Business Intelligence Integration

Business Intelligence Integration How to Integrate Business Intelligence within Your Organization Before you Integrate Business Intelligence into your Organization Business Intelligence has developed into strategic process over the years of its extraordinary growth, even so it still needs to be incorporated into each business process with great care in order to properly lead business operations onto the path of attaining their individual strategic objectives. Before an organization attempts to integrate a Business Intelligence system into their operational or analytical systems they should be certain to be sure that they effectively… Read More

Managing SQA Projects

Managing SQA Projects No matter how big a project is, there will always be a person who will be overseeing the whole project. They are usually the project managers and in this case, called the SQA managers. SQA managers are always at the forefront of everything, answering to the business manager regarding the status of the application and informing the subordinates regarding updates or the new policies about the application. That is generally the work of every manager, supervisor or anyone who has people working under their guidance. But to… Read More

Business Intelligence Tips

Business Intelligence Tips Understand Your Organization first Truly understanding your company and how it works is perhaps one of the most important Business Intelligence tips anyone can offer. This includes understanding the business itself, the processes involved, the data, and how that data is used by the people with in the organization. You will need to understand what your organization specializes in or with. If business deals with sales, what does the organization sale? How can you make that product better? You need to familiarize yourself with the products and… Read More

Identifying SQA Issues

Identifying SQA Issues Software Quality Assurance is a good practice that every large scale business should employ. IT related businesses have never hesitated to use SQA to ensure that the application they will release for their users or sell to their customers will live up to their expectations. Identifying SQA Issues Software Quality Assurance is a good practice that every large scale business should employ. IT related businesses have never hesitated to use SQA to ensure that the application they will release for their users or sell to their customers… Read More

Business Performance Management

Business Performance Management What is Business Performance Management? Business Performance Management is most commonly described as a set of processes that help companies or organizations optimize their business performance. It is specifically designed to organize, automate, and analyze business methods, metrics, processes and systems that drive an organizations performance. It also involves the merging of data from a range of sources, querying, and analysis of the data and putting the results into practice to find the most desirable outcome.  Business Performance Management improves those processes. Real-time reviews help organizations to… Read More


Why SQA There are so many reasons why a company should consider SQA. It is all about business survival and SQA is just one of the many tools the company should effectively use. And just like a tool, it has to be effectively used to its maximum. If the tool is not used to its full extent, the tool will just be a financial burden to the company. SQA should also be utilized at the same way – to its full extent. One of the reasons why businesses and companies… Read More

Business Intelligence Applications

Business Intelligence Applications In this article we are going to take some time to discuss the various applications that are normally provided with Business Intelligence Systems. Tools Used to Analyze Performance, Projects and Internal Operations First we will look over the tools most commonly used to analyze areas such as performance or internal operations. These tools are helpful when a manager or executive wishes to view information pertaining to the general function of an area, this can range from the productivity to sales performance. The first tool we will investigate… Read More

SQA Costs and Benefits

SQA Costs and Benefits Software Quality Assurance has been developed for years and it has been proven to be useful for some situations. We have to emphasize the word “some” since there are companies who have disputed the idea of SQA with so many reasons. Taking a look at the reasons, it all goes down to the idea of getting your money’s worth. Companies have to work with SQA may have found the benefits against its costs. On the other hand, there are companies that have completely ignored the idea… Read More

Business Intelligence Data Analysis

Data Analysis Data Analysis is a complete and thorough review of all of the information being collected and warehoused by an organization. This is most commonly done by organizing and examining the data collected with the help of charts, graphs, and tables. The data is processed in order to draw conclusions about the way an organization is operating and aid that organization in coming to a sound decision regarding their business. By dissecting and organizing data an organization is able to pin-point problem areas and move forward with the required… Read More

SQA Implementation

SQA Implementation Developers and the SQA team create a development plan before they build an application. The developers write following the SDLC plan while the SQA team writes the Software Quality Assurance Plan to ensure that the SDLC plan was executed. If these documents by the developers and the SQA is well written and organized, the application that is about to be developed is already half-way done. Even though the documents are well written, these are all nothing when those written are not followed. That is why equally important to… Read More

SQA Lifecycle Standards

SQA Lifecycle Standards Software Quality Assurance procedures have finally been standardized and have been virtually perfected after years of planning on how to perfect the application standardization. Through experience, the company was able to place in writing how to develop a plan for software development. Because it has been standardized, the application that was developed using SQA could be recognized worldwide because it has been made according to the standards. Along with the standards, the metrics are also standardized. More than anything else written in the report, the clients who… Read More