Dress Etiquette

We keep on hearing people say to dress up accordingly for the occasion. Well, cliché as it may sound, it is indeed true. They may say that you dress up to please yourself and not others. But sometimes, society or the nature of a certain group or even an event presses us to adhere to the norms. In a work setting, there are certain limitations in the manner of dressing up. This is because the nature of a workplace requires the individuals to be businesslike and professional not just in… Read More

Dining Etiquette

Business meetings and negotiations are usually conducted over a meal. Business executives need to observe proper dining etiquette in a business meal. Table manners are very essential whether you are trying to close a deal or a potential employer is taking you to a lunch or dinner interview. Just as with any type of etiquette, dining etiquette is designed to keep the socially accepted behavior on the table. For example, you may think that it is perfectly fine to pick the food from the plate using your fingers but your… Read More

Online Etiquette

Paper-based and telephone communication are no longer becoming the primary forms of communication in the modern workplace. Since the advent of internet technology, online or electronic communication is now becoming prevalent in all business organizations. Ever since internet has been used for business, it has helped increase the profit, increased the productivity of the working individuals, and made business transactions easier and a lot faster. However, because of so much dynamism and innovativeness of the internet, people have learned to abuse the use of it. In the workplace, using the… Read More

Meeting Etiquette

Office employees and business people attend meetings regularly. A meeting is a form of discussion over particular agenda where involved individuals are required to attend and brainstorm ideas. A facilitator is tasked to preside a meeting to generate a smooth flow and avoid conflict from start to finish. Despite its being a regular undertaking, not everyone likes to be part of meetings. There are individuals who hate the boredom and dullness in meetings. That is why some attendees would opt to keep silent the whole time rather than engage in… Read More

Email Etiquette

The advent of internet technology has been very dramatically beneficial in the communication aspect of business and personal life. People around the world are able to get in touch with each other through email and this has been by far very convenient for almost everyone to use in meaningful ways. Email is considered one of the most common and most important means of communication in a company. More than fifty percent of messages within and outside of the business are relayed through email. We may have been used to composing… Read More

Telephone Etiquette

Apart from email correspondence, the telephone is one of the most essential means of communication today. In business, people use the telephone as an important tool for relaying important messages. Therefore, office employees must possess proper telephone manners and etiquette. When your organization performs direct contact with your customers such as that of a telemarketing business, you should know how to make phone calls and answer calls with professionalism. Customers are the main source of income and the lifeblood of a business, and if they are not treated well even… Read More

Workplace Etiquette

All workplaces and organizations are grounded on acceptable work etiquettes. These ideal office manners define the behaviors of the individuals in a working environment regardless of the situation. Each and every employee whether a regular employee or part of the management, is expected to manifest good social behavior in the office. Workplace etiquettes can generate a great impact in the workplace. People in a certain company with poor etiquette are prone to conflicts and low work productivity. However, a workplace where individuals observe proper work etiquette is an avenue for… Read More

Communication Etiquette

Proper communication at workplace is crucial aspect. Businesses thrive and prosper with proper communication internally among employees and externally with customers or clients. Constant and active communication creates understanding among individuals and strengthens work relationships. As modern technology starts to dominate the manner of communicating in the workplace, interaction has become more sophisticated and becomes broader in coverage. At any rate though, working individuals should demonstrate proper etiquette in communicating regardless of the means or medium used to communicate. Determining the Right Tone for your Email Message Email messaging is the… Read More

Resume Etiquette

Job opportunities are readily available for potential candidates who have the passion and interest for the job. If you are a jobseeker, you have to realize that you are not alone in the search. The competition in the world of employment is tough and stiff. So many preparations have to be made and one of these is preparing your resume. The first step in seeking for a job is to list your potential employers and work that match your skills and abilities. Once you have made this list, you are… Read More

Interview Etiquette

Have you always dreaded job or work interviews because tension just gets into your nerves and sometimes you do not know what to do? Are you currently looking for work and preparing yourself for an interview? When we think of interviews, we immediately associate it with job application process. The fact is that interviews can happen anytime at work. In a work meeting or team discussion, the act of asking questions and interrogating is already interview in itself. But let us take the general and common concept of a typical… Read More

