Using Competencies in Project Management

Project management has been defined as the process involved to successfully attain the goals and objectives of a given project. There are several types of project managers such as construction project manager, software project manager, architectural project manager and research project manager. Every project management endeavor has a manager. The project manager has a long list of roles that needs to be filled so that the project can be completed in the best means possible. These roles are categorized into: planning, organizing, managing, executing and closing.

Roles of a Project Manager

A project manager has the following responsibilities:

  1. Develops the plan for the project
  2. Manages the team
  3. Manages the risks involved in the project
  4. Manages the schedules
  5. Manages the stakeholders
  6. Manages issues and problems arising from the project
  7. Manages the finances and budgeting

The project manager is the person in charge of handling the needs of the project itself, as well as the needs of the team. He must be able to oversee the completion of the project by meeting the objectives in a timely manner without compromising on quality, and at the same time communicating and delegating tasks to team members effectively.

Because the responsibilities of the position require knowledge, skills, and abilities, there are also levels of proficiency for project managers, depending on the size and type of project. These are:

  • Level 1: The Intern. This level requires basic project management knowledge, skills, and experience which one can attain through training.
  • Level 2: The Pro. This level requires mid-level project management knowledge, skills, and experience that can be attained through experience working in some projects.
  • Level 3: The Master. This level requires top-level project management knowledge, skills, and experience that can be attained after years of experience working on many projects

Competencies Required of Project Managers

Project managers should have a wide range of competencies; however, the ones listed below are the most significant:

  • Communication – Project managers should be able to clearly exchange information with the team members as well as with the project stakeholders. They know when and how to say things, in a professional manner. They also know when it is time to stop talking and start listening
  • Leadership – Project managers can influence change and way of thinking in others, especially in team members. They take ownership of the project, and demands accountability in others as well. They are trusted and respected by everyone in the project management team
  • Conflict and Risk Management – Project managers are able to determine the pros and cons of every move, every decision, and every solution. They can determine the risks and problems, and find ways to either work around it or avoid it completely. Additionally, they have set up contingency plans beforehand to reduce or eliminate problems and risks
  • Critical Thinking – Project managers know that when issues arise, decisions have to be made swiftly. Time is of the essence and they understand this well. Decisions are well planned, with structured approaches to every problem. They ask others to take part in the problem-solving process and ensure follow through
  • Adaptability – Project managers understand that change is evident in project management. They are willing to adapt and be flexible; they show dynamism and enthusiasm every time there is a need for change
  • Team Building – Project managers build rapport with the team members. They encourage cooperation, communication, and synergy among each other because they understand that the team is the most significant part of the project
  • Performance Measurement – Project managers are always monitoring the progress of the project and the performance of the team members. They are adept at facilitating team meetings and in reading and analyzing project reports
  • Project Management Competency Framework

    There are many competency frameworks that can be used for project management; however, these must be customized to meet the requirements of the organization and the project itself. In any case, a framework is divided into three categories: knowledge and skills, personal characteristics, and organizational skills.

    Knowledge and skills may include: critical thinking, communication, and conflict and risk management. Personal characteristics may include: leadership skills and adaptability. Organizational skills may include: performance measurement as well as team-building.

    Once the framework has been divided into the three aforementioned categories with their corresponding competencies, create subcategories containing the list of activities that will demonstrate these competencies.