The Connection of the 80/20 Principle With Time Management

The Connection of the 80/20 Principle With Time Management In the early part of the 20th century, an economist named Vilfredo Pareto came up with a mathematical system that explained the unequal share of wealth in society. He determined that in most societies, eighty percent of the wealth is almost always held by twenty percent of the population. By the 1940s, this system came to be known as the 80/20 principle or rule. Once you understand this principle, you can become adept at managing your time efficiently. When the mathematical… Read More

The Connection Between Time and Money

The Connection Between Time and Money You have probably heard people use the statement "time is money" many times. While it sounds like a simple statement, it is much more complex then you may think. There are certain connections that time has with money, but there are also some notable differences as well. The connection between time and money is something that is well understood among most large companies. They understand the importance of time management, and this is why many of them have tardy policies for their employees. If… Read More

The Importance Of Scheduling For Time Management

The Importance Of Scheduling For Time Management Once you have set goals to achieve something, you will need to begin properly managing your time in order to work towards these goals. After you have created a To-Do list, you will next need to create a schedule which will allow you to complete all the important tasks within a given period of time. No matter who you are, you will only have a certain amount of time do get something done. Setting up a schedule will allow you to develop a… Read More

The Importance Of a To-Do List

The Importance Of a To-Do List A To-Do list is a list of important tasks that you will need to carry out within a given period of time. They are a crucial tool for those that want to be skilled at time management. The concept of a To-Do list is quite simple. By having all of the things you need to do written down or placed into an electronic planner, it will become easier for you to remember the tasks that you need to carry out. Once you have written… Read More

Activity Logs Are An Important Tool For Time Management

Activity Logs Are An Important Tool For Time Management In addition to schedules and To-Do lists, activity logs are very useful in helping you manage your time. They allow you to systematically study the way you spend your time. When most people view their information on an activity log for the first time, they are amazed to the see the amount of time they waste. When it comes to how much time you spend doing things, your brain is not very efficient. This is not because your brain can’t do… Read More

How To Use Business Planning To Manage Your Time

How To Use Business Planning To Manage Your Time Just as it is important for you to eat a good breakfast before you start work each day, it is also important for you to practice business planning in order to become skilled at time management. Business planning will give you the energy you need to successfully complete your tasks each day. The good thing about business planning is that it is not something that takes long to do. Generally, it should only take you a maximum of 30 minutes to… Read More

How To Delegate Tasks In Order To Properly Manage Your Time

How To Delegate Tasks In Order To Properly Manage Your Time If you are the owner of a business, it is likely that you have employees that work under you. If this is the case, you may be responsible for delegating tasks for them. Being able to properly delegate time is an important part of good time management, and I want to spend some time focusing on it in this article. If you find that you are doing too much by yourself, or you’re spending hours working on a large… Read More

How To Save Time When Dealing With Phone Calls

How To Save Time When Dealing With Phone Calls While talking on the phone with clients can be important, it can also waste your time if you don’t know how to keep it under control. Being able to properly handle phone calls will allow you to spend more time focusing on things which are important. While many business people will hire secretaries to help them deal with incoming phone calls, there are other things you can do to limit the amount of time you spend talking with people over the… Read More

How To Invest In Your Time

How To Invest In Your Time Many people choose to become self employed because they wish to be financially independent. People who are self employed will often be responsible for carrying out a number different tasks, and this may reduce their ability to focus their energy on things that are more important. If this describes you, you will want learn how to invest in your time. As we’ve all heard, time is money. However, the difference between money and time is that once time has been used, there is no… Read More

How Setting Goals Can Help You Manage Your Time

How Setting Goals Can Help You Manage Your Time Many people who want to become better at time management fail to realize the importance of setting goals. Having goals is an important part of planning, and is a key component in your ability to succeed. When you have goals, you usually have a direction in which you want your life to go. Many of the people who fail to succeed are those that did not set goals to achieve anything. When you have clear goals that are realistic, this allows… Read More

How To Properly Manage Your Time

How To Properly Manage Your Time If you feel that you are not as productive as you should be, this is generally a sign that you are not practicing good time management. Time management is very important for students or people who have their own businesses. If you have your own business, it is likely that you are carrying out a wide variety of different tasks each day. If this is the case, there are a number of things you can do to enhance your productivity and properly manage your… Read More

Why Playing Is Important For Excellent Time Management

Why Playing Is Important For Excellent Time Management When it comes to properly managing your time, it is important for you to reserve time for yourself. The saying that "all work and no play made Jack a dull boy" is very true when it comes to time management. Being able to play will give you a sense of freedom. It will reduce the amount of tension you have, and you will become rejuvenated. Being able to play is not a waste of time. In fact, making time to enjoy yourself… Read More

What Is Your Time Management Persona?

What Is Your Time Management Persona? To be skilled at managing your time, you must be able to manage yourself. Everyone has a different personality when it comes to time management. People will often talk about how important it is to properly manage their time, but their actions will not show that they practice what they preach. To be successful at managing your time, you will need to know what is called your time management persona. Many people have aspects within their own personalities which cause them to be less… Read More

Common Things That Waste Time

Common Things That Waste Time In order for you to excel at time management, it is important for you to be able to identify things which waste time. If you cannot get these things under control, your productivity will fall, and you will fail to achieve your goals. Things which waste time will destroy your time management system. You will want to watch for these things at all times, and when you detect one of them, you will want to stop it before it turns into a much larger problem.… Read More

Time Management Strategies

Time Management Strategies Many people think that simply keeping track of time is a good example of time management. However, being able to track the amount of time you spend doing things is only one part of time management. Many people spend large amounts of energy tracking their time only to find that they have not successfully developed good time management skills. Unfortunately, many people who are in this situation give up because they have not achieved the results they were striving for. The thing they fail to understand is… Read More

Time Management Practices

Time Management Practices The concept of time management is much more important today than it was in the past. We live in a fast paced world where information moves at the speed of light, and people are working harder and longer. How you manage your time will determine how successful you become in various aspects of your life. Many people wish to become wealthy, but fail to realize that how they manage their time will play a role in their ability to create wealth. For example, if you talk to… Read More

Time Management Introduction

Time Management Introduction Time management can be defined as activities or tools which allow you to effectively manage your time. When you practice good time management, your productivity will increase, and if you are the owner of a business, it is likely that your business will experience larger profits. Today, time management has been broken down into a number of categories, but they all basically seek to achieve the same objectives. When you hear most people talk about time management, they are generally referring to it on a personal level.… Read More