Ajax and Web Applications

Ajax and Web Applications Client Server Technology and Web Applications There is a gap in user experience between desktop applications and web applications. Desktop applications run on a single computer, while web applications run on the Internet. Since the invention of the Web, developers have been trying to design web applications that demonstrate the speed and interactivity of applications running on the client machine of a LAN (Local Area Network). Despite the explosion of web based applications in the 1990’s (and continuing today), many users still prefer desktop applications. Like… Read More

Java and Client Server Models

Java and Client Server Models The Role of Client Servers on the Web Client server models provide the essential mechanisms for working with the Internet. In fact, most of the World Wide Web is built according to this paradigm. In client server models the web browsers run by millions of users are the clients. On the other side of the equation, are the web hosting systems that run at host sites and provide access to processes and data requested by the client. In this case, these hosting systems are the… Read More

Web Services and Client Server Technology

Web Services and Client Server Technology Introduction to Distributed Computing The Internet and expanded network connectivity established client-sever models as the preferred form of distributed computing. When talking about Client-Server models of networked communication using web services the broadest components of this paradigm become the web browser (functioning as the client) and web server. So by introducing web services into the equation, client/server models become browser/server models. These models are Server-Centric, which make applications easy to load and install, but reduces rich user interaction. Server-Centric applications are currently available from… Read More

Object-Oriented Client-Server Internet

Object-Oriented Client-Server Internet OCSI Environments as IT Infrastructure Client Server Basics Object-Oriented Client-Server Internet (OCSI) environments provide the IT infrastructure for supporting OCSI applications. For our purposes, infrastructure refers to operating systems, networks, middleware, and hardware. OCSI are distributed applications with three core technologies: Client-Server, in which parts of the application behave as clients (or service consumers) and others behave as servers (or service providers); object-oriented programming, which allows applications to be easily created, modified, reused and; the Internet, which provides access to application components, like business logic or databases,… Read More

N-Tier Client-Server Architecture

This article will discuss the various architectures of Client-Server environments. Perhaps the most influential Client-Server environment is the Internet and its global users. With the increasing use of web applications, an examination of the best architecture to support web applications is timely. The architectural component of this discussion will focus on the underlying structures and schematics that best build web applications. Specifically, we will be discussing tier architecture, which is the breaking down of an application into logical chunks that are called Tiers. Tiers can exist on the same computer… Read More

Peer-to-Peer and Client-Queue-Client Architecture

Peer-to-Peer and Client-Queue-Client Architecture Client-Server Architecture Compared with Peer-to-Peer and Client-Queue-Client Architecture Client-Server Architecture Client-Server Architecture, which is the model for Internet communication, separates client programs/machines from server programs/machines. These endpoints communicate through a network and are also known as called nodes, which are any device connected by a network. The clients send requests to the server every time it is instantiated. Client instances occur when an object or individual unit of runtime data storage is called into action from its abstracted class. It is the instances that perform the… Read More

Client-Server Testing Technology

Client-Server Testing Technology Client Server Software Client-server software requires specific forms of testing to prevent or predict catastrophic errors. Servers go down, records lock, I/O (Input/Output) errors and lost messages can really cut into the benefits of adopting this network technology. Testing addresses system performance and scalability by understanding how systems respond to increased workloads and what causes them to fail. Software testing is more than just review. It involves the dynamic analysis of the software being tested. It instructs the software to perform tasks and functions in a virtual… Read More

Virtualization and Client-Server Technology

Virtualization and Client-Server Technology The Virtualization Trend One of the biggest trends in information technology is towards virtualization. Virtualization broadly refers to the abstraction of computer resources. This often makes them appear and perform more powerfully than they would otherwise. It accomplishes this by concealing the physical characteristics of a resource (be it an operating system, storage device, server, or application) from the other systems interacting with it. It is really sort of a shape-shifter. For example, it can make any one of the single computer resources mentioned previously and… Read More

Client-Server Trends for 2007

Client-Server Trends for 2007 The Connection Between Computers and Network Applications Client-server technology describes the relationship between computers and programs on a network. For the purposes of this article, unless otherwise specified, clients and servers will refer to programs and it is important to remember that these programs can function partially during a request. In traditional client-server technology, a client initiates a request from a server. The server processes the request and delivers the response to the client. This process can take place within a single machine that contains both… Read More

Client-Server Security

Client-Server Security Why Client Server Environments are so Popular Client-server environments are popular because they increase application processing efficiency while reducing costs and gaining the maximum benefit from all resources working together. These benefits are gained by splitting processing between the client machine/software and server machine/software. Each process works independently but in cooperation and compatibility with other machines and applications (or pieces of applications). All independent processing must be performed to complete the requested service. Cooperation of application processing produces another client-server advantage, it reduces network traffic. Since each node… Read More

