Staff Organization

Organizing Staff is an organization is a more complex type of administrative organization that puts the power of command to the line executives (or line managers) however it does have its share of benefits that will help any organization to fully utilize their people’s potentials. To organize staff, appointing supervisors and specialists attached to the line authority is required. Features of Staff Organization There are two types of staff: staff assistants and staff supervisors. Staff assistants include personal assistants and secretaries, while staff supervisors include quality controllers and operation control… Read More

Organizational Learning

Over the years, there have been several definitions of organizational learning. One such definition is that it is the process of being able to detect and correct errors, with people in the organization acting as the agents who learn through various activities. Another definition states that there are four aspects associated with organizational learning, and these are: knowledge acquisition, distribution of information, interpretation of information, and the use of organizational memory. Lastly, organizational learning has also been defined as similar to that of having one stimulus and getting several effects,… Read More

Organizational Culture

Culture is both a dynamic phenomenon and the norms that guide and restrict behavior. It creates a powerful driving force in organizational situations, and is considered influential to its success. In any scenario wherein there needs to be a group effort, teamwork, and collaboration between individuals and groups of individuals, such as that evident in business operations, there are always different types of people with different culture, and when the organization cannot find means by which to make them understand and accept the differences, and be able to create common… Read More

Organizational Design Guidelines

Every organization exists for a purpose, and while it is the top managers who will decide how the organization can achieve its mission and vision, the operative goals are the key to its success. Therefore, there should be strategies that focus on giving employees a sense of direction and motivation, and there should be standards of performance. Strategies include a number of techniques and the organization design should specifically suit the organization’s competitive approach in order for it to contribute significantly to effectiveness. Hierarchical Systems Majority of today’s organizations are… Read More

Organization Design Models

The basic systems model used in organizations is one that takes input, creates a transformation through a series of internal processes, and produces an output. However, whilst the different models being used today are still built around this fundamental concept, there have already been variations made to meet the needs of the organizations in the 21st century. This article discusses the four most commonly used models in organizations. Galbraith’s Star Model of Organizational Design The Star Model serves as the basis from which an organization creates design choices. It has… Read More

Organizational Design Characteristics

An organization design is an ongoing challenge for every manager because it constantly struggles to protect the organization and keep it competitive, despite the unstable economy and the ever-changing nature of any business. However, a remarkable facet of an effectual design is that its process is, in the simplest sense, a set of cascading tasks that allows managers to go through step-by-step methods in a clear and straightforward manner. It begins with the corporate level and goes down to departmental levels. Basically, a design is an ongoing challenge yet because… Read More