Online College Lessons for Instructors

Online College Lessons for Instructors It has become a well known fact that many colleges are now using the internet as a way to educate students. Despite this, there has been debate in the academic community about the effectiveness of these programs. In this article I will go over the advantages and disadvantages of online education, and I will also go over some things which can be done to improve it. There are a number of arguments which have been made about online education programs. Those who support it feel… Read More

Employers and Online Degrees

More Employers Are Looking At Those With Online Degrees Studies have shown that online degrees are becoming more popular with employers. The goal of most successful companies is to increase the education of their employees. Many of these companies are assisting workers who wish to pursue their degree at online universities. A number of online degree programs are helping employers by offering discounts or other incentives to join their program. The sudden interest of employers in online education can be linked to the surge in popularity it has receive. In… Read More

IBM IT Certification Programs

IT Certification – IBM IT Certification Programs With the growth of technology are a variety of vendors, products, and hardware that link to IT Certification programs. By knowing which programs are offered at which point, you will be able to determine which vendor you should use when getting your IT Certification. One of the vendors that offers a completely different product than other companies is IBM. From their own computer language to hardware, they have different types of certifications that are better for their particular company. Product Categories for IBM… Read More

Getting Certified Through the Right Company

IT Certification – Getting Certified Through the Right Company If you are looking into information technology certification, or IT, there are several vendors that are available for you to get the right training. Each of these will have different applications and possibilities for you to get the training that you need. Some will focus on a specific type of training program, while others will give you a larger spectrum that will relate to the types of software that they have. When looking into IT Certification, it is important to know… Read More

Important Qualities You Will Need When Pursuing An Online Education

Important Qualities You Will Need When Pursuing An Online Education Before you begin taking online classes, it is important to make sure it is good for you. While getting an degree online can be excellent for many people, it may not be the best option for everyone. Some people have personalities which allows them to thrive in online environments, while others function better in a traditional classroom setting. Those who successfully earn their online degrees have a number of common characteristics. If you want to be earn a degree online,… Read More

How To Use Online Graduate Programs

How To Use Online Graduate Programs The evolution of internet technology has made it possible to earn a degree from an established university without having to leave the comfort of your own home. Online degrees are good for those who are too busy to attend a traditional college. There are a large number of people who wish to earn graduate degrees, but do not have the money or resources to attend a classic university. Fortunately, a large number of established colleges in the United States and Canada are offering online… Read More

Advancing in IT Certification

IT Certification – Advancing in IT Certification If you are looking into IT Certification, there are several levels of Certification that you can receive. These will be divided according to the vendor or school that you are going to and will also be different in relation to the type of IT Certification you are trying to get. However, if you are interested in IT Certification, it is best to know how far you can get in the program and what you will need to know. The more qualification you have,… Read More

How To Save Money on Textbooks For Your Online Classes

How To Save Money on Textbooks For Your Online Classes If you have attended either an offline or online college, you should be familiar with the high cost of books. It seems as if the prices of books keep rising every year. It is not uncommon to see a college level math book which costs $150. When you combine the cost of books with your tuition, earning a degree online can put you in a financial strain. Unfortunately, taking online classes will not protect you from the high cost of… Read More

How To Pick The Right Online College

How To Pick The Right Online College When you apply for a job, your prospective employer will want to interview you to make sure you’re qualified. When you are looking to attend an online college, it is important for you to interview them to find out if they can provide you with the education you need. Their answers to your questions will determine whether or not you will want to attend their institution. The first question you should ask is whether or not the school is accredited, and by whom.… Read More

Web 2.0 and The Read/Write Web

Web 2.0 and The Read/Write Web One of the emerging themes of Web 2.0 is the ability for users to add data to web sites directly.  In Web 1.0 web content was managed by so-called “webmasters”.  The webmaster would update HTML web pages using simple text editors (like Notepad) or advanced web management systems (like DreamWeaver). In Web 2.0 web sites are reaching out to the users and inviting them to add content directly. Wikis, Weblogs (Blogs), Forums, and Content Management Systems are making this possible. Wikis (from the Hawaiian… Read More

