NLP Time Lining

NLP Time Lining Introduction Most often than not, the frames set in our childhood affect our adult lives. When certain old patterns of thinking become outdated or useless, they might start creating trouble in our modern life. Time lining helps to get rid of these old and useless thinking patterns, and reframe our minds into a more innovative thinking using Neuro-linguistic courses. The tools of Neuro-linguistic Programming and time lining techniques can be used to heal a person from painful memories using the person’s own resources. When the painful memories… Read More

Client Server Architecture

The Importance of Flexibility in a Changing World Client-server software architecture is versatile and flexible in today’s fast-changing IT landscape. It is modular in structure and relies on messaging services for communication between components. They were designed to improve flexibility, usability, scalability, and interoperability. Software flexibility implies the ability for a program to change easily according to different users and different system requirements. Usability refers to human-computer interaction and the ability of a software application to accomplish a user’s goal. Some defining features are ease-of-use and a clear, logical process… Read More

Supply Chain Management Marketing Techniques

Supply Chain Management Marketing Techniques Introduction A company that is market oriented first figures out who its customers will be, then build their products or services around that market group. Marketing theory has it that a specific customer uses a product or service because he or she has a particular need, and that by using that product or service their needs will be fulfilled. In the realm of supply chain management, marketing focuses on two specific tasks: recruiting new clients and retaining and expanding relationships with current clients. The former… Read More

NLP State Management

NLP State Management Introduction A combination of the internal representations of the mind and the physiology of the body form a complete Neuro-linguistic state of consciousness. Such states are a part of our day-to-day life. Some states bring us empowerment whereas others limit our potential. We need to identify the triggers that cause these states and see if we can alter them. In Neuro-linguistic programming, state control means an effective management of states. Only those people who can efficiently manage Neuro-linguistic state control are able to achieve success. This ability… Read More

Supply Chain Management Marketing History

Supply Chain Management Marketing History When it comes to the marketing end of supply chain management, it is first important to understand what marketing is, what it entails, as well as the history and criticism of marketing. In fact, it is hard to say exactly what marketing is, as it does not have a commonly agreed upon definition. Today, within the realm of academia, debates as to marketing’s true nature and purpose continue to rage on. But to put it in practical terms, marketing entails the management and social process… Read More

NLP Framing

NLP Framing for Resourcefulness Introduction Neuro-linguistic Programming presents several frames of reference that are used to put things in different contexts and perspectives, by giving them different meanings. These frames can be applied to handle feedback or criticism effectively, or to cure certain phobias and traumas. The concept of framing is developing the ability to step out of an experience, take a second position so that you can understand the different perspectives, and learn to cope with them. You need to learn the length and degree of changing frames in… Read More

Client Server Models in Business Environment

Client Server Models in Business Environment The Organization of Client Server Computing Client-server computing is organized to support accessibility and integration. Through networking each client or workstation connected to the host or server. This allows clients to access software and hardware applications as needed. One of the primary benefits of this is the integration of software or hardware products from different vendors. These products, contained and accessible on the server, can work together to produce the business benefits of client-server technology such as cost reduction, increased flexibility and productivity, and more… Read More

Supply Chain Management Software

Supply Chain Management Software It is quite possible that supply chain management software is the most fractured software application group in the world. While the vast majority of supply chain steps include their own specific kinds of software, a lot of vendors have put together different chunks of this software together under a single roof in order to make the job easy. There is no such thing as a supply chain management total software program that will be perfect for every single business. The vast majority of organizations will have… Read More

JES : Job Entry Subsystem

JES : Job Entry Subsystem In this MainFrame tutorial, you will learn about JES : Job Entry Subsystem, Job Scheduler, types of JES, HASP, ASP, Job management of MVS, General Phases in a Job viz Input, Conversion, Processing, Output, Print and Purge. Job Entry Subsystems: Job Scheduler: JES is an MVS component which keeps track of jobs that enter the system. The job entry subsystem also called as JES in short is used by MVS operating system. The JES is the component which presents jobs for MVS processing and sends… Read More

