Self Esteem And Self Confidence

Self Esteem And Self Confidence In a world full of languages and in a language with a wide expanse of vocabulary, you can only imagine multifarious words getting interchanged or mistaken for each other’s meaning. The same is true of the words self-esteem and self-confidence. There have been countless times that these words have been used yet how many really know what each means? What are actually the differences between these two concepts? Read on to find out what beliefs you have which are waiting to be corrected. One of… Read More

How Web 2.0 Can Be Valuable To Businesses

How Web 2.0 Can Be Valuable To Businesses It should be no big secret that the Internet has become a new frontier for doing business. It has facilitated an environment where a true free market exists, a place in which anyone can start a business without having large sums of money up front. Most importantly, the Internet cannot be easily purchased and controlled by either government agencies or large corporations. Having said that, there are a number of key benefits that Web 2.0 can bring to businesses. For most IT… Read More

JSP Architecture

JSP Architecture In this JSP tutorial, you will learn about JSP Architecture, page-centric approach, dispatcher approach and steps in execution of a JSP file. JSP is a high-end technology that helps developers insert java code in HTML pages by making use of special JSP tags. The JSP are HTML pages but do not automatically have .html as file extension. JSP files have .jsp as extension. The following steps takes place in execution of a JSP file. JSP files are compiled by JSP engine into a servlet. This step creates the… Read More

How To Maintain Etiquette In Conversation

How To Maintain Etiquette In Conversation Effective communicating or conversation stems from the ability of a person to properly construct phrases or sentences that will go directly to the point. No dilly dallying and to immediately emphasize the message coming from the sender towards the receiver without obstructions such as the use of unnecessary words to be able to solicit the full attention of the listener is what every person should primarily consider when they start a conversation with another person. Outline and Understood the Points for Discussion There are… Read More

JSP Directive Tag and Scriptlet tag

JSP Directive Tag and Scriptlet tag In this JSP tutorial, you will learn about two types of Directive tag namely Include and Tag Lib and also Scriptlet tag used in Java Server Pages along with syntax, usage, example and explanation for each of the tag. Include directive: Include directive is a type of directive tag. If a programmer wants to include contents of a file inside another, then the Include directive is used. The file included can be either static ( HTML file) or dynamic (i.e., another tag file). The… Read More

JSP Page Directive

JSP Page Directive In this JSP tutorial, you will learn about JSP page directive, attributes of the page directive along with syntax, examples and explanations. autoFlush: autoFlush attribute is used to specify whether or not to automatically flush out the output buffer when it is full.  Syntax of autoFlush attribute available for page directive is written as: <%@ page autoFlush = "true|false" %> In the above example, page and autoFlush are keywords. True or false value can be set to autoFlush attribute, by default, its value is true . This means, the buffer… Read More

How Self Confidence Helps in Career Growth

How Self Confidence Helps in Career Growth The key for people today is on how to build on set careers. Discovering their inner talents and being able to build on their self-confidence is a step in setting careers on the right track. Without self-confidence, a person will always be walking on a thin line, not having the ability to make his own judgment with regards to personal decisions, more so with eventual business decisions he will be tasked to undertake later on. Belief in ones self will make a difference.… Read More

JSP Directives

JSP Directives In this JSP tutorial, you will learn about Directive tag with example, page directive, language, extends, import, session and buffer. Directive tag: The directive tag gives special information about the page to JSP Engine. This changes the way JSP Engine processes the page. Using directive tag, user can import packages, define error handling pages or session information of JSP page. General notation of directive tag is as follows: There are three types of directive tag. page Include Tag Lib Syntax and usage of directive tag page directive: General… Read More

