Connection between Data Model and Data Warehouse

Connection between Data Model and Data Warehouse Data models are required in order to build data warehouses. The problem is, those who develop data warehouses need to be able to show results at a fast pace. Data models are problematic in that they take a very long time to build. Is it possible, then to speed up the process somehow? The data that is in the data warehouse is the most atomic data that exists. The various data summaries and aggregations are external to the data warehouse, being found in… Read More

Data Modeling Introduction

Data Modeling Introduction Data modeling refers to the process where by data is structured and organized. It is a key component in the field of computer science. Once data is structured, it is usually then implemented into what is called a database management system. The main idea behind these systems to manage vast amounts of both structured and unstructured data. Unstructured data include documents, word processing, e-mail messages, pictures, and digital video and audio files.  Structured data, what is needed to make a data model (via a data model theory),… Read More

Data Modeling Overview

Data Modeling Overview Data modeling refers to the process whereby data is structured and organized. It is a key component in the field of computer science. Once data is structured, it is usually then implemented into what is called a database management system. The main idea behind these systems is to manage vast amounts of both structured and unstructured data. Unstructured data include documents, word processing, e-mail messages, pictures, and digital video and audio files. Structured data – what is needed to make a data model (via a data model… Read More

Role of Data Modeling within Enterprise Management

Role of Data Modeling within Enterprise Management When it comes to the development, maintaining, augmentation, and integration of enterprise systems, data modeling is key. Over 90% of enterprise systems’ functionality is based on the creation, manipulation, and querying of data. When managing a major enterprise project, it is thus necessary to depend on data modeling in the successful execution of projects. Data modeling can be used to deliver dependable, cost effective systems. Project managers are responsible for numerous tasks, including planning, estimating, evaluating risks, managing resources, monitoring, managing deliveries, and… Read More

Tips for Mastering Data Modeling

Tips for Mastering Data Modeling Data modeling refers to the process where by data is structured and organized. It is a key component in the field of computer science. Once data is structured, it is usually then implemented into what is called a database management system. The main idea behind these systems to manage vast amounts of structured and unstructured data. Unstructured data include documents, word processing, e-mail messages, pictures, and digital video and audio files. Structured data – what is needed to make a data model (via a data… Read More

Physical Data Models

Physical Data Models Physical data models represent the design of data while also taking into account both the constraints and facilities of a particular database management system. Generally, it is taken from a logical data model. Although it can also be engineered in reverse from a particular database implementation. All database artifacts that are needed to create relationships will be included on a physical data model. These include linking tables, indexes, constraint definitions, and partitioned clusters. The model can generally be used as a calculation device for figuring storage estimates.… Read More

Entity Relationship Model

Entity Relationship Model Structured data is stored in databases. Along with various other constraints, this data’s structure can be designed using entity relationship modeling, with the end result being an entity relationship diagram. Data modeling entails the usage of a notation for the representation of data models. An entity relationship diagram can be thought of as a type of semantic data model, or a conceptual one. Entity relationship models are used during the first stage of information system design in order to elucidate types of info that are needed to… Read More

Data Warehouse Glossary

Data Warehouse Glossary Because of the complexity surrounding data warehouses, there are a number of terms that you will want to become familiar with. While there are too many terms to present in this article, I will go over the fundamental terms that you should know. Understanding the terminology surrounding a data warehouse will make it easier for you to learn how to use it effectively, and it will make communication with your peers easier. Access – Access can be defined as the process of obtaining data from the databases… Read More

Data Modeling Explained

Data Modeling Explained Data modeling is a computer science term that is used to describe the process of generating a data model. A data model will be generated by applying a special theory that is known as the data model theory. The data model theory will be used to create an entity that is known as a data model instance. When you go through the process of data modeling, you are essentially organizing data, as well creating a structure for it. Once the data has been organized, it will be… Read More

The History of Data Modeling

The History of Data Modeling The programming of computers is an abstract realm of thought. In the ‘70s, it was thought that people would benefit from an increased use in graphic representations. On the side of process, flow charts led to data flow diagrams. Then, in the mid-70s, entity relationship modeling was created as a means of graphically representing data structures. Entity relationship models are used during the first stage of information system design in order to elucidate types of info that are needed to be stored in the database… Read More

What is a Data Model

What is a Data Model? Quite simply, data models are abstract models whose purpose is to describe how data can be used and represented effectively. The term “data model” is, however, used in two different ways. The first is in talking about data model theory – that is, formal descriptions of how data can be used and structured. The second is in talking about an instance of a data model – in other words, how a particular data model theory is applied in order to make a proper data model… Read More