Category: XML Tutorial
A dialect of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), XML (Extensible Markup Language), is not a programming language but a set of rules that structure data in a representational manner. XML rules are standard, leading the programmer to create documents that are automatically processed and generated for the World Wide Web. The breakdown of XML is as follows: Extensible, meaning user-defined tags, Markup, a collection of tags and XML Tags identifying data content.
Created in 1996, XML 1.0 was implemented for use in 1998 in association with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Like HTML, XML is a markup language but it differs in its use of tags and attributes (markup). XML complies with cross-platform scripting language to create active information and interpret text-based code. XML language defines what the data is and HTML defines what it looks like (fonts and display).
Tutorials on the basic background information about XML, Elements in Document Type Definitions, Attributes, Entities and using XML with scripting languages are presented in ease to understand XML tutorials. Computer Sciences Engineers and IT Professionals are expected to be familiar with XML in addition to other open source technologies such as Java, Linux, Perl and MySQL. Software engineers, programmers and developers utilize XML in the development of web applications.