Project Management Techniques

Managing a project can be extremely challenging. Projects often require dedicated planning, and this could range from planning a wedding to constructing a house. Regardless of what project you are involved in, you will want to make use of project management techniques in order to assist you in reaching your objectives. While there are many project development techniques that you can use, the following basic techniques are extremely powerful and versatile enough to be useful for successfully managing your project. The first of these techniques is to take the time… Read More

Product Development Best Practices

Companies place high emphasis on development of products which are not only faster and superior, but also more affordable as well. A number of fresh business strategies and organizational approaches are being used by numerous companies so that they can continue to enhance their methods for product development. Efficient Product Development If a company wants to succeed in the competitive market, they must be capable of keeping up with optimal methods. Management must be able to figure out how their company stacks up with the other firms in the industry.… Read More

Importance of Quality Data Management

While data is important, this is only true if that data is high in quality. Decisions made on the basis of data, if wrong, can have detrimental consequences for the organization. Your data must always remain clean, but the big problem that organizations face is that they may not have the tools to ensure clean data. It is imperative to balance data quality, time and budget which compete against each other, while ensuring the quality of the data within a time span which is limited, and on a reasonable budget.… Read More

How to Maximize Quality Assurance

Organizations need robust quality program in order to succeed and stay at the top. Many Quality Assurance firms have developed a variety of different programs, and they range from those that have simple step-by-step processes, to programs which are highly complex, with software and advanced charts. Some quality programs have become wildly popular in recent years, but they all function in basically the same manner. No matter what name you use for your quality assurance program, or the methodology which is associated with it, it is important to create a… Read More

Utilizing Effective Quality Assurance Strategies

Quality Assurance Should Never be Taken for Granted To enhance quality assurance for your project, there are a number of strategies that you can use. First off, every department must take the time to orient itself in a manner which allows for self study, and one which showcases a culture which is quality oriented. The organization must be capable of creating a variety of different mechanisms, and this includes both those which are internal and external. This must be done for improving quality, and some of the things that organizations… Read More

Difference Between Quality Control and Quality Assurance

While both quality control and quality assurance are extremely important, they differ vastly from one another and often many are not familiar with the difference between Quality Control and Quality Assurance. Quality control involves activities which are related to quality, and which are connected to the creation of deliverables. Quality control is used when a verification needs to be made that the deliverables are of a very high quality, and that they are totally complete. Some examples of quality control include things like peer reviews which are deliverable, as well… Read More

Determining Quality Needs for Stakeholders

The ability to figure out the needs of your stakeholders will play a crucial role in project management. In recent years, engaging the stakeholders during social reporting has become extremely important for corporations and business organizations. At the same time, organizations must be capable of taking the time to measure the actual engagement process to properly verify and use the process result. Not only is it necessary for you to measure the needs of Stakeholders process through the usage of the AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard series, which encompasses principles-based standards… Read More

Create a Successful Quality Management Plan

Having a Quality Management Plan is an important foundation for any Project. Successfully implementing a quality management plan for a project is a task which requires a lot of organization. However, the benefits are well worth it, as the creation of the quality management plan and its application to any given project will give you the ability to ensure that proper quality management is being utilized. Quality management plan can be thought of as a type of document which is responsible for detailing the effectiveness of activities and practices which… Read More

Post-Seminar Evaluation

By taking a post-seminar evaluation, you could significantly improve the skills and abilities needed to be an excellent seminar facilitator. You get insight on how to improve your craft, avoid potential problems, be more prepared and ready for the next event, and become even more motivated to perform well every time you conduct a seminar. The Importance of an Evaluation Conducting an evaluation of your performance when facilitating the seminar is like making a quality assessment. In order for a product to become a great product, it has to be… Read More

Seminar Closing Notes

At the onset of the seminar, you had aimed to provide the audience with valuable learning and information, you have presented the topics and facilitated fun and learning activities for the participants; but the challenge now is to be able to inculcate all these to everyone who attended the seminar. Such events should not be merely about presenting your topics to the audience and ensuring they understood; but it should also be geared towards motivating them to apply what they have learned during the seminar. After all the preparation and… Read More

Seminar Coaching and Feedback

Coaching has a crucial role in bringing out the best in your audience, which is why as much as possible, it should be included in the seminar agenda. In small seminars, facilitators can allot time for coaching. Seminar Coaching is the process of helping the audience develop the capacity to ponder on seminar keynotes, guide them in making realizations, and motivate them to accomplish what they want or need to accomplish. Unfortunately, due to time constraints and the size of the audience, not every event provides coaching and the giving… Read More

How to Ask Questions During Seminar?

