Corporate Social Responsibility towards Employees

The practice of corporate social responsibility, or CSR, does not only mean an obligation to the society in terms of social and environmental aspects but also to the employees of a business or corporation. A company has an obligation towards its working individuals in keeping their desire and interest for the job alive. Good practice of social responsibility by the management to the employees will serve as an example to them. In turn, the employees themselves will realize the essence of being socially responsible to the society. Current Business Trends:… Read More

Corporate Social Responsibility towards Customers

The concept of corporate social responsibility or CSR is based on three dimensions which serve as its three pillars. These are the economic, social, and environmental responsibility. For a company to successfully practice CSR, all the three pillars have to be balanced and should be based on obligation and accountability. Social responsibility is the most current dimension of CSR in which corporations take active participation in social issues and community affairs. The target of responsibility is the stakeholders which includes the customers or the buying public. The perception of offering… Read More

Corporate Social Responsibility Myths

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is increasingly practiced by most companies worldwide. This is because it gives a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction when firms are able to develop socially with the community apart from its economic aspect. However, there are certain false claims about CSR. Let us identify these allegories and understand why they are not completely true about the CSR concept. Doane’s Four Key Myths of CSR Deborah Doane has identified four key myths revolving around the concept of corporate social responsibility. The first myth says that “the market… Read More

Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies

The general claim about corporate social responsibility mainly revolves around the accountability of giving back the investment returns of the shareholders, being socially responsible towards the environment, and being responsible to the other groups that may be within or outside the corporation. This assertion often arouses debates among business people since the scope of the said “responsibilities” and “returns” and how they will be obtained are not clearly defined. The degree of responsibility towards the shareholders and the stakeholders is also a crucial issue in CSR arguments. As a general… Read More

Corporate Volunteering

Corporate social responsibility gives a sense of obligation for companies on the various programs not just within the organization but the society as well. Part of carrying out these obligations is to actively participate in community programs and affairs. This is what we call corporate volunteering. Many companies engage in philanthropic activities and aid people in the community while providing the employees an opportunity to benefit from the company in various ways. An organization contributes to building and making better societies by encouraging the employees to participate in the various… Read More

Corporate Social Responsiveness

In Wood’s model of corporate social performance, the second phase in the representation is corporate social responsiveness which is explained as the ability of an organization to respond to social pressures. It is also the means through which the identified principles of corporate social responsibility are implemented. It is the action performed to the principled approach of corporate social responsibility. This concept demonstrates three major processes or mechanisms: environmental assessment, stakeholder management, and issues management. Processes of Social Responsiveness Environmental assessment is the process that allows the organization to observe… Read More

Corporate Social Performance

The concept of corporate social performance has been around for several decades now, but the idea is still closely misinterpreted for corporate social responsibility, corporate social responsiveness, or any other approach relating to business and society. Although these concepts are closely related to each other, they each have unique connotations. These approaches also represent the various phases in our understanding of the relationship between a firm, or organization, and the environment, or the society, where the firm functions. Corporate Social Performance Defined As mentioned in the earlier paragraph, corporate social… Read More

Corporate Ethics and Ethical Issues

Before we begin to understand what corporate or business ethics is, let us refresh our memory with the concept of ethics. By this we mean the proper way of performing any act or deed. It includes knowing what is right and wrong, and then doing what is acceptable according to standards and social norms. Ethics is associated with proper code of conduct, proper decorum, or the rules that govern our lives. We also refer to it as values and moral principles. Every organization must be guided by a set of… Read More

Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility

No business can succeeds without the aid of contributing factors involved in its operations. Employees, consumers, suppliers, and the community are directly involved and affected by the business and what it does. The products and the way the products are introduced have an impact to the society. Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR then becomes a significant strategy in business because consumers would opt for companies that can be trusted; suppliers would prefer conducting business transactions with reliable companies; and employees would like it better working for employers with good business… Read More

What is Corporate Social Responsibility?

Corporate Social Responsibility, also known as CSR, pertains to the responsibilities of companies towards society with which they function and operate. Corporate Social Responsibility ensures that the business organizations align its corporate values and behaviors with that of stakeholders’ needs and expectations. Corporate Social Responsibility approach incorporates social, economic, and environmental aspects of the business as part of increasing profit or revenues and minimizing the problems or shortcomings. It is not only geared towards the customers and investors, but also towards its employees, suppliers, and the society as a whole.… Read More

Positive Transformation of Negative Thoughts

A train of negative thoughts may lead the person to view the world in a different way, one that lacks acknowledgement of the good things that are happening to the community and to the world. This is referred to as pessimism, wherein your mind is clouded with so much negativity that for every situation and circumstance, your only prediction is the worst-case scenarios. Pessimists are characterized by a lack of appreciation to the good outcomes of a situation, having the attitude of a quitter to posed challenges, not seeing the… Read More

Dealing with a Negative Thinker

Negative thinkers have this tendency to infect and affect the people they deal with. It can be as contagious as a communicable disease because it triggers the people to react and respond differently to the negative thoughts of the person. It is no wonder that a pessimist or a negative thinker is not getting attention and appreciation, given the fact that they can also disturb other people’s minds. Positivity, on the other hand, is just as contagious as negativity. In your society or the kind of environment you belong to,… Read More

How to Overcome Negative Thinking

When you catch yourself entertaining negative thoughts lately, do not let yourself fall into the trap of negative thinking. Do not let your negative thoughts manipulate and take control over you. Rather, learn how to direct these intrusive thoughts and transform them into positive ones. The habit of negative thinking can still be changed and overcome if you take a conscious effort to gradually get rid of it. Just as there many ways to develop negative thinking, there are also numerous ways to conquer it. You cannot just settle for… Read More

Negative Thinking on Personal Relationships

Very few people would probably want to hang around a negative thinker. Negativity is just too contagious and once it starts to creep in to your system, you might end up becoming a changed person, the kind of change you have always dreaded. People tend to create negative thinking patterns for thoughts that are intrusive and disturbing yet being affirmed in one’s wholeness. Dwelling in negativity can cause utter destruction in your life in the various aspects of it. Apart from personal outlook or your view of the world and… Read More