Assessing Business Networks

The widely popular business networks have different names and are growing in numbers everyday though the internet. Names such as Virtual Enterprise Networks, Virtual Collaborative Networks, Virtual Cluster Networks, Virtual Collaborative Supply Chains and Virtual Networked Enterprises are a few examples among many such names. The most common type is the Collaborative Supply Chain Network which acts as the supply chain for a major organization or company and is prominent in the government sector and defense sectors. The second most common type of network is the Joint Supplier Network and… Read More

Freelancer Opportunities in Business Networks

Freelancer Opportunities in Business Networks Definition of Freelancer Freelancing means the process through which individual work from home. The freelancers earn money by providing expertise and skills to customers in the virtual Business networks and internet. The unique requirement of a freelancer to be successful in the virtual word it the freelancer’s innovative talent, expertise, creativity and special skill. Mostly the jobs are paid on per project basis and payment depends on the type and extent of services and work required. Several small Businesses have also adopted the concept of… Read More

ERP and E-Commerce

ERP and E-Commerce Over the last few years, e-commerce has become a common activity for many companies. Some of them dived into this challenge without taking into account the cultural changes that the situation involved, as well as the infrastructure necessary to continue with the initial project. In order to begin to develop a Business in the electronic jungle, there are some points that need to be covered. It is necessary to establish a marketing strategy , to create a catalogue of products, define the costs and the sale prices,… Read More

ERP for Cash Management

ERP for Cash Management Cash management is a fundamental application that allows you to manage your accounts. It includes banks, savings institutions and charge cards. All the appropriate functions are conveniently centralized in one location. The application provides facilities for accounting staff to receive payments, make deposits, print checks, record manual checks, record funds transfer and card charges, pay off charges and reconcile your cash accounts. Cash management with ERP offers two options for making payments. First, the quick check feature allows you to print a check for a vendor… Read More

Business Network Virtual Communication Tools

Business Network Virtual Communication Tools Since ages, the Business community heavily relied on face to face communication for building Business relationships. Face to face communications formed the basis for trust in a relationship. An individual’s appearance or the physical appearance of a Business mattered a lot and the face to face interaction established the norms for judging the reputation and trust. In face to face communications, language, culture, religion and understanding were the main barriers. With the advent of technological advances in the field of internet and the World Wide… Read More

ERP for Manufacturers

ERP for Manufacturers The management of the information is the key in any company. The manufacturing industry experienced the first systems created with the objective to integrate the details and information, and to organize the different productive processes with MRP (Materials Requirement Planning), which have developed what is now known as ERP, or Enterprise Resource Planning. These resources are fundamental to understanding how information technology has contributed to the competitive advantages of the industrial sector. ERP was created for the big industries, and the cost was usually not an obstacle… Read More

Virtual Business Networks

Virtual Business Networks Classification of Virtual Business Networks Virtual Business Network is the most discussed topic among the Business Communities nowadays. The basic definition of a Virtual Business Network means a group of small Businesses joining together to collaborate and co-operate to accomplish common Business objectives and goal by creating networks that facilitate communication using technology based on the internet. The main difference of a Virtual Business Network from a Social Network is that the members represent Businesses or Companies and not individuals as in Social Networks. The Virtual Business… Read More

Understanding ERP and WMS

Understanding ERP and WMS Understanding the differences between Warehouse Management System (WMS) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is really important, since some of the ERP solutions have added storage functionality to their offers. It is relevant to make the appropriate decisions at the execution of the distribution chain area of a business. The distribution centre is considered the last step of a client order, and this is where all the orders are collected, assembled, documented, notified and dispatched. Many companies are handling additional value services at their distribution centres,… Read More

ERP Systems as Quality Control Support

ERP Systems as Quality Control Support For the past few years, ERP systems have became one of the most powerful tools for quality control management. But ERP is just an informatics system that provides support to the integrated business management. Goals of the Quality Control Module included in ERP The main objectives of the quality control module are the construction and maintenance of the filing of the quality control. The control of reception, internal rejections, clients, claims, providers and evaluations of the same corrective actions are related to their follow-up,… Read More

Building Relationships through Business Network

Most Business entrepreneurs and company owners meet their counterpart everyday in special gatherings and see the opportunity for joining their Businesses to work in collaboration. The Business people follow up their communications through telephone calls, Business letters and even face to face meetings. With the advent of technology and growth of internet, it is now possible for the Business men to have email, chat and even live meetings on the internet. These features of internet have greatly enhanced the communication capabilities of the Businesses. Also, it is now possible to… Read More

