How Ajax Can Become as User Friendly as Flash

How Ajax Can Become as User Friendly as Flash There are a number of reasons why Flash has become so popular on the web today, and this lies in the fact that users don’t have to reload the page. Products such as Flash Remoting will allow users to access the background server, and Ajax can do the same thing with HTML. Systems such as CFAJAX will allow users to send out complex objects, but it is difficult to receive and understand them, especially if you are using products such as… Read More

Web 2.0 Concepts

Web 2.0 Concepts There are a number of important innovations which are expected to play a pivotal role in the introduction of Web 2.0. Some of these innovations are applications that are web based. One of the most powerful tools that has allowed this is Ajax. Ajax is powerful because it has now allowed many web sites to run applications that are very similar to those that are commonly used on personal computers. Some of these applications include spreadsheets and word processing programs. In addition to this, some websites are… Read More

How Ajax Can Improve Web Applications

How Ajax Can Improve Web Applications Many Ajax pioneers such as Jesse James Garret feel that the Internet is pushing innovation. They feel that some of the greatest future developments will be made online. Personally, I agree with them. There are a number of ways in which Ajax can be used to improve the web applications that we use today. Many web developers are jealous of their desktop development counterparts. While there are a number of reasons for this, the primary issue is connected to the fact that desktop applications… Read More

What is Web 2.0

What is Web 2.0 Everybody is talking about Web 2.0 lately. It’s a real hype, but do you know what it is all about? Web 2.0 refers to the second stage of development of the Internet, according to some people. It’s about the change of a collection of websites to a complete platform for interactive web applications for the end-users on the World Wide Web. For some people it will mean the end of desktop applications. These web-based services make it easy for people to place things online, such as… Read More

How Ajax Has Become More Standardized

How Ajax Has Become More Standardized If you are familiar with Gmail, Google Suggest, or Flickr, you will have had a glimpse of the world that Ajax promises to create. These web applications are the result of a new trend in emerging Internet technologies. You will probably notice that many of these applications are very similar to the desktop applications that you’ve used for years. There is little need for them to rely on things like plug-ins or features that are commonly associated with browsers. In the past, most web… Read More

Web 2.0 Principles

Web 2.0 Principles As of this writing, the term Web 2.0 is considered to be a buzz word in the online community. There is a fierce debate about whether or not it is radically different than Web 1.0. However, all the evidence shows that people are becoming more interested in the concept, and many conferences have been packed with people who are interested in learning more about this fundamental technology. To understand why there is so much hyper surrounding Web 2.0, it is first important to understand the underlying principles… Read More

Advantages and Disadvantages of Ajax

Advantages and Disadvantages of Ajax While there are a number of advantages to using Ajax, there are also some disadvantages as well. One of the main reasons why people support it is the interface. Those who use pages with Ajax will find that they operate more like an application rather than a standalone program. With normal web pages, users will have to click on a link if they wish to refresh the page. This can become tedious and inefficient. With Ajax, the page can be refreshed dynamically. The response of… Read More

The Design Aspects of Web 2.0

The Design Aspects of Web 2.0 There are a number of design aspects that separate Web 2.0 from Web 1.0. With Web 1.0, a small group of writers would generate web pages that would be exposed to a large number of viewers. Because of this, it became possible for viewers to go directly to a source to retrieve important information. However, a number of changes have occured. First, many people have now gone from simply viewing information to being responsible for writing and publishing it on the web. A good… Read More

The Security Aspects of Ajax

The Security Aspects of Ajax Security is an important part of Ajax that must be taken into consideration. While Ajax is the subject of a lot of hype, security is something that developers must look at carefully. This new technology is popular because of its ability to create pages which are highly dynamic and interactive. It has also been popularized because of its ability to generate pages that don’t need to be reloaded. However, it has also been the subject of controversy due to its vulnerability to hackers. While the… Read More

The Potential of Web 2.0

The Potential of Web 2.0 One of the most powerful functions of Web 2.0 is the ability it gives users to rapidly build applications. Not only can Web 2.0 allow users to build applications within a short period of time, they can do so without having advanced technical knowledge. There are a number of reasons why this is revolutionary. By reducing the knowledge that is necessary for building applications, more people can construct them. It should first be emphasized that Web 2.0 is not a thing. It is more of… Read More

CSS3 Links Creation and Usage

CSS3  Links Creation and Usage Links are very vital for any web page to navigate through the site and so is also with CSS3. In CSS3 it is possible to handle links even more powerful and effectively as it is possible to handle various states of links which are link, visited, hover, and active states. Also it is possible to create buttons and boundaries to links in CSS3 by using the features of CSS3 technology which gives the effect of button to links. As explained above in CSS3 it is… Read More

Ajax Framework

Ajax Framework The Ajax framework is a technology that is used to build pages which are dynamic. These pages will generally be tailored towards the client side. The data will be read via the server, or it may be transmitted to the server by a request that is made in JavaScript. In order for this to occur, it must be noted that processing must be conducted within the server if the requestes are to be processed properly. This process would basically involve finding data and storing it. To perform this… Read More

