Tips to find Job during Recession

It is always difficult to find a job during recession. One of the drastic effects of recession is that companies are having a hard time earning or posting a profit. This means that they have to make some adjustments in their business operation and one of those adjustments is to terminate employees. Keeping employees during recession is seen as a bad business move because they have to be given salaries which do not really reflect the earnings of the company. If employees are terminated, the company should be able to… Read More

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

Disaster recovery is pretty self-explanatory, since it involves the recovery of your business operations after a destructive event. These disasters can range from horrible natural disasters to computer viruses. Topics Disaster Recovery Plan Business Impact Analysis What they all have in common is that these events reduce the ability of your company of function in the normal manner. While you would think that most large corporations and enterprises pay a great deal of attention to disaster recovery, the fact of the matter is that this isn't the case. Many executives… Read More

Are you ready for Disaster Recovery?

While many organizations have a tendency to focus on the most complex aspects of disaster recovery, the fact of the matter is that disaster recovery starts with the basics, and ends with them. You can get into all the complexities that you want, but if you don't understand the basics, your disaster recovery plans will be severely flawed. Topics Disaster Recovery Survival Rule 1 Rule 2 Rule 3 Rule 4 Rule 5 Rule 6 In a day and age where natural disasters and acts of terrorism are almost an annual… Read More

How to Work with Difficult People

To become successful in life, it is necessary for you to work with others. Few successes are a result of just one man or woman’s effort, and there is typically a long list of people who helped the individual succeed. However, the need to work with people also means that some of the people we work with may be difficult. Most of us are familiar with difficult people. No matter what you do for them, they are never pleased with it, or they always give you a hard time. They tend… Read More

Effective judgment for Building Rapport

Effective judgment to build rapport with your prospects It is very important for you to develop the skill of using effective judgment to build rapport with your prospects. In this context, judgment is defined as knowing when you should listen, talk, and respond to what’s being said to you. This means that you must become skilled at giving a strong monologue, and you must also know when to be silent and transition back into dialogue again. While this may sound somewhat difficult, it actually isn’t. The first question that you… Read More