NLP Perceptual Positions

NLP Perceptual Positions Introduction Human beings look at any experience using three primary ways. By understanding these ways of our behavior, we can learn how to control our state of mind and enhance our communication. In Neuro-linguistic Programming these ways are referred to as the first, second and third perceptual positions. However, two more perceptual positions known as fourth and fifth perceptual position can also be identified. The first Neuro-linguistic perceptual position is a total self-reference, and operates from the self or from ones own eyes. The association is from… Read More

Using UML with .NET

Using UML with .NET Introduction For those who wish to use the Unified Modeling Language in conjunction with .NET, there are a number of powerful tools available that can allow you to do this. One good example is Rational XDE Professional. It is a high end software engineering application that will allow you to design, document, and review the .NET solutions completely within the VS.NET interface. The XDE program offers full support for UML, and this support has been integrated in .NET. If you are developing advanced applications through C#,… Read More

NLP Mirroring and Matching Techniques

NLP Mirroring and Matching Techniques Mirroring and matching are two techniques of Neuro-linguistic Programming used to gain rapport at the unconscious level. This is possible by becoming like the person with whom you need to make a connection. Introduction Generally, people look, act, sound and move like one another, they tend to notice the similarity at the unconscious level and therefore get along with each other. It is a natural process to help things come in a state of harmony. Even two similar pendulums suspended with a taut wire will… Read More

Supply Chain Management : Inventory

Supply Chain Management : Inventory What is Inventory? Inventory refers to the list of goods and materials in stock by a particular company. The purpose of inventory is to manage and conceal the fact that oftentimes manufacture delay lasts longer than the delays in delivery. Inventory also eases the imperfections that result as part of the normal manufacturing of a product. These imperfections can lower production efficiencies in those instances where production is idle owing to a lack of needed materials. Business Inventory The following stock reasons might apply to… Read More

Client Server Features

Client Server Features Web Server Introduction Web servers are the machines or programs from which requests are made and fulfilled over the Internet. They provide one of the endpoints in communication when users request an online service. Clients or users request data through their web browsers. These requests are delivered to the server in HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol). The server then searches the World Wide Web for results based on browser specifications and returns its responses in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), also formatted according to HTTP. This is the basic… Read More

Data Warehouses Non Technical Issues

Data Warehouses Non Technical Issues When companies get ready to implement a data warehouse, few of them pay attention to the political issues that may surround it. It must be emphasized that politics can reduce the chances for success with a data warehouse project, and I want to warn companies against these issues so they can be avoided. The definition of a data warehouse political scenario is when the goals of two parties within the company collide. In most cases, these conflicts will be closely related to the data warehouse… Read More

NLP and Scientific Analysis

Neuro-linguistic Programming is a specific modelling procedure originally used by NLP co-creator Richard Bandler whilst he was exposed to the work of Fritz Perls and Virginia Satir. What most people think of as NLP is in fact the collection of techniques that were borrowed, adapted and created in the course of developing that modelling process. These techniques, together with NLP itself, conititute the overall “field of NLP”. The first steps in the development of NLP (the modelling process) occurred spontaneously whilst Richard Bandler was working with Virginia Satir during a… Read More

Using UML with PHP and Perl

Using UML with PHP and Perl The Unified Modeling Language has a number of features that could be beneficial to both Perl and PHP users. If you have a meeting with managers, and you need to explain the procedure for online credit card payments, your audience could become bored. While explaining it to them is one thing, showing it to them is another. This is where UML can be very useful for developers who use Perl. Instead of simply telling someone how a system works, you can show it to them visually.… Read More

VSAM Control Interval and Control Area

VSAM Control Interval and Control Area In this Mainframe tutorial, you will learn about VSAM Control Interval, What is a Control Interval in VSAM? and Control Area, what is VSAM control area, attributes in the control area index component. What is a Control Interval in VSAM? Control Interval in VSAM is a unit of data that is transferred when an I/O request is made between auxiliary storage and virtual storage. It contains records, free space and control information. The data records are grouped into control intervals. That is in other… Read More

