Career Track : Network Architect

Network Architect Roles and Responsibilities : Although there is some cross over between the job roles of Network Engineers and Network Architects, there is a difference in actual responsibilities. A Network Architect primarily focuses on the design of the network and the implementation of that design while an actual Network Engineer is usually the one responsible for the actual implementation of the design. Similar to a Network Administrator or regular Network Engineer, Network Architects may also be responsible for some tasks relating to telecommunications as well. In companies that combine… Read More

Career Track: SQL Server Database Administrator

SQL Server Database Administrator Roles and Responsibilities : While Oracle DBA’s seem to be the hot property these days, SQL Server Database Administrators are moving into the spotlight as well. As a matter of fact, industry experts suggest that the changes made by Microsoft to its SQL server version 7 seriously impact the responsibilities of a database administrator. While many suggest that there are actually two types of SQL DBA’s (development and production) the responsiblities do not differ much from a regular DBA. On the development side, a DBA is… Read More

Career Track: Application Developer

Application Developer Roles and Responsibilities: As an Application Developer, you will create programs that run on the Internet, specific operating systems or hand held devices. This career has evolved considerably over the last decade as “true coders” are being replaced by technological advances. Odds are, most Application Developers will spend more time interacting with department heads to ensure that the products being developed meet the needs of the organization than actually “writing” code. While coding, testing and maintaining the programs are still key responsibilities, most of this is automated in larger… Read More

Career Track : Database Administrator Oracle

Oracle Database Administrator Roles and Responsibilities: Due to the popularity of Oracle8i, DBA’s with experience running an Oracle Database are in high demand and are commanding higher salaries than traditional DBA’s. The only real difference between the two is simply training. A DBA that has at least a year or more of experience with Oracle8i would be primarily in charge of the maintenance and operation of an Oracle database. Other responsibilities may include: Administration of Solaris Systems Administration of SQL Server Databases and/or Informix Systems Facilitation of backup and recovery procedures… Read More

Career Track: Database Administrator

Database Administrator Roles and Responsibilities: A Database Admininstrator, Database Analyst or Database Developer is the person responsible for managing the information within an organization. As most companies continue to experience inevitable growth of their databases, these positions are probably the most solid within the IT industry. In most cases, it is not an area that is targeted for layoffs or downsizing. On the downside, however, most database departments are often understaffed, requiring adminstrators to perform a multitude of tasks. Depending on the company and the department, this role can either be… Read More

DomainUpDown and NumericUpDown Controls

DomainUpDown and NumericUpDown Controls DomaiUpDown The windows Forms System.Windows.DomainUpDown control looks like a combination of a text box and a pair of buttons for moving up or down through a list. This control displays and sets a text string from a list of choices. You can select the string by clicking up and down buttons to navigate through a list. Alternatively you can press the UP and DOWN Arrow keys or just type a string that matches an item in the list. You can use this control to select items… Read More

How to Install and Use NetBeans for Java Development

How to Install and Use NetBeans for Java Development In this guide, I will try to explain you how you can run examples for J2EE tutorials. There are many ways you can do this, here we will be using the examples in NetBeans IDE which is one of the most powerful open source Java integrated development environments available. The main reason for not selecting another open source IDE like Eclipse is that newest version of NetBeans has built-in free J2EE support. This allows the new users to be able to… Read More

.NET Common Windows Forms Controls Part 1

.NET Common Windows Forms Controls In this tutorial we will learn about Common Windows Forms Controls in Visual Basic .NET 2005. IN this part 1 of this article, We will be learning the controls like Control Hierarchy, Label, LinkLabel, TextBox, RichTextBox, PictureBox, GroupBox, Panel, Button, CheckBox , RadioButton, ListBox, CheckedListBox and ComboBox.Control Hierarchy The base class for all Windows controls is located in the System.Windows.Forms namespace. These controls are built into the .NET framework and form the basis for derived controls. These controls have a distinct hierarchy of their own. For… Read More

Oracle Apps Implementing Key Flex field and Descriptive Flex field

Oracle Apps 11i Tutorials : Implementing Key Flex field and Descriptive Flex field This tutorial tells you about implementation and other features provided in the implementation section . Implementing Flex fields Key Flexfield The basic steps in defining a key Flexfields are as given below. You may or may not use all the steps. The detailed explanation is being followed after the steps. Identifying Key flexfields that are required for you Oracle Applications installation Designing a Key flexfield structure Selecting the appropriate Key flexfield to define Defining structure information for… Read More

