Oracle Apps 11i : Suppliers

. Oracle Apps 11i Tutorials : Suppliers One must define a supplier before performing most activities in Purchasing and Payables. Optionally enter a recommended supplier on a requisition. Need a supplier to issue a RFQ. Use the same supplier for entering a quotation. Need supplier information for POs. Receive goods or services from suppliers. Return goods to supplier. Pay the supplier for the goods or services purchased. Suppliers can be set up from many different applications, but the data is stored in only in one place. Applications sharing supplier information… Read More

Oracle Apps 11i : Creating Journals through Oracle GL

. Oracle Apps 11i Free Training : Journal Entry This tutorial will describe the procedure of creating journals through oracle GL – Create a new batch with multiple Journal entries, Enter Journals to a Batch and to Enter Journal Lines. Create a new batch with multiple Journal entries Create a Journal batch The following are the steps for creation of a journal batch: 1. Navigate to the enter journals window. 2. Choose New Batch. 3. Enter an optional Batch name to identify the batch on general ledger and journal entry… Read More

ASP.NET Advanced Site Functionality

ASP.NET Advanced Site Functionality In this tutorial you will learn advanced site functionality, Enhanced Page Framework, To create the Web.Sitemap file, Tracking Traffic with Site Counters and Going Mobile. Enhanced Page Framework The advanced functionalities offered by ASP.NET include site navigation and site counters. The built in navigation has three components: 1. Site Structure which is a programming interface that lists the hierarchical structure of the Website. The site map object exposes this interface using the components provided by the Site Map Provider. The default data store is usually a… Read More

ASP.NET : Dynamic Image control

ASP.NET Dynamic Image control In this tutorial you will learn how to create Dynamic Image Control, DynamicImage Control Properties and Custom Parameters. The DynamicImage control derives from the DynamicImageBase which is in turn derived from Image. This control acquires image bytes from varied sources and renders them to image capable devices using an internal normalization process. It stores the images in the System.Drawing.Image object and is cached in ASP.NET Cache with a randomly generated key. The HTML generates a < img > tag. The CachedImageService.axd URL is a built in… Read More

ASP.NET Creating Web Wizards

ASP.NET Creating Web Wizards In this tutorial you will learn about Rich Controls and Services, Creating Web Wizards, Working with the Wizard Control, Editing Wizard Steps, Adding a Completion Step, To edit the completion step, To show the user’s data and Testing Wizard Control. Rich Controls and Services ASP.NET 2.0 comes packaged with a number of goodies. A rich set of controls and services are a bonus to both the developer and the end user. Wizards, image generators and site navigation functions and counters are a few features that have… Read More

Displaying Master-Detail Data on Separate Pages in ASP.NET

Displaying Master-Detail Data on Separate Pages In this tutorial you will learn how to display Master-Detail Data on Separate Pages, create the details page, test the pages and Allow Editing, Deleting, and Inserting Using a DetailsView DataBound control. A variation of the GridView and DetailsView control is the display on separate pages. Each record has an hyperlink which enables them to navigate to a second page where they can view the detail records in a DetailsView control 1. Add a new page to the Web site and name it MasterCourses.aspx.… Read More

ASP.NET Displaying Master-Detail Data on the Same Page

ASP.NET : Displaying Master-Detail Data on the Same Page In this tutorial you will learn how to display Master-Detail Data on the same page, To display the master records, To configure a query to display related records and To test the page Data from related tables can be displayed on one page. The master table data is displayed in a grid and users can select individual rows. When they select a row, one or more details of records are displayed I a scrollable control elsewhere on the page. We shall… Read More

SQL Server Architecture and Components

Business Intelligence Development Studio This solution oriented interface is intended for creating Business intelligence services, integrating projects involving Analysis Services, Reporting services and Data Transformation Services. It is similar to SQL Server Management Studio and provides integration with Visual SourceSafe. SQL Server Integration Services This is a revamped version of the SQL Server 2000 based Data Transformation Services. The improvements have been made in the performance, usability and manageability aspects of the tool. It contains a Business Intelligence Workbench and SQL server Workbench which enables extracting data for the data… Read More

ASP.NET DataBound Controls – Details View

ASP.NET : DataBound Controls – Details View In this tutorial you will learn DetailView DataBound Control, To create a file system Web site, Connecting to SQL Server, Use a Drop-Down List as the Master and To test the drop-down list. The DetailsView is a control that is complementary to the GridView control. It has been introduced in ASP.NET 2.0 to provide an ability to work with a single record or row from an associated data source. The default view of this control is vertical with each column of the record… Read More

ASP.NET Using a Grid to Display Detail Information

ASP.NET Using a Grid to Display Detail Information In this tutorial you will learn how to use a GridView Control to display the details of the item selected in the DropDown list and test the page. We shall now use a GridView to display the details of the item selected in the DropDown list. 1. Switch to or open the Default.aspx page (or the page you have been working with), and switch to Design view. 2. From the Data group of the Toolbox, drag a GridView control onto the page.… Read More