NLP Sensory Acuity

NLP Sensory Acuity Sensory acuity for Neuro-linguistic Programming is defined as the ability to observe, examine, and interpret the external cues received from other people. Sensory acuity for Neuro-linguistic Programming is used for training our minds to see and listen to the non-verbal communication such as body language, eye movements etc. Introduction Every person unconsciously emits several external signals which are a reflection of their internal state of mind and thought processes. With increased, effective and conscious sensory acuity, we are able to catch these signals and then read them… Read More

VSAM Structure

VSAM Structure In this Mainframe tutorial, you will learn about VSAM Structure,  four major areas of VSAM structure, what is VSAM cluster, VSAM components, Defining VSAM cluster and Example for defining VSAM clusters. There are four major areas in the structure of VSAM. They are: The Master catalog The User catalog The Data space The file also called as cluster What is VSAM Cluster? VSAM dataset which we have seen in detail in our earlier section when defined logically takes up the form as a VSAM cluster. Before proceeding to… Read More

JavaScript DOM Window Object

JavaScript DOM Window Object In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about closed property and name property, defaultStatus, status, self property of JavaScript Window object closed Property of Window Object: The closed property of a Window object returns a Boolean variable denoting whether window has been closed or not. The closed property tells you whether or not a window opened using Once a window is opened in JavaScript, its closed property is immediately initialized, with a value of false. When the newly opened window is closed, then the closed… Read More

Connection between Data Model and Data Warehouse

Connection between Data Model and Data Warehouse Data models are required in order to build data warehouses. The problem is, those who develop data warehouses need to be able to show results at a fast pace. Data models are problematic in that they take a very long time to build. Is it possible, then to speed up the process somehow? The data that is in the data warehouse is the most atomic data that exists. The various data summaries and aggregations are external to the data warehouse, being found in… Read More

VSAM Catalogs

VSAM Catalogs In this Mainframe tutorial, you will learn about VSAM Catalogs, Master Catalog, User Catalog and Data Space of VSAM. Master Catalog Master Catalog in VSAM is like captain of a ship, since all files used in VSAM is controlled by this master catalog. The attributes of files like password authorization for files, monitoring of operation performed on files, VSAM access for files, location of the file, space management of file, available free space in file are all monitored, managed and present in Master catalog. The above attributes are… Read More

Data Modeling Introduction

Data Modeling Introduction Data modeling refers to the process where by data is structured and organized. It is a key component in the field of computer science. Once data is structured, it is usually then implemented into what is called a database management system. The main idea behind these systems to manage vast amounts of both structured and unstructured data. Unstructured data include documents, word processing, e-mail messages, pictures, and digital video and audio files.  Structured data, what is needed to make a data model (via a data model theory),… Read More

Using UML with Java

Using UML with Java While Java is not a new language, its application for the development of embedded systems is quite new. Developers are beginning to take a second look at modeling languages such as UML, and many feel it can be a powerful tool in their development arsenal. Introduction Java and UML are both gaining rapid popularity in the development community at the same time, and it is only logical to assume that someone would eventually propose the idea of using them together. While many developers felt UML was… Read More

Nature of Communication within NLP

Nature of Communication within NLP Any communication can be described as a set of frames, each dependent on the previous frames or responses. When you make a statement, the recipient will respond in a certain way. The choice of words of your next statement will then be decided by considering this response. For example, if you present an idea, the recipient can either accept the idea or disagree to it at different degrees. You will need to construct your next statement by analyzing this response, and choosing words so as… Read More

VSAM Introduction

VSAM Introduction In this Mainframe tutorial, you will learn about VSAM, what is VSAM, VSAM structure, types of VSAM datasets, Entry Sequenced Data Set (ESDS), Key Sequenced Data Set (KSDS), Linear Data Set (LDS) and Relative Record Data Set (RRDS). What is VSAM? VSAM stands for Virtual Storage Access Method. The VSAM is a method used for managing files in mainframe system. That is in other words VSAM is a data management system used in mainframe systems and this was introduced by IBM.  VSAM also known as Virtual Storage Access… Read More

What are Web Servers?