JSP Tags

JSP Tags In this JSP tutorial, you will learn about JSP tags, list of the tags used in Java Server Pages, declaration tag, general syntax of declaration tag, expression tag and general syntax of expression tag. Tags are a vital concept in Java Server Pages (JSP). Below is a list of tags used in JSP. This section discusses Declaration Tag and Expression Tag in detail; syntax, usage with examples and explanations for both. List of the tags used in Java Server Pages: Declaration tag Expression tag Directive tag Scriptlet tag Action… Read More

JSP Environment Setup

Steps for Setting JSP Environment In this JSP tutorial, you will learn the steps for setting JSP environment in Microsoft Windows, setting the PATH and CLASSPATH, steps for downloading and installing the Tomcat web server. The Java Server Page or JSP is very affordable as most of the software needed for it is easily available for free or at low cost. The Java Developer Kit which is available for free The Tomcat web server if used is available for free. HTML editor would be needed to purchase. How to set… Read More

JSP Introduction

JSP Introduction In this JSP tutorial, you will learn about JSP, usage of JSP, process of development, independency of layers and simplification of process. JSP or Java Server Pages, was developed by Sun Microsystems. JSP technology is object-oriented programming language and is based on Java language. In this section you will learn about JSP and some its important features. Usage of JSP: JSP is widely used for developing dynamic web sites. JSP is used for creating database driven web applications because it provides superior server side scripting support. Some of… Read More

How Web 2.0 Will Change The Internet

How Web 2.0 Will Change The Internet I personally feel that it is an understatement to say that Web 2.0 will change the face of the Internet. It is an emerging technology that has a number of important implications, and those who are prepared for such implications will prosper. Many have said that Web 2.0 will give users the same experiences that they first had when they used the Internet for the first time. However, many experts feel that Web 2.0 will be the result of small advances and tweaks… Read More

C++ Abstraction

Abstraction is one of the most powerful and vital features provided by object-oriented C++ programming language. Modularity is very important in any programming language, it provides flexibility to users for using the programming language. This aspect is well achieved with high performance by the concept of abstraction in C++. In object-oriented programming language the programmer can abstract both data and code when needed. What is Abstraction The concept of abstraction relates to the idea of hiding data that is not needed for presentation. The main idea behind data abstraction is… Read More

C++ Variables and Data types

In this C++ tutorial, you will learn about variables, constants and data types in C++, rules for defining variable names, short int, int, long int, float, double, long double, char, bool, declaring variables and constants. Variables A variable is the content of a memory location that stores a certain value. A variable is identified or denoted by a variable name. The variable name is a sequence of one or more letters, digits or underscore, for example: character_ Rules for defining variable name: A variable name can have one or more… Read More

Advantages and Disadvantages of Web 2.0

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Web 2.0 While Web 2.0 has become a popular term these days, few people have taken the time to weigh the pros and cons of these evolutionary change. While the advantages are heavily touted by those who are proponents of Web 2.0, there are also those who feel that this technology will do more harm than good. In this article, I wish to go over the key advantages and disadvantages of Web 2.0, and this will give readers the ability to decide what they think.… Read More

JavaScript Confirm Box

JavaScript Confirm Box In the previous section of this tutorial JavaScript Alert Box, we discussed about alert boxes. In this section, you will learn about JavaScript confirm box and prompt box. Confirm Box: The confirm box is a box that pops up with both an OK and a Cancel button. The confirm box is used to verify acceptance from the user. If the user accepts, then the user presses the OK button and the confirm box returns with a true value. If the user rejects with the Cancel button, then… Read More

JavaScript Alert Box

JavaScript Alert Box In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about JavaScript alert box along with code for placing the alert box when page is loaded. There are three types of popup boxes that can be created using JavaScript. Depending on the needs of user, the programmer can create any of these types of popup boxes using JavaScript.  Three kinds of popup boxes created using JavaScript are: Alert Box Confirm Box Prompt Box Let us now learn how to create each of these popup boxes using JavaScript. Alert Box: This… Read More

