Controlling the Outsourcing Effects

Outsourcing has been one of the most popular business terms in the past few years – and for a good reason. Most companies that have multi-mullion dollar investments have considered outsourcing some of their basic services to other countries so that they can save millions of dollars a year on some of their functions. Outsourcing is basically an act of hiring someone else to do some of the tasks in your company. But instead of hiring someone locally, you outsource which means you have to get someone from other countries… Read More

Globalization Challenges

Globalization can be considered as a business move for a corporation if they want to significantly expand their business. In gist, globalization for a business means they expand their client base and support not just on their own country but also on other countries as well. Through globalization, companies will be able to significantly increase their earnings which mean more improvement for the company. For its employees, globalization means more opportunities. The more experienced ones increase their chances of promotion as more and more employees will be hired. Not only… Read More

Leadership During Recession

There will always be a leader in business, politics, community or any other organization. Without a leader, the whole organization will crumble as no one will lead the group into doing something they have collectively decided. Sometimes a leader doesn’t even have to consult the group but would have to consider very important factors so that the leader could properly decide what’s best for everyone. For this reason, most see leadership as a lucrative position as a leader can wield power and influence. Everyone follows your decisions and see it… Read More

Leadership Priorities

Changes experienced in business setting is considered as a good sign in terms of business survival. Generally changes are made during expansion and also while minimizing employment and maximizing use of resources. The former is, of course, the desired change of everyone but there are times when a company has to make some cuts not only in their resource usage but also with their employees strength. As a leader, you need to be prepared to face these situations so that you can survive and even smoothly adapt to the different… Read More

Stepping in as the New Leader

Being promoted from an employee to become a leader is probably one of the best experiences.  From a simple follower, you become someone in the forefront as you lead a specific number of employees. Although you will never have to be productive yourself, you are answerable to someone higher if your employees are not as productive as expected. On the other end, you become the representative of the upper management and any concern of your employees about the management should run by you. You are practically a middle man now… Read More

Personal Qualities: Relationship Management

We deal with people everyday of our lives. People interaction forms part of what we do everyday. We can either be communicating with the same people everyday or meet new ones. Forming relationships with the people we meet and deal with is an integral part of personal success and achievement of goals. Simple as it may sound, it is not easy building good and long-lasting relationships. In fact, it is a skill to know how to create and manage good relationships with people. There are those who excel in such… Read More

Personal Qualities: Time Management

Time is an essential element in everything we do. We highly consider time in all our daily activities and encounters with people. But not everyone is capable of managing their own time properly. We either can have too much time or lack of time in doing a certain thing. Some people end up cramming when there is a deadline to beat; some just stay relaxed and composed. Have you experienced having to rush from one activity to another in just a day and cannot even seem to fulfill one? Or… Read More

Personal Qualities: Sociability

Are you comfortable being around other people? Can you easily carry a conversation with complete strangers? Answering “yes” to these questions would indicate sociability, which is basically defined as the ability to relate and associate themselves with other people without any difficulty. The opposite of a sociable person is one who is aloof, shy, or reclusive. They are not at all fond of going out, and they prefer to stay at home curled up in a good book than to go out with friends and colleagues. The extreme opposite of… Read More

Personal Qualities: Self Management

The concept of self-management may be applicable to various fields but generally, it is a psychological term which pertains to an individual’s goal of being able to manage personal activities, skills, objectives, and personal autonomy. Managers or high-ranking officers are not the only ones entitled to develop the skill of self-management. Anyone who hopes to achieve personal autonomy can also learn the skill through practice and perseverance. If you think managers or leaders find their functions easy and stress-free, it is actually the other way around. Apart from supervising and… Read More

Personal Qualities: Self Confidence

Feeling inadequate, being resigned to mediocrity, and living lonely and unfulfilled lives are very indicative of people who lack self confidence. These people are often timid and shy, although there are those who are good at hiding their insecurities and do not necessarily show any form of shyness when in the presence of others. On the other hand, people who are confident in themselves believe in their own abilities; they understand that although they have imperfections, they have the capacity to change and improve, and as a result, they do… Read More

Personal Qualities: Responsibility

In the wake of problems, there are people who step up and offer their time, effort, and abilities to resolve the issue at hand. Regardless of how complex or how difficult the problem may be, they are willing and ready to do what they can- the best they can. There are also others, who, when problems arise, often seem to find excuses not to help. It is either that they are not capable of fixing the problem, they do not have enough resources to fix the problem, or that they… Read More