What are Web Servers? Web Server Communication Web servers are one of the endpoints in communication through the World Wide Web. According to its inventor, Tim Berner-Lee, the World Wide Web is “the universe of network-accessible information, an embodiment of human knowledge.” While the latter part of this definition is arguable, the former offers a starting point through which to understand the magnitude of the Web. The World Wide Web is the global structure of electronically connected information. It refers to the global connections between computers that allow users to… Read More

Supply Chain Management : Just In Time

Supply Chain Management : Just In Time Introduction In the realm of supply chain management, “Just in time” refers to an inventory strategy that it used to improve a business’s return on investment through a reduction of in process inventory and all related costs. Just in time is driven by a series of signals, referred to as Kanban, which tell production processes when it is necessary to make the next part. Kanban can be visual signals, but are generally “tickets.” When implemented in a correct fashion, “Just in time” can help… Read More

Mainframe Features

Mainframe Features In this Mainframe tutorial, you will learn about features of Mainframe – Processing power, memory capacity, performance, computing, multiple operating system, time sharing, reliability, serviceability, availability, clustering technology and other features available in Mainframe. Large Number of CPU with Greatest Processing Power: The mainframe has greatest processing capacity and to support this there is large number of CPU’s with high processing power embedded within the frame. Huge Memory Capacity: As explained before the mainframe applications takes its presence in large scale operations and to support this facility the… Read More

Supply and Demand Schedules

Supply and Demand Schedules The relationship between the number of goods supplied by the producer and the current market price is called the supply schedule. It is represented graphically by a curve. As the supply tends to be proportional to the price, supply curves are nearly always sloping upwards. Thanks to the law of diminishing marginal returns, the supply curve’s slope is almost always increasingly upwards sloping. Due to the equi-marginal principle, a producer’s supply curve is almost always equal to the marginal cost curve of the producer. So an… Read More

NLP Persuasion Patterns and Benefits

NLP Persuasion Patterns and Benefits Persuasion is an art, mastered by only a select few. Most often than not, people engage in conversations that lack tact, skill and wit. In this modern age, it has become highly essential to persuade and influence people, in business or in personal life. Introduction Neuro-linguistic Programming includes a few excellent techniques for persuasion using certain patterns in the language such as anchoring, metaphor, therapeutic trance, explicit verbal language and reframing. Neuro-linguistic persuasion techniques can be used for business such as for increasing profits, sales,… Read More

UML Elements : Use Case Diagram

UML Elements : Use Case Diagram In the Unified Modeling Language, a use case diagram is a subset of the behavior diagrams. The Unified Modeling Language will utilize the use case diagram as a graphical system which symbolizes use cases. It must be noted that UML will not define the standards which will be used for the written format to denote these use cases, and many people make the mistake of thinking that this graphical system can be used to define the nature and function of the use cases. In… Read More

How to make your Vocabulary Better

How to make your Vocabulary Better One powerful method that you can use to make your vocabulary better is to build your own dictionary. While regular dictionaries can helpful, their biggest disadvantage is their sheer size. There are too many words to learn, and you are limited in terms of the time you have. It is better to build a dictionary of words you come across as you read. If the word interests you, write it down, and when you’re done reading, look it up in a dictionary, and list… Read More

Neuro-linguistic Programming Methods

Neuro-linguistic Programming Methods There are several methods used for performing Neuro-linguistic Programming on an individual for obtaining insights into the psyche of the person in order to correct to modify certain patterns of behavior. These techniques are also used for Neuro-linguistic training for individuals who seek to bring about certain positive changes in their lives. Introduction Neuro-linguistic Programming states that our perception of an experience depends not only on the external stimuli, but also on what our senses capture and our mind interprets employing our preset notions, beliefs, assumptions and… Read More

How reading can Improve your Career

How reading can Improve your Career There is a direct correlation between how much your read and the strength of your English. People who rarely read are much more likely to have poor English skills, while those who read a lot are more likely to have advanced English skills. Introduction Reading is one of the most important skills you can develop in your lifetime. While many people see it as being a chore, this is the wrong mindset to have. Reading should be seen more as a recreational activity, something… Read More

UML Elements : Sequence Diagram

UML Elements : Sequence Diagram In the Unified Modeling Language, the sequence diagram is the name that has been given to the Message Sequence Chart. The sequence diagram will be responsible for showing various processes or elements that exist together simultaneously, and it will often be represented by parallel vertical lines. The sequence diagram may also be represented by horizontal arrows, as well as the messages that will be sent among them, and in the category in which these messages are transferred. The sequence diagram allows for the creation of… Read More