An effective seminar is one that gives both the facilitator and the audience the opportunity to ask questions. Asking the right questions paves the way for better communication and exchange of information. Having said that, seminar facilitators could benefit largely from the use of questioning techniques and these will be further discussed in this section. What Questions Can Do for You? Questions are very powerful. Questions provide great benefits to the one asking them. These are as follows: It puts you in control. When you ask the right questions at… Read More

Tricks to Keep Seminar Audience Interested

One of the challenges that a seminar facilitator is faced with is in keeping the audience interested. It can be a nightmare to present in front of dozens of people, only to realize that someone is snoring in the group. How can you keep the audience from getting bored? What techniques can be utilized in order to ensure that they keep their eyes and ears glued to you? These questions will be answered in this article. Reasons Why the Audience Becomes Bored Before you learn the various ways to keep… Read More

Grouping Seminar Audience Effectively

During seminar, it is common for participants to join group activities. These activities are specifically designed to create a powerful and long-lasting impact on the knowledge that you are trying to instill in their minds. Thus, grouping your audience should make use of group dynamics so that you, as the seminar facilitator, will be able to increase your chances of achieving your overall purpose for the seminar. Group Dynamics This term would refer to the series of processes, interactions, and combined performances that occur within a group. Because people differ… Read More

Seminar Objections Handling Techniques

Objections from seminar audience could keep seminar facilitators on their toes. Hence, it is important for seminar facilitators to know how to handle such objections from the audience. This article will provide information on several tips and techniques to deal with different types of objections raised during seminars. What is an Objection? In a seminar, an objection is anything an individual or a group of people in your audience would say or do that would imply a concern, question, skepticism, or a negative reaction. Despite it being seemingly intimidating and… Read More

Seminar Audience Personality Traits

A seminar facilitator needs to be very adept at reading people’s personality traits and be able to handle seminar participants properly. If you do not know how to manage the participants, it would be difficult to get your audience to listen to you, and even harder to keep them interested. You should be able to determine the approach to use in motivating the seminar audience and encourage them to actively participate in the seminar. People have different personalities and while no person is exactly the same as the other, there… Read More

How to Create Seminar Conducive Environment?

To a large extent, the methods, materials used, and the participants facilitating a seminar will determine the event’s success. However, it is also important to focus on the environment where the participants will be in for the entire duration of the seminar. The Importance of a Conducive Environment The choice of venue, as well as the facilities used during the seminar, is very important to enhance learning and comprehension. By giving the seminar participants a very smooth and impressive learning experience, you can maximize the positive outcomes and properly utilize… Read More

The Art of Managing Seminar Audience

Talking to a person you do not know can be tough. Many people feel nervous with these encounters. However, speaking in front of an audience can be especially overwhelming that perhaps everyone who has tried holding a seminar for the first time has felt very anxious about it. Yet similar to learning how to ride a bike, it may seem impossible at first and you may even find yourself extremely scared at this prospect but eventually, you will learn to get used to it and you will be able to… Read More

Seminar Visual Aids

Visual aids have long been regarded as a staple in most public speaking endeavors. When making a presentation during a business meeting, giving a speech, or even when holding seminars, the use of visual aids is commonly employed. There are two main functions of a visual aid: it helps the audience understand your message better. it keeps them interested. Learners can be visual, auditory, or even kinesthetic learners, which is why effective seminars always take into consideration these three aspects. By making use of visual aids during your seminar, you… Read More

Seminar Presentation Skills

A large part of your success as a seminar facilitator lies in your presentation skills. Because presentation is crucial in every seminar, you should therefore endeavor to learn these skills and never step up that podium without even bothering to understand the things you need to do in order to become an effective facilitator. Seminar Presentation requires proper planning and extensive preparation. How well are you able to communicate with the audience? Are you able to effectively deliver your thoughts and ideas towards them? Are you able to keep them… Read More

How to Facilitate a Seminar

For a seasoned seminar facilitator, conducting a seminar is not a big deal. After all, they probably conduct seminars at least once a month that they are no longer intimidated by the thought of speaking in front of a big audience. However, for a neophyte, facilitating a seminar can be so terrifying that the thought of it would even trigger anxiety attacks. This article will provide you with the most helpful tips to make you feel more confident and at ease when handling a seminar. Whether you are an executive… Read More

Seminar Checklist

Planning a seminar is similar to organizing a company event—you need to do it way ahead of time and make good use of organizational skills so that the event will be a success. Usually, a team or a committee is in charge of organizing a seminar; however, if you happen to take the role of the speaker as well as the organizer, then you need to know certain techniques that will eliminate problems and prevent things from going wrong during the scheduled event. One way to ensure that everything will… Read More

Seminar Outline

Preparation is key to a successful seminar. Even a seasoned seminar speaker would still take the time to sit down and plan things out before the event. As someone who will conduct a seminar in front of 10, 100, or even more participants, you cannot afford to be in front of the audience unprepared. If this is the first seminar you will handle, then it is all the more necessary to plan weeks and even months before the big day. A large chunk of the preparation phase is making the… Read More

How to Sell Yourself?

When conducting a seminar, one of the first things that your participants will ask is: “Why should I listen to you?” Whether you are going to hold a one-hour seminar or a 3-day seminar, it is necessary that you are able to convince the participants to sit down, listen, try to understand what you will share with them, and keep an open mind. If you cannot do that, then every attempt you make to impart knowledge and insights to them would fail. This section focuses on the most basic and… Read More

Organizational Change Management

The concept of organizational change management applies to organization changes such as mission change, restructuring operations, application of new technologies, major collaborations, and mergers. This kind of change in the organization requires a fundamental and radical reorientation of how the organization functions and operates. This happens when there is a provocation of external driving force such as economic crisis, fund cuts, new markets, and major increase in demand. The occurrence of organizational change has not slowed down over the last decade and will continue to increase as more and more… Read More

Organization Redesign

It is common for organizations to realize later on that the design they have created does not seem to provide a positive impact to their purpose, or is not able to keep up with the changes. Either way, they need to make certain adjustments in their current design framework in order to thrive. This process is known as organization redesign. Importance of Organization Redesign The restructuring of an organization has become a necessity and at the same time, a powerful business strategy. It is critical to the success of a… Read More