Oracle Apps Flex fields

Oracle Apps 11i Tutorials : Oracle Flex fields This chapter provides you with a conceptual overview of flexfields. The chapter covers the following topics The general features of flexfields, Flexfields terminology , The benefits of flexfields and Descriptive Flexfields.Overview of Flexfields Oracle flexfields is one of the most important parts of Oracle Applications. It is because of the flexfields that the Oracle Applications is so generic in nature and can be used to suit any industry or organization. A flexfield, as the name suggests, is a flexible data field that… Read More

Dialog Boxes in Visual Basic .NET

Dialog Boxes in Visual Basic .NET Most Windows applications request for user input. Dialog boxes are one means of requesting users for specific kinds of inputs. Therefore, VB.NET allows its designers to create a number of different types of dialog boxes. Standard Dialog boxes are included in classes that fall within the purview of the CommonDialog. FileDialog ColorDialog FontDialog PageSetupDialot PrintDialog Let us now briefly study the features of the CommonDialog boxes OpenFileDialogClass This class provides users with the file selection capability. The properties and methods of this dialog boxes… Read More

Common Controls and Handling Control Events

Common Controls and Handling Control Events In this tutorial we will be learning how to use common control like Control Hierarchy, Label and LinkLabel, TextBox and RichTextBox, PictureBox, GroupBox and Panel, Button, CheckBox and RadioButton, ListBox, CheckedListBox and ComboBox, DomainUpDown and NumericUpDown, MonthCalendar and DateTimePicker, TreeView and ListView, Timer, TrackBar and ProgressBar, HScrollBar, VScrollBar, TabControl and Handling Control Events. All controls are governed by the Control Class “System.Windows.Forms” Namespace. This class handles the entire basic window handle (HWND) functionality such as the creation and destruction of windows handles. When Control… Read More

Visual Studio Adding Controls to Windows Form

Visual Studio Adding Controls In this tutorial let’s discuss about Adding Controls to a Windows Form, Adding Controls using Windows Forms Designer, Adding Controls Dynamically and Setting properties of Controls. Sample source codes used in this tutorial are included. Forms are containers for control objects. All controls have properties, methods and events that can be used to customize their functionality. Controls can be manipulated in the designer mode and code can be added to dynamically add controls at run time. Adding Controls to a Windows Form Controls are basically groups… Read More

Oracle Apps Message Dictionary

Oracle Apps 11i Free Training : Message Dictionary : This document discuss about message dictionary in oracle applications. It talks about the standards to be followed while defining the messages in oracle applications. It also discusses the usage of messages in the forms and concurrent programs.  Overview of Message Dictionary Message Dictionary lets you catalog messages for display from your application without hard coding them into your forms and programs. Using Message Dictionary, you can: Define standard messages you can use in all your applications Provide a consistent look and… Read More

Formatting Your Resume

The format of your resume is the first thing that a hiring manager or corporate recruiter is going to see. If your resume doesn’t appeal to your audience on an aesthetic level, the best writing in the world may never be seen. Taking the time to make sure your resume is neat and properly formated therefore is going to be time well spent. There are basically three formatting guidelines that should be adhered to in each and every resume. They include template and font choice, the effective use of white… Read More

Is It Really a Better Offer?Comparing Compensation Packages

Comparing Compensation Packages When considering whether or not to leave one job for another, one of the most important things to consider is how your current compensation package stands up against the new offer. Unfortunately it’s no longer as easy as comparing salary to salary. Most companies today offer stock-options, stock grants, and long and short term incentive plans that usually have vesting schedules that can vary widely. Health insurance, flex schedules, tuition reimbursement, travel expenses, 401k’s, company cars etc. all make it just a little more difficult to know… Read More

Getting Paid What You’re Worth

Don’t be afraid to negotiate. According to a recent survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management, 90% of the professionals in the human resources industry agree that salaries, relocation cost, flexible work schedules, early salary reviews and/extra paid time off are negotiable. Given the recent economy, however, most professionals are simply accepting what the employer is offering, assuming that negotiating is not an option. The truth is, however, that if you aren’t comfortable with negotiation techniques, you just may be leaving money on the table. In the book,… Read More

Career Tips for Older Professionals

The old days of being rewarded for company loyalty have long passed and unfortunately as we age, we often become less valuable to our current employers. Companies looking to cut costs often choose the tenured, experienced employees as the first to go when they can hire younger workers who cost them less in terms of overall compensation packages and benefits. If you’re approaching middle age, however, there are a few things you can do to stay on top of your game and give yourself a little more job security. As… Read More

