XML Data Types in SQL Server 2005

XML Data Types in SQL Server 2005 In this tutorial you will learn about XML Data Types, Query and Inexes in SQL Server 2005 – XML Data type, XML Typing, Advantages of storing XML in databases, Untyped XML data, Using Typed XML, Managing XML indexes, XQuery and XQuery syntax. XML Data type As stated above the XML data type is a new introduction in SQL Server 2005. It enhances the developer’s ability to work with XML within the framework of T-SQL. This data type can be used just like any… Read More

Using XML in SQL Server 2005

Using XML in SQL Server 2005 In this tutorial you will learn about using XML in SQL Server 2005 – XML enhancements in SQL Server 2005, the FOR Clause, Using XSINIL with ELEMENTS, Using elementsxinil in EXPLICIT mode and Enhancements to OpenXML function   XML enhancements in SQL Server 2005 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 introduced XML capabilities to the server in a very limited manner. Developers could export relational data as XML and shred the same back into XML. However, such data could not be stored in the database, except… Read More

Risk Analysis

Risk Analysis In this tutorial you will learn about Risk Analysis, Technical Definitions, Risk Analysis, Risk Assessment, Business Impact Analysis, Product Size Risks, Business Impact Risks, Customer-Related Risks, Process Risks, Technical Issues, Technology Risk, Development Environment Risks, Risks Associated with Staff Size and Experience. Risk Analysis is one of the important concepts in Software Product/Project Life Cycle. Risk analysis is broadly defined to include risk assessment, risk characterization, risk communication, risk management, and policy relating to risk. Risk Assessment is also called as Security risk analysis. Technical Definitions: Risk Analysis:… Read More

Technical Terms Used in Testing World

Technical Terms Used in Testing World In this tutorial you will learn about technical terms used in testing world, from Audit, Acceptance Testng to Validation, Verification and Testing. Audit: An independent examination of a work product or set of work products to assess compliance with specifications, standards, contractual agreements, or other criteria. Acceptance testing: Testing conducted to determine whether or not a system satisfies its acceptance criteria and to enable the customer to determine whether or not to accept the system. Alpha Testing: Acceptance testing performed by the customer in… Read More

Bug Life Cycle & Guidelines

Bug Life Cycle & Guidelines In this tutorial you will learn about Bug Life Cycle & Guidelines, Introduction, Bug Life Cycle, The different states of a bug, Description of Various Stages, Guidelines on deciding the Severity of Bug, A sample guideline for assignment of Priority Levels during the product test phase and Guidelines on writing Bug Description. Introduction: Bug can be defined as the abnormal behavior of the software. No software exists without a bug. The elimination of bugs from the software depends upon the efficiency of testing done on… Read More

Using Notification Services in SQL Server 2005

Using Notification Services in SQL Server 2005 In this tutorial you will learn about using notification services in SQL Server 2005, Notification Services Architecture, Building Notification Services Solutions, Using Notification Services, Subscription Management, Syntax for adding subscribers, Syntax for adding a device, Syntax for Adding the Subscriptions. Notification Services Architecture Building Notification Services Solutions This new feature of SQL Server 2005 is directed towards the delivery of event driven or scheduled notifications to users who have opted to receive such notifications. Developers find this feature extremely useful for developing and… Read More

SQL Server 2005 – Service Broker

SQL Server 2005 – Service Broker Introduction The process of sending and receiving asynchronous messages by different processes in SQL Server 2005 is enabled by the Service Broker. The Transact SQL Data Manipulation Language is used to the send messages to a queue in the database of the sender or to another database in the SQL Server instance, or another server instance or remote server. Conceptually the process involves queues, dialogs, conversations groups and activation. In this tutorial we will briefly examines these concepts before having a practical look at… Read More

Oracle Apps 11i : Asset Management – Journal Entries

Oracle Apps 11i : Asset Management – Journal Entries In this tutorial you will learn about Journal Entries: Assets Journal Entries Flow – Oracle Assets creates journal entries for depreciation expense, asset cost, other accounts, and automatically creates general ledger transaction journal entries, if you have set up the journal entry category for that transaction type in the asset book. Journal Entries: Assets Journal Entries Flow The GL period for which you want to create journal entries must be open, The period name in the depreciation calendar assigned to the… Read More

Oracle Apps 11i : Asset Management – Retirements

Oracle Apps 11i : Asset Management – Retirements In this tutorial you will learn about Asset Management – Retirements; Types of Asset Retirement. – Full Retirement, Partial Retirement, Undo or Reinstate Retirements, Retiring Separately Across Depreciation Books, Reinstating Retired Assets – Reinstating with a PENDING status, Reinstating with a PROCESSED Status and Reversing a Reinstatement. Retirements 1. You retire an asset fully or partially when it is lost, stolen, damaged, sold, returned, or for any other reason that causes you to stop using it. 2. You retire assets by units… Read More

Data Manipulation Language (DML) in SQL Server 2005

Data Manipulation Language (DML) in SQL Server 2005 In this tutorial you will learn about Data Manipulation Language (DML) – New Data Types, New Operators, The APPLY Operator, Ranking Functions, The OUTPUT Statement, Common Table Expressions(CTE), OTHER DML and T-SQL functions, TABLESAMPLE, Exception Handling, and Procedure for using Structured Exception handling. Data manipulation Language (DML) is a set of statements that help manipulate data in the database. The heart of the DML is T-SQL. A number of enhancements have been made to T-SQL in the Yukon version. In this section… Read More