Collaboration in Virtual Business Networks

Collaboration in Virtual Business Networks Most common businesses are small and majority of them are home based businesses. The small businesses have different common fields ranging from the traditional consumer business to technological trading. Mostly, these small businesses have been responsible for development of local or regional economies only. With the advent of e-commerce and virtual business networks, these small businesses have the opportunity to involve and succeed in the global economy. The virtual business networks enable the small business to access vital Research and Development knowledge which they cannot… Read More

How ERP Improves General Ledger Capacity

How ERP Improves General Ledger Capacity Flexibility, quickness, and efficiency are the pillars and needs of the modern organization. In order to fulfill all the requirements that the market imposes, ERP has become an useful utility. The general ledger tasks are nowadays one of the most important activities on the daily basis reports, and this system is the most effective in helping to provide a solid structure where the cost of sales, profit centre accounting and general ledger are unified. Many enterprises find it difficult to combine the reporting applications,… Read More

Knowledge Management in Business Networks

What is Knowledge Management (KM)? The basic definition of knowledge management from the business perspective states that it is the vital set of methods that manage the conception, distribution, and exploitation of knowledge. In today’s Information Age era, with the technological advancements in communication, Knowledge management techniques have an intense effect on each and every decisions made by a business and the actions taken in response to market situations. Knowledge management in business networks aids in recognizing and understanding the methods that affect decision making and protective actions. Also, knowledge… Read More

Information Sharing in Business Network

Information Sharing in Business Network Need for information sharing With the advent of e-commerce and business networking, most businesses rely on the information they receive through internet. The businesses are now part of a distributed production chain wherein their products need to be supplied within specified deadlines to the customer. The businesses themselves may rely on many local or international suppliers themselves to provide items needed for manufacturing of their products. Moreover, when customers are hunting for products to suit their requirements, the information provided by the business about their… Read More

Service Oriented Infrastructure

Service Oriented Infrastructure Service Oriented Infrastructure is a systematic means for describing Information Technology infrastructures in the terms of a service. The underlying principles of Service Oriented Infrastructure revert back to LDAP and Mainframe technologies, among others. Where Service Oriented Infrastructure manages to distinguish itself is the way in which it provides a mindset or framework for making Business benefits measurable. Service Oriented Infrastructure tends to provide the foundation for Information Technology services. Intel initially developed the concept that had three different domains for Service Orientation; they were the Enterprise,… Read More

Service Reusability

Service Reusability One of the most vital principles of Service Oriented Architecture is that of service reusability. And in today’s day and age, it can be said that we have been making a lot of progress towards improving both this central tenet and Service Oriented Architecture in general. One sign that a significant degree of progress in the field has been made is the fact that more and more questions regarding Service Oriented Architecture these days are aimed at the architecture itself, rather than infrastructure and implementation. One question that… Read More

Standardized Service Contract

Standardized Service Contract Standardized service contracts are one of the key Service Oriented Architecture principles. They ensure that services that are in the same inventory of services are kept in compliance with contract design standards. The services in a Service Oriented Architecture are able to delineate their capabilities and overall purpose in the form of a service contract. The standardized service contract principle basically requires that specific considerations be taken in to account when a service’s public technical interface is being designed. It simultaneously assesses the nature and quantity of… Read More

Service Discoverability

Service Discoverability Service discovery protocols can be thought of as network protocols that allow for the automatic detection of both services and devices that are offered by a computer network’s various devices. There are a lot of service discovery protocols available. In this article, we will take a look at the attributes of three of the more popular ones – Service Location Protocol, Simple Service Discovery Protocol, and UDDI for Web Services. Before we proceed, we should point out that a Service Discovery Protocol should not be confused with a… Read More

Service Loose Coupling

Service Loose Coupling Loose coupling can be thought of as the resilient relationship that exists among two or more systems or companies that have some sort of relationship based on exchange. Each transactional end should make its requirements explicit somehow and make very few, if any, assumptions about the other end. While the notion of loose coupling originated in computer systems, Karl Weick later brought it in to organizational studies. Loose Coupling in Computing Loosely coupled computers systems are regarded as being useful in the event that either the destination… Read More

