PHP Tutorials – Loops

PHP Tutorials – Loops In this PHP Tutorial you will learn about Loops – while loop, do-while loop and the for loop along with syntax and sample PHP loop codes. while loop:   A while statement executes a code block until a condition is set. Example:     <?php         $x = 3;         while($x != 0) {         echo $x;         $x–;         }     ?> The while block will be executed three times, and the values 3, 2, and 1 will be printed, at then the value of $x will… Read More

PHP Tutorials – Functions (Part I)

PHP Tutorials – Functions (Part I) In this PHP Tutorial you will learn about PHP Functions – Part 1, Function syntax, example, parameters and variable scope. Sometimes you need to perform an operation more than once in the code, to do so, you can use functions, A function is declared using the following syntax: function function_name([parameters]) The name of the function must follow the rules of the identifier, because it’s an identifier that identifies this function. Function can have zero to many parameters, parameters are used as variables thought the function… Read More

Sample Resume – Principal Resume

Please NOTE:   Sample Resumes provided herein are meant for reading purpose only.   We have made an attempt to provide an outline sketch of generic resume contents.  These sample resumes are NOT meant to be "ready-to-use" / "copy-and-paste" material.  Phrases and contents varies according to individuals’ qualification and level of experience. These sample resumes may not suite each and every individuals’ skill-sets and talent.  The format will also vary in context with different regions of the world.  If you like to submit a sample resume format, click here.   For any suggestions… Read More

Sample Resume – Preschool Teacher Resume

Please NOTE:   Sample Resumes provided herein are meant for reading purpose only.   We have made an attempt to provide an outline sketch of generic resume contents.  These sample resumes are NOT meant to be "ready-to-use" / "copy-and-paste" material.  Phrases and contents varies according to individuals’ qualification and level of experience. These sample resumes may not suite each and every individuals’ skill-sets and talent.  The format will also vary in context with different regions of the world.  If you like to submit a sample resume format, click here.   For any suggestions… Read More

Group Discussion – Discussing On Topics Selected By Hiring Company

Discussing On Topics Selected By Hiring Company Many large companies will use group discussions as a type of qualitative research. The member of the group may be asked what they think about a service, idea, product, or marketing strategy. During the group discussions, members will be free to talk to each other about the topic of the discussion. Group discussions are extremely important for the marketing department of large companies. The reason for this is because the feedback presented can help the company make strategic marketing decisions. There are a… Read More

Do’s and Dont’s in a Group Discussion

Do’s and Dont’s in a Group Discussion When you are participating in a group discussion, there are a number of things you will want to avoid. While doing the right things can allow you to become a valuable member of the group, doing the wrong things can cause you to disrupt the discussion, and you may find yourself alienated from the other members. In this article, I will go over the Do’s and Dont’s of group discussions. By following these guidelines, you will enjoy being a part of group discussions,… Read More

Object Oriented Programming Lessons

Object Oriented Programming Lessons If you are familiar with the programming field, it is likely that you have heard people talking about object oriented programming languages. If Java is the first programming language you have worked with, you are probably wandering why so many people are talking about it. If you have worked with Java, you should already be familiar with the object oriented programming approach. You should know something about classes, instances, objects, and inheritance. One of the best things about Java is that the OOP approach is a… Read More

What is Object Oriented Programming?

What is Object Oriented Programming? There are a number of common characteristics which are found in object oriented programming languages. Some of these are the grouping of data and functions, a separation of the interface with the implementation, and the sharing of code. At the most basic level, object oriented programming is a different method of solving problems.  Languages which are designed with the OOP paradigm allow programmers to think in new ways. They will also support inheritance, and instead of using function calls, they will use messages. The goal… Read More

The Role of a Broadcaster

The Role of a Broadcaster A broadcaster is an individual who has a number of important roles and duties related to the success of his daily operations. The occupation of broadcaster can relate to different forms of media such as radio and television. Depending on the exact type of media which the broadcaster is involved with, they will have duties and responsibilities that relate to that particular job format. What Is a Broadcaster? A broadcaster is a member of the media who works in either radio or television. This individual… Read More