Supply Chain Management in a Nutshell

Supply Chain Management in a Nutshell Supply and Demand Management In the field of micro-economics, the idea of supply and demand is used as a sort of building block for a multitude of economic theories. Fundamentally, it serves as a description for a market interaction between the producer and consumer of an object in relation to how much the goods cost. Antoine Augustin Cournot first articulated the idea of supply and demand, but it was Alfred Marshall who would make the idea popular. The fundamental prediction of the supply and… Read More

JavaScript Browser Objects Part 2

JavaScript Browser Objects Part 2 In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about Browser Objects viz button object properties of button object, form, name, value, Methods of button object, checkbox object, properties of checkbox object – checked, defaultChecked, form, name, type, value, Methods of checkbox object – blur(), click() and focus(). button object: The button object is a browser object in JavaScript that is used to access a form button other than submit or reset. The button object is a property of the form object. General syntax of button object… Read More

JavaScript Location Object Properties

JavaScript Location Object Properties In this JavaScript Tutorial you will learn about Properties of Location Object – hash, host, hostname, href, pathname, port, protocol and search property The Location object contains information about the current URL. This representation is a string that denotes the different portions of the URL as below: <protocol>//<host>[:<port>]/<pathname>[<hash>][<search>] The location object has a number of properties and methods in it. The usage, syntax and explanation with examples of each of the properties and methods of the Location object are explained in this section and the following… Read More

JavaScript Browser Objects

JavaScript Browser Objects In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about browser objects in JavaScript, categories of browser-based objects, additional browser objects, anchor object, link object, properties of link object and methods of link object. JavaScript supports a number of browser-based objects. When a webpage loads by a browser that supports JavaScript, the browser creates a variety of JavaScript objects. This makes it possible to access the web page and handle elements, like HTML. There are a vast number of browser objects for JavaScript. This section highlights some of the… Read More

JavaScript Applet Objects

JavaScript Applet Objects In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about applet object, properties and methods of applet object, Methods of applet object, area object, Properties of area object viz. hash, host, hostname, href, pathname, port, protocol, search and target. applet object: The applet object is used in JavaScript to access a Java applet. User can make use of the applets array to access all the applets contained in a document. The applets array property gives access to all the applets associated with the document. The applet object is a browser… Read More

JavaScript Document Object Properties

JavaScript Document Object Properties In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about Document Object Properties viz. formName, forms, images, lastModified, layers, linkColor, links, plugins, referrer, title, URL and vlinkColor. formName: Using the formName property, any form in the document can be referred and the formName is assigned as <FORM NAME = "formID">. General syntax for using the formName property is as follows: document."formname" forms: When a programmer wants to refer all the Form objects in a current document, then he or she can make use of the forms property. The… Read More

Avoid Common English Mistakes in Your Resume

Avoid Common English Mistakes in Your Resume When it comes to getting a good job, your resume is a factor that will play a pivotal role in your success or failure. While I’ve talked about the importance of using proper English during the job interview, you won’t even get this far if your resume isn’t high in quality. Introduction While the job interview will require you to "say" the right things, the resume will require you to "write" the correct things. In both cases, using proper English is extremely important.… Read More

UML Elements : State Diagram

UML Elements: State Diagram The state diagram is used as a symbol for finite state machines. It may also be used to represent state transition tables. Of the 13 diagrams available in UML 2.0, the state diagram has some of the most variations. In addition to coming in different forms, it may also use various types of semantics. The traditional form that is used for the state diagram is the directed graph. The directed graph may come with a number of different elements, and some of these are States Q,… Read More

UML Elements : Class Diagram

UML Elements UML 2.0 is comprised of a total of 13 diagrams. If you wish to understand these diagrams, they should be organized based on a hierarchy. For UML, a diagram is an element which must define which things should be modeled in a system. Introduction to Class Diagram In this article, I will go over various diagrams in detail to explain what they are, and how they are useful in the Unified Modeling Language. The first thing I would like to start off with is the class diagram. The… Read More