Service Encapsulation

Service Encapsulation What is Encapsulation? In the realm of computer networking, the term encapsulation is utilized to include data from an upper layer protocol in to a protocol on a lower layer. Such a method of abstraction through networking allows many different layers to add on functionality and features. The World Wide Web, for instance, is based on the Internet Protocol. The vast majority of applications utilize either the Transmission Control Protocol or the User Datagram Protocol. Thus, a lot of user data is then encapsulated in to the form… Read More

Service Abstraction

Service Abstraction One aspect of service orientation that is connected directly to loose coupling and service contracts is abstraction. Through abstraction, we are able to control the parts of the underlying service logic that are to be exposed to the external world. Through ensuring that such parts have been designed in a generic fashion as a means of accommodating numerous potential service requestors, the service may be positioned as a reusable Information Technology asset. In this article, we will take a look at different levels of abstraction before moving on… Read More

Service Composability

Service Composability The principle of Service Oriented Architecture known as Service Composability can be broken up into two basic principles: Service Discoverability and Service Composition. When it comes to the realm of Service Design, a lot of attention is paid to the enabling of those characteristics that are so commonly associated with Service Oriented Architecture marketing – reuse and loose coupling. While these two aspects are undoubtedly vital, indeed critical to the attainment of long term Service Oriented Architecture transition projects, there is a lot more that should be taken… Read More

C++ Dereference Operator

In this C++ tutorial, you will learn how to access the value of variables pointed by the pointer variables using pointer concept discussed in detail. It is possible to access the value of variables pointed by the pointer variables using pointer. This is performed by using the Dereference operator in C++ which has the notation *. The general syntax of the Dereference operator is as follows: *pointer_variable In this example, pointer variable denotes the variable defined as pointer. The * placed before the pointer_variable denotes the value pointed by the… Read More

C++ Memory Management Operators

Need for Memory Management operators The concept of arrays has a block of memory reserved. The disadvantage with the concept of arrays is that the programmer must know, while programming, the size of memory to be allocated in addition to the array size remaining constant. In programming there may be scenarios where programmers may not know the memory needed until run time. In this case, the programmer can opt to reserve as much memory as possible, assigning the maximum memory space needed to tackle this situation. This would result in… Read More

C++ Void Pointer and Null Pointer

In this C++ tutorial, you will learn about two interesting types of pointers; void pointers and Null Pointer. These pointers will be discussed in conjunction with syntax, usage and example. Pointer to Void General Syntax: void* pointer_variable; Void is used as a keyword. Referring back to pointer definitions and usage, it is known that the data type the pointer variable defines is the same as the data type the pointer points to. The address placed in a pointer must have the same type as the pointer. For example: int i;… Read More

Service Orientation and Interoperability

Service Orientation and Interoperability In this article, we will take a look at the Service Oriented Architecture principles of service orientation and interoperability. Let’s start with service orientation first. Service orientation can be thought of as a design paradigm that is used to specify the creation of automation logic in the form of services. Service orientation is applied as a strategic goal in the development of Service Oriented Architecture. Like a lot of other design paradigms, service orientation should successfully provide a means of attaining a separation of concerns. The… Read More

SOA and Business Architecture

SOA and Business Architecture Businesses are now having to think a lot more seriously about how to best assemble their systems out of common parts. Service Oriented Architecture has caused this change in the way such systems are thought of. It requires a lot more planning and investment at the outset, but it also enables Businesses to build faster systems in the long run as the inventory of reusable parts grows at a frantic pace. In such architectural programs, systems tend to be composed of reusable elements, which are referred… Read More

SOA and Network Management Architecture

SOA and Network Management Architecture In recent years, the field of Network Management has been absorbing the principles of Service Oriented Architecture. Examples of service oriented Network Management architectures include the TS 188 001 NGN Management OSS Architecture from ETSA, as well as the more recent M.3060 Principles for the Management of Next Generation Networks, which was a recommendation of the ITU-T Service Oriented Architecture. Some of the tools for the management of Service Oriented Architecture infrastructure include the HyPerformix IPS Performance Optimizer, the Total Software Intersperse, the HP Management… Read More

Service Oriented Design and Development

Service Oriented Design and Development SOAD – Service Oriented Analysis and Design The term Service Oriented Analysis and Design was first used in the publication Elements of Service Oriented Analysis and Design. Service Oriented Analysis and Design is also covered in the publication Service Oriented Architecture Compass. Service Oriented Analysis and Design is a strategy that IBM created especially for Service Oriented Architecture. SOAD added innovations for service orchestration, the enterprise service bus, as well as service repositories. Moreover, it helps the construction, design, aggregation, and deployment of applications as web… Read More

