Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Virtual Private Network (VPN) A VPN or a Virtual Private Network is a dedicated communications channel which is streamlined using another network. A VPN is useful for companies which need their own space on the internet. For example a business community that needs to secure its own network on the internet and wants to carry out various business activities within this environment can use a VPN. The VPN operates on a different and more complicated topology than a point to point network. Also VPN dos not stress on security features… Read More

Print Servers

Print Servers Print server is a server or advice that is used to connect many printers of a network to it. Using the print server any computer on the network can give a print command to the server and the print server will get the job done accordingly. Usually a print server is configured on a computer that is running windows operating system. The main use of print server is in large offices where many people are giving print commands from their computers simultaneously. A printer by itself that is… Read More

Web Server

Web Server A web server can be a program or the computer itself which receives the requests from various other browsers and responds to those requests. These requests are all HTTP requests that are being sent for some HTTP documents. There are two kinds of web servers available. The web server program and the web server computer are two different devices. A web server computer accepts larger amount of requests and is usually used to receive many requests at a time. It is a public computer present on the internet.… Read More

Home Networking

Home Networking Home networks are creating the modern day offices at home for individuals who prefer to stay at home while working. For domestic usage the home networks found no uses as most people could afford only one computer. However there are families that find one computer is not enough for them to do everything. People read emails; many women set up home based business, their children might want the computer for school work. With the increase in usage of computer by all the members of a family, the need… Read More

Network Topology

Network Topology There are two levels in a network topology and there are five kinds of network topologies. The networks can be connected at two levels, the physical and the other is logical. A topology basically defines how the network has to be designed and provides a structure to the network. The five different kinds of topologies are • Bus • Ring • Star • Tree • Mesh Bus Topology The bus topology is a series of nodes which are all connected to a backbone. Bus networks typically work well… Read More

Network Management

  Network Management Network management is the method of managing the tools that belong to a network and maintaining, administering all the systems that are connected in the network. For one to be able to efficiently manage a network that person should be a qualified network administrator and should have in depth knowledge of the functionalities of the network and different topologies of network. There are two aspects in any network, one is the logical aspect and the other is the physical level. The network administrator should be good at… Read More

Network Designs

Network Designs While designing a network many factors have to be taken into consideration like the area to be covered, capacity of data that has to be handled and even security issues. However when it comes to networks there are LANS or the Local Area Networks and WAN the Wide Area Networks. These are the two major types of networks which are further subdivided into topologies. Any of the topology has to be based on one of the two kinds of network. Topologies A topology means the layout of the… Read More

Bus Topology

Bus Topology From the name of the network itself many inferences of the network can be derived. A bus topology in more technical terms means that it is a method of transmission on networks that uses a common vehicle for transmissions and thus it is categorized as shared communication. Imagine a bus picking up various people from one stop and dropping of people as it travels and then picking a few more. That is what happens in a bus network exactly. However in a Bus topology only one device is… Read More

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Switching

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Switching The Asynchronous Transfer mode or more popularly known as ATM is actually a part of the International Telecom Standards. Using the ATM protocols information can be sent and received in small secure cells. However for ATM connections to work there should be a constant connection. The ATM technology has found a large usage in cell switching and technologies that use multi-plexing. Also the benefits of using ATM technologies are that you can have a fixed bandwidth from 1 MBPS to Gigabytes. ATM Devices Functionality There… Read More