Entrepreneurship Decision Making Process

Decision making is all about employing one’s mental processes to come up with a final choice after careful consideration of several options or alternatives. The outcome of your decision could significantly affect your work, your business, and even your life. This is why in entrepreneurship, making intelligent decisions is regarded as very important because it could mean the difference between success and failure of your endeavor. Components of Decision-Making In order to make intelligent decisions, you need to identify the four components that are instrumental to making the right choices.… Read More

Entrepreneurship Innovation

Any invention or creation that is rendered useful to the society is considered as an innovation. Innovations can be simple invention or complex creations. It can be something that people had never heard of, or it could also be a revision or an improved version of an already existing product. Every business requires innovation in order to keep up with the fierce competition. To meet and exceed the expectations of the customers, a business has to continuously strive for excellence and this includes coming up with innovations that are rendered… Read More

Creativity in Entrepreneurship

Creative phase, Productive phase and Organizational phase are the three phases of entrepreneurship.  In the creative phase, an entrepreneur comes up with ideas that are directly based on his endeavors. In the productive phase, he makes these ideas real by getting the job done. In the organizational phase, he strategize, hire people or forms groups of people needed to get the job done, and comes up with action plans for improvement. Entrepreneur Creativity The ability of a person to formulate ideas and concepts in his mind is made possible through… Read More

Institutional Entrepreneurship

It was sociologist, Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt who was among the very first few individuals who coined the term ‘institutional entrepreneurship’ to refer people who have made themselves a “means” by which fundamental changes were bought about to certain structures and processes. In essence, these are people who strive to achieve market-oriented institutions. To cite an example in a much larger scale, a change in today’s economic structure is what is now popularly referred to as “globalization.” Fundamentally, this kind of entrepreneurship deals with making a significant change in the “rules… Read More

Entrepreneurs Internship Program

What you learn in the classroom will remain theories unless you apply them in actuality. Thus, the need for firsthand experience is necessary. Internship facilitates the “student” to spend a specified number of hours working for an assigned employer or the host. An established entrepreneur that allows the student to gain work experience in either for-profit or not-for-profit ventures. Colleges, business schools, and other academic institutions offer these programs in order to make sure that students aspiring to become entrepreneurs are given proper support and training. The duration of the… Read More

Entrepreneurship Leadership

Every entrepreneur should possess leadership qualities for them to succeed in their endeavors. In this article, the key relationship of leadership and entrepreneurship are highlighted to give you a better understanding of the relevance of these two concepts. Leadership Leadership is the process by which an individual can influence other people for the benefit of the organization as a whole, as well as for each member. They can make this happen because they possess invaluable attributes such as strength of character, willpower, beliefs, skills, and knowledge. It is important for… Read More

Risks Associated with Entrepreneurship

Risk in any endeavor is inevitable and before you decide to become an entrepreneur, you fully need to understand the risks associated with entrepreneurship and ensure that you are ready to handle them; otherwise, it would be a waste of time to start something only to realize later-on that you are not cutout for it. The risks associated with entrepreneurship are discussed in this article to help you gain better knowledge and understanding of what are at stake. This should facilitate readiness on your part, and aid you in deciding… Read More

Entrepreneurship Evaluation

Entrepreneurship is not for everyone. Generally people try to become successful in their chosen careers and be content with a regular office job. While some of them prefer setting up their own business the traditional way and are happy with it. Thus, it is imperative for you to ascertain if you are cut-out for entrepreneurship and start from there. In this article, you will learn whether you have what it takes to become an entrepreneur, and you will also be provided with valuable tips that will gear you towards success… Read More

Ideal Entrepreneurship Candidate

When a person manages, organizes, and becomes accountable to the risks and outcomes of a business or enterprise, he can be appropriately classified as an entrepreneur. This is the basic definition, but it takes more than a line or two to correctly define such a person. Who then is the ideal candidate for entrepreneurship? It is always good to find out if you are in fact the perfect entrepreneur candidate. Such awareness enables you to realize your own potential and defy limits instead of being stuck in a 9 to… Read More

Entrepreneurship Secrets

Many people have opted to become entrepreneurs because they have realized the vastness of the opportunities awaiting them. Nevertheless, when one engages in entrepreneurship, it helps to know that along the way, you are bound to meet a lot of challenges and will have your own frustrations to deal with. Every entrepreneur out there has experienced good times and bad times in the process of building his business, and every ounce of learning we get through our experiences is always very essential. Although these experiences make us better entrepreneurs, it… Read More

Entrepreneurship Advantages

When individuals enter into money-making ventures in the form of a business, a project, or an opportunity, they are considered to be entrepreneurs. Let us now find out what drives people to give up their job, start a business and become entrepreneurs. Why Become an Entrepreneur? There are many reasons as to why people decide to become an entrepreneur. For one, it could be because of the instability he finds in his job. Maybe he realizes that at anytime he could lose his job just like his office buddies who… Read More