OOAD Development Paradigms

OOAD Applications The paradigm which is associated with OOAD is connected to many of the programming languages which are classified as being third generation. Two of these languages are COBOL as well as Fortran. The procedure constructs for these programming languages allow for abstraction mechanisms which are highly robust. Behavior which is highly advanced may be taken from units which are much more basic. The fundamental structure for programming languages such as Algo allow for syntactic support, particularly for layers which are arbitrary. Once these are applied to the creation… Read More

OOAD Design Analysis Implementation

What is Design Analysis Implementation (DAI)? Due to the expanding usage of various forms of technology, a need has been created for a system which is integrated, one which allows concurrent design, as well as modeling. Right now, the ability to design various technological tools is based on programming systems which are offline. The capability for these design systems exist independent of the analysis or modeling capability. It is important to consider the implementation of a system which is integrated, one that can be used through the design phases for… Read More

OOAD and Software Architecture

Transition for Object Oriented Techniques Over the last few years, a number of changes have been made with regard to object oriented techniques. Along with transition, there has been a modification in terms of the role and view of software development methods, with the well-established usage of the early stages for software development projects, including system specification as well as the analysis of requirements. Object oriented techniques are being viewed more when it comes to the provision of the intellectual support which is necessary throughout the entire spectrum for the… Read More

UML Usage in OOAD

Standard UML Usage In most cases, UML will be used for the purpose of analyzing and designing software programs. There are a number of variations within the object oriented analysis world, but many of them have goals which are more or less identical. Object oriented analysis typically wish to define the primary usage scenarios which exist for the system, but from the view point of distinct users. Object oriented analysis variations also wish to define the interactions which exist among both the system as well as the user, particularly when… Read More

C Circular Linked Lists

In this tutorial you will learn about C Programming – What is Circular Linked List, Adding Nodes to Circular Linked Lists, Traversing a Circularly Linked List and working with Circularly Linked List Example. Circular linked lists are usually used for a queue or stack type situation, or for implementing a round robin algorithm in system level programming. You could also use one for a multiplayer game where you were keeping track of player’s turns where it just repeats until the game ends. They are exactly the same as a singly… Read More

C Doubly Linked Lists

In this tutorial you will learn about C Programming – What is Doubly linked lists, Adding Nodes Doubly linked lists, Traversing a Doubly linked lists and working with Doubly linked list Example. Doubly linked lists are the same as singly linked lists, except they have an extra pointer per node so they point to the next node and the previous node. You just make sure that whenever you insert a node you set next to the next node and previous to the previous node. They will also commonly keep a… Read More

How OOAD is used in the Real World

Real World Applications for OOAD There are a number of ways in which the OOAD method for software modeling may be used in the real world. It can be used quite well with control systems that operate in real time. OOAD can work very well with real time systems, and it does not matter whether they are medium or large. There is a big difference between theory and practice, and the problem with so many software development theories is that they are just that, theories. At some point, you must… Read More

Object Oriented Design Building Blocks

Architectural specifications are very useful because they offer software a structure which is very coherent. Coherence can be best achieved through the usage of manifestations which are formal, and the reason for this is because it allows for a representation for the architecture which is verifiable. A number of ADLs, or Architecture Description Languages, have been designed for this purpose, and every one of them are derived from the theory which has already been created. At the same time, there are some techniques which are idiosyncratic when it comes to… Read More

Object Oriented Design

Object-oriented design can be best thought of as the process by which a system is planned, a system which is comprised of objects that interact with each other. These objects will interact with each other so that they are capable of dealing with software issues. Object-oriented design forms an important foundation for OOAD, and is just one of the many approaches which is used for the creation of software applications. Within the field of software development, an object is comprised of data and procedures which are encapsulated. When objects are… Read More

OOAD Introduction

Object-oriented analysis and design is a software engineering model which makes use of objects, classes, state, methods and behavior concepts to analyze and demonstrate system structure, functional needs and behavior. While Object-oriented analysis emphasizes the things that a system actually does, the object oriented design is concerned with the manner in which the system does it. One thing that you must keep in mind is that the object oriented system will always be comprised of objects. The behavior for the system is a result for the connection that is made… Read More

People Skills – Why Networking Skills are Important

How important it is to meet new people every now and then? If you come to think of it, you can be settled with the current circle of friends that you already have. But there is a constant need to get yourself acquainted to new faces and further relations with people in both your personal and public or work life. In a more technical aspect, this is called networking. Networking is more like expanding your list of friends, but it is more than making friends. When you expand your network,… Read More

People Skills – Why Questioning Skills are Important

How do you expect to get the right kind of information from a communication dialogue? Unless the speaker provides you with the facts and details, you will never find out about the many other things you want to discover if you do not ask questions. Questioning is but a part of an exchange in communication between and among individuals. It is a key tool to learning new knowledge, clearing out confusions and misunderstanding, and in resolving issues. Asking questions is a skill that needs to be honed. By mastering the… Read More

People Skills Tips and Strategies

Humans are born to be social beings. Given this fact, individuals ought to mingle with each other every day through interaction and communication. It is nearly impossible for a single human being not to communicate with another individual in a lifetime. People constantly communicate, interact and exchange ideas on just about anything. But because every individual has a unique personality, not every person is gifted with the ability to deal with people effectively. In many instances and circumstances, you may have come to a realization that getting along with people… Read More

