C Language – The Preprocessor

C Language – The Preprocessor In this tutorial you will learn about C Language – The Preprocessor, Preprocessor directives, Macros, #define identifier string, Simple macro substitution, Macros as arguments, Nesting of macros, Undefining a macro and File inclusion. The Preprocessor A unique feature of c language is the preprocessor. A program can use the tools provided by preprocessor to make his program easy to read, modify, portable and more efficient. Preprocessor is a program that processes the code before it passes through the compiler. It operates under the control of… Read More

C Programming – File management in C

C Programming – File management in C In this tutorial you will learn about C Programming – File management in C, File operation functions in C, Defining and opening a file, Closing a file, The getw and putw functions, The fprintf & fscanf functions, Random access to files and fseek function. C supports a number of functions that have the ability to perform basic file operations, which include: 1. Naming a file 2. Opening a file 3. Reading from a file 4. Writing data into a file 5. Closing a… Read More

C Programming – Linked Lists

In this tutorial you will learn about C Programming – Linked Lists, Structure, Advantages of Linked List, and Types of linked list and Applications of linked lists. Linked lists are a type of data structure for storing information as a list. They are a memory efficient alternative to arrays because the size of the list is only ever as large as the data. Plus they do not have to shift data and recopy when resizing as dynamic arrays do. They do have the extra overhead of 1 or 2 pointers… Read More

C Programming – Dynamic Memory allocation

Embedded and other low-memory footprint applications need to be easy on the amount of memory they use when executing.  In such scenarios, statically sized data types and data structures just are not going to solve your problem.  The best way to achieve this is by allocation of memory for variables at runtime under your watchful eye. This way your program is not using more memory than it has to at any given time. However, it is important to note that the amount of memory that can be allocated by a call… Read More

C Programming – Pointers

Pointers are widely used in programming; they are used to refer to memory location of another variable without using variable identifier itself. They are mainly used in linked lists and call by reference functions. Diagram 1 illustrates the idea of pointers. As you can see below; Yptr is pointing to memory address 100. Diagram 1: 1. Pointer and memory relationship Pointer Declaration Declaring pointers can be very confusing and difficult at times (working with structures and pointer to pointers). To declare pointer variable we need to use * operator (indirection/dereferencing… Read More

C Programming – Structures and Unions

In this tutorial you will learn about C Programming – Structures and Unions, initializing structure, assigning values to members, functions and structures, passing structure to functions, passing entire function to functions, arrays of structure, structure within a structure and union. Structures are slightly different from the variable types you have been using till now. Structures are data types by themselves. When you define a structure or union, you are creating a custom data type. Structures Structures in C are used to encapsulate, or group together different data into one object.… Read More

C Programming – Functions (Part-I)

The concept of functions in C language is the same as for any other programming language. Few languages have methods but, since there are no classes in C, methods are not used. Functions are best used for reusable code, or code that you know works and do want make use of it throughout development. If you find yourself tempted to use copy and paste on a particular block of code, even once, then you should move the code into a function. Lets talk about the different types of variables before… Read More

C Programming – Functions (Part-II)

Types of Functions You may have noticed the discussion about the <data type> portion of the function declaration missing from the last section. The <data type> refers to the type of data that would be returned by the function when it finishes executing. Data types are the same as any variable data types plus another one called void. Void type functions do not return any values. Function with no arguments and no return value: void function_name(); Think of this as a self-contained block of reusable code that does not need… Read More

PHP Tutorial – Syntax

PHP Tutorial – Syntax In this tutorial you will learn about PHP Syntax – Syntax for Writing a script, Scripts VS. File and Comments Writing a script: To embed PHP code inside a file, it has to be inside a special set of opening and closing tags. PHP supports the following tags sets: 1. Opening (< ?php) and closing (? >) 2. Opening (< ?) and closing (? >) 3. Opening (< %) and closing (% >) 4. Opening (< script language=”php” >) and closing (< /script >) Example: <… Read More