Organization Life Cycle

The life cycle of an organization proposes that over a certain period of time, for-profit companies move through a predictable sequence of development. Life cycles have been the subject of extensive study over the years and these are linked to organizational growth and development studies. It has been found that organizations are similar to living beings because they have a pattern of developmental stages and are impacted largely by the circumstances of the internal and external environments. There are many frameworks used to determine the life cycle of an organization.… Read More

Organizational Chart

An organizational chart, otherwise referred to as org chart, is a diagram that illustrates the structure of an organization. It clearly shows the rank and relationships of the employees, and help keep the work operations organized. Depending on the size of the company, a chart may comprise of numerous lines, arrows, and boxes, or it may consist of only a few. Because relationships within a company often change, charts should be flexible and simple, so that they can be changed easily. Importance of Organizational Chart Organizational charts are considered important… Read More

Staff Organization

Organizing Staff is an organization is a more complex type of administrative organization that puts the power of command to the line executives (or line managers) however it does have its share of benefits that will help any organization to fully utilize their people’s potentials. To organize staff, appointing supervisors and specialists attached to the line authority is required. Features of Staff Organization There are two types of staff: staff assistants and staff supervisors. Staff assistants include personal assistants and secretaries, while staff supervisors include quality controllers and operation control… Read More

Organizational Learning

Over the years, there have been several definitions of organizational learning. One such definition is that it is the process of being able to detect and correct errors, with people in the organization acting as the agents who learn through various activities. Another definition states that there are four aspects associated with organizational learning, and these are: knowledge acquisition, distribution of information, interpretation of information, and the use of organizational memory. Lastly, organizational learning has also been defined as similar to that of having one stimulus and getting several effects,… Read More

Organizational Culture

Culture is both a dynamic phenomenon and the norms that guide and restrict behavior. It creates a powerful driving force in organizational situations, and is considered influential to its success. In any scenario wherein there needs to be a group effort, teamwork, and collaboration between individuals and groups of individuals, such as that evident in business operations, there are always different types of people with different culture, and when the organization cannot find means by which to make them understand and accept the differences, and be able to create common… Read More

Organizational Design Guidelines

Every organization exists for a purpose, and while it is the top managers who will decide how the organization can achieve its mission and vision, the operative goals are the key to its success. Therefore, there should be strategies that focus on giving employees a sense of direction and motivation, and there should be standards of performance. Strategies include a number of techniques and the organization design should specifically suit the organization’s competitive approach in order for it to contribute significantly to effectiveness. Hierarchical Systems Majority of today’s organizations are… Read More

Organization Design Models

The basic systems model used in organizations is one that takes input, creates a transformation through a series of internal processes, and produces an output. However, whilst the different models being used today are still built around this fundamental concept, there have already been variations made to meet the needs of the organizations in the 21st century. This article discusses the four most commonly used models in organizations. Galbraith’s Star Model of Organizational Design The Star Model serves as the basis from which an organization creates design choices. It has… Read More

Organizational Design Characteristics

An organization design is an ongoing challenge for every manager because it constantly struggles to protect the organization and keep it competitive, despite the unstable economy and the ever-changing nature of any business. However, a remarkable facet of an effectual design is that its process is, in the simplest sense, a set of cascading tasks that allows managers to go through step-by-step methods in a clear and straightforward manner. It begins with the corporate level and goes down to departmental levels. Basically, a design is an ongoing challenge yet because… Read More

Principles of Organization Design

There are numerous frameworks that allows to structure an organization.  However, to design an organization is quiet different because there is no such thing as a design blueprint that anyone can simply follow without taking necessary steps to ensure that the design structure will work for a particular organization.  Blueprint Designs even makes it more complicated knowing that the design is ineffective, this will lead the organization to serious consequences which may ultimately result in business failure. Fortunately, there are four guiding principles that will assist employers in making an… Read More

What is Organization Design?

Organization design is the process of constructing and arranging an organization’s structure, processes, systems, practices, and rewards programs as a means to achieve its purpose and goals. To design an organization requires wide knowledge on a diverse range of concepts, research, and approaches on economics, information technology, logistics, management, and psychology. It also involves analysis of available designs and frameworks derived from existing organizations, and redesigning these to effectually meet the prerequisites of the organization. An organization design is created on the belief that employees have the genuine desire to… Read More

Using Competencies in Project Management

Project management has been defined as the process involved to successfully attain the goals and objectives of a given project. There are several types of project managers such as construction project manager, software project manager, architectural project manager and research project manager. Every project management endeavor has a manager. The project manager has a long list of roles that needs to be filled so that the project can be completed in the best means possible. These roles are categorized into: planning, organizing, managing, executing and closing. Roles of a Project… Read More

Using Competency Frameworks to Improve Performance

The design and development of a competency framework is the initial step to improving the level of performance of employees in a company. The next steps are implementation and execution. Gaining a good understanding of the “why,” the “what” and the “how” signals the need to proceed with the use of these frameworks as guidelines in achieving optimum performance at work. The Why, the What, and the How To gain acceptance and trust from employees, it is necessary to uncover the answers to the “why,” “what,” and “how” first. Why,… Read More