People Skills – Why Negotiation Skills are Important

At one point or another, you may have realized that in your communication and interaction with the people around you, there are times when you could not agree on something and you would prefer to have it your way more than what the other person suggests or wants. In order to win it, you make a compromise that would seem amenable to you and the other person. It could also be that the other person will offer a deal which may seem acceptable enough to the both of you. This… Read More

What is Concurrent Testing

Computerization has become an integral part of human life in the modern world and so is the software that runs them. Human interactions with these systems software are very complex. Modern appliances and gadgets at home, cars, banks, factories, schools, airplanes, and critical life-support devices use software products to run their functions. System failures will not only cause inconveniences and bitter experiences, they can also have serious consequences like loss of lives and properties. It is imperative that software developers develop numerous specifications for software reliability. Testing is still the… Read More

What is Compatibility Testing

Computer software has become an integral part of people’s lives although many people are still not really aware of it. Various software have been developed to help people in the way they do their jobs, transact business, study, travel, shop, and in many other important activities. Manufacturing operations are more efficient and less costly, transactions are faster and convenient, medical examinations are more thorough and less painful or invasive and many hazardous activities are now safer because of the various software and hardware installed in the machines used. The use… Read More

How to Persuade Others

Do you have what it takes to persuade people? Not every individual is gifted with a persuasive ability. In order to possess the power of persuasion, you must also demonstrate strong people skills. Many individuals tend to think of persuasion skill as challenging to manifest. Those who have developed the ability usually get things done their way and achieve goals more quickly and easily than people who are not that persuasive enough. Leaders are known to have good persuasion skills. Otherwise, they will not be in the position and will… Read More

Why do you need People Skills ?

Imagine living a life on your own, shying away from the rest of the world. This seems impossible as majority of what you do every single day is to interact and communicate with people in one way or another. People interact in just about any situation, yet because every individual has a unique personality, the ability to deal with others also varies from one person to another. People interaction may not be an easy skill to acquire but everybody requires it, nonetheless. Mastery of people skill is challenging to individuals… Read More

People Skills – Effective Listening Skills

A necessary requirement for having strong people skills is the ability to communicate effectively. Effective communication is always a two-way process: one person talks and the other listens. You must understand that this is the basic guiding principle in communication. So, after polishing and mastering the art of expressing your thoughts and feelings effectively, the next goal should be to hone your listening ability. With poor listening skills, you will have difficulties in properly communicating your message to others. In turn, poor communication skills also hinder your aim of developing… Read More

What is Empathy?

Dealing with different individuals is an integrated part of life. You get to encounter the same faces each day, and you also bump into new acquaintances. It just seems to be easy relating to those you have shared a few encounters already more than the people whom you simply met once or twice. In a job that requires you to empathize with customers, the task can be a challenging one given the fact that these are people you barely even know and yet you are asked to put yourself in… Read More

How to Build Professional Rapport

Building rapport and creating connections is an essential aspect of relating to people. In personal as well as professional setting, building a connection with whom you interact with makes it easy for you to attain what you want. Many successful companies use the secret of building rapport with its customers as one of the powerful weapons owing to its success. More than improvising its products and services, the focus is also on keeping good and strong relationships with the clients by establishing that connection even after the sales. This makes… Read More

How to Build Professional Relationships

It is inevitable that people will interact with each other in various aspects and dimensions. People interact with different individuals during social activities; they also interact when bonding with family and friends, and participating with other people in community activities. People need each other to survive and get through life’s difficulties. Whether you intend to establish a long-lasting bond with those personally attached to you or with whom you constantly deal with outside of personal relations, your challenge is how to keep the connection intact and nourished. Given the fact… Read More

What is Comparison Testing

Comparison Testing – Comparing the Software with Other Products In simple words, comparison testing is a type of testing, where testers compare a software product’s strengths and weaknesses with other software that are currently available in the market. Comparison test is a very good indicator of how competitive and useful the software product will be to the end users soon after its commercial release. In fact, comparison test will let you know whether the software project is marketable or not. You can perform comparison testing to ensure that the software… Read More

What is Black Box Testing

Black box testing is a curious kind of testing as it is somewhat mysterious to the person who is testing the product. The tester will not have any prior knowledge or information about the internal mechanisms of the system that will be tested. In a typical software testing environment, the tester will only know what the inputs are and the expected output. However, the tester will have no idea about the types of programs used to make the output possible. Anyone can conduct black box testing because no programming knowledge… Read More

How Do You Resolve Conflict

The existence of conflicts between two individuals or among people in a group is just an uncomfortable scenario. Conflict arises from many different causes, but the primary factor for conflict is the differences in viewpoints and clash of opinions leading to arguments. Conflict also arises whenever common understanding is not achieved. Nevertheless, even with the nature of conflict, the existence of conflict is healthy for individuals involved because it challenges them to become more assertive, and they engage in a healthy interaction among each other. Conflict is inevitable whenever there… Read More

How do you Influence People

Persuasion or influencing others is not just a skill but also an art. After polishing your basic communication skills which includes your ability to talk and converse with people, you are now ready to engage in a more complex level of communicating viz., the skill of influencing also referred to as persuasion skill. With the varying personalities and manners of thinking that individuals have, influencing people is not an easy task. Yet, certain circumstances would prompt you to use your influencing power over people so that you can get what… Read More

What is Beta Testing

Beta testing is the last important step that software developers conduct before they launch new software. Software systems at their beta stages are not fully developed. Hence, you should not expect it to be completely functional. However, it does give you a first look and a brief glimpse of what it can do for the users before its final launching in the market.  Testing a software before it is commercially released into the market is not only vital but also very critical.  The released software should ensure there are no… Read More