Facilitator Role and Responsibilities

Facilitation is a task that requires leading a group session in a smooth and organized way. Often, in a seminar or convention, the person who leads the event is called a facilitator. But this role is also carried out in other aspects.  One example would be a member who is in-charge of presiding the meeting is doing the task of a facilitator. In a court setting, the judge acts as the facilitator of the session. Members of human resource department also take the role of facilitators in certain company activities. In… Read More

Tips to Prevent Relationship from Breaking

Relationships at work are vital in the growth of the employees and the success of the business. Establishing good connections and affiliations with your work colleagues can be easy as long as you have the willingness to get to know the person. And this is very helpful in the job because these are people we see and deal with everyday; they are not passers-by or typical strangers you meet on the road. If you are able to get along well with your colleagues at work, you perform your job productively… Read More

How to Re-Build Broken Relationship

A genuine relationship, whether personal or professional, is weathered by adversities and tests of time. Meaningful and long-lasting connections with people are developed over time. That is why every relationship must be valued and cherished because once damaged, things may no longer be the same. Relationships in your career are as important as your personal relationships. If it is not nurtured well, the connection and even the bond of friendship will be broken. With this happening, the used-to-be positive and healthy work environment is no longer the same. Uneasiness surrounds… Read More

Managing Relationship Related Stress

In any given relationship, conflicts and disagreements are part of it. You cannot just expect being in an affiliation with your work colleagues without having to go through differences in various aspects such as ideas, values, attitudes, and even goals. This is normal in a relationship and a productive outcome depends on how the individuals deal with it. In the process of ironing out certain glitches in a work relationship, realize that you can be in complete control of the situation. However, stress can be generated in these circumstances. Relationship-related… Read More

Relationship Building with Managers and Team Leaders

Everyone wants to have a rewarding and fulfilling career. People seek for jobs that will match their interests and needs. We also have our own requirements for an ideal company to work for. Apart from good compensation and stability, a healthy and positive work environment makes employees stay and establish long-term goals with the employer. We are bound to stay longer and work better if we easily get along well with everyone in the company. We are more likely to build good rapport with our work colleagues. But establishing a… Read More

Relationship Building among Team Members

Typically, in a work setting, every working individual belongs to a team where a group of members work together with similar functions and work description, though not necessarily similar in interests. Also, individuals in a team generate a collaborative effort to achieve common goals, and may need to give up individual autonomy in order to attain those goals. The organization as a whole can make up a team and this component is by far the largest to be called as such. If you are paired up with another work colleague… Read More

Using Emotional Intelligence to Build Relationships

A successful relationship is a product of creating and keeping a constant and healthy connection with other people. Those who are reaping the successes of life, happiness, love, and contentment manage to keep healthy relationships with others personally and professionally. However, there are those of us who are only good at the start, but find it hard to keep the relationship intact and growing. Eventually, the relationship fails and falters. In building a relationship, individuals should know how to nurture the bond or connection like how a fragile plant should… Read More

Building Business Relationships

In the world of business, gaining profits is not all there is. Even with the best products and good business practices, a solid business relationship among members of the company and the customers is very essential to the success of the business. In fact, interpersonal relationship among working individuals at work has a huge impact on the success or failure of the business in general. Building relationships in business is one of the most fundamental aspects. When getting ahead in business, connecting with people and improving their lives must be… Read More

Non-Verbal Communication in Building Relationships

Communication in a relationship is one of the core essentials that bind individuals together. Since communication is a two-way street, people interact by paying attention when someone talks, and vice-versa. Good and effective communication makes a successful relationship whether in the personal or professional aspect. But communicating is more than just talking. Apart from the use of words, it is also non-verbal. In fact, we communicate more with our actions than with words. Nonverbal communication is also known as body language, manifested through facial and body gestures, eye contact, posture,… Read More

How to Build Genuine Relationships

Talking about building great relationships, we sometimes isolate our approach in dealing with personal relationships toward family members, friends, and special people from our professional relationships at work or career. We may think that since the people we bond with in the personal aspect are those we believe to stay with us in our lifetime, we offer a deeper kind of relationship bonding. For the people we encounter in our career, we build a relationship good enough to keep us thriving at work. This is our common perception when it… Read More