Duties and Responsibilities Related to Being a Retail Store Manager

Duties and Responsibilities Related to Being a Retail Store Manager The position of retail store manager is one that holds vast duties and great responsibilities. There are a wide variety of retail stores which employ retail store managers to maintain the overall quality and day-to-day operations of the establishment. In order to learn more about the duties and responsibilities of a retail store manager, it is important to highlight what in fact these individuals do on a daily basis. What Is a Retail Store Manager? The retail store manager is… Read More

PHP Tutorials – Conditional Statements

PHP Tutorials – Conditional Statements In this PHP Tutorials you will learn about Conditional Statements – if statement, if-else statement, Alternative if-else statement and switch statement.  if statement: if syntax is as follows:     if (an expression that return Boolean value) {         Code to be executed.     } PHP evaluates the Boolean expression to true or false, if the evaluation result is true, then the code inside the curly braces is executed, else it will be ignored. Example:     <?php         $x = 5;         if($x < 10) { // returns… Read More

Group Discussion Etiquette

Group Discussion Etiquette Many of the problems that arise in group discussion result from members who do not have discussion skills. Being able to properly participate in a discussion group is similar to reading. If you have a lot of experience with discussions, it is likely that you will do well in a discussion group. However, if you don’t have experience with discussions groups, you may not know how to participate in them properly. There is a certain amount of etiquette that you will need to display when you are… Read More

How To Discuss In a Group

In order to have a successful group discussion, each person needs to be aware of how to discuss a topic. Topics Goals Soft-spoken/outspoken Smaller groups Quiet members Connection between members Ask questions Goals A group needs to have a goal before they can begin their discussion. This can be a simple or more complex goal. Why do you need goals? Goals allow people to focus on specific objectives. When leading a discussion, the leader should focus on the entire group, not just a single person. The leader’s knowledge is not… Read More

Object Oriented Programming

Object Oriented Programming Traditionally, programming languages have been divided into two categories, and these are data and procedures which are carried out on data. By itself, data is static. It will not be static when procedures are carried out which can alter it. The functions and processes that work on data are only useful because they can change data. The division of data and procedures which are carried out on it are based on the way in which computers behave. Because of this, it is difficult to push these two… Read More

The Inheritance Concept In OOPs

The Inheritance Concept In OOPs In object oriented programming, objects will be characterised by classes. It is possible to learn a lot about an object based on the class it belongs to. Even if you are not familiar with the name Maybach, If I told you it is a car, you would immediately know that it has four wheels, an engine, and doors. Objected oriented programming takes this concept to a whole new level. It permits classes to be defined in relation to other classes. For example, sedans, sports cars,… Read More

PHP Tutorials – Operators

PHP Tutorials – Operators In this PHP Tutorial you will learn about Operators – String concatenation operator, Comparison operators, Logical operators, Type casting, Combined assignment operator, Operators precedence and Operators precedence order. String concatenation operator: The string concatenation operator (.) concatenates two strings. Example: <?php     $s1 = “String1”;     $s2 = $s1 . “ and String2 are concatenated.”; ?> Comparison operators: Comparison operators are binary operators, they compare between two operands of any type, and return a Boolean value:  == to check if two operands are equal.  != to… Read More

PHP Tutorials – Variables

Variables In this PHP Tutorial you will learn about Variables, different types of Variables like Identifiers, Variables, Statements and Constants.Variables In this PHP Tutorial you will learn about Variables, different types of Variables like Identifiers, Variables, Statements and Constants. Identifiers:  Identifier is the name of the data, identifiers also can be used as a label for a set of commands. There are rules for identifiers naming, rules are: • The first character has to be a letter or an underscore (_); • The following characters can be any combination of,… Read More