Managing Change During Merger and Acquisition

Merger and Acquisition are two corporate or business changes that could greatly impact the employees. During this change, departments will be closed which means, there will be job losses. When merger happens, some employees will be displaced since they are no longer needed from the company. Merger basically means two different companies become a single entity and this will entail merging some of their functions. Instead of spending money on two departments with the same function, a department could also be merged to reduce costs. Usually, the best employees who… Read More

Refocusing the Team after Job Loss

Job loss is a very devastating for the terminated employee. Without a job, the source of income is cut which could result to loss of support for the preferred lifestyle or even simple support to basic necessities. This could even demoralize the terminated employee because it could give the terminated employee a signal that he or she is incompetent and could not provide enough productivity to be paid. Getting back on track or looking for another job is also difficult since termination from the previous company would look bad in… Read More

Managing Company during Merger

Merger and Acquisition are two corporate or business changes that could greatly affect the employees. During this change, departments could be closed which means there will be job losses. When merger happens, some employees may be terminated since they are no longer needed from the company. Merger means two companies become a single entity and this will entail merging some of their functions. Instead of spending money on two departments with the same function, a department could also be merged to reduce costs. Usually, the best employees who have performed… Read More

Leading Revamped Small Business

A small business could easily become a highly profitable source of income. But along the way of success are the risks for business owners and managers. Any small factor that could affect the small business could have a considerable effect as problems in a small business could easily snowball into something far more difficult to address. For that reason, small businesses are always careful about everything. They have to look out for their cash flow, employees, technology and even the small town and city laws could easily affect them if… Read More

Rallying through Business Expansion

Business expansion is always a company prerogative. Businesses are meant to be improved and one of the ways of improvement is through expansion. Expansion could be in a form of physical expansion wherein they open a new branch or expand the office for more employees to cater to more customers. Expansion could even be product or service based wherein they aggressively expand not exactly through a new branch but to a new product or service. These expansions could be done for the purpose of attracting more customers. As companies attract… Read More

Physical move after Business change

Businesses are always looking out for improvement all the time. They are always considering what’s best for the company and do it without hesitation if they see significant improvement in their operation. If they would be required to transfer to another city or area just to ensure success in business operation, the business will highly consider it. Physical change can also be considered by a business if they wanted to ensure security of their operation. Unfortunately, there are certain areas in most cities that are not just feasible for a… Read More

Dealing with Finances after Business change

Any business movement will require certain resources to be spent. Although a company could use manpower as a resource for change, change will ultimately place a dent on the company’s finances. For that reason, business change also comes with a monetary sacrifice. A business leader could even base the feasibility of change on the actual cost on changing. Any type of change – whether for expansion or a change in business plan will cost the company considerable money. For that reason, every stage of the change process has to be… Read More

Introducing Technological Change

A business world is always a technological world. Two decades ago, your business would strive even though the only electronic gadgets in your business were the cashier and the freezer. Today, businesses need to be at par with technology. Through technology, data transfer is faster and customers are not only based on where you are located but also from any corner of the world. The power of the internet can transform your small business into a virtual store open to any person in the world. Communication is also a lot easier and… Read More

Reinforcing Focus after Change

When a company experience changes in its business setting, one of the first things they have to address is to get back on track and continue the business as soon as possible. Time lost during the transition into something better means potential losses with a significant number of clients. The sooner the company gets back on track, the faster the company could post the earnings once again. It can be even more than previous earnings since the company’s change could provide more and better service to its clients. As a result, the company prospers… Read More

Handling Disappointing Company Changes

There are times wherein the company change is bad news to its employees. Instead of moving forward, the company actually takes a significant step backward which means the company is losing resources instead of gaining something. This is also a possibility since a company has to make some aggressive changes if they want to survive. These changes are often caused by company losses on sales, inability to perform as expected in the stock market or simply the loss of customer confidence on the brand. This will force the company to… Read More

Leading the Company During Change

Change in business is a double edged sword – it could become the turning point towards the company’s success or failure. There are companies that through small and large changes in their business goals and settings, were able to harness what the market needs and considerably improve in just a short amount of time. On the other hand, change can also become the reason for a company’s downfall. They may have made changes on their business settings which actually made clients think twice about their services and products. In the… Read More