UML Certifications

UML Certifications Introduction There are a number of career fields today that will require you to become certified. While it is common knowledge that doctors, lawyers, and teachers must receive certifications, computer professionals must receive certifications as well. This includes certification in the proficiency of a programming language. If a potential employer wants to determine your skill with a specific programming language, you may be required to take a test. Due to the rapid rising popularity of the Unified Modeling Language, many developers are taking courses in this field, and… Read More

Using UML with .NET

Using UML with .NET Introduction For those who wish to use the Unified Modeling Language in conjunction with .NET, there are a number of powerful tools available that can allow you to do this. One good example is Rational XDE Professional. It is a high end software engineering application that will allow you to design, document, and review the .NET solutions completely within the VS.NET interface. The XDE program offers full support for UML, and this support has been integrated in .NET. If you are developing advanced applications through C#,… Read More

Using UML with PHP and Perl

Using UML with PHP and Perl The Unified Modeling Language has a number of features that could be beneficial to both Perl and PHP users. If you have a meeting with managers, and you need to explain the procedure for online credit card payments, your audience could become bored. While explaining it to them is one thing, showing it to them is another. This is where UML can be very useful for developers who use Perl. Instead of simply telling someone how a system works, you can show it to them visually.… Read More

Using UML with Java

Using UML with Java While Java is not a new language, its application for the development of embedded systems is quite new. Developers are beginning to take a second look at modeling languages such as UML, and many feel it can be a powerful tool in their development arsenal. Introduction Java and UML are both gaining rapid popularity in the development community at the same time, and it is only logical to assume that someone would eventually propose the idea of using them together. While many developers felt UML was… Read More

UML Elements : Use Case Diagram

UML Elements : Use Case Diagram In the Unified Modeling Language, a use case diagram is a subset of the behavior diagrams. The Unified Modeling Language will utilize the use case diagram as a graphical system which symbolizes use cases. It must be noted that UML will not define the standards which will be used for the written format to denote these use cases, and many people make the mistake of thinking that this graphical system can be used to define the nature and function of the use cases. In… Read More

UML Elements : Sequence Diagram

UML Elements : Sequence Diagram In the Unified Modeling Language, the sequence diagram is the name that has been given to the Message Sequence Chart. The sequence diagram will be responsible for showing various processes or elements that exist together simultaneously, and it will often be represented by parallel vertical lines. The sequence diagram may also be represented by horizontal arrows, as well as the messages that will be sent among them, and in the category in which these messages are transferred. The sequence diagram allows for the creation of… Read More

UML Elements : State Diagram

UML Elements: State Diagram The state diagram is used as a symbol for finite state machines. It may also be used to represent state transition tables. Of the 13 diagrams available in UML 2.0, the state diagram has some of the most variations. In addition to coming in different forms, it may also use various types of semantics. The traditional form that is used for the state diagram is the directed graph. The directed graph may come with a number of different elements, and some of these are States Q,… Read More

UML Elements : Class Diagram

UML Elements UML 2.0 is comprised of a total of 13 diagrams. If you wish to understand these diagrams, they should be organized based on a hierarchy. For UML, a diagram is an element which must define which things should be modeled in a system. Introduction to Class Diagram In this article, I will go over various diagrams in detail to explain what they are, and how they are useful in the Unified Modeling Language. The first thing I would like to start off with is the class diagram. The… Read More

UML basics

UML basics The Unified Modeling Language is a powerful tool that can allow developers to construct high quality applications. While it has existed since the 1990s, it has become more valuable to developers who are building complex applications. It is also valuable to teams of developers who are working from remote locations. Introduction UML is both flexible and robust, and it offers teams of developers high levels of communication. In a time where more developers are working together on projects through the Internet, high levels of communication have become more… Read More

How UML Helps Projects

How UML Helps Projects: Introduction When a team of developers is designing a large application, one that must be used by an enterprise, it is not enough to just put together a collection of code modules. The code modules must be designed in a way that is scalable, secure, and flexible. In addition to this, the application must be able to carry out complex processes during stressful conditions. The structure of an application is often known as its architecture, and the architecture must be defined in a way which allows… Read More

Why Unified Modeling Language (UML)

Why Unified Modeling Language (UML) There are a number of reasons why you will want to consider Unified Modeling Language (UML) – for your application development. When I think of UML, one term which comes to mind is "software quality." One thing that has plagued the software industry in recent year is poor software design. While the software industry has done fairly well for the last decade, the impact of globalization is changing the ways in which software is designed. In the past, most software applications would be constructed in… Read More

UML Industry Usage

UML Industry Usage : Introduction UML is a very important programming language for those who work in either the software development, or software engineering field. UML is the program of choice for many software developers because it uses an object oriented approach, and this is valuable for many contemporary software applications. If you need to build an application that will be largely used for the manipulation of HTML or XML, the Unified Modeling Language is an approach you will want to consider. One of the biggest challenges that software developers… Read More

UML Introduction

UML Basics UML, or Unified Modeling Language, is a specification language that is used in the software engineering field. It can be defined as a general purpose language that uses a graphical designation which can create an abstract model. This abstract model can then be used in a system. This system is called the UML model. The Object Management group is responsible for defining UML, and they do this via the UML metamodel. XMI can be used to serialize the UML model. The Unified Modeling Language is commonly used to… Read More