C++ Functions with Arguments

In this C++ Tutorial you will learn about the Concept of Function with Arguments – What is an argument, Declaring a function, Function Definition and Calling the function. Previous chapters of this tutorial have discussed simple function definition writing, declaration of function and function call. In this chapter, the definition, declaration and call function with arguments will be addressed. What is an argument? An argument is the value that is passed from the program to the function call. This can also be considered as input to the function from the… Read More

C++ Functions

In this C++ Tutorial you will learn about the concepts of function – What is a function?, Features of a Function, Declaring a Function, Defining a function and Calling the function. What is a function? A function is a structure that has a number of program statements grouped as a unit with a name given to the unit. Function can be invoked from any part of the C++ program. Features of Function: To understand why the program structure is written separately and given a name, the programmer must have a… Read More

Tips For Running a Successful Group Discussion

Tips For Running a Successful Group Discussion When it comes to a group discussion, there is no such thing a "too much planning." The planning that you put into a group discussion will often be a reflection of the results. Some of the things that you will want to pay attention to are recruitment issues and the topic that will be discussed. It is important for you to make sure the group is stimulated. One of the things you will want to focus on is choosing the right people to… Read More

How To Speak Properly During Group Discussions

How To Speak Properly During Group Discussions Speech plays an important role in our ability to communicate as humans. This is especially important when we get together in groups. During group discussions, the speech you use can have a powerful impact on the way your message is received by those who listen to you. The cultural background of an individual will also play a role in how they speak. When group discussion are held, there are a number of things you will want to remember about your speech. First, it… Read More

Understanding Classes Within Object Oriented Programming

Understanding Classes Within Object Oriented Programming To fully understand object oriented programming, you will want to be familiar with classes. When you look at the world around you, it will become obvious that many objects are the same type. For example, the car you drive is just one of the millions of cars that exist in the world. In the OOP terminology, the car you drive is an instance of the class cars. Each car will have a state, and it will have behavior as well. However, the state and… Read More

Understanding The Message Concept In OOPs

Understanding The Message Concept In OOPs To understand object oriented programming, you will need to become familiar with messages. As the name implies, a message is a process in which software objects will communicate with one another. Because of this, having one object is not enough. An object will work best when it is exists in a large application that is populated by other objects. When these objects interact with each other, programmers will be able to gain a high level of functionality, and the behavior of the system will… Read More

PHP Tutorials – Operators (Part I)

PHP Tutorials – Operators (Part I) In this PHP Tutorial you will learn 1st Part of Operators – The assignment operator, The arithmetic operators, Bitwise operators – AND (&), OR (|), XOR (^), NOT (~) and Error control operator The assignment operator: It’s used to assign a value to a variable, for example, to assign the value 100 to the variable $var: $var = 100; The variable comes at the left of the operator, and the value at the right, the value can be another variable, and in this case… Read More

PHP Tutorials – Data Types

PHP Tutorials – Data Types In this PHP Tutorial you will learn about PHP Data Types viz. Numeric values, String values, Boolean values, Arrays, Objects and NULL. Numeric values: There are two numeric values in PHP, they are: 1. integer: Integer numbers don’t have floating point, for example, 5, 12, 1567 2. real: or floating point numbers, real number has a floating point, for example, 2.3 There are three ways to represent the numeric values: 1. base 10 numbers: They are represented using digits from 1 to 9, with an optional… Read More

Feasibility Study – Why needed before programming

Feasibility Study – Why needed before programming In this tutorial you will learn about Feasibility Study – Why needed before programming, analysis made in feasibility study and advantages of making Feasibility study. The feasibility study is the important step in any software development process. This is because it makes analysis of different aspects like cost required for developing and executing the system, the time required for each phase of the system and so on. If these important factors are not analyzed then definitely it would have impact on the organization… Read More