Supply Chain Management Solutions

Supply Chain Management Software It is quite possible that supply chain management software is the most fractured software application group in the world. While the vast majority of supply chain steps include their own specific kinds of software, a lot of vendors have put together different chunks of this software together under a single roof in order to make the job easy. But there is no such thing as a supply chain management total software program that will be perfect for every single business. The vast majority of organizations will… Read More

Supply Chain Integration

Supply Chain Integration Supply Chain Management, when successful, will take in to account the necessity to integrate activities in to key supply chain processes, rather than simply managing individual functions. SCM Integration A successful integration effort requires collaboration between buyers and suppliers, as well as teaming up on the development of new products, sharing information, and developing common systems. Information must flow continually in order to operate a successful integrated supply chain. When it works effectively, this helps everyone attain the best product flows. Implementing a process-based approach to SCM… Read More

Supply Chain Management Components

Supply Chain Management Components The concept of supply chain management is to overlook and manage the transition of raw goods into finished products, something that has become necessary over the years as more corporations have become increasingly flexible and dependent on outsourcing the production of their goods to other corporations, who are able to do the job at a more affordable rate. Supply Chain Management Components are broadly classified as below 1. The Basics 2. Supply Chain Management Integration 3. Supply Chain Management Software 4. Supply Chain Management RFID Solutions… Read More

NLP Milton Model

NLP Milton Model : Introduction The Milton Model is one of the techniques used for Neuro-linguistic Programming or Neuro-linguistic therapy, and was co-created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder using the hypnotic techniques developed by Milton H. Erickson, who was well known for founding clinical hypnotherapy. The principles of the Milton Model are a sharp contrast to the ones used in the Meta Model of Neuro-linguistic Programming, both of which form the basis for the development of the field of Neuro-linguistic Programming. Unlike the Meta Model, the Milton Model relies… Read More

Role of the Meta Model in NLP

Role of the Meta Model in NLP Armed with a heuristic questionnaire, the Meta Model for Neuro-linguistic Programming endeavors to recover highly detailed and unambiguous information about the client, by challenging his beliefs and line of thought, and expanding his personally set boundaries into a more wider and open model of the world. The model identifies any alterations, generalizations and omissions adopted by the client by concentrating on his language and choice of words. The meta model is a part of the foundation of Neuro-linguistic programming laid down by Richard… Read More

JavaScript Event Object Properties and Methods

JavaScript Event Object Properties and Methods In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about event object properties and methods like keycode, layer, offset, modifiers, page, reason, returnValue, screen, srcElement, target, srcFilter and type. keycode: The keycode property of event object is used to indicate the keycode associated with the key press of the event. The returned value is a Unicode keycode. If a user wants to convert the value as string, then the predefined function fromCharCode() must be used for conversion. The property keycode is supported only by Internet Explorer… Read More

NLP Meta Model

NLP Meta Model The Meta model is one of the models used for neuro-linguistic programming or neuro-linguistic therapy, and consists of a precise set of rules and building blocks for construction of the model. The meta model comprises of a set of explicit questions and language patterns that are intended to question and enlarge the boundaries of an individual’s model or a map of the perception of that individual as regards the surrounding world. What is NLP Meta Model A meta model consists primarily of certain specific rules and constructs… Read More

Importance of Proper English during Job Interview

Importance of Proper English during Job Interview Your job interview is crucially important, and it will determine whether or not you will get the job. Depending on the type of job you’re going for, it is very important for you to use proper English. In most cases, jobs which offer higher salaries will have higher levels of competition, and even if you’re qualified, one mistake during the interview will kill your chances of success. Introduction   If you’re like many people, you’ve probably read of the many ways you need… Read More

Supply Chain Distribution Management

Supply Chain Distribution Management It is important to make a wise, informed decision about how extensive your business’s distribution channel shall be. If you want to achieve wider distribution, then the cost will be a lot lower if you use intermediaries. In fact, the vast majority of product manufacturers are unable to sell directly to customers, as it would be way too costly for them. The bigger the producer, the more intermediaries should be used in order to have a cost effective operation. Most of the concepts surrounding distribution channels… Read More

