Customer Communication Concept

In any business or organization, dealing with customers seems to be one of the most crucial success factors. Especially for a profit-earning company, customers play a vital role on the stability of the business. It is every company’s responsibility to get in touch with its customers for any concerns and feedback about the service. Successful business organizations make sure that their customers do not only conduct a one-time business with them, so customer communication is necessary. Communication with the customers does not just occur from the point of purchase to… Read More

Competency Based Performance Management

An organization follows certain process that aims to consistently meet the goals effectively through constant monitoring of employees’ performance and making sure that everyone performs in an outstanding manner. This is called performance management. It is an organizational work system that starts when an employee’s job title is defined along with its competencies and ends when an employee resigns from the company. It is a process of building a work environment wherein working individuals perform their best to contribute to the success of company goals. The term is sometimes associated… Read More

Continuing Competency with Training and Education

We all have individual set of competencies that can take us notches up the ladder of success.  You were able to grab your ideal job because your core competencies were just what the employer was looking for in a suitable candidate. However, after getting the job, did you ensure consistency in your set of knowledge, skills, and attitude? Or better yet, did you make an effort to strengthen your competencies even more and work on those that need improvement? In your workplace where you demonstrate most of your effective work… Read More

Competency Models

Building a successful career in an organization requires core set of competencies in order to carry out an outstanding performance and desirable outputs. This is what we call competency model. The framework helps employees in identifying the competencies they need to further improve in order to make a more satisfactory performance in their functions and also in preparation for future promotions and job transfer. The model will analyze employee competency to determine the areas the individual lacks development on and to bridge the gap, training and development will be required.… Read More

Competency Management Software

Competency assessment is a very essential tool in measuring the abilities of every employee. Organizations prefer to employ only competent workforce who can maintain their attributes or keep on improving it to continually meet organizational goals. In order to effectively manage workforce competencies in the company, the use of competency management software is an effective solution. Various management software programs keep track of competency assessments within given deadlines. When a company is able to identify the appropriate employees in the right positions internally, motivation and commitment increase. Moreover, employee turnover… Read More

Competency Interview Techniques

Competency-based interviewing is an elaborate process for both interviewers and the interviewees. The process is meticulous and tedious for the interviewers because they need to understand the demands of the position, which would include finding out the competencies needed for that position. For interviewees, they may not be able to identify that it is a competency interview they are in. Also, there may be other key competencies that the company is looking for that are not announced in the job advertisement but will be measured by the interviewer during the… Read More

Competency Interview Etiquette

Competencies are very essential in the success of an organization and individual job performance. With an increasing number of aspiring candidates in search of a well-compensating job, many companies and organizations nowadays need to make sure they are only getting the best and most qualified for the positions. They do this by identifying the competencies of the candidates as early as the recruitment process. A critical and crucial stage in the hiring process is the interview stage. Aside from the usual examination to gauge the skills of the candidates in… Read More

Impress the Employer with Your Competencies

Candidates seeking a good paying job in reputable companies must be prepared enough to land that job. Since there is a huge pool of job applicants who have similar goal as you do, you must aim to stand out from the rest and be the first to be noticed by the employer. Good candidates are those who project confidence in the way they answer the questions. Companies seek for potential candidates who possess the knowledge, skill, and attitude needed for the position. They want competent workforce and you have show… Read More

Competency-Based Interview Preparation Tips

How to Impressing the Interviewer? Individuals seeking for a good paying job in reputable companies must be prepared enough to land that job. Since there is a huge pool of job applicants who have a similar goal as you do, you must aim to stand out from the rest and be the first to be noticed by the employer. Good candidates are those who project confidence in the way they answer the questions. Companies seek for potential candidates who possess the knowledge, skill, and attitude needed for the position. They… Read More

Competency Interview Flow

A typical competency-based interview follows a flow, which serves as a guide for the interviewer and this holds true for all other types of interview. A smooth flow of question and answer process will satisfy the goal of both interviewer and interviewee. Typically, interviews would last 30 to 40 minutes, or can be a little longer such as when the interviewer is handling a candidate for a senior or higher position in the company. Commonly, interviews are also conducted in a one-on-one manner, but in some cases, panel or group… Read More

Competency Indicators

How Companies Gauge Competencies Using Competency Indicators In an organizational system and process, competencies are one of the important and critical factors in the workforce scheme and success of the company. They identify the capabilities, attributes, and attitudes of the individuals in order to meet staffing needs. These are defining characteristics of the employees contributing to their improved job performances as well as successful organizational results. Competencies would include the applicable knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSA) of the working individuals. It is important for an organization or a company to… Read More

Competency Based Interview Questions

An interview has always been one of the most effective ways in the recruitment process of organizations. It is a method of getting to know the applicant even better as well as gauging the skills of the person. Normally, companies that are in search of potential candidates for certain positions conduct interviews aside from written or online exams. In order to make wise and smart selection of good candidates, employers nowadays employ the competency-based manner of interviewing. It is different from a normal or regular interview in a way that… Read More

Creating a Competency Based Resume

An important tool in the job application process is the resume or curriculum vitae (CV). It is an applicant’s personal identification where all pertinent information is reflected. Resumes are necessary documents that the recruiting team of a company will need from anyone who is applying for a job. Whether making an online or hard copy of a resume, an effective type of resume to be followed is the competency-based resume. Sometimes called functional resume, it highlights the core skills and qualifications of the individual as opposed to chronological and traditional… Read More

Identifying the Competencies of a Potential Employer Needs

One of the crucial stages in getting the right candidates for the company is the recruitment process. That is why during this stage, potential candidates are carefully screened and assessed before they are considered for the job. Aside from experience and educational background, the recruitment team also considers an individual’s competencies as one of the bases in finding a suitable candidate. The employer has to identify the attributes of each applicant so that they will be able to discern properly as to who deserves the position. Competency Based Interview As… Read More

Competency Library – List of Core Competencies

The screening and recruitment of potential employees, which constitute the hiring process in every company is a necessary aspect of the organizational system because this is the initial stage of employment and this is the part where strong candidates for the job are identified. It is a crucial stage since part of the company’s success relies greatly on the kind of people it employs. Every company seeks for a set of key competencies or essential skills from its candidates during the screening process. In the interview alone, the job candidate… Read More