Design Documents in Programming Methodology

Design Documents in Programming Methodology In this tutorial you will learn about Design Documents in Programming Methodology, What is actually a design document, Kinds of design documents – High Level Design Document, Low Level Design Document and Uses of Design Document What is actually a design document! The design document gets developed by designer’s who design this in order to give description of the product which the developers in the software development team use to develop the product. In short the design document gives in a nutshell the main idea… Read More

Federated Data Warehouse Architecture

Federated Data Warehouse Architecture Federated data warehouse architecture is a system that works with numerous data mart systems, analytical applications, and operational data stores. A federated DW architecture is a system that is composed of multiple architectures. Many experts will tell you that there are a number of advantages to using a centralized data warehouse system. A federated data warehouse architecture will share information among a number of different systems. Critical master files will be shared, and the other system will be able to use this information. The federated data… Read More

How To Manage Meta Data Within a Data Warehouse

How To Manage Meta Data Within a Data Warehouse Many large companies are now implementing data warehouses. They may use them to analyze specific areas such as customer service or financial issues. Many companies will create multiple goals that they will work towards by using data warehouses. While this approach has worked well for some companies, this tactic is beginning to show a number of notable weaknesses. Both data and meta data are used with numerous data warehouses, and many of the technicians who manage these warehouses are trying to… Read More

How To Properly Manage a Data Warehouse

How To Properly Manage a Data Warehouse When you manage your data warehouse, you will want to do more than simply place an emphasis on maintaining the data. You will want to maintain the data warehouse in a way which is directly related to caring for your customers. When you maintain your data warehouse, it is important to place an emphasis on measurements. If you don’t take the time to make measurments, your information and views will be subjective. Measuring your data warehouse will allow you to determine if you… Read More

The Difference Between Data Mart and Data Warehouse

The Difference Between Data Mart and Data Warehouse The biggest decision facing most IT managers today is whether or not they should construct the data mart before the data warehouse. Many vendors will tell you that data warehouses are hard to build, as well as expensive. If you listen to some vendors, you may be left thinking that building data warehouses is a waste of time. However, this view is inaccurate, and any data mart vendor that tells you this are looking out for their own best interests. The problem… Read More

Advantages and Disadvantages to Using a Data Warehouse

Advantages and Disadvantages to Using a Data Warehouse There are a large number of obvious advantages involved with using a data warehouse. As the name suggests, a data warehouse is a computerized warehouse in which information is stored. The organization that owns this information can analyze it in order to find historical patterns or connections that can allow them to make important business decisions. In this article I will go over some of the advantages and disadvantages that are connected to data warehouses. One of the best advantages to using… Read More

Maintaining Records Within a Data Warehouse

Maintaining Records Within a Data Warehouse If you wish to be successful with your data warehouse, it is important for you to make sure you use techniques that will allow you to collect historical information which is related to your company or organization. The measurements that you make must be placed within fact tables, and you can then enclose these tables with descriptions that are related to the measurments you have made. It is also important to make sure these descriptions are presented within the dimensional schemas. The dimension table… Read More

HR Interview – Most Popular HR Interview Questions With Generic Answer Formats

Most Popular HR Interview Questions With Generic Answer Formats While it is impossible to know exactly what you will be asked during a job interview, there are a number of generic questions that most companies will ask you. In this article, I will present you with some questions that are commonly asked during the job interview process, and I will give you some good responses that you will want to use. It is not necessary for you to use the exact answers that are found in this article. However, it… Read More

HR Interview – Qualities That HR Generally Look For In An Aspiring Candidate

Qualities That HR Generally Look For In An Aspiring Candidate While each job that you apply for may require you to have different qualifications, there are some common qualities that every employer will look for in applicants. They will seek to find these qualities during the interview process. Much of the job interviews that are conducted by large companies will be processed through the human resources department. While there are basic requirements that you will need to have in order to be hired, there are some other qualities that employers… Read More

Object Oriented Programming Overview

Object Oriented Programming Overview If you are not familiar with an object-oriented programming language, you will first need to understand the foundation that makes up this paradigm. It is a necessity for anyone who plans on writing code. In this article, I will explain the basic OOP structures in detail. The first thing that you will want to become familiar with is an object. An object is a bundle of software that contains methods and variables. The objects which are found in computer programs will often be used to simulate… Read More