The Difficult Past of Neuro-linguistic programming

The Difficult Past of Neuro-linguistic programming Neuro-linguistic programming has had a rocky past, with a number of lawsuits, rivalry, unsystematic development and intermittent progress. During the 1980s, the two founders separated after the lawsuit filed by Bandler. Bandler went on to file several lawsuits up to the 1990s, in an attempt to claim sole proprietorship on the NLP trademark, copyright status and intellectual property rights. In 1983, Bandler’s company even filed for bankruptcy. Several books related to Neuro-linguistic training and concepts such as ‘Patterns I & II‘ and ‘Structure I… Read More

JavaScript Boolean Object

JavaScript Boolean Object In this JavaScript tutorial you will learn about JavaScript boolean object, how to pass value to the boolean object, properties and methods used with boolean object. Usage of the Boolean Object: The Boolean object is a wrapper for the Boolean data type. The Boolean object is used to convert a non-Boolean value to a Boolean value. If a programmer wants to convert a non-Boolean value to a Boolean value, he can use Boolean as a function to perform this task, instead of using a Boolean object to… Read More

JavaScript Two Dimensional Arrays

JavaScript Two Dimensional Arrays In this JavaScript tutorial you will learn about two dimensional arrays – how to define and access two dimensional array in JavaScript. Two Dimensional Arrays in JavaScript: Two Dimensional Arrays are storing elements in a structure similar to that of a table. Defining Two Dimensional Arrays in JavaScript: One of the vital points to note is JavaScript does not support multi-dimensional arrays and thereby does not support Two Dimensional Array. In order to create a Two Dimensional Array in JavaScript, the programmer must use the concept of creating… Read More

JavaScript Arrays

JavaScript Arrays In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about JavaScript Array, different ways of defining an array in JavaScript viz. traditional way, shorter form, literal array, accessing the elements in an array and editing the values or elements in an array. The array concept is used to store a set of values in a single variable name. This is a very important concept in any programming language. In this section, how to define and handle arrays in JavaScript is examined. In order to work with the concept of arrays… Read More

Why Speaking Proper English is Important for your Career

Why Speaking Proper English is Important for your Career A number of studies have consistently demonstrated that those who have an advanced knowledge of the English language are much more likely to advance their careers. In addition to this, these studies have also demonstrated that a strong command of the English language will lead to higher paying jobs, more social mobility, and a great deal of social success. No matter what career you choose, whether it is Engineering or History, having a powerful command of the English language will greatly… Read More

JavaScript Array Object

JavaScript Array Object In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about JavaScript Array Object, its properties and methods. Usage of the Array Object: The Array object is used to store a set of values in a single variable name. There are many operations involved with Array object: Defining Array object Adding Values to Array Accessing Array Editing or Modifying the Values of an Array These topics have been addressed in previous sections on Arrays in JavaScript. In this section, the properties and methods of Array Object in JavaScript will be… Read More

UML basics

UML basics The Unified Modeling Language is a powerful tool that can allow developers to construct high quality applications. While it has existed since the 1990s, it has become more valuable to developers who are building complex applications. It is also valuable to teams of developers who are working from remote locations. Introduction UML is both flexible and robust, and it offers teams of developers high levels of communication. In a time where more developers are working together on projects through the Internet, high levels of communication have become more… Read More

Quickly Improve Your Vocabulary

Quickly Improve Your Vocabulary When most people think of improving vocabulary, they will generally think of school children being taught the subject in English class. However, improving the vocabulary shouldn’t be limited to school children. Increasing Your Vocabulary Can be Accomplished at any Age No matter how old you are, it is very unlikely that you’ve mastered every word in your language. What this means is that increasing your vocabulary should be a life long journey, and it shouldn’t be something that you stop just because you graduate from high… Read More

Passing values to JavaScript Function

Passing values to JavaScript Function In this JavaScript Tutorial you will learn about how to pass values to and also how to return values from a JavaScript function. Passing Values to function: Values can be passed to a function as parameters. The general syntax for passing values to a function in JavaScript is: function name_of_function(argument1,argument2,…argumentn) { ………………………………………… //Block of Code ………………………………………… } In the above argument1, argument2,…argumentn represents the values passed to the function. For Example: Suppose a programmer wants to create a function with name exforsys, which takes two… Read More