Oracle Apps Concurrent Library Window

Oracle Apps 11i Free Training : Concurrent Library Window : This tutorial discusses about the Concurrent Library Window Navigation,create request set in oracle applications and Running Requests. Concurrent Library Window Use this window to register program libraries, which are lists of immediate concurrent programs that you wish to link with a concurrent manager. Concurrent managers use the programs in a program library to run their immediate programs. You must register libraries before you can define concurrent managers. You can only include immediate-type concurrent programs in program libraries. After adding any… Read More

Oracle Apps Concurrent Processing

Oracle Apps 11i Free Training : Concurrent Processing : This document talks about the concurrent processing in oracle applications. It will give the step-by-step procedure of creating concurrent programs in oracle applications. All types of concurrent programs are described in detail. Concurrent programs can be scheduled to run or manually run in oracle applications. In Oracle Applications, concurrent processing simultaneously executes programs running in the background with online operations to fully utilize your hardware capacity, hence the name ‘Concurrent Processing’. You can write a program (called a ”concurrent program”) that… Read More

Can I Really Get a Signing Bonus?

It never hurts to ask. During the technology boom in the late 90s, signing bonuses were commonplace as companies looked for ways to recruit top IT professionals from their competitors. Although the market is not nearly as strong as it was then, signing bonuses seem to be making a comeback. In many cases, all it takes to get one is to ask and to convince the hiring manager that a few extra bucks will be the catalyst that will convince you to take the job. It’s important to realize, however,… Read More

Targeting your Career and Your Audience

When writing a resume, professionals, especially those in the IT industry, tend to spend the most amount of time on the skills section. To be effective, however, a resume has to be much more than just a list of your abilities and accomplishments. As a matter of fact, one of the most often overlooked sections on the resume just might be the most important. Taking the time to write a resume that is targeted to your career, a particular position, and the audience that will be reading it, might slow… Read More

Looking for a Promotion: tips to make it happen.

In the current IT climate, promotions are no longer being given away based solely on merit and we often watch as those less qualified seem to pass us up on the corporate ladder. Whether it’s already happened to you or not, there are a few things you can do to create and execute a plan that you will get you moving again. When attempting to climb the ladder in the corporate environment, we can often become discouraged when passed over for promotions. The key to success, however, is to stay… Read More

Building Graphical Interface elements

Building graphical interface elements by using the System.Drawing namespace In this tutorial we will learn about Graphics Object, The Windows Forms Coordinate System, Drawing Text on a Form, Drawing Shapes and Working with images.     Understanding The Graphics Object Graphics handling in Visual Basic .NET is based on GDI+ (Graphics Device Interface). A graphics device interface allows you to display graphics on a screen or a printer without having to handle the details of a specific display device. All that you need to do is to make calls to… Read More

Event Handling In Visual Basic .NET

Introduction to Event Handling One of the most useful capabilities of the OOP Languages is their inbuilt ability to be aware of a large number of events like MouseOver, MouseClick, and so on so that we can write codes to react to any event that we are interested. This is made possible by the rich set of classes that have been built in the .NET Framework The events handling is very simple as we have seen in the previous example where buttonClicked event is handled by the following code: Private… Read More

Setting and Adding Properties to Windows Form

Setting and Adding Properties to a Windows Form In this tutorial we wil leran about Setting and Adding Properties to a Windows Form, Using the Visual Designer to set Windows Form Properties, Setting Windows Forms Properties programatically and Using Visual Inheritance along with the sample project and screen shots. Using the Visual Designer to set Windows Form Properties The properties of the Widows properties can be edited in the properties window visually. Both the inherited properties and also those added in the current class can be edited using the property… Read More

Application Class and Message Class

Using Application Class Visual Basic 2005 introduces a speedy way to access many important classes relating to the Computer on which the application is running, the user running it, the application itself, its forms and any associated web services. The best part of it all is that you can access it all using the new My object. The new My object has added features that help the programmer to gain access to some functionality that was really hard to achieve. My.Application Object contains information about running application, such as the… Read More

So you want to be a Software Tester?

