Category: CSS Tutorial
Cascading Style Sheets or CSS, as it is informally known, is the premier developer’s tool for designing high-end websites. CSS language works with HTML to define the contents of a website with ease and flexibility in a straightforward process. Adjusting layouts and style sheets are manipulated with CSS. CSS saves programmer / designer’s time and energy in adjusting changes to the development of a website by placing the code directly into the HTML document head, and/or in a separate sheet for simple website alteration.
CSS has the additional benefit of reducing the file size of HTML documents, ridding the overall website of presentation attributes and image spacing in order to provide faster site navigation. CSS provides the programmer with secure style sheets that can be linked to a single document, ensuring correct presentation on different media including browsers, handheld devices, projectors and printers.
Tutorials and training related to CSS programming language are provided with full information on CSS Syntax, CSS Background, Working with Text and Fonts, creating Elements and Element Displays, Pseudo Classes, Media Styles, Borders, Margin, Padding, Dimensions and Colors. Sample code is supplied for the experienced or beginner developer to learn everything there is to know to create and design a dynamic, successful and professional-looking website.