The History of Object Oriented Programming

The History of Object Oriented Programming The basis for OOP started in the early 1960s. A breakthrough involving instances and objects was achieved at MIT with the PDP-1, and the first programming language to use objects was Simula 67. It was designed for the purpose of creating simulations, and was developed by Kristen Nygaard and Ole-Johan Dahl in Norway. They were working on simulations that deal with exploding ships, and realized they could group the ships into different categories. Each ship type would have its own class, and the class… Read More

How To Encourage Members During Group Discussions

How To Encourage Members During Group Discussions There are a number of methods you can use to encourage those that participate in group discussions. One technique is to ask a single question and make a request for all the members to discuss it. The members can read the question, and they can tell the other members what they think the question means. It is best to use open-ended questions, because they will allow the members to think about the topics. Everyone should be allowed to give their thoughts on the… Read More

Selecting Topics for Group Discussion

Selecting Topics for Group Discussion A group discussion can be defined as a group of people who get together to exchange information, experiences, or their opinions. In most cases, these people will be working towards the same goal. Group discussions are a great way to help members learn to express their ideas to a group. However, group discussions tend to be more formal than standard conversations. When you plan a group discussion, it is important for you to make sure you select the right topic. The topic that you choose… Read More

How To Manage Current and Historical Information Within Your Data Warehouse

How To Manage Current and Historical Information Within Your Data Warehouse In order for a company to use a data warehouse successfully, it must be designed so that users are able to analyze historical and current information. There are a number of things that will result from this technique, and they will have an effect on the data model design and ETL functions. As an example, a finance company may need to analyze their profits for the last three years. Looking at the data from the last three years will… Read More

How To Use Data Warehouses Strategically

It is not enough for a company to simply acquire a data warehouse. Many of them have done this, and they have still not been able to use it successfully. Once you purchase or build the data warehouse, you must learn how to use it strategically. There are a number of ways you can use a data warehouse in order to make important decisions. The data warehouse is merely a tool. It will not be useful to you and your company if you don’t know how to use it. One… Read More

Object Oriented Programming Issues

Object Oriented Programming Issues There are a number of errors that programmers can make when they are using an object oriented programming languages. One example of this is looking at the type of object instead of the membership it is associated with. When this happens, the advantages of polymorphism and inheritance are weakened. This is just one of the many issues a programmer may face when trying to create an application with an object oriented programming approach. One characteristic of OOP is that it supports what is called code centrality.… Read More

Object Oriented Programming As a Paradigm

Object Oriented Programming As a Paradigm There has been debate about the proper definition to give to object oriented programming. There has also been some debate about the primary idea behind the concept. In a nutshell, object oriented programming is the technique of writing application text that is split into a number of modules. Object oriented programming is a new framework which is much different from the programming methods that have been used in the past. In fact, the concepts which have been created by OOP are so powerful that… Read More

Sample Resume – Auditor Resume

Please NOTE:   Sample Resumes provided herein are meant for reading purpose only.   We have made an attempt to provide an outline sketch of generic resume contents.  These sample resumes are NOT meant to be "ready-to-use" / "copy-and-paste" material.  Phrases and contents varies according to individuals’ qualification and level of experience. These sample resumes may not suite each and every individuals’ skill-sets and talent.  The format will also vary in context with different regions of the world.  If you like to submit a sample resume format, click here.   For any suggestions… Read More

C++ Operator Overloading Part 1

In this C++ tutorial you will learn about Operator Overloading in two Parts, In Part I of Operator Overloading you will learn about Unary Operators, Binary Operators and Operator Overloading – Unary operators. Operator overloading is a very important feature of Object Oriented Programming. Curious to know why!!? It is because by using this facility programmer would be able to create new definitions to existing operators. In other words a single operator can take up several functions as desired by programmers depending on the argument taken by the operator by… Read More

