Seminar Closing Notes

At the onset of the seminar, you had aimed to provide the audience with valuable learning and information, you have presented the topics and facilitated fun and learning activities for the participants; but the challenge now is to be able to inculcate all these to everyone who attended the seminar. Such events should not be merely about presenting your topics to the audience and ensuring they understood; but it should also be geared towards motivating them to apply what they have learned during the seminar. After all the preparation and… Read More

Seminar Coaching and Feedback

Coaching has a crucial role in bringing out the best in your audience, which is why as much as possible, it should be included in the seminar agenda. In small seminars, facilitators can allot time for coaching. Seminar Coaching is the process of helping the audience develop the capacity to ponder on seminar keynotes, guide them in making realizations, and motivate them to accomplish what they want or need to accomplish. Unfortunately, due to time constraints and the size of the audience, not every event provides coaching and the giving… Read More

How to Ask Questions During Seminar?

An effective seminar is one that gives both the facilitator and the audience the opportunity to ask questions. Asking the right questions paves the way for better communication and exchange of information. Having said that, seminar facilitators could benefit largely from the use of questioning techniques and these will be further discussed in this section. What Questions Can Do for You? Questions are very powerful. Questions provide great benefits to the one asking them. These are as follows: It puts you in control. When you ask the right questions at… Read More

Tricks to Keep Seminar Audience Interested

One of the challenges that a seminar facilitator is faced with is in keeping the audience interested. It can be a nightmare to present in front of dozens of people, only to realize that someone is snoring in the group. How can you keep the audience from getting bored? What techniques can be utilized in order to ensure that they keep their eyes and ears glued to you? These questions will be answered in this article. Reasons Why the Audience Becomes Bored Before you learn the various ways to keep… Read More