Unconventional Marketing Tactics

Marketing requires a great deal of creative skills and innovative ideas to develop activities and programs that would capture the interest of the buying public. Because of the competitive nature of marketing among many businesses, marketers in many companies try non-traditional and exceptional forms and means of marketing approaches. These unconventional marketing strategies is otherwise called guerrilla marketing. Guerrilla marketing refers to exceptional and unusual techniques in performing marketing activities with a goal of attaining maximized outputs from minimal resources and expenses. Because these are unconventional forms of marketing, it… Read More

Email Marketing Tactics

Because marketing and advertising can be costly on the business, some companies resort to cost-effective marketing campaigns and activities. One of which is the email marketing campaign. If you wish to gain public awareness for your business online, this form of advertisement is one of the best ways to utilize. Each day, more and more email users resort to this medium of communication because it is so convenient to use, and so more businesses utilize email marketing as one of the primary advertising campaigns. Email marketing is budget-friendly, convenient, and… Read More

Online Marketing Techniques

Businesses invest in marketing and product advertisements to gain public awareness and increase the target market. Traditionally, marketing and promotional activities utilize offline marketing such as the print media, television, and radio. But marketers have gone beyond the conventional in their strategies. The advent of internet technology has paved the way for a more dynamic and extensive marketing approach. Almost every business engages in online marketing which elicits more interaction from the customers and even prospects, globally. Developing Brand Name Recognition in the Website A company that ventures into online… Read More

Global Marketing

A company that takes on a wider scope in their business coverage conquers the global market especially if it has established a competitive advantage in the industry. However, not everything works the same way as how business successfully operates in the domestic field. Some companies fail in going global because of the false assumption that the approaches that work in their country goes true in the international aspect. So, these businesses embark on the same product, same marketing campaigns and even the brand names and packaging. Failure to consider the… Read More

Creating Effective Advertisement Campaign

Marketing can be one of the most critical and tedious aspects of the business. A company spends money on marketing activities in order to gain public recognition as a way of increasing profit. The ground work of promoting and advertising your products and services is no easy task. A company should not just recklessly spend on advertising without studying their market and the industry. In fact, a good research should be conducted in order to determine how to properly address customers’ needs. Advertising work is a lot of work. And… Read More

Developing Customer Relationship

Since customers are the ‘meat of the business,’ companies should put value in building good customer relationships. Once you are able to establish connections, you keep loyal customers who continue doing business with you and bring more people into the business. Good customer relationships drive the business to success. Just make people believe in your ability to satisfy their needs and fulfill their expectations as well as in your products and services. In the process of finding people who would believe in you, consider making a relationship with them and… Read More

Understanding Customer Needs

The essence of a business is all about their customers. A company exists because it aims to gain profit and the only source of such profit are the customers. All the sales activities, production, and marketing plans have a common objective and that is to attract customers to purchase their products or services in order to bring in money to the company. Surprisingly, not all companies know and understand their customers fully well. Some companies fail to take time to get to know their customers and relate to them. The… Read More

Marketing Strategies

A company that aims to reach a wide scope of target market and increase public awareness develops important strategic marketing decisions out of the results of marketing research for the purpose of targeting more potential customers and increasing company profit and revenue. Various marketing strategies are developed according to the needs of the customers and the positioning of competitors based on the results of marketing research. Marketing strategies are designed to target an increase in the business profit and revenue growth by addressing customers’ needs and increasing the level of… Read More

Marketing Analytics

Marketing analytics is the science or study of analyzing the customer data covering marketing research, marketing strategy, and marketing plans. The objective of a marketing analysis is to identify the general interest of the buying public and understand the growing changes and possible threats of the company as they relate to the strong and weak points of the business in the industry. The Need for Market Analysis In the study of evaluating and investigating the market and how the market moves, a market analysis must be conducted by the company.… Read More

Market Segmentation

One of the critical aspects of marketing management is identifying the target market and creating market segments with common specific wants and preferences where a business bases its marketing strategies and orientations. A group of individuals or organizations having similar characteristics causing them to also take on a similar product or service need is called a market segment. This term applies to consumers who are classified into groups according to the use of a similar product or service. Why a Business Needs Market Segmentation When the market is treated as… Read More

Marketing Orientation

Marketing orientation is defined as the implementation or completion of a marketing concept that essentially caters to the customers. The term is otherwise known as marketing concept or consumer focus. With marketing orientation, a business revolves its strategic decisions around the wants and needs of the target market, including potential customers. A company that is marketing-orientated has the commitment to valuing customers and the customers’ needs. In fact, it can even contribute to the transformation of a company’s business culture. This marketing concept involves three essential steps in being customer-focused.… Read More

Market Research

A successful business organization takes competition seriously by being aggressive in their marketing campaigns. But a careful company studies the market trend first and understands the movement in the business world before investing on marketing programs which can be costly and risky. One of the ways in studying the market is through a marketing research. This process has to be given high consideration since the outputs and results will help the company figure out the suitable marketing campaigns for the targeted customers. Marketing Research Explained Market research, also referred to… Read More

Types of Marketing

The concept of marketing encompasses a wide coverage and may even be associated with sales. In fact, sales and marketing are two different concepts although both are closely coordinated. Marketing is the presentation of the products and services and making them available to the customers with the goal of generating profits. Sales, on the other hand, is the output of marketing implementations. A business produces good product sales out of effective marketing programs while poorly planned marketing plans end up in low sales generation. Focusing more on the concept of… Read More

Importance of Marketing

Marketing is a very important aspect in business since it contributes greatly to the success of the organization. Production and distribution depend largely on marketing. Many people think that sales and marketing are basically the same. These two concepts are different in many aspects. Marketing covers advertising, promotions, public relations, and sales. It is the process of introducing and promoting the product or service into the market and encourages sales from the buying public. Sales refer to the act of buying or the actual transaction of customers purchasing the product… Read More

Marketing Management Introduction

Marketing management is a broad scope of the study of marketing focusing on the practical application of the techniques and marketing activities of a certain company or business. This business discipline encompasses marketing planning and strategy, orientations, and processes needed in attaining company goals by providing value to clients. Since it has a wide coverage involving all factors required to satisfy customers, marketing management must be all-pervasive and part of every employee’s scope of work, from the subordinates to those in the higher management. Marketing Research and Analysis A business… Read More