JavaScript Features

JavaScript Features In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about features of JavaScript, JavaScript as a programming tool, dynamic effects, browser detection, DOM control and other popular JavaScript features. A Great Programming Tool for HTML: Professional Web designers are undoubtedly adept in using HTML and proficient in website design but not necessarily skillful in computer programming. JavaScript is a programming tool for such a situation. JavaScript is a powerful scripting language that helps HTML designers to effectively and interactively design websites and web pages in a very simple and efficient way.… Read More

Tips for Mastering Data Modeling

Tips for Mastering Data Modeling Data modeling refers to the process where by data is structured and organized. It is a key component in the field of computer science. Once data is structured, it is usually then implemented into what is called a database management system. The main idea behind these systems to manage vast amounts of structured and unstructured data. Unstructured data include documents, word processing, e-mail messages, pictures, and digital video and audio files. Structured data – what is needed to make a data model (via a data… Read More

Physical Data Models

Physical Data Models Physical data models represent the design of data while also taking into account both the constraints and facilities of a particular database management system. Generally, it is taken from a logical data model. Although it can also be engineered in reverse from a particular database implementation. All database artifacts that are needed to create relationships will be included on a physical data model. These include linking tables, indexes, constraint definitions, and partitioned clusters. The model can generally be used as a calculation device for figuring storage estimates.… Read More

Entity Relationship Model

Entity Relationship Model Structured data is stored in databases. Along with various other constraints, this data’s structure can be designed using entity relationship modeling, with the end result being an entity relationship diagram. Data modeling entails the usage of a notation for the representation of data models. An entity relationship diagram can be thought of as a type of semantic data model, or a conceptual one. Entity relationship models are used during the first stage of information system design in order to elucidate types of info that are needed to… Read More

How To Make Your Conversation Meaningful

How To Make Your Conversation Meaningful Conversation skills are an essential part of communication. Every time you talk, you reveal a part of yourself to someone and from this; they will either have a positive or negative view of your personality. It is not only the words that you say that is important in a conversation because even how you say it is important. You should always sound sincere and precise but remember to let your thoughts and feelings be known. You should also take care not to hurt anyone’s… Read More

Relation Between Subconscious Mind And Self-Confidence

Relation Between Subconscious Mind And Self-Confidence We use our conscious mind to process the things we see and feel. It is with our conscious mind that we make our decisions. In turn the conscious mind also reacts to the outcome of such decision. Our conscious mind is only part of how we think and decide. A greater part of our thinking process is affected by our subconscious mind. This is proven in many studies. Our subconscious mind takes past life experiences, rooting back as far as childhood, to respond to… Read More

Tips For Having Interesting And Meaningful Conversations

Communication makes society progress, grow, and change. From the time man was created to this day, he has been struggling to perfect this skill. Gone are the days of drawing on rocks, flickering fingers, and grunting sounds. These days, we can communicate in many different ways. We are no longer confined to just the spoken word. Because of the conception of mail, the manner in which human beings communicate has grown by leaps and bounds. Today, the most common form of communication is done via the Internet. Email, blogging, chatting… Read More

How to use JavaScript in HTML page

How to use JavaScript in HTML page In this JavaScript tutorial you will learn how to use JavaScript in HTML page, how to write output to a page, different places where JavaScript can be paced in HTML, JavaScript in external file and how to place and execute JavaScript in external file. How to Insert JavaScript into a HTML page: You can insert JavaScript into an HTML page by using <script> tag. JavaScript is placed between tags starting with <script type = text/javascript> and ending with </script>. General syntax of JavaScript… Read More

Self Confidence In Decision Making

Self Confidence In Decision Making Do I rise up now or 5 minutes later? Do I wear the plaid shirt or the spotlessly white one? Ham or bacon? Everyday, we are consciously and unconsciously making choices through our decisions. Some are so routinary that they are automatically made without giving a thought, and then there are some that needs more time and concentration. We also have major decisions to make that leave us paralyzed with indecision. Probably the greatest reason why decision-making can be very intimidating is the fear of… Read More