So you want to be a Software Tester? Author: Carol My best friend is actually one of the best software testers I have ever met. When I began testing for her consultating company I sincerely thought I’d found the perfect job. I could stay at home and work independently. I received my projects, I completed them and I got paid. Alot. It seemed the perfect scenario until one day I realized that I just didn’t enjoy what I was doing. Testing was repetitious, often boring and I found myself dreading… Read More

5 Steps to a Great Cover Letter

5 Steps to a Great Cover Letter While most professionals spend hours and sometimes days or weeks mulling over just how to create the best resume, surprisingly enough, those same people more often than not, don’t even give a second thought to including a cover letter. With the IT market as competitive as it is today, most IT professionals are finding that they’ve got to do something to make their resumes stand out in the pack. A cover letter is an excellent place to start. If your cover letter isn’t… Read More

Exploring the Forms Designer generated code

VB.NET 2005 Free Training Exploring the Forms Designer generated code As you create a new project in the Visual Basic, the IDE generally automatically adds lots of lines of code on its own. Visual Basic 2005 comes with an option to skip over this behavior of the Visual Basic IDE. The default option comes with this behavior enabled. These codes are introduced with an aim that the user can continue to use the form without bothering about write codes to instantiate the form with a function new() and also the… Read More

Visual Studio Windows Forms Designer

Using The System.Windows.Forms.Form class System.Windows .Forms.Form class is the foundation class for all forms to be created. All the forms that are created in VB .NET are also inheriting from this base class. This class provides for all the facilities needed for the form. Additional functionality can be added by separate codes. In the .NET Framework, a number of new features have been added to the Form Class and the Controls. We shall see some of the new features quickly. For most detailed information is available in the Microsoft website.… Read More

Visual Studio.NET Namespaces

Visual Studio.NET Namespaces The .NET Framework class library has thousands of classes which are needed for developing and deploying solutions. In order to organize all those classes for ease of use .NET Framework uses namespaces. This Gives the Classes their own space and prevents conflicts between the various names in these classes. For instance if two classes contain a method Paint(), then to avoid conflicts in names we can place these classes in two different namespaces. Thus namespaces allow classes to be grouped in a consistent, hierarchical manner. The writing… Read More

Oracle Apps Table Registration API

Oracle Apps 11i Free Training : Table Registration API This chapter provides you with information you need to register tables to be used in Oracle Alerts and Flexfields with Oracle Applications. We will be learning about Procedures in the AD_DD Package, Procedure REGISTER_TABLE, Procedure REGISTER_COLUMN, Procedure DELETE_TABLE, Procedure DELETE_COLUMN and Example of Using the AD_DD Package. Introduction Though Oracle Applications comes with thousands of seeded database tables, there can be numerous applications in which one might be required to create a custom table to be used. In most of the… Read More

Oracle Certifications: Which ones do I need?

Oracle Certifications: Which ones do I need? If you’re currently working with Oracle products, odds are there is an Oracle certification out there for you. Although at one time, Oracle certifications were considered for database pros only, the certification programs offered by the "world’s largest enterprise software company" are evolving to keep up with IT trends. Like Microsoft, Oracle now offers certification programs in a wide range of IT positions. The recent Oracle merger with PeopleSoft has increased the offerings of this industry giant to include enterprise resource planning (ERC),… Read More

Technical Writing: It might just be the foot in the door you need

Technical Writing:It might just be the foot in the door you need For new computer science graduates or even tried and true professionals, the opportunities in IT seem to be few and far between. If you’re looking to break into the industry, need a foot in the door at a large corporation, or are possibly considering a career change, technical writing could be just what you’re looking for. Technical writing isn’t always fun but can lead to other opportunities within an organization and will definitely provide the opportunity to mingle… Read More

How to survive the technological trend to offshore outsourcing

If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, You Might have to Consider Joining Them How to survive the technological trend to offshore outsourcing Unfortunately for many professionals in the Technology industry, offshoring outsourcing IT work to India, Romania and other countries is on the rise. As corporations discover that they can get technical projects completed to their specifications for sometimes ridiculously low cost, odds are they’re not going to stop and consider the impact this trend will have on domestic workers. We’d be foolish to think that corporate America will actually forego… Read More

Do You Really Want to be an IT Consultant: The Pros and Cons of Being Your Own Boss

Do You Really Want to be an IT Consultant: The Pros and Cons of Being Your Own Boss At some point in every technical career, we come to a place where we start to visualize the glamourus world of independent IT contracting and consulting. We all know somebody who’s an IT consultant and as corporatations continue to downsize, our bosses fail to provide ideal working conditions and job security is no longer a given in any industry, more and more professionals are starting their own businesses as IT consultants or… Read More

