Duties of a Construction Engineer

Responsibilities and Duties of a Construction Engineer The role of a construction engineer is one which has multiple tasks and duties associated with it. The construction engineer will implement a construction project and wear many different hats along the way. It is important to detail the specific duties and general responsibilities which go along with this job position as it will show how useful this individual truly is in today’s society. What Is a Construction Engineer? A construction engineer is the individual who directs a construction project. They will handle… Read More

The Role of a Computer Operator

The Role of a Computer Operator Computers play a large part in our world today. They are used for various personal and business reasons and many individuals would find it difficult to live without them. For this reason, computer-related jobs are quite prominent in the job market. There are various positions available which somehow pertain to computers. One such job is that of a computer operator. What Is a Computer Operator? A computer operator is an individual who works with computers on a daily basis and partakes in a number… Read More

Duties of a Computer Engineer

Duties of a Computer Engineer The rate at which technology is growing throughout the world makes it easy to see how computer-related job positions are booming. From computer technicians to computer operators in general, there are many different shoes which a computer savvy individual can fill so long as they have the requisite knowledge to do so. One such position is that of a computer engineer. The General Responsibilities and Specific Duties  The role of the computer engineer is quite varied in nature and this individual must complete a multitude… Read More

The Role of a Computer Programmer

The Role of a Computer Programmer Technology is a way of life these days as many individuals find themselves lost without items such as their computers and PDAs. Therefore, it should be no surprise that the job position of computer programmer is not only one that is high in demand but readily available as well. Those who perform the daily job duties related to a computer programmer know just how interesting the position really is. The following paragraphs will highlight some of the general responsibilities and specific duties which go… Read More

Responsibilities and Duties of a Civil Engineer

The General Responsibilities and Specific Duties of a Civil Engineer The work of a civil engineer is all around us yet many do not even realize what a civil engineer is responsible for doing. The job role of a civil engineer is extremely important as it equates for the overall safety of society in many different facets. It is important to look at the role that a civil engineer plays and realize what they do in their daily job duties that make the area safe for the people who live… Read More

The Role of a Chiropractor

The Role of a Chiropractor There are many medical conditions which plague individuals from time to time. Some are superficial in nature whereas others are quite serious problems. One such medical condition which individuals may experience relates to back problems. This is where the role of a chiropractor enters the picture. The chiropractor will help to correct what seems to be ailing the patient by using an array of techniques in their sessions with the patient. What Is A Chiropractor? A chiropractor is a person who performs various techniques relating… Read More

Pros and cons of client/server computing

Pros and cons of client/server computing Having got a overview or a glimpse of what a client/server computing is let us see what are the advantages of using the client/server computing technology or in other words let us see the reasons why the client/server computing has gained popularity among database world. Before knowing about the advantages and disadvantages of any technology it is good to have knowledge of the same. The below paragraph talk about what a Client/Server computing is. The Client/Server computing has three components in it namely: Client… Read More

Quality Aspects to Check While Writing COBOL Program

Quality Aspects to Check While Writing COBOL Program This article gives a general list which the programmer must check while delivering programs developed in COBOL. This can also be used as a general checklist for checking quality of the COBOL program developed. Quality is a vital factor for all deliverables in software. This is because of the following reasons: To improve the quality of deliverables To ensure completeness of deliverables To ensure correctness of deliverables To improve maintainability To minimize orientation and study time To make timely delivery To reduce… Read More

Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS)

Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS) First let us start with an insight to the topic Multiple Virtual Storage. MVS stands for Multiple Virtual Storage and this is the technology used mainly with IBM mainframe systems. MVS origin is interesting to know. The first developed technology was MVT which stands for Multitasking with a Variable number of Tasks which supported the multitasking facility. Then this got improved to a technology called SVS also called as Single Virtual Storage in which several tasks share the same adddress space. From Single Virtual Storage only… Read More

Features of OOP

Features of OOP OOP stands for Object Oriented Programming and the language that support this Object Oriented programming features is called Object oriented Programming Language. An example of a language that support this Object oriented features is C++. Features of Object oriented Programming The Objects Oriented programming language supports all the features of normal programming languages. In addition it supports some important concepts and terminology which has made it popular among programming methodology. The important features of Object Oriented programming are: Inheritance Polymorphism Data Hiding Encapsulation Overloading Reusability Let us… Read More