T-SQL Enhancements in SQL Server 2005

T-SQL Enhancements in SQL Server 2005 In this tutorial you will learn about T-SQL Enhancements in SQL Server 2005 – Data Definition Language Statements, .NET framework integration, Full Text Search, Index transact SQL Statements, Security Transact SQL Enhancements, Service Broker T-SQL statements, Synonym Transact SQL Statements, Table and Index Partitioning Transact SQL Enhancements, Table Transact SQL Enhancements, Triggers and Event Notification Transact SQL Enhancements. T-SQL enhancements in SQL Server 2005 range from alternative mechanisms for transaction isolation to declarative support for hierarchical queries. The statement level recompilation also improves existing… Read More

Security Features in SQL Server 2005 for the Developer

Overview of SQL Server 2005 for the Developer-Security In this tutorial you will learn about Security Features in SQL Server 2005 – Authentication, Password Complexity, Password Expiration, Lockout Behavior, Endpoint-based Authentication, Authorization, Native Data Encryption, Code and Module Signing, SQL Server Agent Operations, Monitoring and Auditing   Authentication SQL server has been designed to be “secure by default”. However, it has a number of customizable features that further increase the degree of protection—Authentication, Authorization and encryption. The settings have been optimized and avoid installing non essential components and features that… Read More

Oracle Apps 11i : Asset Management – Depreciation

Oracle Apps 11i : Asset Management – Depreciation In this tutorial you will learn about Asset Management – Depreciation ; a) Elements, b) Basic depreciation calculation, c) Calculate Annual Depreciation, d) Allocate Annual Depreciation across Periods, e) Spreading Depreciation across Expense Accounts, f) Methods, g) Run-Depreciation, h) Closing a Depreciation Period and i) Programs Depreciation a) Elements Define corporate, tax, and budget asset books. Define the corporate book first to associate it with multiple tax and budget books. Oracle Assets provides many standard depreciation methods. Set up additional methods if… Read More

Oracle Apps 11i : Asset Management – Mass Transfers

Oracle Apps 11i : Asset Management – Mass Transfers In this tutorial you will learn about Asset Management – Mass Transfers; a) Mass Reclassifications, b) Using Mass Changes and c) Mass Asset Transfers. Mass Transfers a) Mass Reclassifications Figure 1. Navigate to Mass Reclassifications. Figure 2. Create Mass Reclassifications. Figure 3. Running Mass Reclassification.(Request # 3067276 and 3067277) You can reclassify a group of assets using the Mass Reclassifications window. In addition to reclassifying assets to a new category, when you run the Mass Reclassification process, you have the option… Read More

Oracle Apps 11i : Asset Management – Asset Adjustments

Oracle Apps 11i : Asset Management – Asset Adjustments In this tutorial you will learn about Asset Adjustments – Single Asset Reclassification, Adjusting Units, Assigning Units, Adjusting Financial Information and Single Asset Transfers.   Asset Adjustments You can adjust an asset by reclassifying, changing the number of units, adjusting the financial information, or performing a mass change. Single Asset Reclassification Figure 1. Navigating to Single Asset Reclassification. Figure 2. Single Asset Reclassification. Reclassify assets to update information, correct data entry errors, or when consolidating categories. Adjusting Units a) You can… Read More

Oracle Apps 11i : Asset Management – Mass Additions

.Oracle Apps 11i : Asset Management – Mass Additions In this tutorial you will learn about Mass Additions – The Mass Addition Process, Create Mass Additions, Prepare Mass Additions, Post Mass Additions and Delete Mass Additions.   Mass Additions Mass Additions Process Step 1 Create Mass Additions : Run Mass Additions Create from Oracle Payables to copy invoice distribution lines representing potential assets into the FA_MASS_ADDITIONS interface table in Oracle Assets. Figure 1. Run the Mass Additions Create program. Step 2 Prepare Mass Additions : Use Prepare Mass Additions to… Read More

Oracle Apps 11i : Asset Management – Manual and Quick Additions

Oracle Apps 11i Free Training : Asset Management – Manual and Quick Additions In this tutorial you will lean about Manual and Quick Additions – Adding Assets Manually, Quick Additions, Detail Asset Additions – Using the Asset Details Window, Using the Books Window, Using the Assignments Window and Using the Source Lines Window. Manual and Quick Additions Adding Assets Manually You use Quick Additions to add assets manually. All assets added to the primary asset book are automatically converted to the reporting currencies asset books when you save transaction. Based… Read More

Oracle Apps 11i : Asset Management – Asset Books Regions

Oracle Apps 11i Tutorials : Asset Management – Asset Books Regions In this tutorial you will learn about various Asset Books Regions like Calendar Region, Accounting Rules Region, Natural Accounts Region, Journal Categories Region and Asset Categories Regions. Calendar Region Allow Purge : Purges data from the asset book. GL Set of Books : Enter the GL set of books for creating journal entries. Prorate Calendar : Determine depreciation rate. Current Period : Oracle Assets updates the current period field each time the current period is closed and the next… Read More

Oracle Apps 11i : Asset Management – Asset Book Positioning

.Oracle Apps 11i Tutorials : Asset Management – Asset Book Positioning Oracle Assets is a complete asset management solution that maintains property and equipment accurately to help you the best accounting and tax strategies. You can add, transfer, and retire assets. You can adjust for a single asset, group of assets, or financial information. Oracle assets adapts to various countries’ tax and accounting laws to accommodate fluctuating economies, unplanned depreciation, and other unforeseen circumstances. Oracle assets provides reports that you can use to inform the fixed asset manager of additions,… Read More