Implementing Inheritance

Introduction and Implementing Inheritance The usefulness of inheritance is depnding on the choice of its usage. You can use inheritance if the derived class is a kind of base class but not has a relationship with the base class. Such a situation empowers you to reuse the code from the base class. It is also more useful if the hierarchy is very shallow. The developer can effect global changed to the derived class by changing the base class. Understanding Inheritance Inheritance is an important feature of any OOP Language. Let… Read More

Implementing Class Library Object

Implementing Class Library Object in VB.NET 2005 Class: Classical Object Oriented Concepts explain a class as a cookie cutter. A class allows you to create objects of the class. As a programmer you define a class with data fields, properties, methods and events. Then you can create objects based on that class that have state (fields, properties) and behavior (methods, events). A class can be considered as a specification of how the object of the class should look like and behave. An object of the class is nothing other than… Read More

Introducing VB.NET Windows Forms

Introducing VB.NET 2005 Windows Forms We will be learning in the next series of articles as part of VB.NET 2005 Free Training : Introducing Windows Forms in the following topics with code samples and screen shots. Introducing Windows Forms Designing Windows Application is simpler and less time consuming with Visual Basic 2005. A number of new facilities and enhancements have been made to assist the developer complete the project in time and with lesser number of errors. Windows Form is the cynosure of the Windows Application. Visual studio 2005 packs… Read More

Are You Really Listening: The Importance of Strong Communication Skills

Are You Really Listening The Importance of Strong Communication Skills for Advancement in the Technology Industry Let’s face it, when most people think of IT professionals, the image that comes to mind is the guy or girl with the glasses huddled behind a myriad of computer monitors, incapable of communicating with anyone other than their keyboard. In today’s competitive IT marketplace, this person also is exactly the type that no employer wants to bring on board and will, in fact, avoid at all costs. Strong communication skills are one of… Read More

Looking into the Crystal Ball: Technology and Trends in the IT Industry

Looking into the Crystal Ball: Technology and Trends in the IT Industry As the business world continues to evolve, outsourcing offshore hits all time highs, and technology continues to march on, many IT professionals are trying to peer into the future in an effect to identify trends in the IT industry and position themselves positively for the changes that are bound to come. To be honest, even with the saturation of IT professionals, the future shows some promise, as long as you’re ready and willing to adapt with the industry.… Read More

Get Microsoft Certified: Everyone else is!

Get Microsoft Certified:  Everyone else is! If you haven’t taken the time to earn your Microsoft certifications, you just may be severely limiting your opportunities in the IT industry. In the early 90’s there were only a handful of IT certifications available, in 2005 however, you’ll be hard pressed not to find one that fits your particular skill set. Although certifications are considered useless by some hard-core techies who don’t believe they need a one to prove their skill levels, the job market continues to remain competitive. The lack of… Read More

Caught in a Downsizing: Tips to help you regroup and head back into the IT market

In today’s economy and especially in the IT industry, it’s not at all unusual to meet professionals who are currently experiencing the frustration of seeking new employment after a downsizing or layoff. After the initial shock wears off, professionals in the IT market often find themselves attempting to negotiate in an arena many of them haven’t been in for years. In many cases, however, positive things can actually result from a layoff and once you get to a place in which you can appreciate them, it might not seem like… Read More

Too Much or Too Little: Common mistakes when presenting technical skills in an IT resume

When writing an IT resume, the most common mistake is presenting too much or too little information. More often than not techies tend to go heavy on the technical information, often leaving out key soft skills and other important data. When writing an IT resume, it’s extremely important that technical skills are presently clearly and concisely but even more important that the extent of your skills are quantifiable and you can show an employer how you use them. When adding a skill section to your resume, don’t exaggerate your level… Read More

Writing a Technological Resume: How to get noticed amid a plethora of other candidates

The technology industry is currently on the downswing when it come too available IT positions. The abundance of highly skilled and qualified candidates continues to increase, making it even more important that your first impression, your technological resume, makes an impact on a potential employer. Following are few tips that are guaranteed to land your technological resume on the top of the pile. When preparing to write your technological resume, the most important step is organizing the information you are going to provide, clearly and in a manner that will… Read More

Working with Oracle Listener

NOTE: "Working with Listener in Oracle" tutorial has been updated with Oracle 11g Version. This tutorial will teach you how to start, stop and check the status of the Oracle Listener through Enterprise Manager. Oracle Listener provides crucial information on database connection state. In case of any issue with the database connection, I would first check to see if the listener started properly or not. Hence it is important to be familiar with Listener functionality. Startup listener through Command Prompt Check listener status – The command to check the status… Read More