The Important Role of a Chemist

The Important Role of a Chemist One who is interested in chemistry may be curious as to what role a chemist plays in today’s society. Their job role is quite varied in nature and they take on many responsibilities in their profession. It is important to review not only the general responsibilities of a chemist but their daily specific duties as well. What is a Chemist? A chemist is someone who performs research regarding chemicals and may often teach courses regarding the subject matter. The chemist will instruct individuals with… Read More

The Duties and Responsibilities of a Chemical Engineer

The Duties and Responsibilities of a Chemical Engineer The role that a chemical engineer plays in today’s world is an important one to put it quite simply. There are many responsibilities which a chemical engineer must undertake on a daily basis and various specific duties which must be carried out as well. It is important to look at these items to determine why the role of chemical engineer is so important and whether one is suited for a job of this type. What Is a Chemical Engineer? An individual who… Read More

PHP Tutorials : Strings (Part 2)

PHP Tutorials : Strings (Part 2) In this PHP Tutorial you will learn about Strings (2nd Part) – String cleanup, String replacement, Case functions, String formatting and A list of the available type specifiers.   String cleanup: String cleanup is removing \n, \r, \t, \0, and spaces from any side of the string, all cleanup functions take one argument, which is the string to be cleaned, and returns a new value, which is the cleaned string. To clean up the end of the string use the function rtrim() or chop(). To… Read More

Responsibilities and Specific Duties of a Chef

Responsibilities and Specific Duties of a Chef The term chef may conjure up different definitions for individuals. Some may view a chef as having general cooking knowledge whereas others may deem a chef to be an individual with great experience and cooking flair. In general, a chef will have greater experience than say a cook or sous chef in the culinary arts. In order to really get a glimpse as to the role which a chef plays, one must look at the general responsibilities and specific duties that a chef… Read More

The Role of a Biologist

The Role of a Biologist A biologist is an individual who serves a very important role in the field of science. There are many different types of biology specialties however many of the responsibilities and duties are similar in nature. The following will provide an overview of the general responsibilities and specific duties which a biologist serves in their professional role. What Is a Biologist? A biologist is an individual who studies various aspects of wildlife and animals such as their origin, diseases, habits and genetic aspects thereof. Individuals who… Read More

ISPF – Know about it

ISPF – Know about it ISPF is also called as Interactive System Productive Facility. One would be able to create job streams using ISPF. Interactive System Productive Facility is a toolset for IBM operating system say MVS which is used for mainframe computers. But the interesting aspect is panel used with Interactive System Productive Facility also called as ISPF Panel is different and one must have knowledge in starting and using the facilities in this ISPF panel. Let us discuss how to use ISPF panel. Accessing ISPF This is done… Read More

C++ Variables Scope in Functions

In this C++ Tutorial you will learn about Scope of Variables in Function, Local Variables – Scope of Local Variables, Global Variables – Scope of Global Variables. The scope of the variables can be broadly be classified as Local Variables Global Variables Local Variables: The variables defined local to the block of the function would be accessible only within the block of the function and not outside the function. Such variables are called local variables. That is in other words the scope of the local variables is limited to the… Read More

Important Terminologies used in Database

Important Terminologies used in Database First let us know what a database is. A database is a collection of interrelated data. RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System. To name a few Relational Database Management Systems are Oracle, Sybase and Informix and so on. Now let us see important concepts and terms used in this. Database systems are composed of DBMS and database application. Table This is the structure defined to store data under it. It is also called as an ENTITY. Fields It is also known as attributes in… Read More

Semaphore in UNIX – An Overview

Semaphore in UNIX – An Overview Insight about Semaphore:  First let us begin our topic by giving an insight to what is actually a semaphore. A semaphore is nothing but a term used in UNIX for a variable which acts as a counter. So the next question that comes in mind is what for we need this variable. It’s so simple. The reason is explained below. For instance there may be times when two processes try to access the same file simultaneously. In this event we must control the access… Read More

The Role and Responsibilities of an Actuary

The Role and Responsibilities of an Actuary The daily job duties which an actuary must complete are quite vast and varied. This individual wears many hats and must be adept with completing various tasks on a daily basis. Although many individuals may be unaware of the responsibilities which an actuary takes on in their job role, the position of actuary is one of an important nature. What Is An Actuary? An actuary deals with the business of insurance and is responsible for many areas under the broad category of insurance.… Read More