ERPAdvantages for Management Functions

ERP Advantages for Management Functions ERP management systems provide a technology platform in which organizations can integrate and coordinate their main internal business processes. They use this to fight against the problem of the organizational inefficiency brought on by the use of different systems in every department to store information. Generally, large organizations manage many software systems at the same time depending on the activity to be performed. Most of these systems have the objective of storing and providing information about several processes that do not communicate between each other.… Read More

SOA and Web Services

SOA and Web Services A lot of individuals tend to associate Service Oriented Architecture with World Wide Web based services. The two, however, are not one and the same, and thus must be distinguished from one another. We will first begin by elucidating the concept of Service Oriented Architecture before moving on to Web services. For the moment, we are going to focus on Service Oriented Architecture in order to understand how it is distinct from Web based services. Then we will show how the two are in fact connected.… Read More

SOA Job Opportunities

SOA Job Opportunities New Jobs in SOA SOA need data center architect who is dedicated to overseeing computing, management, facilities, networking, and security, who is on the look out, thinking always at least ten years in advance of current trends and considering how modern day Service Oriented Architecture will affect power requirements in the future. Moving to a more centralized data center that utilize service oriented architecture; virtualization, as well as other new technologies should get Businesses to start thinking more in terms of extended job definitions for its Information… Read More

SOA for Developers

SOA for Developers Service Oriented Architecture is a structure that requires a number of specialized employees working in positions such as Object Librarian, Configuration Management, and Information Architect. Junior developers or individuals who prefer dealing with web development, focus exclusively on the presentation tier. Such individuals are very productive, as the vast majority of the business services and rules will be available to be assembled into the UI’s. Individuals who enjoy writing code can dwell in the business rules tier, where important services and components may be developed. More experienced… Read More

SOA for Project Managers

SOA for Project Managers The idea of handling exceptions manually unveils major significance of individuals involved in Service Oriented Architecture based projects as well as various roles they take on. Service Oriented Architecture projects tends to involve a number of familiar project roles, including project management, Business analysis, architecture, development, security, and administration of systems and databases. At the same time, such roles were generally created for different purposes. A lot of these roles might have different meanings, depending on the views of the Business in question. In order to… Read More

SOA Definitions and Certification

SOA Definitions and Certification Service Oriented Architecture is a design that enables Business and computational resources to be linked together on demand as a means of achieving the results desired for service consumers – which may be end users or other services. Service Oriented Architecture has been defined by the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards as a paradigmatic approach for the utilization and organization of distributed capabilities that might be under the control of conflicting ownership domains. Service Oriented Architecture provides a single means of offering, interacting,… Read More

SOA Best Practices

SOA Best Practices Service Oriented Architecture is regarded as the key to improve efficiency of Information Technology. But in order to implement Service Oriented Architecture at a Business, one needs to have a lot more than just technical expertise. It is essential to hone skills in management practices. In this article, we will focus on the governance principles that have become widely regarded as the best practices in relation to Service Oriented Architecture. Today’s competitive environment has seen Information Technology chains and Businesses merging at an increasing rate. Service Oriented… Read More

SOA Industry Usage

SOA Industry Usage First time usage of SOA tends to highlight the need for semantic interoperability.  While SOA provides framework for integration of cross Business operations with information flow in real time, there is also a major semantic interoperability conflict that is not being addressed directly by the SOA. Thus, the usage of information repositories has been the inevitable result.  It must be said that the vast majority of implementers of SOA are still in the first, wrapping stage.  It would be great if we were in a period when… Read More

C++ Pointers

Concept of Pointers: Every storage location of memory has an associated address. The address is a number that grows sequentially. For every program placed in memory, each variable or function in the program has an associated address. The address of operator: The address of operator or Reference operator is denoted by the notation &. When the user wants to get the address of a variable, then the reference operator & can be used. The operator & is used to find the address associated with a variable. The syntax of the… Read More

C++ Static Functions

Topics Syntax How to access Example Keep in Mind Static member functions have a class scope and they do not have access to the ‘this’ pointer of the class. When a member is declared as static, a static member of class, it has only one data for the entire class even though there are many objects created for the class. The main usage of static function is when the programmer wants to have a function which is accessible even when the class is not instantiated. Defining Static Function Static function… Read More