How To Protect Your Data Warehouse

How To Protect Your Data Warehouse While many data warehouses are used to access and analyze information, some companies wish to place limits on the type of information that a worker can access. While there are advantages to doing this, there are also some disadvantages as well. Generally, a company will not place an emphasis on security until after the data warehouse has been built. Before you set up a security system for your data warehouse, it is first important to understand what function your data warehouse is being designed… Read More

Group Discussion Challenges

Group Discussion Challenges If you are the leader of a group discussion, there are a number of challenges you will have to face. Being able to successfully overcome these challenges will mean the difference between the success and failure of your group. In this article, I will go over these challenges, and I will present strategies that can allow you to overcome them. The biggest challenges that you will face in group discussions are avoiding put-downs, connecting solutions, listening for data, and summarizing ideas. Being able to overcome these challenges… Read More

The Importance of Career Counselors

The Importance of Career Counselors Career counselors are individuals who are trained to help you make good choices about career goals, and they can help you lay down a plan to achieve these goals. Traditionally, career counselors were used primarily in high schools and colleges. However, their use has increased in popularity within a wide number of fields. Many people who are looking for jobs are using career counselors to make themselves more marketable. As with many different industries, the ideal characteristics of career counselors have changed through the years.… Read More

HR Interview – A Guide To Using Nonverbal Communication During Interviews

A Guide To Using Nonverbal Communication During Interviews When most applicants go to an HR interview, they are under the impression that simply answering the questions in the correct way will allow them to get the job. However, this is an assumption that is not quite accurate. A number of studies have indicated that your body language will make up over 50% of the factors that will determine whether you will successfully pass the interview. In contrast, your responses to questions will only make up about 7% of what the… Read More

Object Oriented Programming Concepts

Object Oriented Programming Concepts Three of the most basic concepts for object oriented programming are Classes, Objects, and Methods. However, there are a few more concepts that you will want to become familiar with. These are Inheritance, Abstraction, Polymorphism, Event, and Encapsulation. In this article, I will be using the class Cats as an example. Inheritance will allow a sub-group to make a connection with the associates of its parent class. For example, lets say the class Cats decides to create a method called purr() and a property named Colorfur.… Read More

Object Oriented Programming Introduction

Object Oriented Programming Introduction Object Oriented Programming, also known as OOP, is a computer science term which is used to describe a computer application that is composed of multiple objects which are connected to each other. Traditionally, most computer programming languages were simply a group of functions or instructions. With OOP, every object can handle data, get messages, and transfer messages to other objects. The objects will all act as independent units in their own right, and they will be responsible for carrying out a certain process. Because the objects… Read More

How To Create a Data Warehouse Structure

How To Create a Data Warehouse Structure A data warehouse structure is comprised of elements and components which make up the database. The structure will show how components work together, and may also show how database will grow over a given period of time. While every data warehouse has a structure, only few of them are highly organized. It is important to note that a data warehouse with an organized structure is most likely to succeed.   A data warehouse without an organized structure will not be as flexible as it should be. In absence of a proper structure, there will be… Read More

HR Interview – How To Deal With Tricky Interview Questions

How To Deal With Tricky Interview Questions During your HR interview, you will be presented with a number of questions from the interviewer. The way you answer these questions will play a role in whether or not you’re hired. While some of these questions have obvious answers, others will be tricky, and the most obvious response may not be the correct one. In this article I will present a number of questions that you may be asked during an interview, and I will provide you with a general response that… Read More

How To Avoid Problems During Group Discussions

How To Avoid Problems During Group Discussions When you are participating in a group discussion, it is important to avoid problems that will stop the group from achieving its goals. If you are the leader or planner, there are a number of things you will want to pay attention to. It is important to make sure the topics are relevant. Being able to make a connection with the topic you are discussing on a personal level will allow you to reduce the times were members get off topic. If you… Read More