What To Avoid During Formal Conversation

What To Avoid During Formal Conversation In a formal social scenario, it would take more than good clothes and a pleasant looking appearance to be able to present yourself well. How you converse with the hosts and their other guests can say a lot about your social skills. In some circles, especially when the guests include important business partners or high profile personalities, your manner could result in whether you may get invited or be excluded from such a social event the next time. Below are some suggestions for improving… Read More

Traits of a Self-Confident Person

Do You Have the Traits of a Self-Confident Person? Self-confidence is one of the most admired attitudes in a person. Employers want self-confident employees because they usually get the work done even in tight situations. Parents hope their children grow up as self-confident individuals. A self-confident person generally has many friends as they are easy and fun to get along with. Even an enemy or competitor grudgingly admires a self-confident person. What is a self-confident person? Is he or she the person who would do anything to be the star… Read More

The Power of Ajax

The Rapid Expansion of Ajax on The Web A year ago, most web developers were not fully aware of the capabilities surrounding Ajax. Indeed, the system was largely obscure. However, this has greatly changed in the last twelve months. Ajax has gone from being rare to being a household name in the web development community.While many people make the mistake of thinking that Ajax is a new technology, those who have studied it know that its foundation has existed for nearly a decade, and it was only through recent advances… Read More

Ways to keep conversation going

Ways to keep conversation going Have you had a really good conversation lately? A conversation requires skills in speaking and listening. Therefore, to have a good conversation, you must be both a good speaker and listener. Listening is very simple especially if you are interested with the person you are conversing with. “An open ear is the only believable sign of an open heart," remarked David Augsburger. Do not assume that you know what someone else is thinking or feeling. Instead, turn your perceptions into questions. In this way, you… Read More

JavaScript Variables

JavaScript Variables In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about JavaScript variables, rules for variable names in JavaScript, declaration of variable in JavaScript, variables usage, JavaScript in external file, how to place the JavaScript in external file and how to execute this JavaScript placed in external file. Just like any programming language, variables in JavaScript are also used to store values. The value of the variable can be edited as required by the programmer. Rules for Variable Names in JavaScript: Some of the rules for forming variable names are as… Read More

Ways to Improve Self Confidence

Ways to Improve Self Confidence Ever been in a situation wherein you’d choose not to be in? How did it feel? Did it feel like you have butterflies in your stomach, to the point that you would just want to barf. As if you and your whole environment are turned upside down at that very second, not to mention that you would just want to disappear if not become invisible to every being capable of perceiving you. You see yourself falling flat on your face and you feel so nervous… Read More

Why Conversation Skill Is Important

Why Conversation Skill Is Important For Career Growth You may have all the necessary technical skills, the expertise and the experience that can really attest that you deserve that next promotion, but if you haven’t got the conversation skills to back it up, you might miss the opportunity to level up in your career. It is important to be able to have the conversation skills to communicate everything that will contribute for your career growth.  You can’t just silently plug away at your work without being open to opportunities of… Read More

Avoiding Overconfidence

Avoiding Overconfidence Confidence is defined as the faith or trust that people has towards other people and thing. This confidence that a person might have in another person is normally beyond his control. To cite an example, you might be confident in the city police or authorities to protect you, or might exercise confidence that your favorite team will be the winner of an important game. Faith is synonymous with confidence in these cases If you are self-confident, then you are confident in yourself and your abilities. Self-confidence is simply… Read More

How Not To Be A Headache In Conversations

How Not To Be A Headache In Conversations It happens everyday. You join a group of friends or acquaintances for a chat. You speak and suddenly the smiles are replaced by awkward expressions, the laughter and wild chatter by sheer silence. You wonder what you have done or said wrong. If this situation is a scene from your life, then read on to find out what mistakes you could be making in conversations and how you can avoid them. Wrong topic. It is best to steer clear from utterly negative,… Read More

