The Power of Leadership

Leadership is one of those skills that is often hard for everyone to learn in school; many believe that you either have it or you do not. While there may be some truth to this, it is possible for any individual to become an effective leader, so long as they cultivate the many traits and views that successful leaders have. While there are many definitions which are used to describe leadership, it is "the ability to persuade a group of people in a manner which allows a specific goal to… Read More

Developing Negotiation Skill

We all have to negotiate on a regular basis in our daily life, the ability to negotiate is a skill which everyone needs to be adept in order to succeed. The cool thing about negotiating is that it is a skill that can be quite fun to learn, it is critically important, and should always be taken seriously. Negotiation is a valuable skill because it can give you an advantage in life, but like any skill of value, you must practice in order to excel at it. The central thing… Read More

Problem Solving Skill

Problems are something that we all have; no person on this planet, no matter how rich or famous they are, can avoid problems, whether professional or personal. The one thing that most of us figure out early on is that trying to reach any type of goal often requires us to surmount a number of difficulties, some of which may seem insurmountable when we first encounter them. Problems exist as a result of Murphy’s Law: if something can go wrong, it will go wrong. Once Murphy’s Law is put into… Read More

How to Think Critically

Of all the life skills that you must master in order to gain long term success, the ability to think critically is very important. While college and educational systems do emphasize on objective thinking to a degree, not everyone educate their students on the importance of thinking critically. First, let us go over the definition of critical thinking. To think critically is to take time to analyze, discern, and evaluate the world around you. To be a successful critical thinker, you must be able to reflect on various situations in… Read More

Financial Management – A Key Life Skill

Money makes the world go around, and while there have been people who have said that "money does not bring happiness", the reality is that those who do not master the financial game will live a life full of uncertainty, poverty, and worst of all: an inability to truly reach their potential as human beings. The cold hard truth is that we all want to be rich, but statistics and economics show that only a handful of us will ever reach it; the majority will simply always be out of… Read More

Microsoft Silver Light Technical Details

Microsoft Silver Light Technical Details Since Silverlight functions with a subset of XAML, or the eXtensible Application Markup Language, many have said that this is the epicenter of the Windows Presentation. Developers have the option of utilizing Visual Studio to construct the Silverlight content. In addition to this, there is a fresh VC-1 encoder program kit which can be used for development. Microsoft has stated that it is willing to port Silverlight to Adobe Flash, despite the fact that these two tools are direct competitors. In addition to this, it… Read More

How to Make Decision Effectively

In theory, making decisions sounds really easy: you are given two or more options to choose from, and you simply decide which option you think is best for you. However, in reality, making decisions can become much more complicated than this. Your ability to make the right decisions can mean the difference between enormous success and mediocrity, and it is a critical life skill that needs to be learnt to perfection. While making basic decisions, such as which flavor of ice cream to buy, are relatively simple, things become complicated… Read More

Critical Life Skills

While educational system is an important and an integral part of the society, it has become heavily overrated. Statistics have shown that many of the people who graduate from college often use only a small percentage of the skills that they learned from college. When you consider the huge amount that is spent on tuition fee, one may think of learning as much or more from college. The monopoly on education that college has, has ensured that many high paying jobs will hire only those who have a degree from… Read More

Silverlight Installation Methods

This article goes over the Group Policy method which is used to install Silverlight on a corporate network. This is the first of the three installation options that you have. Silverlight Installation via Group Policy Installing Silverlight through group policy is a prudent method for small to moderate sized enterprises. It is also a useful option when the plug-in is not being deployed with a sizeable number of users at the same time. For big enterprises, Silverlight is better deployed through the SMS method, or a third part software distribution… Read More

Essential Life Skills

Life skills are some of the most important skills you can have. One thing which separates life skills from the skills that we learn in school is that life skills tend to be things which are hard to teach in a classroom, skills that will most often be learned through experience alone. Handling Work One such skill is learning how to handle work.  In real life scenario, anytime that you think that you have got to a point in a project where you think it is fully completed, there will… Read More

Utilizing Silverlight on a Corporate Network

To successfully utilize Silverlight via a corporate network, there are four basic steps that will need to be followed. First, you will need to plan the deployment, and after the planning phase, you will next need to test it. Once you have tested your deployment strategy, you will next need to deploy Silverlight on the network. The last and final step is to maintain Silverlight inside your environment. This article will go over part one, which involves preparing for the actual deployment of Silverlight. To successfully install Silverlight, it is… Read More

Vocational Life Skills

There are a number of vocational programs today which act as alternatives to the much more expensive colleges and universities. The key difference between vocational programs and college is that many of these programs are specifically designed to teach their students specific skills. For example, when a student decides to take a vocational course in carpentry, this is the skill that they will be taught. They will not have to worry about the pre-requisites which are so common in the college system today. At the same time, life skills are… Read More

MS Silverlight Architecture

Silverlight is a plugin that can be used for multiple platforms and browsers, and it is designed to offer state of the art media experiences which are based on .NET. Additionally, Silverlight provides a programming model which is highly adaptable, and which offers support for many different languages such as Ajax, Ruby, and Python. It can be integrated well with web applications that already exist, and some of its capabilities include rapid and affordable delivery of audio which is high in quality. Through the use of Visual Studio along with… Read More

Eight Important Life Skills

While graduating from college can allow you to enter an occupation where you can earn a competitive salary, you need more than just a degree to get ahead in today’s world. While a college education can provide you with many things, the one thing that it often does not provide is life skills. Life skills are defined as skills which can provide you with a better perspective on life, skills which can allow you to maintain a higher awareness of both yourself and the world around you. In this article,… Read More

Life Skills For Success

There are a number of skills that you will need to develop in life if you wish to be successful with anything, and the bad news is that most of these skills are not taught in college. One skill that is extremely valuable is public speaking. If you have the ability to speak in a persuasive manner, and convey your ideas to an audience, then you have the potential to achieve an enormous amount of success. Those who are good with public speaking tend to be those that have confidence… Read More

Microsoft Silverlight Introduction

The Internet has evolved to the point where many people today are using it for all their communication needs. With the rapidly changing communication tools of today, people can make appointments over the web, or even shop for groceries and find answers to their questions. Competition among companies is very stiff over the Internet, as you only have a few moments to capture the attention of potential customers. When it comes to presentations, companies are now making use of animation, videos, and even vector graphics to increase the digital experience… Read More

Life Skill Mastery

In this article, you will learn some of the essential life skills which are critical to self mastery, skills which most educational institutions today do not bother to teach their students.  1. Living a balanced life – When you live a life that is out-of-balance, you are leading a life which is not wholly fulfilling, one in which you are probably not happy. While too much work is often bad, too much leisure and pleasure can equally be debilitating. To be truly successful, one must have a high degree of… Read More