The Role of a Family Counselor

The Role of a Family Counselor The role of a family counselor is an extremely important one in today’s society. There are many individuals who have issues that need to be resolved yet are unable to do so on their own in an effective manner. This is where family counselors enter the picture. These individuals help others when they need to work out issues and need an unbiased individual to help them to do so.  What Is a Family Counselor? A family counselor is an individual who treats married couples… Read More

The Duties and Responsibilities of a Baker

The Duties and Responsibilities of a Baker The role of a baker is an extremely important one, especially with regard to the culinary arts. There are many different items which a baker creates and the duties and responsibilities of this individual go far beyond the oven. A baker has many daily job duties which must be completed in order to make their occupation a success. What Is a Baker? A baker is an individual who prepares specialty items such as breads, cakes, pastries and additional baked goods for the public… Read More

PHP Tutorials – Strings (Part I)

PHP Tutorials – Strings (Part I) In this PHP Tutorial you will learn about Strings viz The heredoc syntax, String length, String position, Strings comparison, String search and Substring selection The heredoc syntax: PHP has another way to specify strings called heredoc syntax. The heredoc syntax is very useful for specifying large text. The heredoc syntax is very useful for specifying text that contains quotes and double quotes, because they don’t need to be escaped. Heredoc syntax starts with a <<< and a label which is an identifier, and ends… Read More

The Importance of Inheritance Within OOP

The Importance of Inheritance Within OOP In an object-oriented programming language that is well designed, a function should be able to have functions that reside inside it. In addition to this, other functions should be processed as input and output as well. When an OOP language uses these features, it will utilize a design that is simple and consistent. This is an important concept that can make the difference between a good programming language and a great programming language. When code is written, the subroutine should be capable of returning… Read More

Software Development Life Cycle

Software Development Life Cycle The product developed which achieves customer satisfaction is not done in a single step. It involves series of steps in a software development process. This is needed to develop quality products with error free products to achieve customer satisfaction. There are many models available in the software development process. But majority of software development process follow the model named as software development life cycle. This software develop life cycle has number of steps in it. The below article describes about the software development life cycle and… Read More

Table space – Important concept of Database

Table space – Important concept of Database Wondering what a Table space is!!!!!!!! Database is divided into one or more logical storage units known as table space. The table space is created by database administrator. After the table space gets created by administrator tables can be created by users in their table space in other words tables can be created in the table space provided for the users. Also one has to understand that table space is a logical area of storage but data present in table occupy physical storage… Read More

The Duties and Responsibilities of a Building Contractor

The Duties and Responsibilities of a Building Contractor A building contractor is someone with a wide range of duties and responsibilities when it comes to the construction of residences or businesses. This individual has a job that entails hard work and thorough review of many processes which accompany the building of structures. Many of the building contractor’s job duties and responsibilities will be discussed in the paragraphs which follow. What Is a Building Contractor? A building contractor is an individual who engages in the planning, developing and coordinating of activities… Read More

The Role of an Agent

The Role of an Agent An agent dealing in real estate has an important role to fulfill. This individual plays a primary part in helping individuals buy and sell their homes. Agents may also help individuals rent property as well. There are many duties and responsibilities which an agent completes on a daily basis. What Is An Agent? An agent is an individual who helps the general public buy, sell or rent their real estate property. The agent will do background work as well as vital in-person jobs to help… Read More

Sample Resume – Computer Programmer Resume

Please NOTE:   Sample Resumes provided herein are meant for reading purpose only.   We have made an attempt to provide an outline sketch of generic resume contents.  These sample resumes are NOT meant to be "ready-to-use" / "copy-and-paste" material.  Phrases and contents varies according to individuals’ qualification and level of experience. These sample resumes may not suite each and every individuals’ skill-sets and talent.  The format will also vary in context with different regions of the world.  If you like to submit a sample resume format, click here.   For any suggestions… Read More

The Use of Access Specifiers In Object Oriented Programming

The Use of Access Specifiers In Object Oriented Programming In object oriented programming, a variable will have a certain range. This range can be defined as the place where it can be viewed. In most cases, there are two simple models that are used, and these are lexically scoped and dynamically scoped. Dynamic scoping is a system which is based on time, and lexical scoping is a system that is based on text. An example of lexical scoping would be the phrase "you get what you pay for." Before you… Read More