Client-Server Technology : Thin Clients

Client-Server Technology : Thin Clients The Role of Client Computers In client-server technology, a client computer uses its software programs to make requests from server computers over a network. The server computers then process the request and handle delivery back to the client. However, the server may turn into a client if it formulates a service request to forward to another server, say, a database server. Clients and servers connected on a network are also referred to as nodes. Clients can send requests to more than one server. The most… Read More

.NET Client-Server Technology

.NET Client-Server Technology Decentralized Applications Client-server technology developed as applications were decentralized from PCs and mainframe computers. Desktop computers were connected through a network or LANs (Local Area Networks) and WANs (Wide Area Networks). In this equation, ‘clients’ are the machines or programs that request services from another machine or server on the network. The server is linked to databases or the Web and performs the processing of the request and the delivery of the response. The client provides the interface with which users communicate and make requests. The server… Read More

Unix Client Server Technology

Unix Client Server Technology Understanding the Role of Unix When discussing client-server technology it is important to understand UNIX, one of the first, primary building blocks for network possibilities that continues its influence today. UNIX is an operating system designed for multi-tasking by multiple users. This description alone suggests the exponential increase in work productivity by networking through UNIX. Operating systems (OSs) are computers’ central program. Every computer has one. At their most general, operating systems help perform basic computational functions, such as recognizing keyboard input and sending output to… Read More

Client Server : Object Request Brokers

Client Server : Object Request Brokers The Importance of Middleware Middleware is the connective layer in client-server models. The multi-vendor software is compiled by designers to enable services that allow multiple machines to process multiple requests and interact across a network. It also allows communication across platforms. It is like a translation layer that liberates the client-server model by allowing it to communicate more freely across platforms and networks in standardized languages comprehensible across software or hardware differences. Middleware provides a more effective API (Application Programming Interface) than operating systems… Read More

Server Side Scripting

Client Side Programming In web applications, client-side programming is usually written in HTML meanwhile the application servers, the middle tier in three-tier client/server architecture, are usually written in C++ or Java. By using a scripting language embedded in HTML, web servers act as translation layers that allow for communication between the client and server layers. Application servers perform the in-house work of analyzing site traffic and creating personalized pages based on dynamic data such as user history and behavior on previous visits to web sites. By combining business logic, computation… Read More

Client-Server Computing : Butler Model

Client-Server Computing : Butler Model How to Use Client Servers in the Business Environment This article will discuss the Butler pyramid model of client-server computing in an attempt to provide a metaphor for understanding the most effective way of using client-server resources in a business environment. This five-layered model is also known as the Butler Group VAL (Value Added Layers) Model. I will describe each of the layers and their function in an integrated client-server architecture. To expand this discussion on architecture, we will describe the four main client-server application… Read More

Client Server Architecture

The Importance of Flexibility in a Changing World Client-server software architecture is versatile and flexible in today’s fast-changing IT landscape. It is modular in structure and relies on messaging services for communication between components. They were designed to improve flexibility, usability, scalability, and interoperability. Software flexibility implies the ability for a program to change easily according to different users and different system requirements. Usability refers to human-computer interaction and the ability of a software application to accomplish a user’s goal. Some defining features are ease-of-use and a clear, logical process… Read More

Client Server Models in Business Environment

Client Server Models in Business Environment The Organization of Client Server Computing Client-server computing is organized to support accessibility and integration. Through networking each client or workstation connected to the host or server. This allows clients to access software and hardware applications as needed. One of the primary benefits of this is the integration of software or hardware products from different vendors. These products, contained and accessible on the server, can work together to produce the business benefits of client-server technology such as cost reduction, increased flexibility and productivity, and more… Read More

Client Server Features

Client Server Features Web Server Introduction Web servers are the machines or programs from which requests are made and fulfilled over the Internet. They provide one of the endpoints in communication when users request an online service. Clients or users request data through their web browsers. These requests are delivered to the server in HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol). The server then searches the World Wide Web for results based on browser specifications and returns its responses in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), also formatted according to HTTP. This is the basic… Read More

What are Web Servers?

What are Web Servers? Web Server Communication Web servers are one of the endpoints in communication through the World Wide Web. According to its inventor, Tim Berner-Lee, the World Wide Web is “the universe of network-accessible information, an embodiment of human knowledge.” While the latter part of this definition is arguable, the former offers a starting point through which to understand the magnitude of the Web. The World Wide Web is the global structure of electronically connected information. It refers to the global connections between computers that allow users to… Read More