JavaScript Functions

JavaScript Functions In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about JavaScript functions and how to create them. What is a function? Function is a block of code that can be reused as and when needed at various places. The function executes whenever it is called. JavaScript Functions: How does a programmer define, create and handle functions in JavaScript? In JavaScript, the programmer must learn the following broad classifications to fully understand the concept of functions. Idea of JavaScript functions Creating a function in JavaScript Passing values to function Returning values… Read More

History of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

History of Neuro linguistic programming Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a system co-founded by John Grinder and Richard Bandler for bringing about personal development in any individual by interpreting and translating the human perception, experience, beliefs and language. It was developed in early 1970s with the active involvement of Gregory Bateson. Gregory Bateson was a distinguished anthropologist, linguist, social scientist and a cyberneticist at the University of California at Santa Cruz between the periods of 1960s to1970s What is Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) The basic principle of Neuro Linguistic Programming… Read More

Working with JavaScript DOM Objects

Working with JavaScript DOM Objects In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about DOM object – window, properties of window object, methods of window object, screen, properties of screen object, navigator, properties of navigator object, methods of navigator object, history, property of history object, methods of history object, location, properties of location object and methods of location object. DOM stands for Document Object Model. Document Object Model or DOM is a set of objects that allow programmers scripts to integrate with the browser and work with documents, windows, forms, and… Read More

English Language and Career Advancement

English Language and Career Advancement If you are like many people, there may have been times when you talked to someone who had poor English skills. While you might have been polite, you were probably thinking that this person wasn’t very intelligent. You may also have thought that this person was rude. While it is a well known fact that people will judge you by the way you dress, many people don’t pay attention to the way they speak. Depending on the situation, using poor English can close a lot… Read More

Supply Chain Business Integration

Supply Chain Business Integration Supply chain management, when successful, will take in to account the necessity to integrate activities in to key supply chain processes, rather than simply managing individual functions. A successful integration effort requires collaboration between buyers and suppliers, as well as teaming up on the development of new products, sharing information, and developing common systems. Information must flow continually in order to operate a successful integrated supply chain. When it works effectively, this helps everyone attain the best product flows. Implementing a process-based approach to SCM involves… Read More

Supply Chain Management Philosophy & Functions

Supply Chain Management Functions The concept of supply chain management is to overlook and manage the transition of raw goods in to finished products, something that has become necessary over the years as more corporations have become increasingly flexible and dependent on outsourcing the production of their goods to other corporations, who are able to do the job at a more affordable rate. Supply chain management makes sure that this process is done in an efficient manner, and that the quality of the finished product offered to the consumer is kept… Read More

How UML Helps Projects

How UML Helps Projects: Introduction When a team of developers is designing a large application, one that must be used by an enterprise, it is not enough to just put together a collection of code modules. The code modules must be designed in a way that is scalable, secure, and flexible. In addition to this, the application must be able to carry out complex processes during stressful conditions. The structure of an application is often known as its architecture, and the architecture must be defined in a way which allows… Read More

How to Improve Your Vocabulary While You Read

How to Improve Your Vocabulary While You Read : Reading is The Key Perhaps the best method you can use to improve your vocabulary is to read. When I say read, I’m not just talking about comic books, mainstream magazines, or celebrity tabloids. I’m talking about reading materials that are actually challenging, those which may be beyond your vocabulary level. It is these books that will improve your vocabulary, and they will allow you to become much more skilled. It should also be emphasized that reading will not improve your… Read More

What is Supply Chain Management?

What is Supply Chain Management? Supply chain management – SCM was a term invented by Keith Oliver, a consultant belonging to the firm Booz Allen Hamilton, in the year 1982, to describe the overall process of planning, implementing, and controlling what goes on at the supply chain in order to satisfy customers’ needs in a quick, efficient manner. As carried out in practice, supply chain management can involve everything from overlooking the exchange and storage of raw materials, taking inventory of all work that is in process, as well as… Read More