What is Security Testing

The basic principle of security testing is to ensure that the software is safe and secure. Security testing makes sure that the software is not easily hacked by malicious codes. Security testing helps software developers identify and remove loopholes in the software to ensure that the system will not be attacked by hackers and other third party intruders. Security testing for software has recently migrated beyond the domain of network port scanning to include checking the software’s intrinsic behavior.  This test goes far deeper than a simple black box test… Read More

What is Sanity Testing

Sanity testing is a cursory test to confirm if a particular software produces the desired results or not. This implies that the software has already passed other kinds of testing before they can undergo sanity testing.  It is important to note that sanity test is not as in-depth as other kinds of testing.  Topics Why Sanity Testing is Important? Disadvantages of Sanity Testing Sanity Testing vs. Smoke Testing Sanity Tests Process Conclusion Sanity testing can be categorized under regression testing because the procedures for both these tests are basically the same.… Read More

What is Regression Testing

Regression test is a powerful tool designed to test the application after the introduction of changes.  The basic concept behind regression testing involves testing procedures that ensure the software’s ability to perform intended tasks even with improvements or modifications. Regression testing is also a form verification test because it will help us determine if the software works as expected even after undergoing critical modifications to its architecture. By using this testing procedure, you can prevent unforeseen errors in the finished software product or application. Whenever you add new features or… Read More

What is Data Recovery Testing

Recovery testing an intricate system test that compels the software to come down in a number of ways, later ascertains, and verifies that recovery is performed as soon as possible. An automated recovery will ensure re-initialization mechanisms, data recovery, and restart, which are evaluated for correctness. However, if the recovery needs active human intervention, the average time to repair should be well within the acceptable limits. Topics Basic Principles Why is Recovery Testing important? Tips and Suggestions for Effective Recovery Testing Recovery Testing Issues Conclusion Basic Principles Computer systems should recover… Read More

What is Performance Testing

Performance testing is a kind of testing that determines the speed and effectiveness of a software application or suite. This process will involve many quantitative tests carried out in a laboratory like the measurement of the response period or the number of millions of instructions per second (MIPS) at which the system will function and perform. Software testers also evaluate and inspect many qualitative parameters like reliability, fidelity, trustworthiness, scalability and inter-operatability. Topics Performance Testing Considerations Performance Testing Vs Stress Testing Performance Testing Guidelines Conclusion Performance testing has the ability… Read More