PHP Tutorial – Installation

PHP Tutorial – Installation In this tutorial you will learn about PHP – Installation steps involved in Installing Apache server, Installing PHP 4 and Installing PHP 5. Installing Apache server: 1- Download the installer from Apache site: http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi 2- Double-click on the installer file to start the installation process. 3- You will get a welcome screen, select Next to continue the installation process. 4- You will be prompted to accept the Apache license. 5- After you accept the license, the installer presents you with a brief introduction to Apache. 6-… Read More

XML – Elements, Attributes, Entities

XML – Elements, Attributes, Entities In this tutorial you will learn about Elements, Anatomy of tags, Tag naming rules, Invalid tags, Valid tags, Root and child elements, Attributes, When Do I use Attributes? Entities, Character data sections, Comments and Processing instructions. {mos_ri} Elements Elements are the basic building blocks of XML It may contain – Other elements – Character data – Character references – Entity references – Comments – These are collectively known as element content Ex: < student > Mason Hill < /student > An Element consists of three… Read More

XML Introduction

XML Introduction In this tutorial you will learn about XML, History, Introduction, Uses, XML Technology. HISTORY In 1970 IBM Introduced SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language). SGML was developed out of the General Markup Language (GML), which was developed by IBM in the late 1960s. SGML is a semantic and structural language for text documents but is very complicated. HTML is a subset of SGML. In 1996 XML Working Group was formed under W3C .The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international consortium where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and… Read More

JSP Basics

JSP Basics Java Server Pages (JSP) is a Java API in J2EE which allows dynamic creation of web pages using Java. It has the same purpose as other existing technologies like CGI or PHP. In this tutorial you will learn about Lifecycle of JSP pages, Dynamic content generation, Invoking Java code using JSP scripting elements, JavaBeans for JSP and Error Handling. The main difference between servlets and JSPs is that servlets are Java classes and JSPs are not (they are embedded in HTML pages). This difference also specifies where you… Read More

ABC of IT Certification

IT Certification – ABC and IT Certification Ideas behind using technology in the work field as well as for personal use are continuing to grow and become a dominant area for functioning. In relation to this are several ways in which organizations are learning to use technology to their benefit. One of the certification programs that have become available from this is known as activity-based costing, or ABC. When looking into financial ways to use information technology, understanding how the ABCs relate to it can help you to remain organized… Read More

Finding A Test Area for IT Certification

IT Certification – Finding A Test Area for IT Certification You have finally reached the stage where you are ready to move beyond your studies for information technology and take the exam to become IT Certified. If you are at this point, then you will need to find the right place to take your test. There are a variety of options that you can consider in order to make the exam easier with the time that you have in order to take it. After you take a course for IT… Read More

Myths about IT : IT Certification

IT Certification – Myths about IT While technology continues to expand, there are also companies stating that they don’t want to become part of the technology world. If you are in a work place and trying to change the culture by moving technology in as a tool, then some of the myths that are related to information technology will need to be broken. By knowing some of the attitudes that are related to information technology, you can begin to break the boundaries and allow your company to have IT Certification… Read More

How IT Certification Can Help Your Business

IT Certification – How IT Certification Can Help Your Business Businesses are always trying to find new ways that they can expand and allow their company to grow. This is not only to provide the best customers to service, but also to allow an easier work load for the employees and add more innovation to your business. If you are debating whether you should begin IT Certification processes for your business or employees, then you may want to consider how it can help you to progress against your competition. One… Read More

Becoming Certified

IT Certification – Becoming Certified If you are thinking about getting an IT Certification, it can be guaranteed that you will have more options that will open to you on the job market. Understanding what you need to do for IT Certification as well as looking into the right areas will help you to increase your marketable skills as well as allow you to understand technology like an expert. There are several things to consider before and during your certification, all which will help you to get the right experience.… Read More

Microsoft IT Certification Programs

IT Certification – Microsoft IT Certification Programs Considering an IT Certification program also includes knowing what is available to you and what the specialization will allow you to do as well as limit you to do. There are several providers that will offer specialized programs that can affect the qualifications that you have. One of the providers that offer these specialized programs is Microsoft. By knowing what programs they use, you can determine if it is the right program for your IT Certification and specialization in technology. The first type… Read More