PHP Tutorial – Introduction

PHP Tutorial – Introduction In this tutorial you will learn about PHP – Introduction to PHP, What you should already know? What’s PHP? What’s the difference between PHP and HTML? When to use PHP? What makes PHP a choice among the other scripting languages? What you should already know? You have to have good knowledge of the following before you can proceed: HTML JavaScript What’s PHP? PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP scripts run inside Apache server or Microsoft IIS. PHP and Apache server are free. PHP code is very… Read More

VB Script – How to use VBScript with Forms

VB Script – How to use VBScript with Forms In this tutorial you will learn about How to use VBScript with Forms. Introduction, How to do validate your Forms and Conclusion Introduction Now this is the last topic of the tutorial and you will learn how to validate and submit the data to the web server. How to do validate your Forms The process to validate the forms are as under. The two things should be checked. 1. All of the required data is entered. 2. The data entered is… Read More

VB Script – Controlling VB Script Routines

VB Script – Controlling VB Script Routines In this tutorial you will learn about Controlling VB Script Routines, Introduction, VB Script Description, If then else, Select Case, Looping Statements – For Next, For Each Next, Do loop, Do While, Do Until, While wend and Conclusion. Introduction Every programming language allows you to control the flow of your program like this VbScript also allows you to control how your scripts process the data by using conditional statements and iteration statements i.e sometimes called the looping statements. With the help of these… Read More

Does a Higher Education Mean Higher Pay?

Examining the Real Cost and Benefits of a Master’s Degree Congratulations. You’ve just graduated from college, have a degree in hand, and posses the one thing that almost every college graduate is familiar with—debt. So, armed with your new education, a strong desire to jump into the working world feet-first, and an even stronger desire to start paying off student loans, you decide to immediately start working. But wait! What if becoming a working stiff before the ink on your sheepskin has dried doesn’t appeal to you? What if you… Read More

Bachelor of Science Career Possibilities

Bachelor of Science Career Possibilities It’s hard enough to wade through the endless stream of information at college without having to decide what type of degree you want. After all, shouldn’t you just have to pick a major and be done with it? Not only do college students have to pick a primary area of interest, they have to decide HOW they want to spend their academic years in that area. And, with college costs soaring, this decision is commonly based on what careers can be had with the different… Read More

Career Opportunities With a Bachelor of Arts Degree

Career Opportunities With a Bachelor of Arts Degree In the late 20th century, technology increased exponentially, while productivity (the amount of wealth created per capita) did not keep pace. What does this mean to someone determining whether or not to get a liberal arts degree? It means that, while technological change in society is inevitable, it’s only ONE factor in economic growth. Even more, the workplace of today is one that is constantly changing. As a result, employers are looking for candidates that are well rounded and capable of adapting… Read More

Working with Objects in VB Script

VB Script – Objects with VB Script In this tutorial you will learn about VB Script – Objects with VB Script, Introduction, How to Add Objects to your web pages, How to Add Objects to your Web Pages and How to link Vb Script with Objects. Introduction Objects which are in the form of ActiveX controls and java applets are useful for the enhancement of our web pages. By using a scripting languages like vbscript you can extend the capabilities of these controls by integrating in to scripts. How to… Read More

VB Script – Working with Variables

VB Script – Working with Variables In this tutorial you will learn about VB Script – Wroking with variables, Introduction, Description, Naming Conventions, Variants and its sub types, How to Assign values to a variable ? What is the scope of a variable ? Constants, Arrays and Conclusion. Introduction A variable is a named location in your computer memory which can be used for data storage during the working of your vb scripts or any other language.Variables plays a vital role to store values . Variables can be defined further… Read More

VB Script Tutorials- Introduction

VB Script – Introduction Vb Script tutorials will be covered in the following topics which are given below : • What is VB Script ? • Working with Variables? • Objects and VB Script ? • Controlling VB Script Routines ? • Using VB Script with Forms? In this tutorial you will learn about VB Script – What is VB Script ? Introduction, Description, How to Add VB script to web pages ? The Script Tag, How to handle Non Supporting Browsers and Conclusion What is VB Script ? Introduction… Read More

C Programming – Handling of Character String

In this tutorial you will learn about Initializing Strings, Reading Strings from the terminal, Writing strings to screen, Arithmetic operations on characters, String operations (string.h), Strlen() function, strcat() function, strcmp function, strcmpi() function, strcpy() function, strlwr () function, strrev() function and strupr() function. In C language, strings are stored in an array of char type along with the null terminating character "\0" at the end. In other words to create a string in C you create an array of chars and set each element in the array to a char… Read More

Career Strategies for Women

Career Strategies for Women You’re a smart woman. You’ve acquired your top quality education, gained some valuable work experience, and have a multitude of skills to offer the corporate world. You interview well, have a professional appearance, and rival some of the best managers in the industry. Yet, time and time again, you are either passed over for employment opportunities or underpaid. What gives? Many would contend that it’s a man’s world out there. Despite the fact that women have come a long way in the corporate world, they still… Read More

C Programming – Arrays

Array is a collection of same type elements under the same variable identifier referenced by index number. Arrays are widely used within programming for different purposes such as sorting, searching and etc. Arrays allow you to store a group of data of a single type.  Arrays are efficient and useful for performing operations . You can use them to store a set of high scores in a video game, a 2 dimensional map layout, or store the coordinates of a multi-dimensional matrix for linear algebra calculations. Arrays are of two… Read More

How to Post a Resume Online and Make it Stand Out

How to Post a Resume Online and Make it Stand Out Posting résumés online is a relatively new trend. It wasn’t long ago when prospective job applicants scoured classified ads, circled job possibilities with a big red marker, and started eagerly pounding their résumés away on manual and electric typewriters. Back then, “good” résumés consisted of one short page, fine linen paper, and a watermark placed in just the right position. My, how times have changed. Typewriters are virtually obsolete, classified ads are found online, and résumés are no longer… Read More

Get Your Foot In The Door With A Great Cover Letter

Get Your Foot In The Door With A Great Cover Letter Many business professionals believe that submitting their resume is all there is to making a good impression with a prospective employer, but that just is not the case. Many employers will look for cover letters before they ever get to the resume. If there is no cover letter, the resume does not get the time of day. If the cover letter is not well written, the resume never sees the light of a day. How well you write a… Read More

Tips To Improve Your Current Resume

Tips To Improve Your Current Resume If you are thinking about looking for a new job, you might want to take a look at your old resume. While your resume is a work in progress, it’s not always a good idea to simply input new information into the old format and assume it’s good enough. By following just a few steps you can totally makeover your current resume, which will help you land more interviews, as well as make the tough task of writing your resume much easier. Make Sure… Read More

C Programming – Decision Making – Looping

Loops are group of instructions executed repeatedly while certain condition remains true. There are two types of loops, counter controlled and sentinel controlled loops (repetition). Counter controlled repetitions are the loops which the number of repetitions needed for the loop is known before the loop begins; these loops have control variables to count repetitions. Counter controlled repetitions need initialized control variable (loop counter), an increment (or decrement) statement and a condition used to terminate the loop (continuation condition). Sentinel controlled repetitions are the loops with an indefinite repetitions; this type… Read More

C Programming – Decision Making – Branching

“Decision making” is one of the most important concepts of computer programming. Programs should be able to make logical (true/false) decisions based on the condition they are in; every program has one or few problem/s to solve; depending on the nature of the problems, important decisions have to be made in order to solve those particular problems. In C programming “selection construct” or “conditional statement” is used for decision making. Diagram 1 illustrates “selection construct”. Diagram 1 simple selection construct Conditional statement is the term used by many programming languages.… Read More