Why Personality Development is Important

A person’s personality is defined by their characteristics, behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. These aspects start developing during childhood, and are strengthened and molded as the person grows into adulthood. A very important thing you need to remember is that your personality, regardless of what it is now, can develop and evolve. The significance of this understanding is that you can still do something about your personality today, which means that if you think your personality needs to be changed or improved, then you can make this happen. Why is personality… Read More

How to Avoid Negative Thoughts

Every individual’s personality is characterized by patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Our mind and behavior are closely connected to each other. We manifest into actions what we think. We react either positively or negatively according to what we think. A person who tends to entertain more of the negative thoughts than the positive ones is someone who possesses a not-so-good personality. It follows that if you think negatively most of the time, you also manifest undesirable behaviors and outlook in life. So, do not be surprised if people will… Read More

How to Enhance Your Personality

Many of us go to great lengths just to improve our personality. We want to be admired by everyone in terms of the way we look and the way we dress up. That is why some people would spend money going to salons and derma clinics just to look and feel good. You want to impress others with the way you think and the way you interact with them. So those who lack the confidence in their communication and interaction skills really make an effort to become better in conversations… Read More

How to Develop Positive Personality

Every person has a unique personality that characterizes the totality of being an individual. Our personalities may be perceived by others as good or bad. People see you and think of you as having a bad personality if you tend not to socialize, you always seem grumpy and overly serious, you think more of pessimistic thoughts, and you do not look presentable with your manner of dressing. On the other hand, you are known to have a good personality if you have a cheerful disposition, you appear neat and well-groomed,… Read More

Know Your Personality

How well do you know yourself? How well do your friends and other people know you? At times, we may think that we completely know our true selves but we may not realize that there are certain things about us that we are not aware of. Did you ever experience being described by others as such when you think it is not you? We have a component of our personality called the unconscious that transcends our conscious self. So beyond our known personal identities, we manifest certain traits and characteristics… Read More

Different Personality Types

Every human being is indeed unique and has different sets of individual traits and characteristics. Even twins are not completely the same with each other based on studies. We all possess different types of personalities yet we manage to understand each other and interact regardless of these differences. However, not all of us are aware of our individual personality types. In this article, we will learn the different personality types of human beings according to research and careful observation or study of psychological experts. As you go along, learn to… Read More

Components and Aspects of Our Personality

An important part of understanding our personality is learning its components and its essential aspects. Our personality comprises of different fundamental characteristics and constituents that make up the totality of an individual’s whole being. We need to understand what these factors are in order for us to better appreciate our unique personalities. The Three Components of Personality Sigmund Freud is known for his study on the three basic components that greatly affect our personality. He created the three levels of awareness that are congruent to the three different parts of… Read More

What is Personality?

Do you ever wonder why whenever we describe someone’s personality, we usually refer to the attitude and behavior? It is because our attitudes speak of our personality. But there is more to behavior and attitude that comprises a person’s character. Our emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical well-being all build up our so-called personality. We become observant of the people around us and those we interact with and study each one’s personality. We usually describe another person’s personality as good or bad. When someone has a rude and unlikeable behavior, we… Read More

Unanswerable Questions

Our minds sometimes amaze us because of its ability to think of things beyond rational and logical thinking. This is why humans are known to be the most valuable creatures on earth because we have a level of cognition that is comparably different from the rest. We have the ability to question the things that are happening around us. More than that, we go beyond plain asking and would even come up with questions that seem illogical and unanswerable. Children are the perfect example of those who tend to ask… Read More

Behavioral Questioning Techniques

Interview preparation involves many factors to consider. One of which is the preparation of responses to the questions that will be asked where the meat of the interview process is based on. An interview is basically a question and answer portion between two individuals. When seeking for a job, applicants initially go through interviews during the hiring process. As part of the groundwork, jobseekers must learn the kind of questioning style that interviewers usually apply in order to excel and surpass the interview stage. Traditional interview questions have long been… Read More

Polygraph Questioning Techniques

Polygraph testing is very much like psychological examinations. A polygraph exam is conducted using a series of tests which are designed to evaluate the truthfulness and deception or fallacies in various situations and aspects. Companies may use it to screen job candidates but more commonly, it is used to investigate criminal incidents. This kind of examination uses different polygraph tests and questioning techniques which we will learn in this article. Types of Polygraph Questioning The major tool of any polygraph examination is the measure of a person’s responses to a… Read More

Sales Questioning Techniques

The essence of asking questions is very true in the field of sales. Through questioning, a company will find out how a particular product or service can be advantageous or beneficial to a customer. It also gives entrepreneurs an idea of how the sale can be improved and developed. Proper questioning in sales helps build rapport with customers because the art of selling is all about creating a good relationship between clients and customers. When you know how to entertain your customers with good questioning skills, they are more likely… Read More

Traits of Strategic Questions

Strategic questioning is a special type of asking questions that creates a difference and brings about change in the personal and social aspects. It lets individuals explore their own tactics and techniques in going about the change. You can also use strategic questioning to help other people come up with their own solutions to any issues or problems. In a larger scope, strategic questioning develops or creates new information instead of communicating what is already known and the person sharing new information has ownership of it. It generates active participation… Read More

Provocative Questions

In learning the art of asking questions, you will discover that questions do not only vary in structure but also in motive or intention. There are questions that simply seek for information while some questions are meant to clarify or verify unclear concepts. There are also questions that will motivate a person to act and bring about change either in the perception or in actions. Because questions vary, you even hear people ask you irrelevant and unnecessary questions but still these are considered questions. Although we say that asking questions… Read More