What is White Box Testing

White box testing is a significant security testing method that testers use to ascertain whether the codes follow the intended or planned design. This test also validates implemented security functionalities and discovers existing vulnerabilities in the system. Topics White Box Testing Advantages Unlocking White Box Testing Secrets White Box Testing Steps White Box Testing Coverage This article will help you know what exactly white box testing is and how testers can perform this test by using tools and techniques designed for the test. This test combines principles from two different… Read More

What is Usability Testing

As the name, it suggests, the term usability means in what manner an application can be used for the purpose it was created. In other words, can we create something that looks and feels better for general usage? Topics Need of Usability Testing Usability Testing Procedure Usability Testing Advantages Usability Testing Techniques Usability Testing Methods Conclusion Usability testing in its broad meaning refers to a way to quantify or measure how users find it to interact with a given set of applications and how they can the system by keeping… Read More

What is Stress Testing

Stress testing is a complex test in which testing is conducted under reduced machine and system resources conditions. The resources that undergo stressing may include internal memory, CPU availability, disk space, and network bandwidth. Stressor utility is generally used to reduce internal resources. Topics Is Stress Testing Practical? Benefits of Stress Testing Stress Test Result Data Conclusion In principle, stress testing tries to break the software by either overwhelming the software with too many tasks. The concept behind stress testing is to let the system fail intentionally to see how… Read More

What is Static Testing

A simple static test is necessary to detect possible defects and errors during the design phase of a software application and to verify in a precise manner, the various tasks for synthesis of program modules and test plans. Topics Static Testing Vs. Dynamic Testing Static Testing Methods and Techniques Goals of Static Testing Conclusion A software tester conducts static test with a minimal package that is just sufficient. Testers will get a comprehensive test plan that allows them to ascertain the operation of the product as per the criterion of… Read More

What is Smoke Testing

In software industry and according to Microsoft Inc, the term smoke testing defines the process of ascertaining or validating code changes before the changes are introduced into the product’s source tree. Topics Smoke Testing Advantages Role of Smoke Test in Software Development Implementing Smoke Testing Conclusion Once you make the code reviews, smoke testing will become the most useful and cost effective testing method for finding out and fixing defects in the software. These tests can confirm changes in the codes as expected and ensure that the changes do not… Read More