Tips to Impress Your Customer

One of the major factors of a successful business organization inevitably is its customers. Customers are the lifeblood of the business and they are the reason why it exists, survives, and succeeds. As such, customers have to feel valued. When customers feel this way toward a company or a business, they are bound to stay and become loyal to the business in the long run.

A customer’s first impression matters a lot to a business that highlights on giving utmost customer service. This is because a customer’s initial perception of the way a company conducts business is a contributor to their decision of choosing a certain company to do business with. So, if their first impression of a company is pleasant and positive, there is a big chance that they will make the purchase or subscribe for the service of the said company. However, if their initial gut feeling of the establishment is negative, they either think twice or consider going to other companies.

Although they say that first impressions do not really last and can still be changed, in the business aspect, first impression from customers is very crucial. It is like the company’s initial opportunity to get the customer. Positive impressions of customers on a business should not be good only at the start but rather, this positive image must be consistently carried out in the entirety of a customer experience and interaction. How can a business create a first good impression towards its customers and how can it continue to impress them even in an after-sale interaction?

Customize the Interaction

In all of the phases of a customer interaction, whether it is pre-sale, the actual point of purchase, or an after-sale interaction, the communication must be personalized. One technique is to address them by their first names and being consistent about it throughout all the instances of conversation with them. People appreciate being called by their first names. It makes them feel important and valued when the company representatives address them by first names even after their initial visit.

Another way to customize an interaction is through small talks. A brief chitchat with them on how their day is going or what interests them is enough to make them feel comfortable. There are customers who enjoy a friendly conversation with the representatives.

Going the Extra Mile

“Going the extra mile” simply means doing things that customers do not really expect a business would do apart from processing their transactions and purchases. It is going beyond a customer’s expectations. This is also called proactive customer service. By being proactive, assistance is provided and needs are attended to without the customers having to remind the representatives on what they should do.

Educating customers, providing additional information voluntarily, or offering perks is something that delights them as they do not expect it in a transaction or a purchase. If a customer cannot easily decide on what to buy, make suggestions of items to lead them to a decision. If what they want is not available, provide other options. Asking if there is anything else they need aside from their main purpose is an example of offering further assistance. All these manifestations of proactive service are sure to keep them impressed.

Excellent Customer Service

Nothing can ever bring a business if it has an outstanding and superb quality of customer service. It simply leaves a lasting impression to customers, which is more effective than any marketing strategy. Every business should realize that it is more than the profits and more than the greatness of a product or service that brings success and attracts more customers. It is how they are treated and how their needs are being taken care of.

They need to be listened to when they bring up concerns or complaints. They need to be respected and offered proper courtesy in every interaction. Their inquiries should be appropriately answered and addressed. They should be aptly compensated for any inconvenience. A company’s representative should display professionalism and sufficient product or service knowledge during each interaction with a customer.

By following these tips, a business can never go wrong in consistently getting good impressions from customers. Then again, impressing them should occur in every customer interaction and during their entire experience with the business.