Individual Decision Making

Good decision making is a skill to be learned and mastered, especially for leaders who are managing a team. More importantly, individuals must also practice being good decision makers since it is not advisable to be too dependent on others for personal decisions. The downside of being too dependent on others is that you might have a hard time standing on your own two feet when a situation would require you to make a choice without anyone’s help. A better way to deal with it is to consult friends or… Read More

Decision Making Models

From time to time, individuals need to make decisions probably for themselves or for personal reasons; some decisions are meant for other people, some for business sake, and as a contribution towards something positive and beneficial. Because of the complexity of the concept of decision making, many scholars structured decision making models with a purpose of making the procedures easier and smoother when settling for a decision in various contexts. What is a Decision Making Model? A decision making model is a structured and systematic approach in taking decisions. It… Read More

Decision Making Tools and Techniques

Oftentimes, people really have a difficult time deciding and choosing between or among options. Indecisiveness is not something innate. An indecisive person can master the art of good decision making. One way to make this happen is to apply a practical technique when making decisions. The various tools and techniques of decision making are very helpful in teaching people how to become quick and smart decision makers. There are so many of these decision making tools and one can choose any of these techniques which seems applicable and useful for… Read More

Factors and Components of Decision Making

Decisions are very essential in being able to move on with a certain situation or carry out a particular action. People make decisions on just about anything that has something to do with their life – political choices, personal choices, career decisions, financial decisions, medical decisions, and relationship decisions. Many theories have been coined to explain how people come up with decisions, its components, and what factors affect them to decide for the present and future actions. A decision made is rooted from several factors and it composes elements as… Read More

Decision Making Skills

Choosing among options can be really challenging for some people, especially when the choices are tough and competitive. You may have noticed that some people are weak at decision making, and when an opportunity comes along, they cannot make up their minds easily. Indecisiveness makes one unreliable to other people. For example, if you belong to a team and the team leader will delegate someone to make the decisions or help out with the decisions for the group, your chance of being given the role will be high if you… Read More

Decision Making Process

Everyday situations and events would pressure individuals to make up their minds in order to move on with whatever it is they have been mulling over. Whether important or not, decisions are made every single day and every time there is a need to. Hasty decisions usually do not generate positive and effective results, although there are times when quick decisions are needed to get things going. A well-thought of and planned decision usually creates desirable and favorable outcomes. Making a decision is not as easy people think it is.… Read More

Types of Decision Making

Decision making is all about making up one’s mind on the most feasible choice from among the available options. It requires a mental exercise to intellectually settle on a certain choice depending on what the situation requires. Decisions are needed when there are two very close options, when problems arise and a solution is needed, when an opportunity comes along, and whenever the need to make a choice is required. Because every individual differs in terms of intellectual skills, the ability to make decisions also varies. Decision makers are categorized… Read More

Decision Making and Problem Solving

Problems are part of daily life. These serve as challenges and tools in the various actions and situations that people experience. In an organizational setting, problems at work are inevitable. Work issues can be experienced by any employee, but the bulk of the problem-solving and decision-making falls in the hands of supervisors and managers. Deciding for a choice that would benefit everyone in the team is a crucial role of a manager. Yet, for individual problems, autonomous approach must be practiced. The steps involved in solving a problem and making… Read More

Intuition and Decision Making

Intuition and Decision Making The need to make a decision is really not easy. In fact, many people find it their ultimate weakness in which case they are called as indecisive or fickle-minded. Individuals who cannot make up their minds effortlessly are considered poor decision makers. Usually, they are dependent on others for a decision. Yet, there are also people who make decisions based on instincts or gut feeling and in the category of decision makers, they are considered to be intuitive. A lot of individuals actually prefer their personal… Read More

Introduction to Decision Making

Every day people are posed with options and choices to make. In the many actions and situations that individuals face each day, decisions have to be made. To some, decision making seems like a complicated and difficult thing to do. According to studies, a lot of people are poorer in coming up with decisions than they think. That is why leaders exist to take the role of decision makers for the group or team. Yet, a good knowledge of the concept of decision making, the skills needed, and some tools… Read More

