Category: PHP Tutorial
Hypertext Preprocessor or PHP as it is generally known, is a popular, Open Source all-purpose scripting language that is suited for Web development and embedded into HTML. PHP differs from Perl or C scripting languages by using special start and end tags that enclose the code, allowing the programmer to freely move in and out of “PHP mode”. PHP is distinguishable from client-side JavaScript because the code is executed on the server. The client receives the script results without being able to determine the underlying code. Configuring the web server to process all HTML files with PHP allows for safer and more secure scripting possibilities.
PHP is a simple and easy to use scripting language for a beginner developer but offers professional programming options and advanced features. PHP is focused on server-side scripting but has many more possibilities within designing, building, testing and deploying PHP sites. The syntax of PHP is similar to C, Java and Pearl and allows the web developer to create code for dynamically generated web pages in a quick and simple manner.
Although the main target field for PHP is server-side scripting, PHP can also be used for command line scripting and writing desktop applications. Tutorials include overviews and specific information on file manipulation, arrays, strings, functions, operators, variables, data types and installation for PHP.
PHP is versatile and can be used with Linux, Unix, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and other operating systems. PHP supports many web servers and the developer can choose whether to use PHP as a procedural programming or object-oriented programming tool.