Using Competencies in Selecting Your People

During hiring process, companies focus on an individual’s competencies, and this is more evident today than ever. Their understanding of the value of people to help them communicate their core competencies to their market and the rest of the world has paved the way for the integration of competency-based hiring practices. The kind of people hired by any company will impact the business, and such impact can go either way – good or bad. The employees are the heart of the company; if they are highly competent individuals then they… Read More

Using Competencies in Training

Training is a very significant aspect in helping employees become more efficient and effective in their job. Thus, it is very important that this department must be equipped with the necessary competencies that will allow them to impart and transfer knowledge and understanding to the trainees through various methods, strategies, and activities. Areas of Competence and Competencies of a Trainer The areas of competence of a trainer, and their corresponding competencies are: Training Delivery: Presentation of learning objectives must be set clearly; audio-visual aids must encourage learning. The trainer should… Read More

Using Competencies for Employment

Finding employment in this competitive world is difficult, and keeping one’s job is also tricky.  Ineffective performance from previous work experiences can be evident especially if the prospective employer is keen on using structured interviews; who would want to hire an ineffective person? Moreover, if you do not perform well, you stand the chance of being laid off because there will always be other more competent and deserving individuals willing to take your place. To go up in the echelons of success, a person needs to be competent. Now the… Read More

How to Develop a New Competency

To stay competitive, one must adapt to the changing times. Today, there are already many competencies that were unheard of 50 years ago. This is particularly true for functional competencies which are job-specific competencies; in the past, there were no web developers and designers, which mean that before, people were not required to know programming languages and stylesheets. The advent of technology has paved the way for these competencies to exist; thus, people who want to be able to move up in their career have to evolve too, especially when… Read More

Competencies Key Principles

Competencies can be produced and learned by one or many individuals by adhering to a framework. Competencies must also be updated and made adaptable to hold relevance to those they were designed for. However, in order to get commitment from employees, there are guiding principles to be followed. These will be discussed in detail in this article. Principle 1: Collaboration Management creates policies for everyone to follow; they create plans and programs designed for all. But when it comes to designing a competency framework for the organization, the task should… Read More

Influences of Competency

Competency is a person’s knowledge, skills, and attitude that will allow him to perform his job functions in a superior and effectual manner. A person with the required competencies can handle a job much better than a person who does not have them. For this reason, companies are always spending their resources to ensure that they employ highly competent individuals. To achieve this goal, they provide competency-focused interviews to be able to screen those who have the competencies the company is looking for. Moreover, they also conduct regular performance evaluations… Read More

Leadership Competencies

Leadership role in any organization is vital to its success. Managers can be leaders but not every manager is a leader. A leader must be able to create a vision, influence others, and bring out the best in their people. With leadership, one can initiate action among his people. He can motivate everyone to keep going, with or without the help of rewards. Additionally, leadership enables a person to provide guidance to others so that work can be done effectively and efficiently, and such guidance is given through coaching and… Read More

Competency Assessment

For an individual to know his strengths and weaknesses, it is imperative to conduct a self-assessment. The process involves answering a set of questions specifically designed to help individuals discover what characteristics and abilities they possess that can help them succeed in their endeavors. On the other hand, managers should assess their employees’ level of competency in order to appraise their performance as well as to help them develop and excel in their career. More often than not, competency assessments are done only to check whether a particular individual has… Read More

Competency Framework

A competency framework is a method by which an organization can accurately assess the knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSA) of their employees. In addition, it also helps maintain and keep track of these competencies; a tool to measure competency levels to ensure that everyone makes significant contributions to the organization by performing in a superior manner. With a competency framework, recruitment officers will be able to effectively hire the ideal candidate they need for their company; managers will be able to make sound decisions in managing their employees; and employees… Read More

Competency and Competence

Competency and competence have often been used interchangeably. Moreover, people often think that competency and competence are one and the same however this is a misconception. What a lot of people fail to realize is that these are two different concepts and cannot be used to take the other’s place. To understand this better, definitions of each are given below. Competency (pl. competencies) refers to the characteristics of a person; these may be observable or non-observable. Such characteristics are behavior-based, and are instrumental to helping a person perform his tasks… Read More

Types of Competency

There are many competencies that have been identified over the years, and these are divided into six types. Below are the basic definitions and examples of each Competency. The Six Types of Competencies Individual Competency– This type refers to a person’s own knowledge, skills, and attitudes (behavior) that contribute to effectiveness in performance, as well as in dealings with other people. Business Competency– This refers to the knowledge and skills required in a particular business or industry. Management Competency– This refers to a set of competencies that are applicable only… Read More

Introduction to Competency

In order to perform well in any job, an individual needs possess all necessary skill set and knowledge, as well as the personal attributes. Today’s Individuals have become fiercely competitive to succeed in their chosen fields, and are equipping themselves with the right attitude, knowledge, and skills. Understanding this reality will create awareness that to stay competitive you must have an edge over the others. For this reason, you need to develop certain competencies. Many often confuse competence and competency. Although used interchangeably, they are nonetheless different from each other.… Read More

Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Rights

Corporate social responsibility (CSR), as an increasing business practice, is understood to be a sense of obligation or responsibility from corporations not just on the economic aspect of business goals, but also to the social and environmental approaches. So, corporate social responsibility fulfills the “triple bottom line” of a business activity which consists of the economic, social, and environmental aspects. Since CSR deals with people in the society as well as individuals within the organization, human rights play an important role in the many CSR activities. The Relevance of Human… Read More