Class-based Object Oriented Programming

Class-based Object Oriented Programming Class-based object oriented programming is a style that gains inheritance by processing classes as objects. The most prominent style of OOP is class-based instead of object-based. With the class-based OOP system, objects are units that merge states, identities, and behaviors. The foundation and behavior of the object will be characterized by the class, which will act as a diagram of all objects which fall under the same type. The object will need to be constructed on the foundation of a class, and because of this, the… Read More

The Role of a Property Manager

The Role of a Property Manager A property manager is an individual who has many different duties and responsibilities as part of their job. These individuals must be able to multitask efficiently and juggle all responsibilities which come their way in order to complete their daily duties as effectively as possible. What Is a Property Manager? A property manager is one who is responsible for the selling, leasing, transferring and operating of real estate property. They will act as liaisons between a number of different groups of people involved with the… Read More

The Duties and Responsibilities of a Park Ranger

The Duties and Responsibilities of a Park Ranger There are a number of beautiful state and local parks around the world which individuals visit on an annual basis. These natural settings are ones which many individuals may believe need no guidance or upkeep; however, this is not the case. There are many individuals who aid in the preservation, protection and display of parks. One such individual is the park ranger and this person is one whose duties and responsibilities are quite voluminous in nature. What Is A Park Ranger? A… Read More

PHP Tutorials – Functions (Part-2)

PHP Tutorials – Functions (Part-2) In this PHP Tutorial 2nd Part of PHP Functions you will learn about Variable parameters – func_num_args(), func_get_args(), func_get_arg($arg_num), Variable variables and variable functions, Some useful functions – phpinfo() and header() Variable parameters Sometimes you may not know the number of parameters to be passed for a function, for example if you want to make a reusable function that calculates the sum of some numbers, and you want it to be able to calculate any number of numbers, to do so, you need to use… Read More

Download Free Oracle SQL Developer

Download Free Oracle SQL Developer Oracle SQL Developer is a free graphical tool that enhances productivity and simplifies database development tasks. With SQL Developer, you can browse database objects, run SQL statements and SQL scripts, edit and debug PL/SQL statements, manipulate and export data, and view and create reports. You can connect to Oracle databases, and you can connect to selected third-party (non-Oracle) databases, view metadata and data, and migrate these databases to Oracle. Oracle SQL Developer 3.0 Early Adopter 4 now available. Be a part of the Early Adopter… Read More

The OOP Paradigm

The OOP Paradigm Object oriented programming is a concept that was created because of the need to overcome the problems that were found with using structured programming techniques. While structured programming uses an approach which is top down, OOP uses an approach which is bottom up. Traditionally, programming has placed an emphasis on logic and actions. Object oriented programming has taken a completely different direction, and will place an emphasis on objects and information.  With object oriented programming, a problem will be broken down into a number of units. These… Read More

A Object Oriented Programming Lesson For Beginners

A Object Oriented Programming Lesson For Beginners In this article I will go over object oriented programming in relation to PHP. This article will be especially useful to those who already have a simple knowledge of programming and variables. You should know what a variable is, and you should also know about the different types of variables. When you read this information, it is important to remember that the terms used for other programming languages may be different. It is the overall concepts that you will want to pay close… Read More

The Role of a Lawyer

The Role of a Lawyer When people hear the word lawyer being spoken, they usually think of an individual who goes to court everyday and stands before a judge defending the freedom of another individual. This is true in some cases; however, there are many different types of lawyers with a variety of job responsibilities and duties. No matter what type of lawyer one may be they ultimately have an extremely important role in the lives of others. What Is A Lawyer? A lawyer is an individual who defends a… Read More

Duties and Responsibilities of Air Traffic Controllers

The Important Duties and Responsibilities of Air Traffic Controllers When many individuals use air travel to get from place to place, it is easy to take notice of those individuals whom they have contact with during their trip. However, there are many other individuals involved with air safety and airline issues than just the pilot, customer service representatives and flight attendants. The air traffic controllers who work behind the scenes are those individuals which have very important responsibilities to flight passengers everywhere. What Are Air Traffic Controllers? Air traffic controllers… Read More

Types and Levels of Testing in Programming

Types and Levels of Testing in Programming Testing is an important step in software development life cycle. The process of testing takes place at various stages of development in programming. This is a vital step in development life cycle because the process of testing helps to identify the mistakes and sends the program for correction. This process gets repeated at various stages until the final unit or program is found to be complete thus giving a total quality to the development process. The various levels and types of testing found… Read More