The Essence of Self Confidence

The Essence Of Self Confidence Have you ever observed how people pay more attention to what things look like than what purpose these things actually exist for? For example, there are two bars of the same chocolate in two different boxes. The other is covered in beautiful and shiny paper. The latter is placed in a plain box on top a hidden shelf. Obviously, you know which one will get picked by people who pass by, even though the contents are the same. Believe it or not, this is the very… Read More

The Business Aspect of Web 2.0

The Business Aspect of Web 2.0 Companies Slow To React To Web 2.0 Despite the fact that Web 2.0 is currently one of the most popular terms on the web, most companies have been slow to adopt it. Many experts feel that the primary reason for this is because the concept of improving company processes with online tools is not a new concept. Despite this, there are a number of differences between Web 2.0 and traditional online business tools. While the companies who embrace Web 2.0 are likely to be… Read More

How To Boost Your Self-Confidence

How To Boost Your Self-Confidence Anyone’s one failure in whatever one does can be attributed to the lack of self-confidence. A person who is confident enough about himself can conquer anything, achieve what he wants to within reason, and gain success in life. Hence, it is very essential for everyone to once in awhile do a self-assessment and boost self-confidence in order to succeed in life. There are many ways of boosting self-confidence but the success or failure of these ways depends primarily on an individual’s motivation and determination to… Read More

How to Start Conversation

You enter a room full of people with unknown faces. They seem to be concentrated with each other’s presence. They did not even notice that you are there. How will you start a conversation? You admire a person from a distance. Popular and known, you find it intimidating just to be near that person. Suddenly, this person is in front of you, smiling. How will you start a conversation? Starting a conversation is a fear experienced by many people. Once in a situation where a person must start a conversation,… Read More

Am I Self Confident

How Self-Confident Am I?  Seventeen-year old Jorielle is now a College sophomore but she still avoids going to school at a time when the other students are surely hanging out near the front gate. To avoid encountering lots of people she makes it a point to go to school very early when nobody is in yet except the University janitor or too late when almost everyone has left for their classrooms. Sally has made it through University and now works as a paralegal for a top law firm. But while… Read More

Web 2.0 and Social Media

Web 2.0 and Social Media The advent of blogs and the rapid availability of site building software has made it easy for a single person to reach millions of people in a short period of time. While this was a dream 20 years ago, it has become a reality today. With the introduction of syndication, social content can be spread across the Internet through various feeds, reaching millions of people in a matter of hours. For the first time in history, anyone is able to reach a large audience through… Read More

Ajax Graphics Enhancement Tools

Ajax Graphics Enhancement Tools When most people think of Ajax, they think of the ability to have changes occur on webpages without having to reload them. They also think about of the high levels of interactivity that they can achieve. Most importantly, many developers are waiting for the way where they will be able to use web applications that are just as robust as their desktop counterparts. However, many people fail to take into consideration the graphical issues of this collection of technologies. This phenomenon is a result of Web… Read More

JavaScript Introduction

JavaScript Introduction In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about introduction to JavaScript, why JavaScript, differences between Java and JavaScript and advantages of JavaScript. What is JavaScript? JavaScript was first developed by Netscape as an open scripting language to create interactive web pages. Script is nothing but a small program which is generally very easy to learn and use. JavaScript as an open language implies that it can be used by anyone; no license is required to use JavaScript. Microsoft created Jscript for its Internet Explorer similar to Netscape JavaScript.… Read More

Web 2.0 Characteristics

Web 2.0 Characteristics While Web 2.0 is one of the most promising technological advances that will occur on the Internet, there is a lot of confusion that surrounds it. While you may think this confusion is limited to laypersons, this is not the case. Many Web 2.0 experts are confused about the nature of this new technology. While various experts will have their own opinions of the system, these opinions can be broken down into two categories, and they are • those who believe that there is no difference between… Read More