Corporate Social Responsibility Career Opportunities

Corporate social responsibility, otherwise known as CSR, is no longer just a popular concept and business practice in the business world but has also developed in the aspect of career opportunities. CSR defines the way companies behave and operate in social, environmental, and ethical frameworks. The development of substantial career opportunities for value-based professionals reflects the diversity of the field of CSR existing in both private and public sectors. However, unlike any typical job, CSR roles may not have specific designations or titles but the job description reflects CSR programs… Read More

Corporate Social Responsibility towards Suppliers and Creditors

When companies uphold corporate social responsibility (CSR), they are accountable to various internal and external stakeholders. Internal stakeholders may include the shareholders, employees, and management while external stakeholders are the consumers or the buying public, suppliers, creditors, competitors, and the local community or the society at large. Let us focus on how companies practice social responsibility towards its supplier and creditors since these players in the business aspect project important roles to the businesses. Who are the Suppliers and Creditors? It is uncommon to consider suppliers and creditors to be… Read More

Corporate Social Responsibility towards Stake Holders

We often hear the old belief that when it comes to dealing with business, we must be strictly business-like and no other things should get in the way. This means that profitability is the governing language in business. Although true, this perspective is no longer entirely applicable to all businesses because corporations have come to embrace the very essence of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Companies have learned to perform business in the interests of the larger community and in an ethical manner. Furthermore, observing corporate social responsibility also means being… Read More

Corporate Social Responsibility towards Society

Through business activities, companies interact with the society and create an impact on the said society where business is conducted. A company starts out employing people, or manpower, and begins the production of goods and services. The latter involves transaction with the local suppliers as well as the customers. Basically, this is the nature of interaction between businesses and the buying public. However, apart from this basic perspective, there are other various ways in which a company interacts with the society that may not directly relate to the mere buy… Read More

Corporate Social Responsibility towards Government

Businesses operate in communities that either directly or indirectly affect their transactions. Companies interact with the various sectors in the larger community and part of this is the government. So, in the perspective of corporate social responsibility or CSR, many people feel that the government sector must also play a role in the business activities. Since the government is responsible for regulating the laws and upholding the security of a state, it is just right to engage them in the aspect of social responsibility. The government is considered an external… Read More

Corporate Social Responsibility towards Employees

The practice of corporate social responsibility, or CSR, does not only mean an obligation to the society in terms of social and environmental aspects but also to the employees of a business or corporation. A company has an obligation towards its working individuals in keeping their desire and interest for the job alive. Good practice of social responsibility by the management to the employees will serve as an example to them. In turn, the employees themselves will realize the essence of being socially responsible to the society. Current Business Trends:… Read More

Corporate Social Responsibility towards Customers

The concept of corporate social responsibility or CSR is based on three dimensions which serve as its three pillars. These are the economic, social, and environmental responsibility. For a company to successfully practice CSR, all the three pillars have to be balanced and should be based on obligation and accountability. Social responsibility is the most current dimension of CSR in which corporations take active participation in social issues and community affairs. The target of responsibility is the stakeholders which includes the customers or the buying public. The perception of offering… Read More

Corporate Social Responsibility Myths

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is increasingly practiced by most companies worldwide. This is because it gives a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction when firms are able to develop socially with the community apart from its economic aspect. However, there are certain false claims about CSR. Let us identify these allegories and understand why they are not completely true about the CSR concept. Doane’s Four Key Myths of CSR Deborah Doane has identified four key myths revolving around the concept of corporate social responsibility. The first myth says that “the market… Read More

Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies

The general claim about corporate social responsibility mainly revolves around the accountability of giving back the investment returns of the shareholders, being socially responsible towards the environment, and being responsible to the other groups that may be within or outside the corporation. This assertion often arouses debates among business people since the scope of the said “responsibilities” and “returns” and how they will be obtained are not clearly defined. The degree of responsibility towards the shareholders and the stakeholders is also a crucial issue in CSR arguments. As a general… Read More

Corporate Volunteering

Corporate social responsibility gives a sense of obligation for companies on the various programs not just within the organization but the society as well. Part of carrying out these obligations is to actively participate in community programs and affairs. This is what we call corporate volunteering. Many companies engage in philanthropic activities and aid people in the community while providing the employees an opportunity to benefit from the company in various ways. An organization contributes to building and making better societies by encouraging the employees to participate in the various… Read More

Corporate Social Responsiveness

In Wood’s model of corporate social performance, the second phase in the representation is corporate social responsiveness which is explained as the ability of an organization to respond to social pressures. It is also the means through which the identified principles of corporate social responsibility are implemented. It is the action performed to the principled approach of corporate social responsibility. This concept demonstrates three major processes or mechanisms: environmental assessment, stakeholder management, and issues management. Processes of Social Responsiveness Environmental assessment is the process that allows the organization to observe… Read More

Corporate Social Performance

The concept of corporate social performance has been around for several decades now, but the idea is still closely misinterpreted for corporate social responsibility, corporate social responsiveness, or any other approach relating to business and society. Although these concepts are closely related to each other, they each have unique connotations. These approaches also represent the various phases in our understanding of the relationship between a firm, or organization, and the environment, or the society, where the firm functions. Corporate Social Performance Defined As mentioned in the earlier paragraph, corporate social… Read More

Corporate Ethics and Ethical Issues

Before we begin to understand what corporate or business ethics is, let us refresh our memory with the concept of ethics. By this we mean the proper way of performing any act or deed. It includes knowing what is right and wrong, and then doing what is acceptable according to standards and social norms. Ethics is associated with proper code of conduct, proper decorum, or the rules that govern our lives. We also refer to it as values and moral principles. Every organization must be guided by a set of… Read More

Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility

No business can succeeds without the aid of contributing factors involved in its operations. Employees, consumers, suppliers, and the community are directly involved and affected by the business and what it does. The products and the way the products are introduced have an impact to the society. Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR then becomes a significant strategy in business because consumers would opt for companies that can be trusted; suppliers would prefer conducting business transactions with reliable companies; and employees would like it better working for employers with good business… Read More

What is Corporate Social Responsibility?