Introduction to Web Services

Introduction to Web Services As part of our series on Web 2.0 we turn our attention to data management. Web Services are a way to allow an enterprise to give access to their internal data in a platform agnostic way. What is unique about web services is that the requests are made across the Internet the same way you would make a request using your web browser – using the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP). This means that an existing infrastructure can be used to set up a web service and… Read More

How To Deal With Cheating At Online Colleges

How To Deal With Cheating At Online Colleges While online degree programs have become much more popular in the last five years, the issue of cheating is a source of concern among both teachers and adminstrators. In fact, some even feel that cheating could severely destroy the credibility of online education programs. One of the obvious problems with earning your degree online is that you’re anonymous. In a traditional classroom, teachers can easily detect students who are cheating because they are physically present in the room. It is also believed… Read More

How Online Instructors Can Help Their Students Succeed

How Online Instructors Can Help Their Students Succeed If you are an instructor teaching online classes, your success will be connected to the success of your students. When they win, so will you. If they fell, this can also be a reflection of your training methods. Teaching students over the internet can be very challenging. However, as technology continues to advance, more people are looking to online universities as an avenue to earn their degrees. Because of this, there is a market for qualified instructors who understand how to teach… Read More

CICS Components and Transactions

CICS Components and Transactions   There are three major components associated with CICS namely Management Modules, Control Tables and Control Blocks. These three are very essential in CICS environment and so let us see an overview of the function of each. We have seen that CICS act as an interface between operating system and application program and this is achieved by management module. In other words Management Modules are programs that act as interface between operating system and application program. Control table is associated with management module and is used… Read More

CICS Overview and Functions

CICS Overview and Functions CICS is called as Customer Information Control System. The main functionality of CICS is it acts as an interface between the Operating System and application programs. Functions of CICS Acts as interface between operating system and application programs. Does the function of data communication and therefore handle data. In other words CICS can support number of terminals or systems and acts as a data communication system between them. Take care of application program functions along with that take care of system      functions also Also help in… Read More

How Online Colleges Can Help Those Who Are Employed

How Online Colleges Can Help Those Who Are Employed Many young people who wish to attend college have problems doing so. The reason for this is because many students have to work and go to school at the same time. As the cost of education continues to increase, few people have the thousands of dollars upfront to pay for tuition, books, and other fees. A large number of students drop out of college within the first year because they are simply not able to work a forty hour job each… Read More

Common Mistakes Made By Online College Students

Common Mistakes Made By Online College Students Trying to successfully earn your online degree can be challenging. There are a large number of pitfalls you will want to avoid, and a large number of students fail because of bad habits. Having said that, in this article I will go over some common mistakes which are made by online college students. These problems need to be avoided at all costs, as they will keep you from earning your degree and pursuing the education you want. The first common mistake made by… Read More

XML – Elements in Document Type Definitions (DTD)

XML – Elements in Document Type Definitions (DTD) In this tutorial you will learn about Elements in DTD, Elements, child elements (nested elements), declaring elements with character data only, declaring elements with mixed content, declaring elements with any content, declaring elements with no content and element order indicators and qualifiers. Elements in DTD. ELEMENTS Every element used in the valid XML document must be declared in the Document’s DTD. SYNTAX : < !ELEMENT element_name content_specification > element_name: Specifies name of the XML tag Content_specification: Specifies the contents of the element… Read More

XML – Document Type Definitions (DTD)

XML – Document Type Definitions (DTD) In this totuorial you will learn about XML – Document Type Definitions (DTD) – Need, DTD, Types Of DTD’s , Internal DTD , External DTD.   NEED XML documents can contain many different types of markups including elements, attributes and entity references. Whatever maybe the application it is desirable that the XML document conforms to a certain set of rules governing the data structure it contains. DTD and Schema’s are used for this purpose. For Example, < name >12233< /name > If a DTD… Read More