CSS3 Wrapping

CSS3 Wrapping Wrapping is a vital property for proper display of contents in web pages for if wrapping is disabled then the user could not display and view long lines that goes outside the window boundary and thus becomes useless. Thus in this context it becomes necessary to handle preformatted text on web pages which can be done in CSS3 in several ways like using text-wrap, by using Pre-tag to display preformatted text on web pages and also by using the concept of word wrap in CSS3.Let’s see about each… Read More

CSS3 Opacity

CSS3 Opacity Need for Handling Transparency: Before the introduction of features in CSS3 for handling transparency of images the web design though took over in various aspects had a great limitation embedded in it. That is the print design can handle overlaying of text on a background which could either be an image or color background. This overlaying of text on background ability have the print design the ability of giving fading of text effect in the background and thereby handling the feature of transparency of images. But in contrast… Read More

Ajax Challenges

Ajax Challenges While Ajax promises to change the way we view and change the web, there are a number of challenges that it poses to developers. With Ajax, you have to do a lot of work yourself. It is comprised of a collection of web technologies that can be used to create sites which are quick and interactive. The Ajax trend has already made an impact on traditional web developers and development software. Some experts believe that if Ajax applications continue to become more prominent, they may force many online… Read More

Making Ajax Accessible

Making Ajax Accessible There are a number of myths that surround the topic of accessibility with Ajax. It is very important for both developers and users to be able to separate myths from facts. In this article I will go over some common myths that surround Ajax and accessibility, and I will take the time to address them. One of the most common myths that surrounds Ajax is that accessibility is one issue. There are a number of problems with holding this view. When you do this, you will often… Read More

CSS3 Advantages

CSS3 Advantages Having got a detailed idea of CSS3 and its features with some of the vital attributes of CSS3 let us see the advantages or uses of CSS3 in brief in this section. There are numerous and variety of areas in which CSS3 makes it mark and thus users finds it one of the comfortable and powerful tools for usage thus making it a reason for its popularity. Let us see some of the important advantages and uses of CSS3 in detail. Usage of style sheet: Long before introduction of… Read More

CSS3 Multi Column Feature

CSS3 Multi-Column Feature CSS3 Multi-Column Module is a vital feature present in CSS3.This feature enables users to flow the content of an element into multiple columns. The CSS3 Multi-Column Module is a important feature because it gives users the following features or advantages there is no need to for users to scroll up and down while reading the text from one column to the next column, it prevents the need for horizontal scrolling, wraps text user friendly and easier to read without making too short words or lines and most… Read More

How to Find Scholarships

How to find Scholarships To obtain a scholarship, knowing where to look is crucially important. While finding scholarships may sound easy at first, it can become very difficult. Scholarships are not well advertised, and you will want to spend time researching it. In addition to scholarships, you will also want to look for grants and government aid for students. Getting this aid for college will allow you to graduate without getting few, if any, student loans. If you are employed with a company, this is one of the first places… Read More

Who is eligible to get Scholarship?

Who is eligible to get Scholarship? While the eligibility for a scholarship will vary from one program to another, there are a some general requirements that all students will be expected to meet. Most scholarship programs will require students to maintain a minimum grade point average. While there are some scholarship programs that may allow students to maintain a minimum of a 2.5, this is somewhat rare, and 3.0 or higher is the general rule. Any student who wants to get certain scholarships in the United States will be expected… Read More

Tips for getting Scholarship

Tips for getting Scholarship There are a number of important tips you will want to follow when you apply for scholarships. It has been said that scholarships can be hard to get, and there is a lot of truth to this. However, following the right tips and procedures will greatly tip the odds of success in your favor. The tips I will mention in this article are specifically geared towards students who are undergraduates. These will typically be students who are also pursuing grants in addition to scholarships. The first… Read More

Data Warehouse Glossary

Data Warehouse Glossary Because of the complexity surrounding data warehouses, there are a number of terms that you will want to become familiar with. While there are too many terms to present in this article, I will go over the fundamental terms that you should know. Understanding the terminology surrounding a data warehouse will make it easier for you to learn how to use it effectively, and it will make communication with your peers easier. Access – Access can be defined as the process of obtaining data from the databases… Read More

Scholarship for higher studies

Scholarship for higher studies Students who are interested in higher studies will be pleased to learn that there is a large amount of money available in the form of scholarships. In higher education, there are a number of important aspects to the scholarships that students are given. In addition to giving students the ability to gain knowledge, a scholarship for higher education also sets up the potential that they can extend this knowledge. In addition to this, students must be taught the importance of using the information they gain while… Read More

Scholarship Basic Facts

Scholarship Basic Facts A scholarship is a financial award that is given to students by colleges, universities, or other organizations. The goal of a scholarship is to enhance the education of the student. There are a wide variety of scholarships available, and each scholarship will require applicants to meet a variety of different requirements. In most cases, the requirements for a scholarship will be based on the donor who is providing the scholarship. It should also be noted that scholarships may fall under different categories. These categories are need based,… Read More