Corporate Social Responsibility, also known as CSR, pertains to the responsibilities of companies towards society with which they function and operate. Corporate Social Responsibility ensures that the business organizations align its corporate values and behaviors with that of stakeholders’ needs and expectations. Corporate Social Responsibility approach incorporates social, economic, and environmental aspects of the business as part of increasing profit or revenues and minimizing the problems or shortcomings. It is not only geared towards the customers and investors, but also towards its employees, suppliers, and the society as a whole.… Read More

Positive Transformation of Negative Thoughts

A train of negative thoughts may lead the person to view the world in a different way, one that lacks acknowledgement of the good things that are happening to the community and to the world. This is referred to as pessimism, wherein your mind is clouded with so much negativity that for every situation and circumstance, your only prediction is the worst-case scenarios. Pessimists are characterized by a lack of appreciation to the good outcomes of a situation, having the attitude of a quitter to posed challenges, not seeing the… Read More

Dealing with a Negative Thinker

Negative thinkers have this tendency to infect and affect the people they deal with. It can be as contagious as a communicable disease because it triggers the people to react and respond differently to the negative thoughts of the person. It is no wonder that a pessimist or a negative thinker is not getting attention and appreciation, given the fact that they can also disturb other people’s minds. Positivity, on the other hand, is just as contagious as negativity. In your society or the kind of environment you belong to,… Read More

How to Overcome Negative Thinking

When you catch yourself entertaining negative thoughts lately, do not let yourself fall into the trap of negative thinking. Do not let your negative thoughts manipulate and take control over you. Rather, learn how to direct these intrusive thoughts and transform them into positive ones. The habit of negative thinking can still be changed and overcome if you take a conscious effort to gradually get rid of it. Just as there many ways to develop negative thinking, there are also numerous ways to conquer it. You cannot just settle for… Read More

Negative Thinking on Personal Relationships

Very few people would probably want to hang around a negative thinker. Negativity is just too contagious and once it starts to creep in to your system, you might end up becoming a changed person, the kind of change you have always dreaded. People tend to create negative thinking patterns for thoughts that are intrusive and disturbing yet being affirmed in one’s wholeness. Dwelling in negativity can cause utter destruction in your life in the various aspects of it. Apart from personal outlook or your view of the world and… Read More

Impact of Negative Intrusive Thinking on Personality

The impact of negative thinking on an individual can transform his life in a way he would not ideally want it to be. Thoughts are very random and varied. If the mind is dominated by intrusive thoughts, it affects your totality as a person. It impacts the entire well-being be it physically, mentally, or emotionally. It also adversely transforms your individual perceptions in life and turns you into a pessimist. The way you develop or damage your personal outlook solely depends on how you deal with it. One essential element… Read More

Impact of Negative Thinking on Emotions

What the mind perceives, the body achieves. It is simply denoting that at any level of thought, there is always a corresponding effect on the body whether on the mental, physical, and emotional aspect. The brain feeds the mind with different thoughts at various levels. These thoughts are being processed in the mind and are expressed in various means of manifestations. Thoughts also create an impact on the brain, depending on the manner of thinking there is. Happy thoughts exude a positive aura and feeling while bad and disturbing thoughts… Read More

Health Effects of Negative Thinking

Human thoughts shape the disposition and mood of individuals. When one demonstrates negative thinking, it simply means filling the thoughts with negativities that affect an individual’s frame of mind and reduce energy level. Your train of thoughts and personal beliefs create a sense of impact to your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. This is because your thoughts, feelings, and actions are interconnected and one affects the other. So, if you keep on thinking negative, it may trigger negative emotions, particularly anxiety and depression. Not everyone is aware that having a… Read More

Overcoming Depressive Thinking Styles

Do you tend to see things on a negative light? Do you negatively react when things go wrong? Do you allow feelings of negativity and hopelessness to creep in your emotional state? If you are noticing such symptoms, you may be running the risk of experiencing depression. Individuals who tend to think more of the negative things about themselves, their perceptions, and about the world are more prone to going through mood disorders at some point in their lives. Developing the habit of negative thinking impacts your feelings and behavior,… Read More

Depression and Negative Thinking

You may experience feeling low or worried lately and notice that this has been an ongoing pattern running for quite a while now. It could be an alarming symptom of depression or it could be depression itself. One notable manifestation of a depressed individual is experiencing worry and anxiety for a prolonged period of time. Many factors cause depression on a person. The condition is generally demonstrated through a person’s disturbed manner of thinking, change in attitude or behavior, decline in social relationships, and problems in physical well-being. This article… Read More

