Oracle SQL*Loader – Working with Discarded and Rejected Records

In this tutorial you will learn how to use the options in SQL*Loader for generating Bad File, SQL*Loader Rejects, Oracle Database Rejects, Discard File, Log File and Logging Information. Consider a scenario where you have a data file with city, states and zip codes. You are interested in loading data only for one particular state and reject any record which does not have a zip code. Such records which you are not interested can be in the discard file. SQL*Loader rejects records with missing quotes and Oracle database rejects records… Read More

What is Ad Hoc Testing

What exactly is Ad Hoc Testing? When Will you use Ad Hoc Testing ? Ad-hoc testing is an unscripted software testing method. Often, people confuse it with the exploratory, negative and monkey testing. In the domain of software testing, the word “ad-hoc” means that the test is for a particular purpose at hand only. You cannot use the same test another time. It is almost like a “single-use” test. Thus, it has to be very effective and efficient. The following characteristics will provide the real meaning of ad-hoc testing: Ad-hoc… Read More

Common Decision Making Mistakes

To some, decisions may be easy to reach while other people cannot easily make up their minds on certain things. Decision making is a skill that requires constant practice. Once you are faced with a situation, you are forced to decide what is best for you or for others. Some decisions have to be made instantly and quickly; other kinds of decisions are analyzed before getting rolled out. Yet, human as we are, we commit mistakes, and even with decision making, we encounter pitfalls. These slip-ups are inevitable especially when… Read More

Leadership Decision Making

Leadership Decision Making Decision making is a very crucial thing that any individual performs in various situations. It is a matter of choosing one over another because the chosen alternative seems to be the most usable and practicable option. Everyone has probably made countless decisions in their lives, ranging from the simplest to the most complex situations. May it be in the personal or professional aspect of a person’s life, decisions are deemed important as these can sometimes advocate change in the way things normally take place. If you belong… Read More

Career Decision Making

A very important aspect of an individual’s life is getting a career. After school, the next step to focus on is building a career by choosing a job in relation to the field of expertise or a work where competencies are useful. A well-established career is one that is carefully chosen and dutifully performed. Choosing a job that is in line with your profession can lead to a successful career. Career decision making is very critical in every individual for the fulfillment of that aspect in one’s life. It is… Read More

Financial Decision Making

Probably one of the most difficult aspects of decision making is the financial concept. Financial management involves smart decision making. When you receive your monthly paycheck, there is the issue about how to spend the money or how to save it. Needless spending sometimes happens because there is poor decision making on one’s money. For example, when going to the supermarket for grocery, you might go beyond your budget because you spotted items that are not on your grocery list. The decision at that moment becomes instant and hasty without… Read More

Group Decision Making

The functionality of a group in terms of performance has been known to be effective in various aspects such as conflict situations, problem solving, and decision making. The group takes into account the individual needs and ideas of the members, making it a collaborative approach in dealing with just about any kind of situation. When it comes to decisions, a group decision making style works best for many organizations where members are grouped into teams. Group decision making is bounded by the principle of synergy or the notion that problems… Read More