Personal Qualities: Self Esteem

Self esteem has been defined as a person’s own affirmations that he has what it takes to live a fruitful life. It is about having the confidence to face every challenge that come their way, as well as the belief that he has every right to be happy, and every reason to deserve success. Stanley Coopersmith, in his book entitled, “The Antecedents of Self Esteem” mentioned that with self esteem, a person can either approve or disapprove of his own abilities and skills, a personal judgment of his own self… Read More

Personal Qualities: Integrity

A personal quality that is vital to one’s overall success is integrity. It is a set of traits that will make a person trustworthy, highly regarded, and reliable, in any situation. Integrity is a broad concept that serves many purposes. First of all, integrity is one’s own choice to commit to universal values and principles. This means that regardless of what the situation may be, no matter what others are doing, a person with integrity will stick to his commitments to do the right things in accordance to values and… Read More

Personal Qualities: Credibility

Being able to persuade someone to believe in what you have to say is not always easy. Trying to win a customer, getting hired, gaining new friends, and building business and work-relationships- these are just some of the many things that individuals do everyday. And to succeed at each of these, credibility is required. Without this fundamental personal quality, it is almost impossible to achieve your purpose. The Essence of Credibility When other people put their trust, faith, and respect on you, it means they deem you as a credible… Read More

Thinking Skill: Creative Thinking

In many aspects of our life, thinking puts emphasis on analysis such as in understanding a message, concept, or idea, following instructions, creating logical reasoning, knowing the wrong from the right, and so on. However, thinking does not limit itself to analyzing only; there is a different kind of thinking skill that allows individuals to look for other options and solutions, to explore other ideas, and to search for new possibilities. This kind of thinking skill is otherwise known as creative thinking. Importance of Creative Thinking Skill Usually, people get… Read More

Thinking Skill: Decision Making

Decision-making involves the use of cognitive processes in choosing from several ideas, choices, and options, and then acting on it. It is a series of steps that starts with an understanding of the situation, gathering information, coming up with choices and alternatives, selecting from these choices and alternatives, and ending with an action. Decisions often revolve around issues such as uncertainties, high risks, alternatives, complexities, as well as interpersonal issues. Importance of Decision-Making Skill Decision-making is considered to be a core skill because in essence, it is a necessary ingredient… Read More

Thinking Skill: Problem Solving

People deal with problems all the time. And because it is something that we are constantly faced with, the ability to resolve problems is considered as a core skill; a basic necessity for people to live life to their fullest capacity. Defining Problem Solving Generally, there are two types of problems. The first one comprises of problems that are well-defined, with clear objectives, methods, and information provided. The second one is the ill-defined, the exact opposite of the first type; it does not have any concrete information, paths to solution,… Read More

Thinking Skill: Reasoning

Reasoning skill involves the process of taking in information and making inferences based on what an individual knows to be true. A gauge of one’s intellectual abilities, reasoning enables people to understand ideas and concepts better, and arrive at logical conclusions. Types of Reasoning There are many types of reasoning but the most widely used are: deductive, inductive, conditional, comparative, exemplar, cause and effect, and systemic reasoning. Deductive reasoning starts with the general theory or idea, and breaks it down to specifics. Such reasoning is usually used by scientists when… Read More

Thinking Skill: Visualizing

The general notion that thinking skills cannot be taught is incorrect. Had this been the case, it would imply that before students start attending school, they are already gifted and equipped with everything they need to be able to make decisions and provide solutions on their own. Had this been the case, there would be no need for teachers to guide students to improve their thinking abilities. Thinking skills can be taught but the question is: which skills are being taught? Visualizing is one skill that should be part and… Read More

Basic Skill: Arithmetic

Arithmetic is the oldest division of Mathematics which essentially deals with operation of numbers such as counting, adding and subtracting. It is one of the most basic skills and is learnt at a very young age. This article aims to appreciate the value of acquiring this skill, and also provide you with techniques on how to learn and develop it. Importance of Arithmetic Education plays an important role in the development of arithmetic skill. During primary level, individuals are taught to count and perform arithmetic operations from simple to complex,… Read More