Verbal Communication used in Business

What is Verbal Communication? Verbal communication can be defined as communicating your thoughts through words. Such thoughts may be ideas, opinions, directions, dissatisfaction, objections, your emotions and pleasures. For example, whenever you conduct a meeting, have a conversation over the phone, talk to a friend, or any other form of conversation that you perform with others using words. In this article you will learn how to acquire better verbal communication. The Importance of Good Verbal Communication Why is good verbal communication so important? When it comes to business, verbal communication… Read More

Improve your Presentations through PowerPoint

What is a PowerPoint presentation? First of all let’s define power point, power point is a program, a useful tool that is often used to perform a presentation. The power presentation is usually displayed in a large screen for everyone to see. The presentation will include slides that contain pictures as well as words, sometimes the slides will come in with special effects, such as sounds, and motion effects. Though a power point presentation may seem like a good strategy to bring an audience’ attention it can still be proposed… Read More

Facilitate a Business Meeting

What does the term “facilitate a business meeting” mean? Facilitation is the technique or skill of organizing a business meeting. The person who facilitates a business meeting is someone in-charge of the meeting; it can even be a group that is in charge. Often the person in-charge of facilitating a business meeting is referred to as the “chairman” a nick name that represents a person in-charge of conducting such a meeting. The chairman has a very important role, because facilitating the meeting properly can mean the difference between getting important… Read More

Negative Messages are not bad after all

Negative Messages are not bad after all What is a Negative Message? What is a negative message? You turn on the radio as you are driving to work and the weather forecast reports it will be bright and sunny today. You give a big sigh of gladness since it has been 4 days straight that you have not seen the sun, and four days in a row you have been late to work for the continuous bad weather. Unfortunately the weather forecast reports a closure in the highway you where… Read More

Providing Positive Messages to Your Employees

Providing Positive Messages to Your Employees What is Routine and Positive Message? What is Routine and Positive Message? Positive message can be rephrased as, “good news”. Whenever you read the newspaper or an article or even watch the news on television, if the news was considered positive, you just responded to a positive message. Routine messages are somewhat similar with the exception that the information released is neutral. Information that may be very important to the person but is neither positive nor negative is considered a routine message. Importance of… Read More

Impress Your Clients through Oral Presentations

Impress Your Clients through Oral Presentations What is Oral Presentation? When you are present at a meeting and there is a chairman conducting the event, the chairman is considered to be presenting an oral presentation. Now oral presentation can be best defined as a person proposing a speech to an audience. Oral presentation is a common tool used in business, which it is often used in business meetings. An oral presentation can produce a significant amount of impact to the audience; if the purpose is to convince the audience then… Read More

The World of Business Communication

The World of Business Communication Every business’s aim is to gain profits. Whatever be the type of business you are in; the bottom line is that you must earn something from it. There is no businessman in this world who wants to lose money everyday, if they do, their business will definitely go down and will be closed due to its non-sustainability. What is the necessary formula for being successful in business? There is no concrete or uniform formula that has been used by every businessman, but all there is… Read More