ASP.NET Adding Sorting and Paging in GridView

Adding Sorting and Paging in GridView In this tutorial you will learn adding sorting and paging in a GridView Control, Implement Two Column Sorting, Create Code for Custom Sorting, Editing the GridView control data, Deleting Displayed Records, Inserting Records and Using Templates. Adding Sorting and Paging Sorting and paging can be added to the GridView control without writing any code. 1. In Design view, right-click the GridView control, and then click Show Smart Tag. 2. On the GridView Tasks menu, select the Enable Sorting box. 3. The column headings in… Read More

ASP.NET GridView Filtering

ASP.NET GridView Filtering In this tutorial you will learn how to add a filter to a Grid View Control, To modify the query with a parameterized filter, the WHERE Clause, Parameter properties, Parameter Value Editor and To test filtering. Adding Filtering If the developer wants to display only selected data in a page, the query for the SqlDataSource control will have to be modified. The first step in this process is to add a Textbox control where the users can enter the filter condition. The filter condition then becomes the… Read More

ASP.NET GridView Control

ASP.NET GridView Control In this tutorial you will learn about GridView Control, features of the GridView control, GridView supported field types and Creating a GridView control on a Page. The GridView control is the official successor to the DataGrid control of yesteryears. It is no longer listed in the toolbox, even though it is supported by ASP.NET 2.0. All new projects would automatically use the GridView control. Though both these controls have a similar look and feel they are implemented differently as already explained in the earlier section of this… Read More

SQL Server 2005 Management Studio

SQL Server Management Studio SQL Server Architecture and Components What strikes the developer is the absence of the SQL Enterprise Manager in the interface. The SQL Server Management Studio offers functionality enhancements and a new look and feel to the application. It has been implemented using Winforms and .NET framework and is completely different from the Microsoft management console and looks more like the Visual studio Interactive development Environment(IDE). The design allows administration and programming features through the same interface focusing upon consistency of experience. A significant improvement is the… Read More

Overview of SQL Server 2005 for the Database Developer

SQL Server 2005 Developer tools The driving force behind Micorsoft SQL Servr 2005 is the process of integration. With MSSQL 2005 the database developer experiences a paradigm shift. He can now locate his code with refrence to its functionality, he can access data in its native formats or build complex systems that are server driven. The integration with the .NET framework gives him the power of the class library and modern programming languages to implement functionalities within the server. The common language runtime(CLR) helps code procedures, functions and triggers in… Read More

ASP.NET Data Bound Controls

ASP.NET Data Bound Controls In this tutorial you will learn about Data Bound Controls – The Hierarchy of Data Bound Controls, Simple Data Bound Controls, Composite DataBound Controls and Hierarchical Data Bound Controls. The Hierarchy of Data Bound Controls Data Bound controls are controls that are bound to data sources. Traditionally the DataGrid is the principal data bound control in ASP.NET 1.x. Though DataGrid is still supported, ASP.NET 2.0 introduces three new controls—GridView, FormView and DetailsView. Unlike in ASP.NET 1.x, all controls descend from the BaseDataBoundControl class. It has two… Read More

ASP.NET SqlDataSource Control

SqlDataSource Control In this tutorial you will learn about The Data Source Wizard – SqlDataSource Control, the process of setting up the data source. The Data Source Wizard DataSource controls enable programmers to declaratively connect data sources to the user interface. The logic for retrieving the data from the source is inbuilt into the control. For instance when a DropDownList is added to the form the developer is prompted to connect to the DataSource. On Clicking ‘connect to DataSource’, the wizard is started to guide the user through the process… Read More

ASP.NET Data Source Object Model

ASP.NET Data Source Object Model In this tutorial you will learn about Data Source Object Model in ASP.NET 2.0, the Rationale of DataSource components, Data Source Control Internals, Tabular DataSource Controls, Hierarchical Data Source Controls, The SqlDataSource Control: Usage and Data Source Parameters. The Rationale of DataSource components The ASP.NET 2.0 data source model provides support for a declarative model of data binding. The data source components return and accept data from familiar streams such as SQL, XML, DataSet and from custom formats too. The schema is very approachable, time… Read More

Forms Authentication in ASP.NET

ASP.NET Forms Authentication In this tutorial you will learn about Forms Authentication in ASP.NET 2.0 – Forms Authentication class, Cookie Domain, Forms Cookies, The Login Control, Signin, Signout, Authenticate, Redirect, Login Status, Login Name and Login View Controls. Forms authentication has been made easier with a supply of readymade tools for repetitive tasks. ASP.NET 2.0 encapsulates all the best practices and provides built in solutions to virtually all the tasks relating to user databases, roles cached in cookies, controls for capturing user name and passwords, and administration tools for managing… Read More

ASP.NET Security

ASP.NET Security In this tutorial you will learn about ASP.NET 2.0 Security, The Security Architecture of ASP.NET 2.0, The security infrastructure and subsystem relationships of the ASP.NET and the sequence of events that occur when a authentication is sought. When we talk of ‘security’ we are basically acknowledging that there is a possibility of ‘vulnerability’. The developer and the Administrator need to focus on various threats and mitigation techniques and security concepts including principals, authorities, services, security identifiers, tokens, logon sessions, window stations, access control and so on… Security of… Read More