Introduction to Ajax

Introduction to Ajax Last time we looked at Web 2.0 and what differentiates it from older paradigms for Internet products. One of the differentiators is the use of Rich Client Interfaces. Ajax is possibly the most popular Rich Client technology and used in such applications as Google Maps and Google Mail. Ajax is an acronym for “Asynchronous JavaScript And XML.” Web pages are endowed with snippets of code that can access remote services (like web services) and not refresh the page. This prevents “round tripping” which is the cause for… Read More

Introduction to Web 2.0

Introduction to Web 2.0   The definition of Web 2.0 seems to be a matter of hype and marketing speak. In this first in a series of articles I will attempt to demystify and disambiguate the concepts of Web 2.0.  In future articles I will expand on real world examples of Web 2.0 technology and what differentiates them from Web 1.0. I was recently at the JavaOne conference in San Francisco.  I saw a salesman advertising a product as a “Web 2.0 Mashup Solution”.  I thought I knew what Web 2.0… Read More

Online Education

Online Education The internet has greatly revolutionized the way we learn. Distance education is a concept that has been around for a long time. A large number of formats such as videotapes, audiotapes, and television have been used for distance education. However, the internet has made this form of education more popular than ever. Statistics show that well over 2 million people are attending online colleges. This number is expected to increase by 33% each year. More than 650 accredited colleges are now offering online degrees. If you are thinking… Read More

Elements of Object Oriented Programming

Object-Oriented Programming is centered on new concepts such as classes, polymorphism, inheritance, etc. It is a well suited paradigm for the following: Modeling the real world problem as close as possible to the perspective of the user. Interacting easily with computational environment using familiar metaphors Constructing reusable software components and easily extendable libraries. Easily modifying and extending implementations of components without having to recode everything from scratch. Definition of OOP: OOP uses objects as its fundamental building blocks. Each object is an instance of some class. Classes allow the mechanism… Read More

Object Oriented Programming Paradigm

OOP is a better way of solving computer problems compared to a procedural programming language such as C. OOP uses classes which contain members (variables) and methods (functions). OOP uses a modular type of programming structure. OOP is a type of programming in which programmers define not only the data type of a data structure, but also the types of operations that can be applied to the data structure. In this way, the data structure becomes an object that includes both data and functions. In addition, programmers can create relationships… Read More

Fiber Optics and IT Certification

IT Certification – Fiber Optics and IT Certification Those looking into information technology will notice there are several routes to take. These will all enable one to stay ahead of business, or specialize in a specific type of profession that deals with emerging technology. One of the career options to consider is fiber optics. There are several training programs that can allow you to get IT Certification in fiber optics, all which will increase your ability to work in a specified career field or understand the details of how fiber… Read More

Challenges in Testing Web Based Applications

Challenges in Testing Web Based Applications In this tutorial you will learn about Challenges in Testing Web Based Applications Introduction, Why testing Web Applications is different? Factors effecting Testing of Web Applications, Why technology platforms affect testing? Challenges in Testing Web Based Web Applications, Summary. Introduction: Web based Applications are increasingly becoming more feature rich, important and also the most popular means for developing commercial systems. Most companies opt for developing web based software wherever possible. This helps in catering to large number of end users. The deployment of the… Read More

Auditing Software Testing Process

Auditing Software Testing Process In this tutorial you will learn about Auditing Software Testing Process – Introduction, Types of Testing Process Audits, Audit to verify compliance, Audit for process improvement/problem solving, Audit for Root Cause Analysis, Internal Audits, External Audits, Why Audit Software Testing Process? How to Audit, What can be audited? and Summary. Introduction: To ensure transparency and reliability of the IT systems it may be necessary to audit the Software Development Processes including the most important aspect – Software Testing Process. Auditing is an important activity in organizations.… Read More

Testing for Agile Software Development

Testing for Agile Software Development In this tutorial you will learn about Testing for Agile Software Development – Background, Understanding Agile Software Development, How is Testing approach different in an Agile Development Scenario? What to test? Typical bugs found when doing agile testing? Steps Taken to Effectively Test in Agile Development Methodology, Ensuring software test coverage and Summary Background: To understand the Testing Process in an Agile Development Methodology, it is important to understand the Agile Development paradigm. Agile Development paradigm is not very new. Although the Agile Software Development… Read More