Common Patterns of Negative Thinking

The manner of thinking is spontaneous in most cases. You do not force yourself to think because it is something that the mind does all of the time, automatically. Thoughts are so varied that they seem uncontrollable sometimes. Thoughts can just pop up out of blue in the mind, may seem weird, can be intrusive in the middle of a busy day, and may even disrupt sleep. It can generate varied images in the head that may either induce happiness or unpleasantness. Negative Thinking Patterns in the Mind During instances… Read More

Negative Thinking Traps

A major contribution to failure and a destructor of self-confidence is the manner of negative thinking. When you think negatively, you are only affirming the worst that could happen to yourself or others in a situation. If negative thinking becomes a habit, you gradually reduce the level of confidence in your thinking patterns and even in actions. It also minimizes your ability to assert your needs and opinions. Such mental attitude makes you question or underrate the value of your own thoughts, emotions, and needs. That is why it is… Read More

Negative Thinking Styles

The manner of negative thinking comes in different styles. Not all people think alike in both positive and negative aspects, and neither are the thoughts similar. Negative thinking may be categorized into mediocre thinking (positive, neutral, or negative) and extraordinarily negative thinking. These two styles, which are governed by negative thoughts, will be further elaborated in this article. Mediocre Thinking Mediocre thinking pertains to the style of thinking in average or middle levels. Mediocre thinkers produce thoughts in moderate style, not so bad and not so impressive as well. The… Read More

Causes of Negative Thinking

Thoughts feed the mind with what to do, how to act, what to say, and how to react. Thoughts do not enter the mind one at a time. They seem to randomly pop up in your mind from nowhere. Thus, monitoring these thoughts is just but necessary in order to keep it within control. In the process of understanding thoughts, two types of mental attitudes are also demonstrated: positive and negative thinking. Both of these mental processes are rooted from various reasons and causes. Since negative thoughts seem to come… Read More

Positive Thinking versus Negative Thinking

The human mind performs a never-ending process of generating thoughts, whether it is conscious or unconscious. Just like a heavy traffic of cars on the highway, the human mind is capable of producing hundreds of thoughts even in a short span of time. It has been proven that the pattern of thinking affects emotions. Anything that occupies the mind also dictates the current state of emotion of an individual. Happy thoughts generate a blissful feeling; bad thoughts cause a negative feeling. Yet, it seems that for most individuals, a negative… Read More

Definition of Negative Thinking

Human thoughts, feelings, and actions or behaviors are closely related and can indirectly affect each other. The human mind is powerful that it can generate thoughts even beyond normal means of thinking. People tend to develop thought habits that can eventually shape their lives. In general, the mind is capable of producing two major types of thoughts: good and bad. These thoughts send off signals to the human emotions manipulating how it should feel. Good thoughts generate good feelings while negative feelings are a product of bad or negative thoughts.… Read More

Online CRM Tools

These days, business organizations utilize modern and sophisticated means of building and managing long-term customer relationships in a structured approach. One of these methods is the use of customer relationship management (CRM) tools. CRM consists of a wide range of integrated information technology and customer-based software and solutions that support and help manage sales and marketing, customer service, and many other aspects of the business. Businesses of various sizes and levels, as well as types or nature, may take advantage of CRM tools and software. This article will talk about… Read More

Importance of Customer Feedback

Criticisms are part of growing and learning. When you are being criticized for your actions, there is this realization that what seems right to you is a weakness as others see it. They say that you are not necessarily the best judge of your own self. Other people see things beyond your personality and view them in a more in-depth manner. This same concept of individual criticism applies to a business organization. A company will only learn the worst mistakes from the feedback of the customers. In fact, the most… Read More

Informal Customer Interaction

Customer interaction is crucial to a business as it involves the everyday encounters and communication of the company to its existing customers as well as the new ones. The overall interaction of customers to the business is also a contributing factor to their general experience in doing business with the organization. Its significance in the business paved way for many organizations to conceptualize standard means and procedures in conducting good customer interaction. Large businesses catering to a huge market have designed methods, protocols and ways in working with their customers… Read More

Formal Customer Interaction

Customer interaction encompasses the three major phases starting from the pre-sale stage to the purchase stage and finally to the post-sale or after-sale phase of the interaction. In every stage of the company’s interaction with its customers, there are various ways and means to communicate with them. It should be the nature of a business to be assertive in initiating the communication with potential and existing customers in order to facilitate interaction and build a good business relationship. Yet, a company or a business organization cannot just simply make use… Read More

Customer Interaction Centric Careers

Finding a career associated with customer service and customer interaction is hardly difficult, what with the hundreds and thousands of available jobs from many customer-service based organizations and companies that jobseekers can apply for. Although all companies incorporate customer interactions in their transactions with the customers, there are certain companies that mainly utilize the competence of its employees in terms customer service skills, since the nature of the business is predominantly associated with customer interaction. What are the available careers in the field of customer interaction? What do companies look… Read More

Customer Relationship Management

Companies and business organizations should have an organized and systematic approach to keeping its relationship with the customers. Apart from building a good business relationship, a company should also manage these customer relationships with the help of modern technology. Apparently, a structured and organized approach in dealing with any business transaction whether in person, through the phone or email is a plus to the company as it gives customers a positive impression of the way the business is dealt and managed. Many business organizations in various industry sectors now use… Read More

