Importance of Goal Setting

One aspect that many successful people have in common is that they are able to set goals for the things they want to achieve in life. People who are goal oriented tend to be those who are always looking for a new challenge. Once they have become successful in one area of their life, they are rarely content, and move onto the next challenge. Success oriented people are typically those that can tell you what goals they are working on in less than two minutes, and they do not have to spend… Read More

How to use Hashes to Ensure Integrity

Introduction Hashes are excellent within the field of cryptography. The hashes can be thought of as a type of transformation which captures input, and sends back a string which is fixed in size. This string is referred to as being the hash value. Topics Introduction Hash Basics Potential Applications for Hash Functions Methods for Hardening Your Operating System Role of Hashes in OS Hardening What Comprises a Good Password? Hash functions are directly connected to this property, and they will be used for a number of computational reasons, most notably… Read More

Data Protection Protocols

Data protection is an integral part of any network system. Care should be taken to ensure that system data remains protected during all the times under all the circumstances.  In this article you will learn about data protection in two scenarios. The first one is protecting your data on internet using Internet Security Protocol such as IPsec. Secondly, you will learn how to protect your data during transit.  Topics Using IPsec to Protect Your Data IPsec Network Layer Security IP Transaction Header Extensions Modes How to Protect Data When Its… Read More

How to Effectively Protect Your System

In order to effectively protect your system you need to take pro-active guard as well as take preventive measures. In this article, you will learn about methods of data encryption to protect existing data from unauthorised users and you will also learn about taking care of your data against virus attacks. Symmetric Encryption Symmetric encryption, also known as secret key encryption, is a type of encryption which focuses on the data encryption standard (DES) process. Algorithms that are used with the latest encryption methods, like Rijndael for example, are different from DES… Read More

Network Security Firewall and Architecture

Firewalls are one of the first security protocols implemented in the network and in computers. Developed in the late 80s, it has become the standard security measure for network administrator as well as for private individuals. Topics Intrusion and IPS The Need of a Firewall Components of a Firewall Selecting the Right Firewall Firewall and Architecture The Protection of Layer 7 Shopping for a Firewall Firewalls are essentially an application that filters content which is being transmitted. Network administrators can set the parameters as to what will be accepted and transmitted. Although… Read More

Preventing Network Intrusion

It is often said that Prevention is better than cure. This adage is definitely true in network security. Network attacks are better off prevented than cured. Network administrators have to do the necessary tasks to prevent network intrusion as much as possible and ensure that no damage has been done to the network at any point of time. Topics Virus Checking Denial of Service Attack Reducing Denial of Service Attacks How DOS Attacks Work Protect Yourself from DOS Attacks Network intrusion and damage threat is always present and network administrators… Read More

Creating and Developing Security Policies

Introduction With the right amount of encrypted data, as well as time and processing power, it is possible for attackers to compromise virtually any system. It is possible to stop these attacks from being successful by making it difficult to crack the password. Topics Introduction Working with Older Operating Systems Setting the Password Age Policy Developing a Security Policy Protocol Against Attacks There are two important strategies that can be used to achieve this, and one is to make sure users use passwords which are complex, and to require the… Read More

Disaster Recovery Restoration Tips

Planning disaster recovery ensures that network developers will have an action plan when disaster strikes. Even with a simple action plan, network developers will know where to start and build up the execution. Topics Actual Disaster Recovery I. Problem Detection Stage II. Execution Phase III. Reconstruction Phase Restoring Communication after Disaster Restoration Procedure Communication Recovery Practice With a simple plan that only revolves around a concept, the network managers and the whole IT department will have the ability to adjust but it is going to be a lot of work… Read More

Producing Disaster Recovery Site

Topics Producing Disaster Recovery Site Disaster Recovery Site Essentials Disaster Recovery Site Control Center One of the most important aspect of disaster recovery is the production of a disaster recovery site, which is a remote location where duplicates of your data can be stored in the event of a disaster or emergency. These days, such sites have become more important than ever before. With the advent of terrible natural disasters, along with devastating acts, it has become far too risky for enterprises to store all their data on site. While… Read More

Storage and BackUp Strategies

Introduction Topics Introduction What is an Online Back Up? Online Back Up Strategies Implementing Disaster Avoidance Implementation and Storage Security Issues to Consider Many of us are familiar with backing up our data.  While it sounds pretty simple, the fact is that most of the computer users do not backup their data. Some of the excuses which they often make involve how long it takes, how slow it is, or how many DVDs or disks they need. However, once disaster strikes, the loss that they will suffer by not having… Read More

Business Impact Assessment and Recovery Plans

Introduction Having a continuity plan for any business establishment is highly important. Continuity plan need not be highly expensive. However, it should be dependent on business processes, along with the vulnerabilities that these processes have. Topics Introduction Business Impact Assessment Phases Role of Risk Assessment in BIA Recovery Plan Disaster Recovery Objectives Establish Disaster Recovery Plans Should you fail to identify either processes or risk, you cannot handle any kind of disaster, and you will not be able to deal with any of the consequences that come along with it.… Read More

Effective Business Continuity Planning

While no one can be sure of where or when a disaster will occur, or what form the disaster will come in, it is important to be prepared for the unexpected. There are many companies today that have not taken into consideration the impact of disasters and this is a grave mistake. Topics BCP Guidelines BCP for Effective Planning Building an Efficient Recovery Solution Plan Recovery Point Objective Hardware and Data Back Up Requirements Evaluation If a company is subject to a disaster, whether natural or man-made, the measures it… Read More

Network Security Risk Assessment and Measurement

First Step for Risk Assessment Information that is gathered everyday regarding client and business transactions are either stored on servers or on user computers. These stored information are considered important and sensitive in the company’s interest and hence they need to be protected from network attacks and other unknown circumstances. Network administrator manage and protect the network through a series of passwords and data encryption. Topics First Step for Risk Assessment Identifying Essential Data/System/Hardware Identifying External Blocks Measuring the Risk to Your Enterprise Calculating the Assets Value The Liquid Financial… Read More

Is Your Corporate Network Secure and Confidential?

Businesses are increasingly conducted over IT networks and it is imperative for them to maintain network confidentiality more than ever before. A failure to ensure the security of business IT network can lead to dire consequences. In order to secure these network, a number of changes are made to the infrastructure of the underlying network, and a network administrator is designated to create policies which will protect the network from unauthorized access. Topics The Security Management for a Network Network Security Attributes Types of Network Attacks Reasons for Network Attacks Constant… Read More

IT Continuity Planning

Reality of Data and Application Protection Business data and applications are crucial for the success of any commercial organisation. Information related to business needs to be protected from system and network disasters. Topics Reality of Data IT Continuity Planning Components for IT Continuity IT Infrastructure Continuity Design IT Related Threat to Business An ideal scenario for complete data protection is to have the network connected to a back-up facility that will monitor any changes in the data. Each time the data changes, the back-up facility will mirror the changes so… Read More