A genuine relationship, whether personal or professional, is weathered by adversities and tests of time. Meaningful and long-lasting connections with people are developed over time. That is why every relationship must be valued and cherished because once damaged, things may no longer be the same.
Relationships in your career are as important as your personal relationships. If it is not nurtured well, the connection and even the bond of friendship will be broken. With this happening, the used-to-be positive and healthy work environment is no longer the same. Uneasiness surrounds the office atmosphere and being around the workplace becomes uncomfortable. Even work productivity and the quality of work becomes affected.
Sometimes, other people become involved and get hurt in the process. We all must have experienced losing a once wonderful relationship. The feeling is not good and we all know that. The most painful part is when the relationship is hard to be established again. But even with a broken relationship, there is still a chance to relive it. However, the working individuals should not expect the same set up and treatment with each other as with the previous relationship.
Avoid Repeating the Same Mistake
One of the common causes of broken relationships is committing a mistake that offended the other person. But there are underlying factors that caused it—trust, sincerity, communication, and other elements. Usually in a disagreement, when the problem is not settled, the relationship of the individuals is greatly affected and this results to cold treatment on each other. If nothing is done to alleviate the situation, the relationship will completely crumble into pieces and become difficult to rebuild. However, if the individuals decide to give it another try, it can always be rebuilt.
It is important as much as possible not to commit the same mistake that caused the breakdown of the connection. For instance, if you are a manager who relied on an employee too much on a project but turned out that the person did not perform the job, then next time, be cautious with whom you will offer your trust. If you are the employee, you must realize that abandoning your work is a big impact on your performance. So, next time, too, be more responsible and do not let the same instance happen again.
In rebuilding a broken relationship, be extra careful in putting back the pieces. This entails learning from the mistake and deciding not to do it again.
Be Sincere
You might want to assess the whole situation and maybe realize why the relationship was not successful. It could be that the problem was with you or the people you are creating a bond with.
Reflect first on your shortcomings or the things you may have missed that contribute to an unhealthy relationship. Have you been sincere in your dealing with your fellow colleague? Maybe you were not that open in your discussions. Do you do things with willingness from your heart? These things you need to reassess so that in rebuilding a broken relationship, you are able to correct these flaws.
Be more open and sincere in your affiliation with your coworker. For example, if you feel that your colleague is not performing well, let the person know rather than keeping it to yourself. A very important thing to remember in a relationship is not to fake it but attempt to make it genuine.
Rebuild the Trust
Once a work relationship gets damaged, trust between and among individuals is also lost. Bringing back the trust is just as difficult as earning it. A manager who lost trust in you after the disappointment you gave him is less likely to entrust you again with important tasks.
In earning back the trust to rebuild the relationship, take responsibility for any shortcoming and avoid doing it again. Be honest as possible in the way you deal with the person. If you can be consistent about this, you are surely to gain back the trust you have lost although the process may take time.
The relationship will be healed and you can start all over. However, you cannot expect the person to offer the same level of trust as before. Nevertheless, what matters is that there is a second chance to prove oneself worthy of a healthy work relationship.
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