When to Seek Medical Help

Dealing with the pressures of life is part if living and survival. We all want to live a life that is free from any form of harm and worries. Though this ideology may seem ideal, there is a greater chance that we can still minimize getting into the tragedies and harsh realities of life while living a peaceful and abundant way of living. This, of course, mainly depends on each individual. If there is determination to live a fruitful life, it can be achieved. However, if there is lack of… Read More

Yoga for Stress Relief

Have you been stressing out lately at work? Do you feel you find it hard to manage because you barely even have time for that? If stress is getting down on you gradually, you might as well allocate a time during weekends to join yoga sessions. One of the most effective stress relief techniques is yoga. This form of meditation exercise is proven to enhance stress management and relaxation skills. There are many yoga classes offered everywhere since this is becoming a popular form of relaxation exercise. However, if you… Read More

Relaxation Techniques

Having a good-paying or even just a well-compensating job is not only part of developing personal career but it is also one of the ultimate means of survival. You may be enjoying the kind of work you have now but there will really be a point in your life at work wherein you will simply feel lazy but worse is when you get tired and fed up with the daily task assignments. Some people become victims of work stress. This condition makes them feel like they have to drag themselves… Read More

Stress Busters for Professionals

If the stress you are feeling now is coming mostly from your work, you have to do something about. It is not like you can easily take a vacation leave and be free from the problems at work. You sure must have considered looking for another job, but you should know that these days, especially with the global economic recession going on lately, landing a nice-paying job is not as easy as picking dirt on the street. You must have tried combating work stress with various methods. Unfortunately, they did… Read More

Humor at Work

It is a glaring fact that work is one of the top causes of stress in a person. We encounter many problems at work and we need to face them every single day. We may get more tasks in a day then usual, handle difficult co-workers or even bosses, and extend work hours to meet deadlines. Sometimes, too much stress level at work is the reason for absenteeism, employee burn out, and even health problems. There is no running away from these problems unless you decide to stop working. But… Read More

How to Prevent Stress

Stress is a feeling so inevitable sometimes it comes to us unexpectedly. Once in a while, stress can be helpful and perfectly normal. But too much of it is unhealthy. Stress is a natural response to the pressures that are persistently occurring in our life. We cannot get away with these pressures but we can get rid of stress if we decide to. It is pressure that is happening to us; stress is how we react and respond to these pressures. Learn How to Handle Pressure What is pressure? These… Read More

How to Handle Physical Stress

While stress may be affecting us mentally and emotionally, it also manifests through physical indications. No one likes to experience such physical symptoms; it is just an uncomfortable feeling. But when we are experiencing stress, sometimes it cannot be helped that the heavy feeling is displayed through some physical conditions of the body. Our body responds to the condition of the mind. If the mind is weak, it follows that the bodily functions are also weak and do not function properly. We get many kinds of symptoms and effects on… Read More

How to Handle Emotional Stress

There are two kinds of emotions: the good emotions or positive feelings, and the bad emotions or the negative feelings. Our emotions are designed to allow us to express what we feel. Without feelings, you can only imagine the people appearing like robots that just do things without feeling happy or getting hurt. We prefer the positive emotions because it is euphoric. When we feel elated and ecstatic, life is just so wonderful. However, when negative emotions are built up inside, the heart feels so heavy. Bad feelings are triggered… Read More

How to Handle Mental Stress

Our mind is powerful that it affects the rest of the body functions. If you compare it to the parts of a computer, the brain is the CPU of our body. We function well if the brain functions properly because our mind and body work together. For it to work properly, the mind should be in a relaxed and normal condition. If our mind is troubled and disrupted, we cannot think and act accordingly. We get so much of this kind of condition in the workplace. Our work is one… Read More

Stress Caused by Self

Many possible reasons and factors may trigger stress in a person. But these causes or stressors may be classified into external and internal factors. External stressors, as the term implies, are factors that are coming from the environment the individual is in. The common external causes include family, work, relationship difficulties, financial problems, and major life changes. On the contrary, causes of stress may also be self-generated and so we call them internal stressors. The common internal causes of stress may include pessimism or negative thinking, irrational self-talk, inability to… Read More

Identifying Types of Stress

What we think and what we feel is always a match. This is because the mind and the heart are closely correlated with each other. It is said that our way of thinking affects our feelings. So, if you are thinking of a happy moment in your life, it follows that the brain feeds that happy thought to the heart which causes us to smile and feel blissful. If the mind is preoccupied with a negative thought, the brain dictates the heart what it is thinking and then we feel… Read More

Stress Myths

There is no denying the fact that we all experience stress in our everyday life. But most of us take a misconception about stress and what it can do to our lives. It is important to grasp a basic understanding of stress so we would know why we are feeling this and how we can appropriately respond to it. Part of understanding stress is to know what it is and what it is not. Many myths about stress have led some people to believe that it is a completely undesirable… Read More

Identifying Stress Triggers

The first thing in learning how to manage stress is to identify what causes stress in your life. There are many different sources and factors causing stress on an individual. However, the factors of stress mainly depend on how you perceive it and how you take those causes to be affecting you. Sometimes, what you think is stressful to you may not be the same case for another person. For example, you seem to be getting a heavy work assignment for the day and it seems that you cannot take… Read More

The Signs of Stress

A very important step in the process of stress management is identifying the different signs and symptoms of stress. We should be able to recognize the presence of stress in our body because we all experience stress in a different way depending on the factor that is causing it. Knowing how to heed the warnings of stress is a big step to stopping it from getting worse. Responding to Stress There are three different ways an individual responds to stress according to psychologist Connie Lillas and driving analogy was used… Read More

Stress Management

What is Stress Management? You may have experienced feeling like you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders during times when you are dumped with problems at work, at home, or in other aspects of your life. Once this kind of feeling starts to build up, the normal response of a person is to feel like giving up, worry or get upset. Consequently, you will literally give up in facing the situation you are in, or you will allow yourself to get too affected by the heavy… Read More