EDI Document Types

EDI Document Types EDI documents come in various forms, each of which can appear differently, depending on the company’s internal computer system. Also, while each standard has code specificity, each order may look very different – a clothes company will send details of color and sizes, while a food company will send details of expiry date. Within the document itself, the appearance is somewhat dependent on the standard which is being used. These standards differ worldwide. An example of these standard codes appears as a set of special characters and… Read More

EDI Standards

Evolution of EDI EDI has been established within various industries as a reliable and efficient form of data transmission. It is a technical representation of a business conversation between two entities, either external or internal. From its inception, EDI was applied differently within these industries, and therefore different standards were set up. In the late 1960s, EDI was established within the transport industry, and they created their own standards. Soon other industries followed suit and various standards were created. Thus each of these standards is not necessarily compatible, which causes… Read More

Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial

This introductory tutorial to PL/SQL will help you to understand the basic concepts of PL/SQL.  Review the following tutorials and practice the sample SQL Statements on your local Oracle Database. Please note that you must learn these basic things before we actually start getting in to Advanced Oracle Concepts in the OCP Certification track. SQL, PLSQL, and SQL SQL *Plus – Introduction We are excited to let you know that we are launching shortly The New Technology Learning Series. We will be starting with Oracle 9i: SQL, PLSQL, and SQL… Read More

Electronic Data Interchange

Electronic Data Interchange Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a system which allows document information to be communicated between businesses, government’s structures and other entities. It is a set of standards which creates a cohesive system within which all parties are able to electronically exchange data information within a set of protocols. Although it can be considered that EDI consists of only the actual conveyance of the document, it is also seen as the implementation of the operating systems whereby EDI can be put into practice. EDI is the data format… Read More

OOPS Tutorials

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a computer science term used to characterize a programming language that began development in the 1960’s. The term ‘object-oriented programming’ was originally coined by Xerox PARC to designate a computer application that describes the methodology of using objects as the foundation for computation. By the 1980’s, OOP rose to prominence as the programming language of choice, exemplified by the success of C++. Currently, OOPs such as Java, J2EE, C++, C#, Visual Basic.NET, Python and JavaScript are popular OOP programming languages that any career-oriented Software Engineer or… Read More

Attitude Development : Comparing Yourself to Others

Comparing Yourself to Others Where is Your Career Going? This is a question that most professionals will ask themselves at one point or another in their lives. Once you have determined what your goals in life are, the next thing you will want to do is take action. You can begin by doing something that might sound highly unusual. You should do everything that most people would never dare do. Let us look at the facts. Many individuals do not plan for the long term. Most people do not have… Read More

How to begin an Online Virtual Business Network?

What is Virtual Business Network? Business and commerce, right from the ancient days, depended a lot on the physical representation of the business and the physical identity of the customers and other collaborators. Most of the business dealings were done person to person, face to face. After the invention of telephony, the dependence on physical identity fro business transactions came down to some extent. However, the technological revolution in the field of Internet in this era has lead to the coining of a new term Virtual Business Network. Virtual Business… Read More

Adjusting Your Attitude for Success

Adjusting Your Attitude for Success Does the people around you affect your attitude? Let’s face the facts here. Each individual has a choice in life. It is possible to allow outside factors to have an influence on our goals in life. They can have an impact in a negative way, by letting people with bad attitudes play a dominant role in our lives; or we can eliminate those people altogether and focus on surrounding ourselves with positive influences. Everyone is the master of his or her own atmosphere. Nobody else… Read More

Listening Skills – Types of Bad Listeners

Who are the main types of bad listeners? You might find in your work environment that some individuals are simply not very good at listening. This can create a myriad of problems and make the performance of the most mundane day to day tasks nearly impossible to accomplish. But there are ways of helping these people improve their listening skills. But first, we need to take a look at what kind of “bad listeners” are out there. There are essentially three types of bad listeners. They are self absorbed individuals,… Read More

Business Networks and International Business

Internationalizing a Business Network Traditionally, only big enterprises and companies had the financial strength to become multinational firms. In the present era of information technology, small businesses and medium scale businesses have joined together to form small business networks. The internet and the Word Wide Web have brought the extremes of the earth closer through its rapid communication features. The small business networks have taken full advantage of these technological innovations and are now able to compete with the multinational firms in the global market. Some of these business networks… Read More

Listening Skills – Master Listener

Master Listener What is Active Listening? Every expert communicator already knows the importance of active listening. Active listening includes the ability to perform such skills as paraphrasing, mirroring, and clarifying. If you are already good at active listening, then you realize that it is good to vary these skills when you are in the process of conversing with someone. But chances are you feel insecure with your listening abilities – otherwise you would not be reading this article! Let us go over some of the things you need to know… Read More

Exploring Business Networking

Exploring Business Networking Introduction to Business Networking With the dawn of globalization and international business opportunities, “Business Networking” is the latest buzz word among the business communities. The “Business Networking” relies on the principle of sharing expertise, knowledge, skills, services and profits by forming a group of interrelated and dependant commercial group. This strategy involves joining affiliate programs or forming collaborations with other related businesses, potential customers and reliable customers. Different members of this group will have different core business domains but they share their opportunities and expand their business… Read More

Developing Your Attitude Among Mentors

Developing Your Attitude Among Mentors How do I become like those I admire? In the book The Master Key to Riches, author Napoleon Hill interviewed over five hundred of the most successful men of his era – including Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller, Alexander Graham Bell, and Thomas Edison – to get some insight in to how these geniuses and high achievers had attained their high degree of success in life. The results of this study were published in the form of The Law of Success, an encyclopedia of seventeen… Read More

Listening Skills – Become a Better Listener

Listening Skills: Become a Better Listener What does it mean to listen? The vast majority of us will spend our lives relying on our listening skills. No matter what our profession happens to be, listening plays a key role in any communicative environment. Like all other skills, listening requires a lot of practice – it is not necessarily something you are just born with. Everyone has the capability of listening – but can you listen well? Indeed, listening well is more important than just merely allowing the information to flow… Read More

N-Tier Architecture: Data Access Layer

In an N-Tier architecture, the data access layer consists of components that aid one in the process of accessing the database. When it is used correctly, the data access layer serves as an abstract level for the structures of the database. Simple changes that are made to the database and to tables and other components will not effect the rest of the application – the data access layer will not allow this to happen! The various layers of the application send their data requests to this layer, and this layer… Read More

Washing Your Brain

Washing Your Brain Is Brainwashing good? Common consensus has it that brainwashing is a bad thing. When people think of brainwashing, they think of the Cold War or the movie A Clockwork Orange. When you think about it on a deeper level, however, we find that it is healthy to wash everything else in our lives. So why not our brains, also? We wash our clothes, our cars, our bodies, and our dishes on a regular basis. But the most important thing in life, however, is our brain. So why… Read More