Relationship Building with Juniors

Being part of the management of the company is not as easy as it may seem. Employees may perceive the job to be light and less stressful but the truth is, the role of being a manager or a superior is crucial to the success or failure of an organization. Plus, the responsibilities are heavy and the work is highly demanding of their skills, time, and efforts. As leaders of the organization, managers play a significant role in building employee-employee and employee-employer relationships. Since relationships are essential to the success… Read More

Relationship Building Strategies

In the process of creating connections with our work associates, we have different ways and methods in doing it. But it all starts out in getting to know the people around you. Even at this initial step we already have our own styles in building relationships at work. The advantages of being able to socialize and get along well with people we work with are so outstanding that it can even easily bring the person up the higher level in the hierarchy and contribute to a huge success in the… Read More

Relationship Building Activities

The workplace is where individuals grow to be mature working professionals molded by experience and exposure. Being such, the work setting is usually regarded as serious and businesslike. But people get more interested and excited in coming to work if the workplace also becomes an avenue of fun and good socialization. Healthy and productive work relationships are not formed merely by plain daily conversation and working hand in hand on work assignments. There should be an element of interest among individuals to keep the spark of the relationship alive. People… Read More

Relationship Building Aspects

Each individual requires constant connection and interaction with other people in various aspects, and from all walks of life. There are those we meet who just pass us by; there are also those who choose to stay and create a bond that does not leave us behind. On a personal aspect, we maintain a special relationship with our family members and friends. We engage in romantic relationships with those who offer us a special kind of love. On the professional side, we also create relationships with people at work. For… Read More

Relationship Management Basics

The essence of relationships is highly regarded in the professional aspect because we all know that it is a fundamental tool for the success of every career and business. A healthy and successful connection with people at work depends on how a relationship is managed. In handling a relationship, it must be a mutual effort to keep it intact. Here are important points in relationship management. The Significance of Business Relationships We prefer helping out people we know rather than extending a hand to strangers. Relationships start out as mere… Read More

What is Relationship-Building?

In ever aspect of life we are in, whether getting involved in the social activities, building our career path, or socializing with family and friends, we interact with various type of individuals.   Such interaction may occur with familiar people with whom we are in close contact like our family and friends or with new acquaintances.   We may also build a connection over a period of time with our work colleagues or members in a club. The fact that we interact with people everyday means that we are building a relationship with these individuals as we associate ourselves with them in… Read More

Zoodango – Powerful Networking Tool for Professionals

Zoodango used to be a regular social networking website wherein it aims to attract users to be part of the website and eventually connect to more users as the website became popular. However, the social network hits a snag when another social networking website took the world by storm. When Zoodango was about to become a viable alternative social networking website, Facebook.com was released from college use and became one of the most popular social networking websites today. James Sun, the CEO of Zoodango have been thinking of competing with… Read More

Top Social Networks for Entrepreneurs

Social networks are a great place for entrepreneurs to advertise their products and services they offer, as users usually visit these websites every time they have the opportunity. The opportunity on visibility for entrepreneurs is just too hard to be ignored. Social networks have to be harnessed by entrepreneurs as soon as possible for a successful business. But because of the development of different social networks, social networking is starting to branch out and target specific users – including entrepreneurs. The following websites are not specifically geared towards visibility of… Read More

Social Network Related Issues

The advantage of joining different social networks is experienced through increased communication between friends, professional and businesses. With the help of social networking, connecting to friends and family is now easier since no matter where everyone is located. All everyone needs is internet connectivity so that their network could be updated with their activities. For professionals, social networking could help in terms of connecting to person that can boost their career. Social networking is even used to prove the legitimacy or credibility of the individual. From entertainment, information to career… Read More

Troubles to Avoid in Social Networking

Social networking is one of the best venues every business and professionals can use to increase clients and establish credibility. Aside from being able to connect to millions of individuals at any given time, the fees involved in social networking is virtually next to nothing. A small business could use the available platform offered by social networking websites and use it to attract customers and increase awareness of their existence. Social networking will even push businesses further as people in the network will continue to communicate and provide recommendations. From… Read More

Social Networking for Solo Professionals

A solo professional is a freelancer who works with different clients for various tasks. It could be a simple office work or other responsibilities related to the expertise of the solo professional. As someone working without a boss or a complete authority over work, a solo professional have complete control of his or her time as well as the intensity of work. Although a solo professional may look like a dream job for many, excelling in this industry is very difficult. The mere fact that a solo professional is not… Read More