Organizational Change Management

The concept of organizational change management applies to organization changes such as mission change, restructuring operations, application of new technologies, major collaborations, and mergers. This kind of change in the organization requires a fundamental and radical reorientation of how the organization functions and operates. This happens when there is a provocation of external driving force such as economic crisis, fund cuts, new markets, and major increase in demand. The occurrence of organizational change has not slowed down over the last decade and will continue to increase as more and more… Read More

Organization Redesign

It is common for organizations to realize later on that the design they have created does not seem to provide a positive impact to their purpose, or is not able to keep up with the changes. Either way, they need to make certain adjustments in their current design framework in order to thrive. This process is known as organization redesign. Importance of Organization Redesign The restructuring of an organization has become a necessity and at the same time, a powerful business strategy. It is critical to the success of a… Read More

Organization Life Cycle

The life cycle of an organization proposes that over a certain period of time, for-profit companies move through a predictable sequence of development. Life cycles have been the subject of extensive study over the years and these are linked to organizational growth and development studies. It has been found that organizations are similar to living beings because they have a pattern of developmental stages and are impacted largely by the circumstances of the internal and external environments. There are many frameworks used to determine the life cycle of an organization.… Read More

Organizational Chart

An organizational chart, otherwise referred to as org chart, is a diagram that illustrates the structure of an organization. It clearly shows the rank and relationships of the employees, and help keep the work operations organized. Depending on the size of the company, a chart may comprise of numerous lines, arrows, and boxes, or it may consist of only a few. Because relationships within a company often change, charts should be flexible and simple, so that they can be changed easily. Importance of Organizational Chart Organizational charts are considered important… Read More