Learn to Exceed Your Customer Expectation

It is said that the main goal when it comes to addressing and dealing with customers is meeting their needs. This notion is entirely true. Every company’s objective in every stage of customer interaction must be just like that. How can an establishment acquire more customers if they do not even get the answer to their questions or purchase the products they want to have? Moreover, getting their needs met is what customers expect when they engage in any business transaction. If a company falls short of their expectations, they… Read More

How to Build Customer Trust and Credibility

When customers keep coming back to make purchases or if they continue making transactions, this means that they like the product, service, or the way they are being treated. Continued business transactions means impressed and satisfied customers. However, there is a difference if they are impressed just because of the quality of the product but not the quality of customer service. In fact, a good product is a lot more saleable if these go with efficient customer service. Any customer would want to be overwhelmed with good treatment from business… Read More

Tips to Impress Your Customer

One of the major factors of a successful business organization inevitably is its customers. Customers are the lifeblood of the business and they are the reason why it exists, survives, and succeeds. As such, customers have to feel valued. When customers feel this way toward a company or a business, they are bound to stay and become loyal to the business in the long run. A customer’s first impression matters a lot to a business that highlights on giving utmost customer service. This is because a customer’s initial perception of… Read More

Tips to Handle a Rude Customer

One of the challenges of business organizations is dealing with rude customers. Rudeness is synonymous to being sarcastic and nasty. It is a negative behavior that may spark up a heated argument or a hurtful exchange of words. In a customer service industry, any business organization will have to deal with rude customers. Such type of customers can never be avoided in any customer interaction. For one, individuals come in various personalities. There are those who tend to be rude or ill-mannered in nature. That is just how they are,… Read More

Customer Miscommunications

Communication is the exchange of ideas between a sender and a receiver. Proper and effective communication is when the sender gets the message across to the other person and common understanding is gained in the exchange of ideas. Good communication in any aspect yields to a smooth interaction of individuals. In most business organizations, especially in the customer service sector, it is used as a powerful tool in dealing with customers. Customers will be communicating in various means – phone, email, or in person. Customer service representatives should demonstrate excellent… Read More

Customer Communication and Interaction Etiquettes

Etiquettes form the foundation of a harmonious communication and interaction among individuals in just about any aspect of life. Etiquettes are cardinal rules and policies that establish an observable level of respect and courtesy from one individual to another. In many organizations and situations, etiquettes may be universal or general, rules that are set by social norms and expected to be demonstrated by everyone in any dealing. In certain instances, some rules of etiquette are customized to suit the nature of the situation. Although etiquettes have to be implemented for… Read More

Post-Sale Customer Interaction Techniques

In the stages of customer experience, the most critical is the after-sales interaction with customers. It is probably easy to attract customers during the pre-sale stage with well-prepared marketing strategies and advertising techniques, but once the customers make the transaction, the biggest challenge of every company is how to make them stay in the business. Some businesses focus more on the product and how it can be improved without realizing that customer retention is more critical. In the end, these customers will be nothing but typical buyers who continue to… Read More

Pre-Sale Customer Interaction Techniques

Businesses go through stages in a customer experience or interaction. These stages are broken down into three major phases starting from the pre-sales encounter, then the point of purchase, and the after-sales or post-sales interaction. If a business places a high value on quality customer service, it religiously follows these stages of encounter with customers. On the other hand, if a business is focused only on generating profits and increasing revenue, the interaction only ends when the transaction is made or when the purchase is done. To some companies, this… Read More

Understanding Customer Behavior

According to a popular cliché, “customers are the blood of the business.” This statement simply emphasizes the importance and value of customers in a business. Comparing to human anatomy, blood runs along the veins of the human body to provide nutrients to all the body parts so that these parts can function well. Moreover, blood is also known as the primary carrier of oxygen on a cellular basis to breathe life to a person. In the same way, the customers provide revenue to the business through the transactions and purchases… Read More

Types of Customers and Customer Communication

A customer is technically defined as anyone who makes a purchase of a product, or someone who avails the services of a business provider. In a general sense, a customer may be anyone who is offered service and any form of assistance to address specific needs and preferences. In a business sense, a customer is the ultimate reason that a business is established. Every product or service that a business organization prepares is intended for the customers with a purpose of generating profit or revenue and making the business grow… Read More

Customer Communication Concept

In any business or organization, dealing with customers seems to be one of the most crucial success factors. Especially for a profit-earning company, customers play a vital role on the stability of the business. It is every company’s responsibility to get in touch with its customers for any concerns and feedback about the service. Successful business organizations make sure that their customers do not only conduct a one-time business with them, so customer communication is necessary. Communication with the customers does not just occur from the point of purchase to… Read More

Competency Based Performance Management

An organization follows certain process that aims to consistently meet the goals effectively through constant monitoring of employees’ performance and making sure that everyone performs in an outstanding manner. This is called performance management. It is an organizational work system that starts when an employee’s job title is defined along with its competencies and ends when an employee resigns from the company. It is a process of building a work environment wherein working individuals perform their best to contribute to the success of company goals. The term is sometimes associated… Read More

Continuing Competency with Training and Education

We all have individual set of competencies that can take us notches up the ladder of success.  You were able to grab your ideal job because your core competencies were just what the employer was looking for in a suitable candidate. However, after getting the job, did you ensure consistency in your set of knowledge, skills, and attitude? Or better yet, did you make an effort to strengthen your competencies even more and work on those that need improvement? In your workplace where you demonstrate most of your effective work… Read More