Gacutil.exe), Removing an Assembly from the Global Assembly Cache, Referencing an Assembly from Global Assembly Cache, Creating a Setup project for distributing components and Creating a new merge module project. Shared Assembly Shared Assembly can be shared amongst several different applications that reside on the same server. This type of assembly can be used in situations where… Read More

The File Types Editor

The File Types Editor The File Types Editor can be used to create the required registry to establish a file association for the application being installed. A file association is simply a link between a particular file extension and a particular application. For example, the file extension .xls is normally associated with Microsoft Excel. Add and Delete Document Types and Associated File Extensions in the File Types Editor. The File Types Editor can be used to specify document types and file extensions that will be associated with your application when… Read More

Tracing VB.NET Windows Application

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials : Tracing a Windows Application In this tutorial you will learn about Tracing, Using Trace and Debug to display information, Code Tracing and Debugging, Output from Tracing, The six Debug Members and Trace Methods, Trace Listeners, Types of predefined Trace Listeners, Trace Switches, Conditional Compilation and Conditional Compilation Constants. Tracing As explained earlier, Tracing is a method of monitoring the execution of the application while it is running. Tracing and debugging instrumentation can be added to the .NET application when it is being developed, and that instrumentation… Read More

Getting started with SQL Server 2005

Getting started and Installing SQL Server 2005 Microsoft has redesigned SQL server 2005 to deliver unprecedented value and functionality to the Database Administrator and the Developer. The four editions of the SQL server are Express, workgroup, Standard and Enterprise. Each of these editions offers a range of features. High scalability, availability with advanced business intelligence tools empowers business users with a more secure, reliable and productive database management system. A reduced downtime and tight security controls make for a step forward in providing support to enterprise systems. Moreover, customers benefit… Read More

VB.NET Windows Application Testing

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials : Testing a Windows Application In this tutorial you will learn how to Test a Windows Application, Creating Unit Tests, Generating an ASP.NET Unit Test, benefits of unit testing, Integration Testing, Different approaches to Integration Testing, Regression Testing, goals of regression testing and Testing International Applications. Testing An application is software is created to function efficiently given the necessary parameters. Developers are conscious that, even in the most efficiently created software, errors of a certain nature can occur and must be provided for at design time. Yet… Read More

ASP.NET Managing Membership and Roles

ASP.NET Managing Membership and Roles In this tutorial you will learn about Anonymous Users, Managing Membership and Roles, The Programming Interface – Properties and Methods, Setting up the Membership, The Membership Provider, The ProviderBase Class, The MembershipProviderBase Class, Managing Roles, The Role Class and The Role Provider. Anonymous Users Before actually moving into the topic of creating roles and managing users, we need to talk on how to deal with Anonymous users ASP.NET 2.0. The Beta version provides a new feature that assigns an identity to the anonymous users. The… Read More

The Registry Editor in Visual Studio.NET 2005

Visual Basic.NET 2005 Training The Registry Editor The Registry Editor is used for: 1. Creating registry keys 2. Creating values for registry keys 3. Importing a registry file. Like the File System Editor, the Registry Editor is split into two panes The left-hand pane of the editor represents the registry keys on the target computer. When a registry key is selected, two things happen: the right-hand pane of the editor will be updated to show the values that are to be created under the selected registry key, and if the… Read More

Customizing Setup Project in Visual Studio.NET 2005

VIB.NET 2005 Tutorials : Customizing a Setup Project Deployment projects in Visual Studio.NET allow the specification of where and how the application will be deployed on the user system. Each of the setup editors contain a file system configuration editor. The setup can sometimes include Registry configuration options and options to check special conditions. This ability to customize the installer’s user interface is a handy tool. The number of editors which can be accessed through the view menu are: File System Editor—Adds files and shortcuts, such as Start menu items,… Read More

Deploying Windows Applications In Visual Studio.NET 2005

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials Deploying Windows Applications In this tutorial you will learn how to Deploy a Windows-based Application, Create a Setup Project, Configuring Deployment Properties, Customizing a Setup Project, File System Editor, The Registry Editor, The File Types Editor, The User Interface Editor, The Custom Actions Editor and The Launch Conditions Editor A number of different methodologies for deploying Windows based applications have been available since the first version of Visual Basic. In this lesson we shall briefly discuss the different technologies available and the evolution of this technology leading… Read More

Debugging Windows Applications In Visual Studio.NET 2005

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials : Debugging a Windows Application In this tutorial you will learn how to Debug a Windows Application, Step through Program Execution, Stop Debugging or Stop Execution, Stepping Through Code, Setting BreakPoints, Analyzing Program State to Resolve Errors, Debugging on Errors, Exception Assistant, Debugging a Running Process, Debugging the Code in DLL files and Debugging a Remote Process.   To debug a .NET Framework application, the compiler and runtime environment must be configured to enable a debugger to attach to the application and to produce both symbols and… Read More