When Anger Can be Good

One of the biggest problem with most anger management programs is that they focus on anger as being the problem instead of focusing on “the ways in which people handle their anger.” Anger is an emotion that all humans express, and there is a reason why we express it. Anger is the emotion expressed by a human being when they want to let other human beings know that they are not happy with the situation they are in.  There are times when anger can be very helpful. For example, lets say… Read More

Anger Management For Professionals

Anger management is best described as psychological techniques which can allow a person to control or reduce the amount of anger they have when reacting to specific situations. Anger management techniques vary widely, but their goals are essentially the same; to allow an individual to manage their anger and resolve stressful or frustrating situations in a productive manner. Anger management methods make use of techniques such as breathing as well as meditation in order to bring about a level of relaxation. When it comes to anger management, one thing that… Read More

Best Approach towards Anger Management

In order for anger management to be effective, you must gain control over your anger. Trying to get rid of your anger is worthless, and the reason for this is because anger is a normal emotion, just like happiness or sadness; it is something you will experience many times throughout the course of your life. The best approach to anger management is one which is balanced. You will not only need to control the emotions you feel when you become angry, but you will also need to express this emotion… Read More

Stress and Anger Connection

A number of studies have indicated that there is a clear relationship that exists between stress and anger. Stress is a phenomenon that can take us from feeling peaceful to suddenly experiencing discomfort with regard to our surroundings. In scientific terms, stress is the response that our body gives to the demands that are placed on us on a daily basis. These demands are referred to as being "stressors." While many stressors are unavoidable, others are largely negative. For example, if you are on the way to work, and you… Read More

Managing Anger at the Work Place

Studies have shown that anger in the workplace is quite rampant, and it tends to be highly intense. The most dramatic examples of workplace anger have resulted in workplace violence, where employees or former employees physically harmed either themselves or their co-workers. Controlling Your Anger in The Workplace is Critical What leads to anger in the workplace? Why does it occur? Most importantly, how can it be reduced or avoided entirely? In this article we will attempt to answer these questions. To understand anger in the workplace, one must be… Read More

Symptoms of Anger

To Manage Your Anger Properly, You Must First Recognize the Symptoms The symptoms for anger can be broken down into two categories, and these are aggressive anger and anger which is passive. Each form of anger has symptoms which are unique to it. Passive anger is a form of anger which may be hard to recognize for those who do not know what to look for. Those who have passive anger have a tendency to be quite secretive. They will typically say negative things behind the backs of people they… Read More

Anger and Forgiveness

While Forgiving Others Can be Hard, Studies Show It is Effective Throughout the course of your life, there are many times when you will be wronged, where people and institutions you trust will take advantage of you. When you’re in a situation like this, the biggest question you should ask yourself is whether or not you should forgive. Forgiving others is never easy, especially when you’re the innocent person who has suffered as a result of the actions of others. In truth, it is generally good to forgive others, but… Read More

Industrial Process

Industries form the backbone of any economy and it is these industries that bring to a common layman the basic commodities of living. These industries are comprised of industrial processes and activities which are the key for effective and quality production of end products. This article details what industrial processes are and the various types of industrial processes. What is an Industrial Process? Processes and procedures in a large scale that involve chemical or mechanical steps aiding them in manufacture of a specific item or items is known as an… Read More

Process Documentation Methods

With the increase in processes and activities in present day organizations, it is but likely to make sure the methods and processes are documented in a well defined manner. The documentation of the processes will ensure that they are propagated in the right manner within the organization. The complexity of the processes and the huge employee strength in companies make it necessary for processes to be documented. It becomes difficult for the process to be propagated by word of mouth or to be explained on a one-on-one basis. These features… Read More

Resignation Processes

Every activity in corporate world involves a series of processes that are essential for its completion. Resignation of an employee from an organization also possesses the same level of processes he had when he would have joined the services. It is very important and necessary to understand the processes so as to get relieved from the company in a harmonious manner. This article details all the processes that are required to be followed from the time of submitting your resignation till an employee’s last day in the organization. Resignation is a process… Read More

Recruitment Process and its Importance

Do you feel uneasy when you sit for an interview in your recruitment process of an organization or company? Do you sweat over the strenuous documentation and details that need to be filled in before the evaluation? Maybe you are not alone in this regards. Research says that more than 14% of the people tend to lose their cool and become uneasy during the waiting period of a job interview. The recruitment of an individual into an organization plays a very important role as it determines the selection of the… Read More