Art of Managing Performance

Performance management is a process that involves the effective managing of teams and individual performances in an effort to achieve high organizational performance level. A very important aspect of this process is the communication between the supervisor and the employee in order to fully understand the objectives of the organization, and know various ways that will help these employees work successfully towards achieving the organization’s objectives. Performance Management Defined Performance management has been further defined as: 1. The development of individual competencies. 2. The provision of guidance and support to… Read More

Importance of Continuous Learning

In any organization, continuous learning means growth through learning events and experiences. It can be applied to individuals, team, and organizations- a process that will help them to achieve their overall objectives. Undergoing a continuous learning process entails change; one cannot learn and still be the same person, team, or organization. There is a constant evolution in the way we think and act, brought about by new understanding, new knowledge, and new skills. One of the worst phrases that any person or entity can say is “I already know that”… Read More

Tips to Boost Performance

It makes a lot of sense for working individuals to continually improve themselves in order to keep up with the rest, or to stay ahead of them. Unless a person is waiting to get fired from his job, steps must be taken so that skills and abilities will be honed and developed, and also to make room for new skills to be learned and acquired. Supervisors and managers play a crucial role in helping their people boost their performance. Without the proper guidance and support of superiors, performance improvement efforts… Read More

Performance Related Issues

On average, we spend one-third of our time at work, and in some cases, we spend a lot more time working than the required 8 hours. Work gives people a sense of purpose, fulfillment, and satisfaction, and at the same time, it provides them the financial stability they need. Job performance is a very significant aspect of a person’s career, and it can make or break a person; it could take his career to the next level, or keep it stagnant and uneventful. How a person performs at work impacts… Read More

Annual Appraisal Process

An annual appraisal, otherwise referred to as annual performance appraisal, is a management system that will evaluate the level and quality of an employee’s performance. The immediate head of the employee conducts the appraisal, by filling out an assessment form that has been designed and developed to specifically meet the standard and key requirements of the organization pertaining to job functions and contribution. The result of the evaluation is discussed in-depth with the employee. Five Fundamental Annual Appraisal Sections Annual appraisals can be derived from standard models or can be… Read More

Self-Assessment Techniques

Self-assessment refers to an employee’s description of his accomplishments, in relation to his job’s key objectives. It is a tool that provides him an opportunity to describe and put into light the major contributions he made to the organization. Note that an employee’s assessment of his own job performance may be different from how his superior, or the organization in general, perceives it. Basic Guidelines for Self-Assessments The following should be present in a written or documented self-assessment, for it to be effective: 1. Restatement of objectives – The objectives… Read More

How to Handle Performance Anxiety

When dealing with unfamiliar and unique situations, we sometimes feel anxious. If an individual does not know what to do or what to expect, it is common to feel restless, concerned, and worried. The extent of anxiety would depend on whether this person feels he can cope or not. When gifted with a high level of self-confidence and self-esteem, people will be less likely to get anxious; however, for those with very low regard to oneself, it can be expected that anxiety in job performance can be very severe. Effects… Read More

Setting Realistic Performance Goals

There is a big difference between successful people and those who cannot seem to get anywhere; the difference does not have anything to do with age, educational level, race, or social status. The difference lies in the setting of goals to get to where they want to go. Goal-oriented individuals are confident and are always “on the go.” They are a productive group of people who can handle difficult situations with higher chances of accomplishing objectives compared to those who are simply “doing their job.” Importance of Setting Realistic Performance… Read More

Performance Management

Performance Management is defined as a process by which an employee and his supervisor establishes a clear understanding about the job functions of the employee; how he can perform his job satisfactorily; how the supervisor can help the employee to improve his work performance; and lastly, how the employee can contribute to the overall objectives of the organization. Often times, the root cause of poor performance is the lack of clear understanding and expectations between the supervisor and the employee which is why there is a need to implement performance… Read More

Performance Development Planning (PDP)

Companies differ in terms of processes and methods used for performance development, depending on the culture and the objectives set by the management group. But as a general rule, there is at least one Performance Development Planning (PDP) session in a calendar year that is being facilitated by the supervisors of a organization; a one-on-one meeting between the supervisor and the employee to outline, discuss, and re-evaluate personal goals as well as the organization’s goals to make sure that the employee works toward achieving these goals successfully. In the PDP… Read More

Performance Development System

Developing Core Competencies Developing core competencies is inherently dependent on the individual’s commitment to improve his performance. It is essentially a self-directed endeavor, and the organization is simply there to provide guidance and support to this person. In their effort to help an employee to perform well in various situations, many organizations have utilized a performance development system designed specifically for their employees. Its main purpose include the alignment of individual goals with the organization’s goals; organizational effectiveness by identifying core competencies required of every employee from the different levels… Read More

Performance Development Aspects

In the organization’s plight to give effective performance development programs to employees, it is necessary to ensure that key aspects are given much attention. The entire process is a collaborative effort between the employee, the supervisor, and the organization; the supervisor facilitates the performance review, and thereafter, tackles on the key aspects: defining career goals, making assessments of the skills and competencies of the employee, as well as the drafting of developmental activities and setting of timeframes for each. Whatever transpired during this session will be forwarded to the appropriate… Read More

What is Performance Development?

Performance development is considered a very important aspect in the growth and progress of individuals in their respective careers. It comprise of several strategic processes that are integrated and utilized with the purpose of developing individual capabilities that will benefit the employee, specifically, and the company as a whole. It focuses mainly on performance, along with its classification, measurement, factors, and management. To gain a better understanding of performance development, its definitions are discussed here, in addition to a thorough explanation of why it is vital for career-oriented individuals to… Read More